It don't bite - morallywrong (2024)

Chapter 1: ain't he/him-ing thru the world

Chapter Text

She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Miles: GUYS
Miles: GUYSS

Gwen: what

Pav: u okay bro?

Hobie: nah he havin a stroke

Miles: I just found out noir dont use pronouns and I never asked u

Pav: Oh! Noir doesn’t use pronouns? Aww, i gotta apologize

Hobie: solid of noir
Hobie: just use whatever for me

Miles: [thumbs up]

Gwen: she for me!
Gwen: I’ve paid too much money for these tit* to not be she/her-ed


Pav: I’m good with he/they!
Pav: What about you Miles?

Miles: He/him please
Miles: Do you guys think we’ve been assumin too much?? Like pronouns and sh*t

Gwen: we’re just one of the younger groups. Malala said some in her group use neo pronouns in their dimensions
Gwen: I mean, short of putting pins on our costumes we can’t really tell

Pav: we can try our best though!! Especially with those we interact more often :D

Hobie: u know I gave this a thought
Hobie: Miguel?
Hobie: that maniac ain’t just he/him-ing thru the world

Miles: ur onto smthin man

Gwen: thank f*ck someone else noticed

Pav: Miguel gives non-binary

Hobie: Miguel gives deranged more than gender


Gwen: what? Hobie isn’t completely wrong. he's a fanatic. The only reason Miles is allowed in spider society is because most would have resigned if he didn’t let him back in

Miles: power of black solidarity
Miles: on that note

Miles added [Margo]

Miles: Hi Margo, please join our madness

Gwen: do you have preferred pronouns?

Pav: Do you think Miguel uses other pronouns than he/him?

Hobie: do you think the concept of a universe deciding on a life having to play out as directed is proof of a higher power?

Margo: Miles wtf
Margo: madness is the right description
Margo: 1) she/her is completely fine 2) he’s f*cked up so I hope he just cishet 3) wtf hobie

Miles: oh tru do we actually want Miguel on our side?


Pav: even if he’s not a good guy, we have no right to misgender him guys

Hobie: lucky ur cute, pav, otherwise ur point may not have been so strong


Chaos missions

Pav: I have a question @Miguel

Miguel: What do you need Pavitr?

Pav: Can I ask you your pronouns?

Miguel: why

Pav: We have been talking about it in another chat and I thought it would be nice to ask :)

Miguel: You can just continue with he/him. No need to make it complicated

Miles: f*ck yes, Hobie pay up

Hobie: bruv

Pav: but we’d feel better if we use your preferred pronouns :(

Miguel: …
Miguel: I can’t believe you all
Miguel: betting on someone’s identity

Miles: sorry miguel

Miguel: just don’t repeat that
Miguel: mission brief in 10
Miguel: don't be late

Chapter 2: chillax bruv


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Miles: I could feel his eyes glaring at me through the screen

Hobie: he ain’t about to do sh*t against u
Hobie: chillax bruv

Miles: we about to have a meeting and pissed him of already

Pav: I think he didn’t feel comfortable sharing, but he doesn’t use he/him :(

Gwen: yeah, Miguel has to use other pronouns with that response

Margo: I could see what I can find out about him but know, I’ll feel bad for snooping

Miles: ugh yeah lets not
Miles: just the meeting, mission and report then we’re out for the weekend remember?

Pav: ooohh I almost forgot!! Sleepover in Miles dimension!!

Hobie: ur fam still good with us crashing?

Miles: ugh, my mami can’t stop talking about it
Miles: she’s super excited to meet u all

Margo: I can already smell the food

Gwen: you’re coming over in person, right??

Margo: absolutely girl, I ain’t leaving ur white ass behind with these lunatics

Gwen: aww thanks… I guess????

Gwen: Remind me to never fight a green goblin again

Miles: ditto

Pav: my wrist still feels like jelly… how did he manage to break it in so many places

Hobie: boycotting the report
Hobie: ain’t moving till we meet at miles’

[several people are typing]

Gwen: big mood

Pav: my maya has me chained to the table no chance I’ll be able to make the report

Miles: come on guys don’t leave me alone with crazy???
Miles: you know how bad it ends when I’m alone with Miguel

Margo: want me to join in for emotional support?

Miles: Margo I will literally worship the ground ur hovering on

Margo: aww, I’ll meet you up front brother

Miles to Gwanda

Miles: f*ck Miguel

Gwanda: what has he done now??

Miles: same as always…
Miles: “look at me when I’m talking Miles”
Miles: “you endangered [insert teammate here], Miles”
Miles: “just follow orders for once, Miles”
Miles: he’s always singling me out

Gwanda: ….yeah kinda. He’s so much harsher on you than on anyone else
Gwanda: want me to talk to Jess?

Miles: nah is good
Miles: I’ll live
Miles: I think

Gwanda: you can do this. Miguel can’t hold a grudge forever, even he’ll tire of that soon

Miles: yeah… thx Gwanda

Gwanda: isn’t that name getting old?

Miles: never :D


She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Hobie: where tf did you guys go?

Margo: Me and Gwen are doing girl shopping, dunno where the others went

Pav: Miles and I are at the food court, we’ve lost you somewher, sorry Hobie :(

Hobie: is all good luv, imma come over now

Miles: how did we lose u tho man

Hobie: i am not to be perceived at times

Gwen: means he was stealing sh*t and dipped under your radar

Pav: Hobieeeee… don’t get us kicked out of Miles’ mall

Miles: as much as I’d love this to be my mall, it ain’t, get those corporations, Hobie!!

Margo: We’re coming to collect you boys
Margo: can’t even leave you unattended for 10 minutes

Gwen: smh

Hobie: cool cool
Hobie: not at all creepy of you rolling up like the mean girls

Gwen: but we are

Margo: spider sisters

Gwen: forever

Miles: damn, they evolved

Pav: seems dangerous

Miles: never introduce them to Gayatri

Pav: preach

Pav: don’t scream
Pav: [image: a dark blue spider with glowing markings on its legs and abdomen, roughly the size of a dinner plate in a giant glass jar, holes poked into the lid. It has its fangs bared and front legs raised threateningly]

Miles: to late
Miles: what in the everloving f*ck is that????

Pav: idk?? We found it while getting more snacks!

Hobie: got real angry when I snatched it up

Gwen: ewewewewewewew why is it that size
Gwen: is that normal in your dimension??

Miles: NO absolutely not normal!
Miles: I can’t even tell what kind of spider that is???

Margo: let’s hand that over to Miguel when we get back to HQ
Margo: LYLA can run whatever analytic she gotta run on that thing

Pav: it’s just scared because we caught it :( don’t be mean

Hobie: its a big ass spider, we’re gonna be mean

Gwen: let’s deal with that tomorrow

Margo: yeah, we have the weekend off. All chats and pings are muted and that thing will survive a few more hours

Pav: do we have a bigger enclosure?

Miles: absolutely not!
Miles: if anyone opens that jar in my house, I will personally kick you back into your dimension

Chaos missions

[09:25am] Miguel: I’ve send out a dossier for you to look over, please respond asap

[10:00am] Miguel: I need you to come in for debrief

[11:15am] Miguel: I have pinged you twice now, you are needed on site

[12:00am] Miguel: I understand that you have been given the day off, but we have nobody who can take this mission.

[01:43pm] Miguel: report to jess once you feel like taking up responsibility again


whoopsy daisies

Chapter 3: plot-ed


omg I didn't anyone would read this but I've never been happier :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chaos missions

Margo: Miguel?
Margo: I am sorry we didn’t respond, but we can’t get a hold of you and it’s kinda important?

LYLA: Hello! Miguel is currently unavailable. Inquiries, Reports, Dossiers and Requests are handled, distributed and overlooked by Jessica Drew.

Margo: oh ok… thank you LYLA

She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Miles: What tf is Miguel doing? He’s never not busy at his office

Hobie: probably just fed up with us

Gwen: yeah… guess he really needed us there… whatever happened for him to ping us on our day off must have been important or he just wants to get back at us for not being workaholics

Pav: I feel bad
Pav: Miguel isn’t the type to ignore spiders when they ask for him in person

Margo: idk I don’t remember Miguel ever not responding to another spider pinging him…

Gwen: also true…

Miles: Miguel will get over it eventually, let’s just wait till he comes back to office and hand the weird critter over to Jess

Hobie: just let him brood in silence
Hobie: always expecting people to be blind sheep when he does his alpha macho bullsh*t

Pav: that’s just mean

Margo: Miguel can be an ass and I get you disliking him, but he doesn’t abandon the multiverse because he’s butthurt a few teens didn’t respond to him
Margo: he is too obsessed with keeping it together

Gwen: do you think he took the mission instead?
Gwen: ever since we changed our canon he’s been working on that new algorithm and not taken missions himself

Miles: I honestly don’t care if he’s throwing himself a pity party or not
Miles: but this spider thing is freaking me out and it keeps hissing
Miles: and I think there’s venom dripping from its fangs

Gwen: ew

Pav: aw, its just scared, it won’t bite you :)

Miles: yes it do!
Miles: i’d have been bitten already if it wasn’t in a glass jar!

Margo: Jess is waiting for us in lab14!

Miles: thx!

Chaos missions

Miles: @Miguel Jess said she can’t get a hold of you as well and we found something you might be really interested in

LYLA: Hello! Miguel is currently unavailable. Inquiries, Reports, Dossiers and Requests are handled, distributed and overlooked by Jessica Drew.

Miles: it’s really important lyla
Miles: Jess said miguel has gone no contact since that weekend but we really need him at hq

[Miguel has been banned by Margo]

Miles: dafuq man???

Pav: what just happened?

Miles:...I actually don’t know
Miles: @Margo gurl wtf???

Gwen: I'm coming to HQ, give me five to tell my dad

Hobie: m also coming over
Hobie: once the pigs are flyin no more

Pav: me and Miles are already at the cafeteria, meet you there?

[Gwen and Hobie reacted: thumbs up]

Gwen: why tf is my watch not working???

Hobie: it glitching too?

Gwen: yeah it almost idk short circuited????

Miles: that stupid thing shocked ME??? ME????? Wtf is wrong

Pav: LYLA? Do you know what’s going on?

Gwen: real sus that LYLAs not reacting

Margo: f*ck
Margo: sorry for the watch thing we’re being hacked by an outside source and lyla has launched emergency protocols
Margo: total travel system shutdown

Miles: sh*t, do we know who?

Margo: it…
Margo: f*ck
Margo: its origin is Miguel’s watch, okay? We managed to trace that so we’ve kicked him out of the system and are now running diagnostics

Gwen: he has no need to hack the system…

Hobie: bossman is in trouble ain’t he?

Margo: we think so yeah

Miles: sh*t… who managed to down Miguel enough to get his watch??

Margo: I have returned your travel access, you should be able to get to to HQ for now

LYLA: please report to head office

Margo: Are Jess and Peter calling us up?

LYLA: please report to head office

Margo: okay, yeah thanks LYLA

LYLA: please report to head office

Gwen: thank you LYLA we’re coming up now

LYLA: please report to head office

Miles: what the hell is wrong with LYLA?? She got hacked????

LYLA: please report to head office

Margo: no
Margo: we’ve threw up every defense
Margo: she was fine a minute ago

LYLA: please report to head office

Hobie: let’s just get up and ignore her glitch

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: please report to head office

LYLA: Miguel?


This was an early update due to me being too excited about people reading this.
I try to keep as many chapters as possible as back up so you guys don't have to suffer through me losing my hyperfocus :3
see you in a few days!

Chapter 4: beans


There is actual kudos on this work wtf Thank you so so so much
also quick question: would people be interested in me posting snippets of scenes in between chapters?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Margo: okay so let’s go over the plan again
Margo: Miles, you’re on lookout, are you in position above the main entrance, 60th floor?

Miles: in position, no unusual activity on the perimeter

Margo: good
Margo: Gwen, Pav, wait for Hobie’s signal. Do not enter alchemax till you get the signal

Gwen: Roger that Margo

Pav: We’ll be ready

Margo: then it’s your turn Hobie. Give them hell

Hobie: always happy to do sum property damage

Pav: we have Miguel

Gwen: weve used both tranq darts to get him down, we need to meet asap at rendezvous, cuz I dont know how long hell stay down

Miles: omw, two more darts with me

Gwen: [thumbs up]

Margo: Hobie, we need you at south entrance so they can leave undisturbed

Hobie: gotcha, lemme throw that truck first tho

Miles: thank f*ck for peter

Gwen: f*ck yeah, wed been f*cked if he hadn’t brought more tranqs

Hobie: an animal
Hobie: who needs so many doses of xylazine to go down

Margo: heard the growl over the system, pls that wasn’t human

Pav:...he has beans

Gwen: what

Pav: Miguel’s hands have little beans. Like cats. His claws get longer if you press the middle of his hand

Hobie: Pav, luv, how tf did you figure that out??

Miles: why would you

Gwen: ...
Gwen: ...
Gwen: ... he’s right



Miles: NO
Miles: NO GATO
Miles: YOU KNOW??? MIGUEL??? CRAZY??? think he kneads things???

Miles: I don’t even wanna think about it

Margo: I remember Miguel purring once

Miles: no
Miles: wanna hear it in spanish?
Miles: no

Hobie: we all know ur spanish is sh*t Miles

Pav: try it Miles
Pav: he’s knocked out for a bit longer

Miles: nu-uh


Miles to Gwanda

Miles: how u doin?

Gwanda: alright
Gwanda: how about you?

Miles: alright
Miles: …

Gwanda: okay i lied I feel like absolute sh*t

Miles: god same

Gwanda: you didn’t see the inside Miles
Gwanda: the thought of any of us in that chair

Miles: I already read Margo’s report
Miles: Miguel is a jackass but he didn’t deserve that

Gwanda: they knew him already
Gwanda: the research on that drive showed files from almost four years ago

Miles: that is so f*cked up

Gwanda: be real, how are you feeling

Miles: conflicted mostly
Miles: I don’t and can’t really forgive Miguel for what he did when we met
Miles: he’s mean, an asshole and singles me out every opportunity
Miles: but the way he tried protecting you and Pav when you went in to get him…
Miles: what if he’s being so harsh because he doesn’t want us to get in trouble

Gwanda: I was thinking about that
Gwanda: and I feel almost the same
Gwanda: what are you going to do

Miles: check up on him
Miles: see how he reacts
Miles: he never even tried to apologize but maybe we can…
Miles: idk
Miles: manage?

Gwanda: I hope you can find a way
Gwanda: Pav wants to get some get well soon stuff and visit Miguel in the med bay tomorrow, you wanna join too?

Miles: sure
Miles: does he really like those empanadas?

Gwanda: …according to both Jess and Peter yeah

Miles: gonna ask mamí for some

Gwanda: the effort

Miles: idk everything else seems insincere
Miles: and despite everything I want it to be sincere

Gwanda: you’re the best of us Miles

Miles: damn girl
Miles: love you too


She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Gwen: Okay so I’ve got the book LYLA said Miguel likes

Pav: I got the best Chai I have ever tasted in a big thermos for us all

Miles: Mamí made empanadas for everyone

Hobie: got that card u all wanted me to bring

Margo: awesome. I’ve got another of Miguel’s shots

Miles: Do… do you guys think he’ll be fine?

[several people are typing]

Miles: I mean with us visiting

[several people stopped typing]

Miles: i mean its one thing if we check on him while he’s unconscious, but if he wakes up?

Gwen: I’d rather not find out, cause you know… he’s less intimidating when he doesn’t scowl at you. but… I don’t know. I think not going is gonna be worse

Margo: He will probably still be pretty out of it, but he took that mission because of us

Pav: and I wouldn’t want to wake up alone

Hobie: we’ve got this
Hobie: and if Miguel’s an ass, I’ll knock him out again


so sorry for anyone who thought Miggy was stuck in the jar haha I was close to just scraping everything and build off of that but alas since the plot was plotting already, I just kept everything running as it is :D
There are currently 8 more chapters in the drafts and ready to be released so I can update every few days for now ^^

Chapter 5: snippet: we'll manage, won't we?


this is gonna be a double update, cuz I wanted to get this snippet out before posting the next chat-chapter :D sorry for not replying to comments, life is being wild, but be assured I read and treasure every single one!!

slight content warning for mentions of medical experimentation as well as the resulting injuries!

Chapter Text

Miguel wasn’t awake when they reached his med bay room. Miles whipped on his feet biting his nails as the rest of the group put up the gifts and got comfortable.

The bruises under Miguel’s eyes had lessened slightly since they’ve last seen him and the wounds in the crook of his arms were healing up. Subconsciously, Miles let his fingers hover over the corners of his mouth as he took in the still irritated skin of Miguel’s lips that were left behind by the muzzle he had worn when they had rescued him.

A shudder ran over Miles’ back as the image of that bright, sterile room that Gwen took for their report flashed before his inner eye.

Margo gave the nurse a vial with the same neon green substance Jess and Peter had administered when they had hauled Miguel back to HQ. Peter had explained it kept Miguel’s spider mutations on a reasonable level and that he’d be more cooperative if he had it already in his system when he woke up.

Not that Miles thought Miguel could be cooperative even on a good day. In all fairness though, if whatever Miguel went through happened to Miles, he would also not be the most cooperative person in the room.

Miguel didn’t even stir as the nurse put the needle under his skin.Gwen pulled the soft blanket Peter had brought in the day before back up over Miguel’s prone form, hiding the reinforced shackles that kept him bound to the bed.

His claws were curled up loosely and a fang poked out from behind his lips. He almost looked kind like this. Just sleeping and not as if he was recovering from being experimented on.

For a while they just talked while in the same room as Miguel. About everything and nothing.

Then their spidersenses alerted all at the same time.

On the bed, Miguel stirred, trying to turn away from the low light that fell into the shaded room, only to find himself restrained on the bed. They all saw his eyes snap open, red iris almost glowing in the dim light as he strained against the restraints.

“Hey, hey, Miguel,” Gwen shushed as she walked over. “It’s alright! You’re back at spider society.”

“Margo, alert the doctors,” Miles said, coming over to Miguel’s other side. Margo saluted, disappearing into a shower of pixels.

Miguel let out a threatening hiss, fangs elongated and on full display. Miles was proud of himself for not flinching away.

“Yes, yes, you are very threatening,” Pav soothed, filling a cup with Chai. “Now calm down so we can take off the restraints and don’t have to help you drink this amazing Chai.”

It took a while and a bit of them simply staying close and continuing their chatter, as well as a bit of ketamine from the doctors, before Miguel calmed down. The red glow of his eyes receded until his iris settled on a deep wine color.


“Medbay at spider society,” Miles answered, from where he was now perched at the end of the bed, sketchbook open on his lap.

Miguel chuffed, eyes lazily sweeping the room. “How…?”

“We’ve got your feral ass outta that lab,” Hobie muttered, balancing on one of the chairs, legs thrown up on a small side table.

“You kids okay?” Miguel murmured as he tried to focus on them.

They shared a glance. Of course they were. Despite everything, Miguel had managed to claw at the few guards they had come across, doing enough damage to get Gwen and Pav out safely.

“We’re all good, boss,” Margo grinned, body appearing right behind Hobie. Gwen started opening the restraints with nimble fingers. Red eyes swept over her hands, fangs snapping together in a short clicking sound.

Pav stepped close as well, the same calm that always surrounded them settling over the group. “Now let my Maya Auntie’s chai and Mamí Morales’ empanadas get your strength back up.”

Miguel chuffed again, letting Gwen and Margo help him sit up. His claws were retracted as he took the freshly poured chai from Pav. His feet tapped a few times against the mattress, before he caught himself.

A click escaped his throat once or twice as he drank his chai, having to hold the cup with both hands.

The kids didn’t comment on it.

They spent the rest of the day with a dopy Miguel, who continued to communicate mostly through clicking and tapping. He nodded off once or twice, only to startle awake again with a jerk and a panicked growl. The teens helped him reorient himself, but were advised by the nurses to restrain Miguel again before they left.

In the end, Miles was the last to leave, swinging his legs over the edge of Miguel’s bed as he drew in his sketchbook. Miguel was almost curled around Miles, drugs still making him hazy.

“‘m sorry, Miles,” Miguel muttered out of the blue.

“Huh, whatever for?”

“For how we’ve met,” Miguel mumbled out from between his fangs. "didn't do right..."

“Tío, it’s,” Miles sighed. “It’s not alright. But I accept your apology. I think we’ll manage, won’t we?”

There was a purr and a clawed hand softly stroking over Miles' knee. “Sí,” Miguel purred again, “we’ll manage.”

Miguel fell asleep again, still purring until Miles carefully reattached the restraints.

“Goodnight, tío.”

Chapter 6: let the matchmaking begin


let's continue the chat-chapters! :D
again this was a double update, so if you haven't read the snippet and are interested in that feel free to do so :3

Chapter Text

She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Miles: [video 5sec: dark skinned fingers pressing the middle of a restrained hand repeatedly, claws extending whenever pressure is applied, a soft purr can be heard in the background]

[several people are typing]


Hobie: did he knead????

Pav: I’m so happy you’re getting along now! :D

Margo: How long did you stay after we were gone????

Miles: [replied to Hobie] no comment
Miles: [replied to Margo] this is from my visit today
Miles: we didn’t really talk about it the time we visited him together but he apologized and kept purring so I guess that’s a good sign???? We will manage

Gwen: you “will manage?”

Miles: yeah
Miles: we’ll manage

Margo: wait wait wait wait
Margo: today?? Bro, u really went again??

Miles: yeah! I sketch while Miguel either sleeps or threatens the doctors who won’t let him out of the med bay
Miles: Lyla caved and got him some work he can do so we just do our own thing???

Margo: damn bro

Gwen: that’s a start

Pav: yeah! less bad vibes around!!

Hobie: still ain’t trusting him, but if u wanna try again, I’m standing with u bruv

Margo: f*ck yeah


Gwanda to Miles

Gwanda: Hey so, about you and Miguel working on getting along?

Miles: yeah??

Gwanda: Maybe tell Peter?

Miles: what? Why??

Gwanda: he
Gwanda: he might have avoided Miguel since the entire spot thing?

Miles: huh???

Gwanda: he said he’s got your back and if you don’t want to forgive Miguel, he wouldn’t either
Gwanda: and you know
Gwanda: they were friends?

Miles: oh
Miles: OH so that’s why he hasn’t been around????

Gwanda: yeah? I know he really wants to visit Miguel tho

Miles: but I saw him a few times in there??

Gwanda: he only goes to peek inside when Miguel is asleep
Gwanda: just tell Peter, yeah? I think he misses his friend

Miles: he didn’t say anything about it…..

Gwanda: i figured

Miles: imma talk to peter
Miles: thx gwen


Miles to Peter B.

Miles: hey

Peter B.: Miles!! How are you? Do you need anything?

Miles: why didn’t you tell me you were avoiding Miguel because of the spot thing?

Peter B.:.....whoever said that haha that’s silly

Miles: nah, you gotta be honest man
Miles: Gwen told me
Miles: isn’t Miguel your friend??
Miles: shouldn’t you like… support him??? I saw you when we got him out. You looked devastated.

Peter B.: you're my friend too, Miles.
Peter B.: and it was Miguel who’s in the wrong. Of course I wouldn’t forgive how he treated you if you don’t
Peter B.: ever since the lost dimension, Miguel had changed. He was my friend before, but in these past years he turned into someone I barely even know
Peter B.: When we got him out I saw my friend again, but he is still the same man who almost killed you
Peter B.: I f*cked up not standing with you then, but I’m trying now.

Miles: Peter, in whatever way he might have changed, your friend was captured and experimented on. I would never, ever, EVER, think you were betraying me of some sort if you want to check up on him!
Miles: honestly, it makes me feel worse because do you even know the state Miguel was in when we found him???
Miles: I think he could really use a friend

Peter B.:....
Peter B.: alright, yeah.
Peter B.: I’ll swing by tomorrow. Thank you, Miles.

Miles: What happened between me and Miguel is our issue, Peter. It’s kind in a way of you to be on my side, but Miguel and I are working it out. He apologized and we’re managing.
Miles: Now go and support ur friend

Peter B.: I’ll do that.
Peter B.: and I’m sorry too. About that entire incident. And for making you feel bad again.

Miles: dun sweat it :D

Chapter 7: it/its


early chapter cuz I had a free day :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Miles: am I hallucinating or???

Gwen: no
Gwen: no I absolutely saw that too

Pav: ??????

Margo: don’t leave us hanging like this???

Hobie: Pav is vibrating out of their skin in anticipation

Miles: Peter just kissed Miguel on the cheek

[several people are typing]

Gwen: Miguel hasn’t moved since then



Hobie: dayumn

Miles: Miguel hasn’t moved since then even though Peter is already gone
Miles: they kept talking for ages in that room...

Gwen: we’ve decided to check...

Miles: ...and here we are

Margo: I call cap

Hobie: second that

Pav: noooooo!! Let them be!! I believe you guys

Gwen: thank you Pav

Miles: ur a real one

Margo: pics or it didn’t happen

Gwen: bet you a 20 it happened

Margo: no way, ur sh*tting us, 20 it didn’t

Miles: [picture: Miguel sitting ramrod straight in his med-bay bed, one hand cradling his cheek, red eyes slightly brighter than normal and visible flush over his cheeks]
Miles: pay up


Miguel to Miles

Miguel: Morales

Miles: hey tío! Whas up?

Miguel: do you think if I can trust the other kids to keep their mouths shut if I ask them to?

Miles: huh??? Of course?? U good?? Is this about Peter??

Miguel: no, this isn’t about Peter, Morales.
Miguel: Forget it. It was a stupid thought anyway.

Miles: Hey, hey, tío….I didn’t mean anything by it.
Miles: If there’s something we need to keep secret you can trust us. We good at that, ain’t we?? We’re spiders, man.
Miles: We can keep a secret

Miguel: okay
Miguel: thank you

Miles: no problem, tío!
Miles: whatever it is, you can trust us

Chaos missions

Miguel: it

Gwen: huh?

Miguel: the pronoun question
Miguel: it/its

Pav: oh

[several people typing]

Miguel: Forget that. This is so stupid.

Miles: no!
Miles: we suspected something less common, ur good

Hobie: ye, we can do that
Hobie: ain’t nothing complicated

Gwen: that! ur valid

Pav: thank you for sharing, Miguel :D we’ll do our best!

Margo: I guess you want this to stay between us?


Margo: gotcha!

She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Pav: I know we asked, but it/its seems so dehumanizing

Gwen: my thoughts exactly
Gwen: I respect its wishes, but what if it uses those pronouns because of you know?

Pav: yeah, we know whatever happened in that lab wasn’t its first run in with that crowd

Margo: I still get chills whenever I remember that lab
Margo: but if it was using its pronouns to hurt itself, I don’t think it would have tried to hide behind he/him

Hobie: that
Hobie: if the boss says it then we it

Miles: I think I kinda get where Miguel is coming from
Miles: It isn’t like us. It got spliced with spider genes. If Miguel feels like it’s less human and chose to label itself like that, who are we to deny that. I think it would have told us immediately if it didn’t like “it”....

Pav: Yeah, you guys are probably right. I just don’t want it to feel bad.

Gwen: exactly. We’re just gonna keep an eye on it. Watch out for any signs of hurt


Chaos missions

Miles: hey @miguel

LYLA: Miguel is sleeping, I turned off notifications the moment its head hit the keyboard. Do you need something?

Miles: Oh! If it’s sleeping, let it sleep! (can we bring it a pillow or sumthing???) I just wanted to ask what happened to that spider we’ve found. But it ain’t a pressing matter anymore Jess said they were dealing with it since Miguel was released from medbay, so let Miguel get sum Zzzzz

LYLA: oki!

Miguel: The spider has her own enclosure in my apartment now. She’s an old acquaintance and content where she is now.
Miguel: Also, she called Hobie an “unruly child” and had some choice words for you not replying to her greeting

[several people are typing]

Miles: SHE SAID??? “SAID”?????

Gwen: “old acquaintance”???? How do you know what she’s saying??

Margo: Do you speak spider????

Hobie: assigned unruly by spider
Hobie: I dig it

Pav: aw, I have no idea how to greet a spider. Can you tell her I’m sorry?

Miguel: I can only understand her clearly because her genetic sequence was used to give me my powers. I got her out of alchemax after I got turned.
Miguel: but yes, Margo, I can communicate with most spiders.
Miguel: Pavitr, there’s no need for that. She is still just an animal.

Hobie: how she end up in Miles’ dimension if she got ur genetic sequence

Miguel: …
Miguel: questions we’ve been trying to figure out

Pav: dang, spider language is not made to explain interdimensional travel, huh?

Miguel: not really
Miguel: she wasn’t glitching, but her genetic code is from Earth-928. So we are trying to figure out how she managed to stay stable on Earth-1610

Miles: what kinda spider is she? Cuz I don’t remember ever seeing one like her

Gwen: yeah we’ve tried to figure it out while she was with us, but couldn’t find anything

Miguel: she’s a genetic experiment. If I remember correctly there was some wolf spider, tarantula and some jumping spider genes being spliced. I have a list with all of the exact spider genes used to create her.

Margo: you helped create her?

Miguel: not really, but the team I worked with did. I had no hand in her creation aside from getting the machine to work

Miles: okay but…. Ur like so much more spider than us
Miles: and she gave you your spider genes
Miles: which make up…50% if I remember peter correctly
Miles: so she basically ur mother?

Gwen: omg she issssss

Hobie: damn we got chewed out by Miguel’s mum
Hobie: bloody luv it

Margo: hey pav you didn’t greet Miguel’s mom

Pav: noooooo, I’m so sorryyyyyy

Miguel: what…
Miguel: what is going on?
Miguel: she’s not my mother!
Miguel: that entire train of thoughts is a geneticist's nightmare to read

Miles: oh she totally is
Miles: @all we reunited Miguel and its mother!
Miles:....and also got called rude for not greeting her
Miles: still a W

Gwen: W

Hobie: W

Pav: W

Margo: W

Miguel: I give up

Pav: My Maya auntie about to get my ass though for not greeting my boss’ mama

Gwen: F

Margo: F

Hobie: F

Miles: F


She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Gwen: I don’t think I’ve ever seen Miguel smile

Hobie: beamin, really

Pav: I like its smile :) despite the fangs

Miles: damn it looked really happy when Pav called it it

Margo: ahhhhh I missed it!! Gonna get LYLA to send me a screenshot of the footage

Pavitr to Miguel

Pavitr: can you teach me how to speak spider?

Miguel: teach you how to speak spider?

Pavitr: can you even teach how to speak spider? Or is that a thing we can’t learn?

Miguel: humans can partially learn to understand spiders, but its a mostly useless skill that would take a lot of time to even get a beginner's understanding of.
Miguel: Pavitr, you have school. You have patrols on Earth-50101 and don’t think I don't know about you joining missions you have not been approved for, just to hang out with the other kids.

Pavitr: I don’t know anything about joining missions I haven't been assigned to :)

Miguel: and you are still a kid. Have a life, Pavitr.

Pavitr: but I’d really like to understand you!
Pavitr: do you realize how often you tap your console when we think you are angry at us? Or how often you chuff and click when you didn’t get enough coffee?

Miguel: I do not chuff like an overgrown cat!

Pavitr: what else is that huffy sound you make then??

Miguel: …it’s a partial purr
Miguel: it’s…harder to explain.

Pavitr: I’m on lunch break and have some time :)

Miguel: …
Miguel: fine
Miguel: usually purring is done mostly by wolf spiders to attract mates, but with the way my DNA interacted with the spider genes it got mixed up. My genetic code is a mess, so it is hard to find a definite answer.
Miguel: I don’t purr for attraction, I do it to express being content. Depending on the frequency of a purr, it changes sub-meanings.
Miguel: The clicking is a bit more vague and depending on tone can mean several things from excitement to a warning.

Pavitr: oohhh that’s fascinating!! What about the tapping?

Miguel: Tapping to create vibrations for communication. Beside a lot of subtle body language, tapping helps to clarify what is being communicated.

Pavitr: a whole secret language O.O that is so cool!!

Miguel: you won’t stop asking if I can teach you, will you?

Pavitr: no :D

Miguel: …
Miguel: fine

Pavitr: YES!!

Miguel: but only after you’re done with your school work

Pavitr: aw :(


this is so much longer than I wanted it to be, but you can consider it a little treat before I start doing sum plotty stuff and the planned sprinkles of angst uwu
As always: hope you had fun reading this silly thing :D

Chapter 8: there might be cannibalism involved


hi! small discussion of cannibalism in here, but its short and kinda glossed over again
Have fun reading!

Chapter Text

Chaos missions

Miles: Miguel, what nicknames can we still use?

Miguel: nicknames?

Hobie: yeah. U were bossman. Or tio. Or crazy spider maniac

Miguel: thank you for the last one Hobart

Hobie: deserved that
Hobie: now answer

Gwen: don’t pressure it

Miguel: you can use variations for creature? Or just spider or something… I never really thought about that

Miles: anything that’s an absolute no?

Miguel: vermin

LYLA: and Mike! It doesn’t like that either :D

Miles [thumbs up]

Gwen: Miguel, if you don’t want to answer that’s fine, but I was watching two spider’s in my dad's room and one of them was wriggling around a lot. I looked it up and its a male jumping spider, who was trying to seduce the female, who apparently would’ve eaten him.
Gwen: so, my question, since you are a bit more spider than us, does it affect your behavior?

Miles: oooohhh that’s interesting

Margo: I mean we all heard it clicking and hissing before, no offense Miguel

Miguel: ….There are some behaviors that I recognize differently from how you or other humans recognize them…

Pav: would you dance to seduce someone? :D

Miguel: no
Miguel: because my spider genes are female.
Miguel: …..

LYLA: Miguel is thinking about whether it should share that it finds males dancing for it very attractive :D

Miguel: LYLA

Pav: ooohhh that’s really cute
Pav: do you eat your partners?

Miles: D:

Miguel: alright that’s enough of my behavioral mutations
Miguel: Mission report in 20min

[Miles, Gwen, Hobie, Pav and Margo have reacted: thumbs up]

Miles: are we just gonna leave that last question unanswered

Gwen: do you want that answered?

Miles: u know what? I’m good :)


Miles to Gwanda

Miles: why you want to stay after the report? U alright??

Gwanda: Just want to ask Miguel something, don’t worry

Miles: U never want to be alone with it, why u wanna be now?

Gwanda: for real Miles, I just have a question, don’t be weird. Meet you at that ice cream stand we’ve found in ur dimension?

Miles: alright
Miles: sorry, just concerned that’s all
Miles: if I buy first cone, will you spill?

Gwanda: two cones and I’ll spill

Miles: u drive a hard bargain, but I take it

Gwanda: pleasure doing business with you


She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Margo: @Gwen Jess saw you leaving Miguel’s office in tears and is asking if we need to beat it up

Hobie: alright imma get my guitar
Hobie: gotta smack sum spider

Miles: gonna meet u at the office brother @Hobie

Gwen: hold up
Gwen: dont be hasty
Gwen @margo you can tell jess they were happy tears
Gwen: @Miles you really don’t have to worry

Miles: i call bullsh*t

Hobie: nobody leaves that office happy

Margo: second that

Pav: do you guys think Miguel has hidden hypnosis powers???
Pav: Gwen, blink twice if you’re fingers are typing against your will D:

Gwen: fr they are happy tears
Gwen: I did something kind of stupid and it worked out better than I had anticipated

Miles: what did you do??

Gwen: I danced for Miguel

Margo: TF

Hobie: taking u up on that hypnosis thing, pav

Miles: what do you mean u DANCED for it??

Gwen: LYLA snitched that Miguel feels attracted to males dancing for it, right?
Gwen: I just wanted to check
Gwen: for myself

Hobie: Gwendy…

Pav: oh

Margo: girl… u need no stupid spider to know who you are

Miles: do you want me to come over?

Pav: we can all meet if you want company…

Gwen: sweet, but I’m okay
Gwen: Miguel…
Gwen: Miguel was confused at first, cause I didn’t tell it what me dancing was about, but then confirmed its spider instincts just see a female spider being silly
Gwen: …
Gwen: and then it chewed me out for thinking some stupid instinct would "confirm or deny the validity of my gender identity"

Miles: wow, Miguel really said biology ain’t got nothing to do with it?

Margo: coming from a geneticist that’s sum good affirmation

Pav: awww…

Hobie: so no need to smack its head?

Gwen: no, no need
Gwen: we’re good

Hobie: f*cked, but I accept it
Hobie: but just cuz it’s you gwendy


Miles to Gwanda

Miles: where u at?

Gwanda: huh?

Miles: ice-cream? I have to still get u ur cones?

Gwanda: oh!
Gwanda: you don’t have to buy though… Jess’ made me tell in gc already

Miles: 2 cones and full detail, take it or leave it

Gwanda: give me five, meet you there!


Chaos Missions

Miles: @Miguel Mama O’hara is still in ur apartment, yes?

Miguel: why are you guys constantly texting me

LYLA: It may sound annoyed but it is really happy about it

Miguel: LYLA!

LYLA: Miggy! :D

[several people are typing]

Gwen: Miggy???

Hobie: bruv

Pav: that is such a cute nickname :3

Miles: are you screaming yet, Miggy?

LYLA: banging its head on its desk :D

Hobie: valid reaction

Miles: back to topic at hand
Miles: ur mami is still in ur apartment, yes??

Miguel: again, she is not my mother!
Miguel: but yes she is, why?

Miles: so hypothetically

Hobie: oh boi

Miles: hypothetically, if theres a spider like her in my dimension
Miles: and hypothetically
Miles: that spider is very angry, very big and very much about to eat some newyorkers

Pav: uh-oh

Miles: would that hypothetically warrant a call for back-up?

Miguel: …ay coño
Miguel: I’ll be over in two
Miguel: keep an eye on it

Miles: will do, miggy!


She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Miles: I think Miguel just ate its suitor

Gwen: oh??

Miles: so there’s this big ass spider, yes? The size of a f*cking car, yes?

Margo: go on…

Miles: it reminds me of Mama O’Hara
Miles: just way more vibrant colors

Pav: pretty, pretty... although brightly colored creatures are often more dangerous

Miles: yeah! thats what I thought
Miles: so Miguel drops in, growly like it always is

Gwen: typical Miguel, all fairly normal till now

Miles: and this big ass spider
Miles: this car-sized spider
Miles: starts doing some weird movements while chittering

Hobie: wait…

Gwen: oh. my. GOD.
Gwen: it did NOT

Miles: IT f*ckING DANCED
Miles: and Miguel was so very not impressed!!!

Margo: please tell me you have that on camera
Margo: Miles, my brother, I swear on ur mama’s cooking
Margo: if you don’t have that on tape I will f*ck you up

Pav: not mama Morales cooking D:

Hobie: damn sis

Miles: chill ur pixels Margo
Miles: of course I have a vid of that

Miles: [video 37sec: shaky camera focusing on a giant, bright blue spider vaguely looking like a cross of wolf spider and tarantula. Miguel is standing on the street in front of it, hands on its hips, blades on its arms out. The spider has two legs raised and is scuttling from left to right while shaking its abdomen. Two of its front legs are tapping the ground repeatedly. A guttural purr coming from the spider is picked up by the camera, just before Miguel crouches low, muscles coiled and ready to attack. The camera cuts off hastily with a loud “oh sh*t-” from Miles.]

Gwen: damn

Hobie: Miguel getting them mens

Pav: oof guess that dance was real bad

Margo: did it really eat the big spider tho??

Miles: actually I don't think so?? It was way more pissed at being badly hit on tbh

Pav: would that be cannibalism if Miguel ate the other spider?

Hobie: probs not cuz its still only 50% spider

Margo: yeah, I think it ain't cannibalism
Margo: but it also means that Miguel eating a human would not be cannibalism

Pav: D: wtf

Gwen: oh god

Hobie: u think I can get it to eat sum if I get the meat?

[several people are typing]


Gwen: don't, just...don't

Margo: Imma just pretend I didn't hear that

Miles: nah bruh that nasty

Hobie: damn…alright, got it, no human for the crazy

Margo: once again completely ignoring that happened, how did the fight end??

Miles: Miguel bit the spider several times and there’s spider gunk from cut and ripped out legs all over the street, but it was over real fast
Miles: my dad is so not happy and wants me to clean that

Gwen: ew

Margo: nah, imma log off now, that’s disgusting

Hobie: ur on ur own there

Pav: u know I have this date with gayatri

Miles: oh wow
Miles: I didn’t even get to ask
Miles: really feeling the love here


Miles to Miguel

Miles: Miguel I am so sorry
Miles: it was an accident I swear

Miguel: what did you do?

Miles: I might have let your pronouns slip in front of peter and he looked really disappointed and then stormed off talking about wanting to find you and I am so sorry about outing you in front of him

Miguel: Miles

Miles: again it wasn’t intentional but with the others its gotten so normal and I hardly notice anymore so I just kept talking about that mission with the spider and didn't realize and I really thought you'd be out to him

Miguel: Miles, let me talk

Miles: and I know you and Peter have this weird thing going and I actually don't wanna know but I also do cuz of Mayday and MJ but that’s on you and peter and now I think i might have ruined that and again I am so sorry


Miles: …

Miguel: it’s okay, Miles. It wasn’t your intention to tell Peter. Whatever happens isn’t your fault.
Miguel: I’m just…
Miguel: It's nice to hear you kids have been accepting my identity this easily

Miles: man…
Miles: this was me freaking out and now idk how to answer

Miguel: I think I’ve heard you say “dun sweat it” before

Miles: eww spider ur old never say that again
Miles: that’s just weird

Miguel: it’s the truth though

Miles: thx, miggy

Miguel: oh shock off

Chapter 9: c*nt (derogatory)


not much to say aside from let the angst begin >:D

Chapter Text

Peter B. to Miguel

Peter B.: Miguel we’ve gotta talk

Miguel: what do you need, Peter?

Peter B.: I just met Miles and while I thought you and him have been getting along, I never thought he would stoop so low
Peter B.: he kept calling you an ‘it’ while we talked
Peter B.: I couldn’t listen to that and now I can’t find you to talk in person

Miguel: I’m not at HQ
Miguel: and…
Miguel: Miles did nothing wrong

Peter B.: Nothing wrong??
Peter B.: Miguel he’s been dehumanizing you!

Miguel: no, he’s not, Peter

Peter B.: how is calling you a thing not dehumanizing?

Miguel: it’s not if I choose those pronouns, Peter

Peter B.: what

Miguel: I go by it/its, Peter. Those are the pronouns I feel comfortable with.

Peter B.: but why would you?
Peter B.: this isn’t about alchemax, is it?
Peter B.: because you're not some creature, Miguel.
Peter B.: you’re my friend and just as human as the rest of us

Miguel: I knew you wouldn’t understand
Miguel: this is why I didn’t tell you
Miguel: I chose these pronouns. I am not human and I don’t feel human

Peter B.: I understand that, Miguel, but internalizing what alchemax and Delgato did to you is not the right way to figure out your identity
Peter B.: what they did to you was wrong and I know how much you have been struggling with working through the treatment you’ve endured.
Peter B.: it’s completely understandable that all of the bad stuff is coming back up in your head, with what just happened, but this isn’t the right way to cope…

Miguel: What about me choosing these pronouns don’t you understand?? I have decided that it/its is what I feel most comfortable with. I have decided that I’m not human, because I am not shocking human, and I am finally fine with that. I finally managed to accept myself… why can’t you?

Peter B.: Miguel…
Peter B.: I’m trying to understand, okay? I really am.
Peter B.: I just…I might need a bit to get used to that

Miguel: get used to what?

Peter B.: the entire thing

Miguel: what thing?
Miguel: specify what is so hard for you

Peter B.: this entire thing is complicated, okay?

Miguel: if you can’t even type it out how will you get used to this “thing”

Peter B.: FINE
Peter B.: You are my best friend and I know you don't like it when I say it, but this thing between us means so much to me.
Peter B.: I can’t see you as something you are not, okay? I can’t call you it because in my head that’s for animals and creatures and things and you are very much not any of those

Miguel: …
Miguel: … good to know
Miguel: you know, the kids accepted my identity without so much as batting an eye…

Peter B.: Miguel…just give me a bit of time, okay?
Peter B.: I don't want to lose you

Miguel: yeah, sure
Miguel: whatever, peter


She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Miles: f*ck I feel so bad

Gwen: it wasn’t your fault Miles

Margo: it could have happened to all of us
Margo: the amount of times I had to edit my reports before sending them out because I kept using it for Miguel is embarrassing

Pav: exactly
Pav: any of us could have let it slip
Pav: don’t feel bad Miles

Miles: it’s just that peter and miguel aren’t even looking at each other…
Miles: I don’t know what happened between them, but Peter must have misunderstood or idk think it's been hurting itself…probably like we did when Miguel first told us

Hobie: peter is a tosser for not even trying

Gwen: facts
Gwen: if Miguel’s happiness was important enough to him, he would try to understand it and accept it for who it is

Hobie: Gwendy speakin truth

Pav: do you guys think we can get Miguel out to cheer it up?

Margo: oohhh yes! Let’s get it out of that office!

Miles: Imma talk with peter… in person.
Miles: maybe I can get him to listen

Gwen: damn there goes our best bet at getting Miguel to join

Miles: dafuq

Pav: oh please, miles, Miguel has a soft spot for you

Miles: for me?? Bruh nah

Hobie: damn u blind
Hobie: Miguel overcorrected and is spider parenting you like crazy bruv

Pav: I don’t think he had noticed

Margo: he really didn’t hahahaha
Margo: u just gotta say the word and Miguel caves, miles

Miles: nahhh it dont
Miles: does it??

Gwen: you’re really stupid sometimes
Gwen: how about this: I’ll ask Miguel to join us for some ice cream. It will decline and say it’s busy with work. Then you ask it. And I bet you the first cone, it’ll say yes.

Miles: deal

Gwen: deal


Miles to Gwanda

Miles: I f*cking hate you sometimes

Gwanda: go and buy me that ice cream, spider boy

Miles: f*ck you


Chaos Missions

Miguel: meeting brief in 25
Miguel: why is it that you ALL read this, but accepting a ping with a single touch to your gizmo is impossible for you?

Miles: cuz work

Hobie: yeah its work

Miguel: this is work too??

Gwen: but this is also us with our spider parent chilling in chat

Pav: yeah! it's like talking to family :3

Miguel: …

LYLA: Miguel might need a few more minutes to swallow through the happy tears that are burning behind its eyes :D mission brief in 30 minutes!

[several people are typing]


Gwen: already swinging to meet our spider parent!
Gwen: last one has to write the reports for a month!

Miles: not fair!! I’m stuck in class!

Margo: [image: pixelated Margo with her arm around Miguel’s shoulder, grinning brightly at the camera while Miguel looks off to the side with suspiciously wet eyes. It tries to look uncomfortable and is baring its fangs at LYLA who is partially floating in frame, but the picture they took when they went out to get ice cream is displayed in the corner of one of Miguel’s displays.]

Margo: first

Gwen: It let you get a hug in??

Hobie: dang, spider really getting those water works huh

Pav: I want a hug too @Miguel!! You won’t get away :D


Miles to Peter B.

Miles: [image: Margo and Pav hanging around Miguel’s neck, while Hobie is sneaking up from behind with Gwen ready to be thrown right at Miguel like a clingy missile. Miles' face is in frame as he takes the selfie, LYLA hovering on his shoulder.]
Miles: Hobie says you’re a tosser
Miles: I say ur a c*nt (derogatory)

Chapter 10: #MJthequeen


Mj my beloved queen has entered the chat :D
WE HAVE ALSO HIT THE 100 kudos and I am actually blown away OWO
the thought that this silly thing managed to actually find readers is insane and I appreciate all of you so so much!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Petey to MJ

Petey: do you have time, sweetheart?
Petey: I need your wisdom

MJ: is this about the thing that has you brooding and frowning whenever you think nobody is watching for the past few days?

Petey: yeah
Petey: is it that obvious?

MJ: yes
MJ: I wanted to wait for you to come to me, because you brush any concerns off as pish-posh whenever you don’t feel like talking about it.
MJ: does texting make it easier for you to tell me what's going on?

Petey: texting feels easier
Petey: I hate how well you know me
Petey: but I have been stewing on this and I think I might kind of be in the wrong, but also I am really concerned
Petey: I don’t even know where to start

MJ: how about we simply start at the beginning?

Petey: I don’t even know where the beginning is…
Petey: I think I had a fight with Miguel
Petey: “fight” being a relative term… disagreement? Argument?
Petey: I think I hurt him though

MJ: oh dear… I thought you two had talked?

Petey: we did! and we decided to try getting closer again! and we were doing fine. The date was great as you know. Miguel was being Miguel… so afraid we’re about to destroy the multiverse if we as much as look at each other for too long, but he wants to try
Petey: but that’s not what the fight was about

MJ: so if you two dating isn’t the problem, why would you even get into a fight?
MJ: it wasn’t about Miles again, was it?
MJ: please tell me you didn’t fight about Miles again

Petey: not really?
Petey: alright, I think I can break most of what happened down now
Petey: Miguel became spider-man because a co-worker tried to kill him by splicing his genes. Because of that Miguel is a bit different from the other spider people

MJ: you mean the claws and fangs?

Petey: exactly.
Petey: the alchemax in his dimension experimented on him years ago. Miguel took a while to process what happened. He was captured again as I’ve told you.

MJ: but you said Miguel was doing okay after being released from Medbay?

Petey: so I’ve thought!
Petey: but then Miles comes back from a mission and keeps calling Miguel “it” and just kept chuckling over Miguel’s mutations

MJ: that doesn’t sound like Miles at all! The kid has a teasing streak, but he’d never be that cruel! You said he and Miguel have been working on fixing their relationship and that they were getting along very well ever since they saved Miguel…

Petey: That’s the thing! They were doing so well!
Petey: I saw them eating together a few times with the other kids. Miles even goes willingly to hand in reports to Miguel
Petey: but then he pulls this

MJ: I don’t believe that Miles would just decide to be this hurtful… and how did that even lead to a fight with Miguel? What are you trying to avoid saying, Peter?

Petey: I’m getting there
Petey: alright, yeah, of course I went to Miguel. He wasn’t in his office, so I texted him
Petey: and he just… i don’t know

MJ: peter
MJ: did he hurt Miles?

Petey: NO
Petey: no, he didn’t, not anything like that
Petey: he said he had told Miles to call him “it”

MJ: I don’t understand

Petey: Miguel said that Miles and the kids were using “it” as pronouns, because Miguel said that that’s what he wants to be called. That he isn’t human
Petey: but Miguel isn’t some animal or monster or whatever he has been called in the past and with the way alchemax f*cked him up again and again I’m so afraid his trauma might be affecting him so much worse than I ever noticed.
Petey: what if he has been struggling with his mutations again?

MJ: Peter

Petey: MJ, I really can’t be part of him hurting himself

MJ: Peter Benjamin Parker you will move your ass home right this instant

Petey: what

MJ: your best friend, the person you have been dating, has confided in you and came out to you. And instead of being accepting and supportive, you brushed it off like it is defined by its trauma.
MJ: Miguel told you its pronouns and you trample all over its trust. I’ve counted at least ten instances where you now knowingly disregarded Miguel’s identity in your last few messages alone
MJ: you will explain to my face how you manage to be this moronic
MJ: and you will apologize to Miguel right after you figure out why being a decent human being is that hard for you when it comes to Miguel
MJ: you are a f*cking idiot

Petey: oh

MJ: you will come home right now or so help me god


She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Margo: Guess who just came through a portal and marched right up to Miguel’s office

Pav: oohh? A visitor?

Gwen: must be someone special otherwise Margo wouldn’t tease like that

Miles: well spill gurl, who just entered spider society??

Margo: THE Mary motherf*cking Jane Watson-Parker

[several people are typing]

Gwen: NOTTHE MJ??!!

Miles: MJ showed up at HQ?????? omg

Hobie: bloody f*ckin hell
Hobie: MJ showed up??

Pav: damn, she never comes to HQ

Margo: she looked sooooo determined
Margo: woman on a mission
Margo: guess peter finally spilled the beans at home

Gwen: oh to be a spider on the wall for that convo

Miles: that verbal smackdown must have been legendary

Pav: oooooooohhhhh Miguel about to have the life squeezed out of it :D

Hobie: MJ the queen

Miles: the savior

Gwen: the legend

Margo: I’m pretty sure peter about to crawl back with his tail between his legs

Miles: ugh don’t summon him

Gwen: did you ever get around to talking to him???

Miles: nah gurl
Miles: I saw some of the messages peter send to Miguel when me and Pav sneaked a pillow under its head (again) and let me tell you, calling peter a c*nt was nice

Pav: peter f*cked up real bad
Pav: and our angel on earth, MJ, definitely didn’t let that slide

Margo: I just hope they figure it out… I’m at spider society to escape my parents fighting
Margo: and let me tell you
Margo: the vibes are the same

Hobie: vibes are rancid at HQ

Margo: my point stands

Hobie: condolences

Miles: gurl wtf

Margo: peace and out
Margo: (LYLA is getting impatient cuz we are already behind on schedule on sending the anomalies back)

Gwen: Margo, our working woman
Gwen: let’s send her the bestest vibes to fight against the rancidness in HQ

Pav: sending all the good vibes

Hobie: better vibes for Margo are a must

Miles: only the best of the best


Hobie to Sunshine

Hobie: ready???? no better chance than now

Sunshine: already swinging!! :D


Chaos Missions

Pav: hehe
Pav: [image: an almost formal looking photo of Pav grinning happily into the camera, left hand up in a peace sign. His Spider-Man suit is completely free of wrinkles, their hair even more perfect than usual. The spider the kids have named Mama O’hara is calmly sitting on his right shoulder and partially on his upper arm, as he is keeping it raised to adjust for her sheer size. Her dark blue coloration a bit more vibrant than when they had last seen her. She seems to have grown a bit more, her abdomen filled out and her markings now a gentle, but crisp glow. Her eyes flash red in the soft low light of what appears to be the living room of Miguel’s apartment. There’s a generous terrarium in the background, greenery and wood neatly arranged and webbed into place with opalescent silk, while the floor substrate is clean and free of debris for Mama O’hara to wander around and burrow into.]

Hobie: hehehe
Hobie: [image: a shaky picture taken of Hobie and Pav running down a hallway. Hobie is grinning like a madman, while Pav has a look of pure panic on his face. Miguel is chasing after them with its claws out and fangs bared. MJ's laughing face can vaguely be made out in the background, Mama O’hara just a blob of smeared color right next to her on the ground in the horrendously blurry image.]


Miles: ur so dead

Pav: Mama O’hara is extremely polite and looks so much more healthy
Pav: I couldn’t understand everything, but I think she liked me ^^

Gwen: omg
Gwen: you didn’t really break into Miguel’s apartment just to meet Mama O’hara
Gwen: Hobie how could you corrupt Pav like that

Hobie: rip to the fallen soldier
Hobie: [image: Pav on their back on the ground, Miguel crouched over them with its right hand raised as if about to strike, claws visibly extended. One could think Miguel was about to hurt them, but they are both grinning widely. Pav is completely relaxed as he tries to shove at Miguel’s broad chest, Miguel with a softness on its face as it holds Pav by his shoulder, claws on its left hand completely retracted.]

Gwen: rip

Miles: rip

Margo: rip

Miguel: all of you are the bane of my existence

Hobie: maybe next time dun groom Pav’s hair while u type that

Miles: dont lie, spider, u love us :D

Gwen: shush Miles, it is as delulu as you are
Gwen: yes, yes, Miguel, you hate us so much
Gwen: which is why you let us chill in your office and take us out for ice cream and lunches

Miguel: …

Hobie: dun say anything u will regret, cuz I have taken blackmail photos
Hobie: just one word: laundry

Miguel: …statement withdrawn

Hobie: <3 that’s what I’ve thought

Miles: O.o?

Gwen: O.o?

Margo: O.o?


I'll update again over Christmas if I can find the time, but probably not before the 24th due to me having to work a few more shifts than usual
But I hope this baby will tide you over enough!
I had wanted to wait a bit with this chapter to draw the peter-f*ck-up out a bit longer, but seeing the 100 kudos has me vibrating out of my skin as someone who hasn't posted anything in almost 15 years. I have grown extremely fond of this silly thing
Anyways, as always thank you for reading and I hope you have a great week!

Chapter 11: is this... an apology???


I have returned from the clutches of misery (my family)! just a teeny tiny update and another coming this week :D Have fun!!

Chapter Text

Peter B. to Miguel

Peter B.: I’m sorry
Peter B.: full disclosure, it took a stern talking down from MJ and Miles calling me a c*nt for me to get my head out of my ass, but I am sorry for how I’ve reacted
Peter B.: I know MJ went to HQ to talk to you and I hope everything went well
Peter B.: I trust you. I trust that you know best who you are and how you feel. and it wasn’t my right to dismiss your identity as a trauma response.
Peter B.: MJ helped me figure out that I was hurt that you didn’t trust me sooner with your pronouns and projected that hurt into anger. I was also jealous of the kids for knowing before I did.
Peter B.: seeing my reaction and reflecting on that I wouldn’t have told me either.
Peter B.: Just know I accept you. always. You’re my best friend, Miguel, and I don’t want to lose you because of me being an absolute “c*nt (derogatory)” as Miles put it.


Miguel to Miles

Miguel: Did you call Peter a c*nt?

Miles: ….I’m not saying anything without a lawyer…

Miguel: Miles…

Miles: Alright I did. It was meant to be derogatory and I made that clear. He’s being stupid and pigheaded and a c*nt (derogatory)

Miguel: [image: a screenshot of its chat with Peter B., highlighted where Peter talks about Miles]
Miguel: First of all, why did you have to explain a derogatory term as such? Second, i don’t want to be the reason you and your mentor don’t talk anymore.

Miles: 1) I call e.g. Hobie a c*nt affectionately. There’s a difference. it’s just a thing we do, old spider. 2) I said the same thing when Peter tried to side with me before you apologized and back then I told him that it was our thing to deal with.
Miles: but this is different
Miles: This isn’t a fight about whether or not we get along
Miles: This was him disregarding you and how you feel and ignoring ur identity
Miles: and I can’t tolerate that

Miguel: That’s kind, Miles.
Miguel: and I hope that whatever happens between me and Peter won’t make you regret coming back to spider society.
Miguel: …
Miguel: because I’m glad you are here and I am glad we manage

Miles: Aw, spider, you can’t just make me cry in class…
Miles: I’m glad to be there
Miles: and yeah, I think we manage well

Miguel: You’re in class?! Why are you texting, focus on your studies!

Miles: Yes, Miggy.
Miles: Of course Miggy.

Miguel: Miles…

Miles: are you growling yet? :D


Miguel to Peter B.

Miguel: I would like to talk in person about this.

Peter B.: Do you want me to come over?

Miguel: No. We’re meeting in my office. At 8pm my time.
Miguel: I don’t want you back in my apartment yet.

Peter B.: Alright, that’s fair.
Peter B.: 8pm it is.
Peter B.: And again, I am so sorry


She’s a runner she’s a trackstar

Miles: punishment has been just, but so very worth it

Gwen: so what did you do for Miguel to push us like that during training?

Miles: uhmmmm

Pav: we’re not angry, we just want to talk.

Hobie: bullsh*t, imma get ur kneecaps brooklyn boi

Miles: BRuh??!!??

Hobie: gonna make Miguel’s training look like flower picking if you don’t start runnin or talkin

Pav: Hobie we talked about threatening friends with bodily harm :(

Hobie: we did

Miles: ….
Miles: ….
Miles: Hobie where's the rest

Hobie: Pav and I talked

Miles: and you agreed not to threaten your friends, right??
Miles: RIGHT??

Gwen: what did you do Miles

Miles: FINE. Miguel asked me why I called Peter a c*nt (derogatory) and it said it likes having me at spider society so I kept texting in class and lyla snitched when I continued to text ganke even after it told me to stop and our conversation ended and I also called it miggy twice

[several people are typing]

Gwen: wow
Gwen: kinda aw
Gwen: but ur deathwish is showing

Pav: Miguel is parenting again :D
Pav: but yeah you should totally be dead, Miles

Margo: and once again its proven that Miguel plays favorites with Miles

Miles: it doesnt?!

Hobie: man, ur delusions are what I’d want in life

Miles: we just manage

Gwen: sounds like you are more than managing o.O

[several people are typing]

Miles: D:

Hobie: D:

Pav: D:

Margo: D:


Miles: I can’t believe you’d think so low of me

Hobie: BRUV???

Miles: I am so far out of Miggy’s league

Margo: damn boi got one (1) compliment and now his ego the size of da sun
Margo: also Miguel’s kinda like….

Gwen: DO NOT!!

Margo: huh??

Pav: miles has been caught

Hobie: [image: a shaky picture taken from around the corner, Miguel towering over Miles who’s hanging from his wrist in the air while Miguel is squinting at the open chat on Miles watch]

Margo: thanks [has almost passed away in embarrassment]


Gwendy to Hobie

Gwendy: can I crash at yours tonight?

Hobie: sure thing gwendy boo
Hobie: u good?

Gwendy: yeah
Gwendy: my dad just had a meet up with some old colleagues and now he’s like super down and I feel guilty again

Hobie: a shucks
Hobie: he giving u trouble?

Gwendy: nope, just being a downer :)

Hobie: f*cked
Hobie: lemme clean up
Hobie: text u when im done?

Gwendy: cool with me

Hobie: u let Miles know bout this?

Gwendy: not yet
Gwendy: he’s being a child of divorce right now (Miguel and Peter, not his parents) and it’s been messing with him a bit more than he’s letting on

Hobie: wild idea
Hobie: but hear me out
Hobie: let’s sic Pav on him

Gwendy: oh?

Hobie: Miles = sunflower
Hobie: Pav = sunshine
Hobie: sunflower + sunshine = happiness an’ all that sh*t

Gwendy: you make a good point
Gwendy: can you message Pav?

Hobie: sure thing Gwendy pie


Peter B. to Miles

Peter B.: hey Miles…
Peter B.: I have some questions I could use your help with

[Miles had changed Peter B.’s name to: c*nt (deg)]

c*nt (deg): really?

Miles: tell me it’s not deserved
Miles: Im kinda busy, out with Pav
Miles: is it real important?

c*nt (deg): It is deserved…
c*nt (deg): but yeah kinda important to me and I could use some help, but if you’re busy I can wait

Miles: mhmmm, alright
Miles: what’d u need?

c*nt (deg): first of all, I want to apologize to you too. I was an ass and drew conclusions I knew were out of hand. You and Miguel have mended so much of your relationship and I am so glad to see you getting along. I’m so sorry for how I reacted to you and to Miguel.

Miles: what did Miguel say?

c*nt (deg): Miguel and I talked and I apologized both over text and in person. I explained why I reacted how I did and Miguel tried to explain a bit more about it/its as pronouns. I don’t think Miguel has completely forgiven me and that is alright. Miguel can take all the time needed for that.

Miles: …alright, you may ask your questions

c*nt (deg): okay so, how do I not slip up? I have been trying to avoid pronouns altogether because that tends to stop me best from misgendering Miguel. But I slip up. So, so much. And I don’t want that.
c*nt (deg): Miguel is my friend. Still and always has been since we've met. But I can see that friend again whenever I get it right. Not the shell Miguel had become.
c*nt (deg): so i need tips on how to not f*ck this up again

Miles: first of, start actually using its pronouns
Miles: avoiding them will only make it harder for you to get used to labeling Miguel right
Miles: use its pronouns whenever you can. It’s harder because of the pronouns it chose, but that is no reason to disregard the practice. Believe me, you will f*ck up. And it will hurt Miguel way more because of what you already said to it. Namely, that its pronouns and identity aren’t valid. Lucky for you though, just tell Miguel sorry and move on with ur sentence. It is surprisingly forgiving

c*nt (deg): alright, yeah I can do that…
c*nt (deg): is there any other way I can show that I accept it? And that, despite what I said, it is still my friend and means so much to me?

Miles: oh, there probably is?? Idk man. I ain’t ur Miguel dictionary. It’s ur best friend. Miguel has been opening up to us lately, but with those spiders appearing it’s been a bit busy
Miles: although…
Miles: I have an idea, gimme five


Miles to Gwanda

Miles: can you teach peter how to dance?

Gwanda: tf u mean
Gwanda: also i won’t do charity for that idiot
Gwanda: also also aren’t you out with Pav??

Miles: peter is asking on advice to make it up to Miguel
Miles: we are having rasmalai and are talking sh*t about people the other doesn’t even know :D

Gwanda: OH
Gwanda: OH MY GOD

Miles: I live to astonish, my lady

Gwanda: yes, I will teach peter how to dance for Miguel

Miles: perfect


Miles to c*nt (deg)

Miles: alright
Miles: Miguel likes dancing
Miles: especially someone dancing for it
Miles: Gwen will teach you how to dance

c*nt (deg): what makes you think I don’t already know how to dance?

Miles: …
Miles: do you want me to answer that honestly?

c*nt (deg): no I get it. Dancing class with Gwen, I’ll text her

Miles: cool cool
Miles: believe me, not even Miguel will be able to not forgive you

c*nt (deg): why am I slightly concerned?

Miles: dun sweat it

Chapter 12: we f*cked up


[is slowly running out of prewritten chapters] work has been kicking my ass the moment I came home, so have this silly baby!
it will be getting a bit angsty and plotty now, but I'll see to add some more feel good in the next few chapters uwu

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hobie to Miles

Hobie: we still gtg?

Miles: yeah give me five to come over
Miles: Gwen was a bit hard to shake off

Hobie: hate hiding the truth from them but ya know how they get

Miles: same, bro, same
Miles: but these spiders keep appearing
Miles: and ur the only one I can ask to help
Miles: Pav and Margo really don't need the pressure of hiding this from Miguel...
Miles: and Gwen has so much on her plate with her dad and I know she’s picked up on me feeling weird about the Miguel and Peter thing
Miles: I really don’t want to put more stress on her

Hobie: yeah, Gwendy’s a bit strung lately
Hobie: dun keep too much from her tho, shes a smart cookie and u guys should talk more with each other
Hobie: ... and bout each other
Hobie: tis already a big notch hidin this
Hobie: dun make her think you know her better than she do herself

Miles: damn why u bein wise and givin advise??

Hobie: thats ma job man, havin ma 10 min ya know
Hobie: and imma usin them to let u unload ur feelings bout the crazy and the silly

Miles: nah is gonna be fine
Miles: I think

Hobie: 7:47 left

Miles: okay
Miles: ever since that alchemax rescue miguel has been real calm and nice and kind with us all
Miles: and I know it didnt mean to terrorize me like that back when we met and that it isn't just a crazy maniac, but we all only just now learned about that... it has so much trauma and anxiety and it didnt want me to f*ck up my dimension. that didn't make what it did okay, but we've been managing so well I tend to forget that day ever happened
Miles: peter and miguel havin this weird dating thing going on was so great. they were nice and amazing together and HQ felt warm and homey and all that sh*t
Miles: then I f*cked it up
Miles: suddenly eating sandwiches after training on a stupid bodega roof wasn't a thing me and peter did anymore because I couldn't look at him the same way. if he didn't accept miguel, the one he'd been dating and best friend, what if he reacted the same to Pav or you or Gwen?? did he even know?? What if everything I knew about peter was based on filled in blanks??
Miles: i just feel so torn
Miles: apparently peter apologized and miguel accepted that as much as I accepted its apology and i want them to...idk date i guess... miguel could use to loosen up and it keeps peter calm and in check...
Miles: but at the same time I cant really be in a room with either of them, because what if they get into a fight again? what if they didn't talk it out enough and I say the wrong thing again? what if i do the wrong thing again?

Hobie: Miles, my man...
Hobie: have you told either of them?

Miles: no, i don't want to be the reason they get weird again...
Miles: miguel and peter get this look in their eyes like they are so disappointed in me

Hobie: man, that ain't disappointment
Hobie: they worry lots bout u
Hobie: specially the spider
Hobie: its been trying to earn ur forgiveness for a while now and is being extra careful round u
Hobie: Pav thinks it is afraid of disappointing you

Miles: disappointing me??

Hobie: yeah, u know Pav reads peeps f*ckin well

Miles: does he tho?

Hobie: believe me, they do

Miles: alright
Miles: yeah imma... imma see what i can do

Hobie: times up brooklyn boy

Miles: thanks hobie
Miles: time to get to work anyway

Hobie: yeah, who knows what ur alchemax is cooking again
Hobie: we dun even know how they got Miguels genes

Miles: that’s also why I worry so much
Miles: all these new spiders aren’t mama O’hara’s clones cuz they male and they die hours after being first sighted
Miles: mama O’hara must have been real valuable

Hobie: ain’t no way around it then don u see?
Hobie: let’s f*ck em up a bit

Miles: yeah
Miles: omw now to meet at the rocks

Hobie: [thumbs up]


Gwen to Miguel

Gwen: Hey Miguel?

Miguel: Gwen, what do you need help with?

Gwen: I know I never text you privately anymore
Gwen: a whole can I don't want to open right now
Gwen: but I’m kind of concerned about Miles and Hobie

Miguel: go on…

Gwen: Miles has been shifty all day and couldn’t wait to ditch me and Margo for his little date with Hobie on 1610…
Gwen: they had their heads stuck together for days now
Gwen: they keep whispering and texting
Gwen: even when I hang out with miles, he keeps opening his chat with Hobie

Miguel: I... I hear you, Gwen.
Miguel: and I really don’t want to be the one to ask this
Miguel: but are you sure you’re not jealous?

Gwen: ugh, I know what it sounds like, alright??
Gwen: I can’t reach either of them
Gwen: and sue me, I didn’t ask before going over, but Río hasn’t seen them and was really confused when I asked
Gwen: I’m actually worried, Miguel

Miguel: I’ll have LYLA run a scan and contact you after.

Gwen: wait, you’re not checking for yourself??
Gwen: you, the absolute most micromanaging spider to ever exist?

Miguel: do you need me to?

Gwen: I guess not
Gwen: I think I am trying to ask if you are alright??

Miguel: I’ll be fine, Gwen, do not worry about me.
Miguel: LYLA will send you the report

Gwen: Miguel… really, how are you doing?

LYLA: sorry to butt in, Gwenny! Miguel is having a bit of trouble with its mutations, so it’s isolating till we’ve synthesized the new dosage of its medication :3 It’s been having some trouble typing. I’ve been helping with the messages. Want me to send the report of the scan here? Or separate?

Gwen: oh, sorry for disturbing you then… I really hope you’ll feel better soon
Gwen: thank you though… for replying anyway
Gwen: and wherever is fine, LYLA, thank you

LYLA: gotcha!

Miguel: do not worry, Gwen
Miguel: we will find your friends
Miguel: no matter what stupid thing they are caught up in again

Gwen: Thank you Miguel
Gwen: truly

Peter B. to Miguel

Peter B.: are you at HQ? I wanted to ask if you would like to eat lunch together? :)

LYLA: Your messages are not being registered under “Priority”, therefore Miguel will not be notified until it returns to work.

Peter B.: Oh, is Miguel alright?
Peter B.: I guess my messages don’t have any reason to be a priority, but I’m kinda getting the feeling you have a personal problem with me lyla…

LYLA: An astute observation, Peter.
LYLA: Miguel told me against my recommendations to tell you that we are just adjusting its medication dosage, nothing we didn't do before

Peter B.: Can you at least let Miguel know it can message me if it needs anything? I could come over for a bit? Help out like usual?

LYLA: I will take your request into consideration. Your presence in past adjustment periods decreased Miguel’s stress levels by 23.7%. Under your current interaction rate, I can not guarantee that this effect will persist. There is a 42.3% chance your presence will increase Miguel’s stress levels.

Peter B.: …oh
Peter B.: I see…
Peter B.: However!
Peter B.: However, that leaves a 57.7% chance me being there for Miguel and helping it, will actually de-stress it :D

LYLA: Smart Boy! Have a virtual cookie! I’ll let you know if you can come over.

Peter B.: that’s all I ask, LYLA

LYLA: you are still on thin shocking ice
LYLA: ...fine
LYLA: Miguel said to let you come over
LYLA: but one step out of line and I will drop you at the bottom of the Mariana Trench via portal, lock your gizmo and watch as your vital signs decline

Peter B.: ...fair
Peter B.: terrifying!
Peter B.: but fair
Peter B.: I'm bringing fresh pho from that place it likes
Peter B.: anything else I can get for Miguel?

LYLA: Miguel asks if you could bring it some of that tea MJ made last time it was over at yours

Peter B.: of course!
Peter B.: on my way!

Hobie to Miguel

Hobie: u need to come to miles’ dimension, alchemax, hudson valley ny

LYLA: Miguel is currently not able to reply, but it is receiving your messages and I’ll answer for it. What did you do? Gwen has been asking after you

Hobie: miguel just needs to come over

LYLA: you are being sketchy, Hobie :( Miguel can’t help if you don’t tell us what’s going on :(

Hobie: miles and i f*cked up okay
Hobie: he kept finding those spiders an we wanted to investigate alchemax since Miguel was held at that place on 928 but the spiders keep appearing on 1610 so we went there
Hobie: we have sum files but miles got hurt and now we stuck between guns and a crazy villain buddy whatever bullsh*t

LYLA: Miguel is on its way against my advice >:( It is asking you to stay hidden and not to interact with it. I estimate an ETA of 1min. Miguel also has some words for you two once it is feeling better again.

Hobie: thx lyla
Hobie: and yeah can u let Miguel know
imma keep miles save till it gets here?

LYLA: I will, but only because I do like you in a weird way


She's a runner she's a trackstar

Miles: sos
Miles: fr me and hobie kinda in a situation

Gwen: does it have anything to do with the fact that you tried to get rid of me and margo earlier?

Miles: kinda? listen we can talk about this later, but we need help with Miguel

Margo: what is Miguel doing with you?
Margo: LYLA said it wasnt at work today

Miles: its complicated, but we can't get it to calm down
Miles: LYLA said not to interact with it, but it saw us and now it just wont f*cking calm down
Miles: we can't reach peter
Miles: Hobie is distracting it cuz I can't really move
Miles: but...
Miles: it looks like it did back then
Miles: on the train
Miles: idk its so angry? so much spider and it lunged at Hobie already a few times

Gwen: omw

Margo: same and I'm bringing Pav too

Mile: thx


next chapt will probably be a snippet followed by sum good feelings :D

Chapter 13: feral spider-parent ftw


Hi! So sorry for the wait! My health dipped after the holidays and my chronics reared their head :'D I'm back tho! Have a "snippet" that turned out way longer than I intended!
General cw for descriptions of feral miguel, blood and some wounds. I wouldn't say it's graphic, but I have been told I'm a bit shrewd in that regard :3
!!!TW: Miles is close to what can be perceived as a panic attack!!!
it is fairly scattered through the second part of the chapter so take care after
"Easy, mate," Hobie muttered.
Stay safe while reading everyone!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Miles was so dead.

Like not really dead dead, but if back up needed much longer to show up he might at least be kinda dead. His side was burning, sending an array of cold and hot shivers through his body. The gunshot wound had at least stopped bleeding under all the webbing he and Hobie had applied as makeshift bandages, but the poison from the cut on his back was still spreading.

Going to Alchemax had been a stupid idea. They had known that. They had known how horribly wrong sneaking into Alchemax could be. In no dimension was that stupid corporation good . Going in had been surprisingly easy. Sneak through the vents, go invisible, stand guard while Hobie cracks the system, and get the files. All that went well.

Then someone from the night shift had to go and be throughout and had spotted the open gate outside on the roof. When the alarm sounded all emergency lights turned on, leaving Hobie in full view under the flashing red while hastily typing away on the keyboard. It took less than a minute for the first guards to round the corner.

Miles let them pass, then webbed them up from behind, sticking to the ceiling and staying out of the way. They booked it the moment more guards arrived, dodging bullets and trying to be as silent as possible as they crawled through the vents. Without their spider sense, they would have been dead twice over.

Especially as they thought themselves safe, halfway across that stupidly big parking lot. Only for the f*cking Scorpion to jump into their path, grin speaking loud enough of his desire for a revenge.

Which is how Miles ended up crawling into the forest while holding onto his invisibility with everything he had. A stray bullet had grazed his side in the midst of chaos, Scorpion using the painful distraction to slice his stinger over Miles' back. Hobie had raged and shouted something insulting containing a repeated use of co*ckney English that made Miles deliriously acknowledge that his Mamí would wash his mouth with soap if he repeated any of it. Ever.

The final decision to call for Miguel came from Hobie, as they hid in the treetops, shielded by the foliage. There was no way they could defeat all of the enemies pursuing them. With Scorpion thrashing through the forest and deciding if he just uprooted every tree there would be no place to hide anyway, Miles reapplied web to his wounds. Hobie had already secured the sluggishly oozing wound on Miles' back, only offering Miles a squint through the mask at the question of how bad it looked.

For a moment, Hobie repeatedly pinged Miguel with growing frustration. Guards passed under them twice, luckily missing the red of their suits between the leaves and instead staying out of Scorpion's path of destruction. Frowning, Miles noticed Hobie open the private chat with Miguel. Above the first message Hobie sent out, a string of video thumbnails could be seen, all sent by Hobie.

Cursing again, Hobie finally closed the chat after a short back and forth with LYLA. "Miguel's on its way," Hobie whispered. "We gotta stay out of its sight and keep hidden."

Miles bit his lip behind his mask. "That doesn't make sense. Why do we gotta hide from it?"

"LYLA didn't explain, but I bet you it's those drugs f*cking Miguel up."

"You mean that green stuff that keeps its mutations stable?" Hobie nodded in reply, "Might not be working correctly for it right now, but I ain't sure mate."

Carefully, Hobie peeled Miles hand away from the wound on his side, hissing as the webbing tinted red. "You holding on there Peter Pan?"

"Sure," Miles huffed a laugh, "flying high and sh*t."

"You sound it," Hobie laughed as well, but there was a nervous tone to the usually aloof spider-man's voice.

They both perked up as shouts and gun fire echoed through the forest. Sharing a look with Hobie, Miles relaxed slightly. Cavalry had arrived.

A pair of guards passed under them, one being supported by his colleague, mangled leg dragging behind him. The uninjured one let out a panicked round of shots into the dark. For a second nothing but their heavy breathing could be heard in the silence of the night.

Then, and without warning, Miguel's red webbing shot out of the dark. Latching onto the uninjured man, Miguel used him as an anchor to catapult itself forwards. Its full weight crashed into the guards, claws slicing through their uniforms and leaving them in tatters.

Miles held his breath as he watched Miguel attack the guards. The red LED of its suit was muted and the blue appeared almost black in the dark. Its blades were out, framing its arms and making it appear even more dangerous than usual. There was a barely audible growl coming from its throat as it attacked like a beast let loose. The guards tried fighting, but ultimately, it only took Miguel a few aggressive shoves of their heads to the ground to knock them out.

For a moment it kept still, head swinging around as it took in the forest. Miguel looked up into the foliage around it and for a second Miles thought it had seen them. Thankfully it turned away and crouched low, facing away from the tree with the growl building up in intensity. Hobie slid down a branch, shielding Miles a bit better in case Miguel changed its mind about checking the tree.

Branches cracked, heavy stomps revibrating through the trees. Scorpion broke through the treeline, making Miles slap his free hand over his mouth to stop the gasp that almost escaped him. Scorpion was missing parts of one of his metal legs, chest piece dented and caved in. Five deep gauges marred his face, blood dripping down his chest. There was an enraged snarl on his face as he took in Miguel's crouched form.

"¡Maldita araña!" He ground out between clenched teeth. Miguel's response was to loudly hiss, flexing its claws as it jerked forwards, but rocked back to the balls of its feet. The warning not to come closer was made very clear.

With a shout, Scorpion sprung forth regardless, stinger burrowing into the ground where Miguel had crouched only moments ago. Miguel had jumped up, using its webbing to pull itself onto Scorpion's back, claws burrowing into his flesh. Scorpion screamed, using his stinger to wind around Miguel's legs and pulling the spider away from him. With a slash of its arm blades it cut through the appendage, landing almost silently on all fours. Not missing a beat, it jumped back on Scorpion's back, ignoring the punch to its ribs. Rearing, Scorpion tried to grab Miguel, missing it by a hair's breadth.

Miguel, deeply lodged into the Scorpion's body and holding on with its claws, dematerialized its mask. Elongated fangs on display, it snapped twice into nothingness as Scorpion bucked to get Miguel off him. At the third try, Miguel finally bit down, Scorpion's struggling dying down as he started to sway. Miguel didn't let go, until Scorpion's eyes rolled backwards and he fell to the ground.

Clumsily, Miguel swiped over its mouth as it righted itself up. The bloodstain trickling down its chin smeared over its cheek. With a click of its fangs it took a few deep breaths. Its head snapped up and Miles found himself once again right in Miguel's line of sight. Tensing as Miguel took a step forward, Hobie swung right between them.

"Easy, mate," Hobie muttered. Miguel snarled, stepping to the left to fixate on Miles again.

Red webs were intercepted by Hobie grabbing them before they could latch onto the branches around them. Both spiders crashed into each other, Hobie letting out a loud 'f*ck!' the second Miguel's claws closed around the neck of the guitar on the punk's back. With a loud growl Miguel pulled Hobie out of its way, one clawed hand already burrowing into the tree stem to make its way up to where Miles was still stuck.

He could feel his breathing grow labored.

Red, enraged eyes focused on him. Claws flexing as Miguel closed in on him.

For a second he was back on that stupid train.

Only this time, Miguel was pulled back to the ground by Hobie's webbing, away from Miles. He vaguely registered Hobie trying to stay between Miguel and Miles, while he sent out a sos to Peter.

The older spider-man's status didn't change to online and with no time to spare, Miles typed another sos into the group chat with the other spider teens. Risking a glance down, he could see an increasingly frustrated Miguel trying to get past Hobie.

Once again Miles wondered what made Miguel so fixated on him. Whenever something happened, Miguel was the one to single out Miles, good and bad. He had thought they had gotten past their issues. Instead of having hot and cold shudders of pure fear running down his back whenever Miles interacted with it, he felt a calm safety, knowing Miguel had their backs even if they f*cked up. It would berate them, but instead of throwing things and leaving them to stew in their mistakes, it would incorporate mistakes into their next training session and carefully rectify them. It was more patient with them ever since it had shared its pronouns and had received nothing but acceptance.

However, the Miguel that was currently trying its hardest to get its claws into Miles reminded him more of the fanatic that had sicced the whole of spider society on Miles. As if everything they had worked on had never happened.

The orange glow of a portal opening above them distracted Miguel enough for it to jump back hissing at the bright light hitting its eyes.

The others fell out of the portal, landing smoothly between Miguel and Hobie.

"You good there, Miles?" Gwen called, not looking away from Miguel who started prowling up and down in front of the line the others had made.

"Could be better," Miles called back, wincing as the wound on his side shot another spark of white hot pain through him. Miguel snarled again, angrily clicking its fangs together.

Pav's tense stance loosened a bit at the sound, the eyes of his mask squinting in confusion. Margo's pixelated form split in two, one of her appearing next to Miles on the branch. "You look like sh*t," she greeted, letting a scan run over him. Miles heaved another breath, heart beating a mile a minute as Miguel kept focusing back on where he was hiding.

"Yeah, well, I didn't think I'd be on the receiving end of Miguel's claws again."

Margo squeezed his shoulder in comfort, taking care not to touch any of his injuries.

From below them, Pav crouched down, putting his hands on the ground and closing his eyes. His index finger tapped on the ground in a seemingly senseless pattern. Miguel's red gaze zeroed in on the youngest spider, taloned foot tapping back.

"Oh!" Pav exclaimed, opening their eyes again. "Okay, yeah, it's all good, spider!"

"Pav, luv, what are you doing?" Hobie muttered tensing as Miguel prowled closer to them.

"It's not trying to maul us!" Pav exclaimed, grin audible in their voice. "Trust me!"

Gwen scoffed, not moving from where she stood in Miguel's path. The tall spider bared its fangs again, low hiss escaping its throat. "I trust you, Pav, but I do not trust Miguel right now. It's not itself."

Pav shook their head, moving to let Miguel through. Miles felt panic stabbing through his heart. Miguel stopped next to Pav for a moment, raising its clawed hand. Everyone besides Pav readied for a fight, but instead of hurting him, Miguel let the back of its hand brush over Pav's hair.

They all startled at the purr that sounded from its chest, before it used their confusion to web its way up. Margo was the first to react again, her split avatar keeping between Miguel and Miles, who could feel his pulse hammering through his body and the taste of blood on his tongue. Miguel clicked its fangs again, glowering as Margo didn't move out of the way.

"Margo…" Miles pleaded shakily.

"Don't worry," Margo assured. "Ain't letting it hurt you, brother."

Pav shook his head again, stepping closer and only stopping as he was right beneath them. "Really, trust me! Miguel won't hurt you, Miles."

"You can't know that, Pav!" Gwen hissed, also webbing her way up to them. "That isn't Miguel in there!"

"Just let me-" Pav tried again, only for Margo to cut in.

"We know you have been spending time with it, Pav, but look at it!"

"No! I swear, it won't hurt Miles! It's just-"

Hobie interrupted Pav by putting a hand on his shoulder, gaze heavy. "Luv, Gwendy's right. That ain't our spider."

"Why won't you listen!" Pav exploded, ripping his shoulder away. His raised voice was so foreign to them all. Pav never got loud. Not with them.

"Miguel is worried!" Pav shouted, attracting Miguel's attention, who let its gaze sweep over them all. Seeing no visual threat, it looked back to Miles, barely acknowledging Margo. "It can probably smell how hurt Miles is! And we are keeping it from checking on him!"

Margo squinted her eyes, scooting closer to Miles, who heaved another breath as Miguel immediately occupied the freed space. It wasn't that he didn't trust Pav. He just couldn't imagine that an instinct driven Miguel, who was too far gone to even speak, wouldn't take the chance to hunt him down.

"I've got you," Margo whispered. "You say the word, we will take it down."

Miles bit his lip. The pain from his wounds wouldn't stop. He knew he needed to get seen by a doctor. He knew Margo would get him out while the others distracted Miguel. He knew whatever trust had been building up between them all would evaporate if they got into a full blown fight with Miguel.

It was gonna be a leap of faith.

"The moment it looks as if it will maul me, you all gonna get me out, yeah?"

Everyone nodded, getting in position. Gwen was tense like a coiled spring as Miguel scooted right up to Miles the moment Margo let it through. With a spike of panic, Miles closed his eyes. He could vaguely feel Miguel's breath ghost over his mask.

A chitter made him startle away, pulling the wound on his back. He hissed between clenched teeth, sagging into the steadying hold on his shoulders as he breathed through the pain. When nothing else happened he opened his eyes again.

He was greeted by Miguel's broad chest. The older spider was holding him steady, claws resting softly against his suit, not even pricking his skin.


That's what Pav had said. And that's what Miles could see now. Miguel clicked its fangs before letting out another chitter. It kept Miles steady with one hand, the other hovering uncertain over the blood soaked webbing on Miles' side. The motion was filled with… fear. Fear for Miles. That fear must have been present from the moment Miguel had first realized Miles was hurt. And it had clashed with the frustration of being stopped from checking Miles over.

"Hey, Miguel," Miles greeted in a whisper. Miguel purred for a second, then gently adjusted its hold on Miles. With a careful tug, it maneuvered Miles to cling to its back.

They had to go slow, Miles crying out in pain twice as the change in position jostled his wounds. Each time Miguel let out an almost panicked whine, stopping immediately until Miles could continue. Gwen hovered close by the entire time, eyes still narrowed and ready to get Miles away in case Miguel snapped.

"It's alright, Gwen," Miles said, letting his head fall against Miguel's shoulder. "I think Pav was right."

Gwen huffed, but let Miguel carry Miles down from the tree. It hissed at Hobie as they passed, the punk taking it with a cheeky grin and raised hands. Margo was already on her watch, getting a portal ready. Miles saw Pav sliding up to Miguel's other side, touching its shoulder carefully. Miguel reacted by purring again, lowering that shoulder enough to let Pav crawl up and help steady Miles.

"See," Pav stage whispered, "no mauling."

"Yeah," Miles laughed, exhaustion in his voice, "how did you know?"

"Miguel has been trying to teach me how to speak with spiders," Pav shrugged. "I can't speak much yet, but if I concentrate I can understand it well enough."

"Damn, gotta let it teach me, too."

With that Miles closed his eyes and let sleep take him.


If I'm not knocked out by meds again, I will update with a chat-chapter later this week!
Thank you for reading and I hope you all have an amazing week!!

Chapter 14: i lived bitch


is this... communication??
a treat!
anyway I'm still getting better^^
next update could take a bit as I have to work a lot next week, but miguel will be more present again hehe

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Gwanda to Miles

Gwanda: why tf are you on your phone?? You are supposed to rest…

Miles: why tf are you texting me??
Miles: I am literally right next to you???

Gwanda: You really wanna wake Miguel?

Miles: ...
Miles: okay listen-
Miles: …I have nothing… i see your point

Gwanda: go tf to sleep Miles

Miles: not really tired rn
Miles: also Miguel is like… a walking space heater
Miles: i'm being cooked

Gwanda: …it really is
Gwanda: Like I can feel it from over here

Miles: it's also been purring
Miles: do you know where Peter went?

Gwanda: stepped out after Miguel fell asleep
Gwanda: something about checking on Miguel's meds

Miles: thank f*ck
Miles: not that it is awful like this…
Miles: …I just want our Miguel back

Gwanda: it is kinda cute like this
Gwanda: I mean when it doesn't get all angry at the nurses

Miles: it's smothering me

Gwanda: it just worries
Gwanda: you weren't doing to well
Gwanda: we were all worried

Miles: Gwen…
Miles: I'm fine, I swear
Miles: 928 has the good stuff u know that
Miles: I'm not even in any pain and the wound on my side already looks like it's been weeks

Gwanda: I know you are fine now!
Gwanda: but you weren't when we've got you
Gwanda: Miguel flipped its sh*t when you blacked out and thank f*ck for Peter otherwise we wouldn't have been able to get one of the doctors to you because it wouldn't let anyone close!
Gwanda: I know you and Hobie aren't usually THAT stupid
Gwanda: What were you thinking?

Miles: I know, okay??
Miles: I just wanted to help!
Miles: Miguel has been running itself ragged trying to figure out what's been going on with mama O'hara and then I almost f*cked up the bit of social life it has
Miles: i really just wanted to help it out

Gwanda: Miles
Gwanda: I don't care why you did it. I'm angry you lied to us. You lied to me.

Miles: I'm sorry, gwen
Miles: I really am
Miles: it's just… you and your dad aren't doing too well rn and I didn't wanna stress you out more. After…after the spot you and your dad were talking again. I'm not saying I forgive him for how he treated you and honestly, I don't think any of us did. You decided you wanted to get back home, which we respect.
Miles: But it's hard, gwen. You've been staying everywhere but home for the past weeks. You're either at my place or Hobie's. Even Miguel asked why you've been staying at spider society on some days, when we thought you went home. I didn't want you to have even more on your plate.

Gwanda: you could have talked to me!

Miles: oh?? like you oh so graciously do??

Gwanda: wow

Miles: sorry. That was uncalled for.

Gwanda: it really was. Don't do that.
Gwanda: but I'm sorry too
Gwanda: i guess i also didn't want to stress you out with my problems

Miles: god we're stupid
Miles: …agree to just talk more? With each other?

Gwanda: deal
Gwanda: let's not hide things anymore
Gwanda: especially stupid missions that you severely underestimate the danger of

Miles: alright! I get it! :P
Miles: deal

Gwanda: now go tf to sleep

Miles: haaaa…. yes ma'am


????? to Peter B.

?????: is this Peter?

Peter B.: and who wants to know?

?????: LYLA gave me this number
?????: I'm trying to reach Miguel O'hara
?????: but he's not answering any of my holo calls

Peter B.: LYLA gave you this number??

?????: yeah!

Peter B.: Sorry, LYLA didn't mention anything about giving someone my number
Peter B.: and I'm pretty sure Miguel didn't mention anyone I don't already know recently, sorry again

?????: oh…
?????: yeah I guess that'd track…
?????: anyway, it's kinda important?

Peter B.: I'm going to check with LYLA

?????: all good! But if you see Migs can you tell him I'm trying to reach him?

Peter B.: sure…
Peter B.: wait who are you even?
Peter B.: hello?
Peter B.: hellooo?
Peter B.: Random stranger with my number please answer, I don't even know who you are??
Peter B.: great…


Peter B. to LYLA

Peter B.: did you give some random person my number?

LYLA: uhhhhh maybe??
LYLA: I did use your number to sign up on several rewards programs to get discounts…

Peter B.: omg the betrayal? LYLA why?

LYLA: I was angry with you :)

Peter B.: rude
Peter B.: anyway
Peter B.: apparently this person wanna talk to Miguel
Peter B.: didn't even say who they were
Peter B.: and didn't reply when I asked

LYLA: OHHH!! I remember now :D I didn't think Miguel would actually try to get in contact! Rude of its meds to make it so unwell and interrupting this reunion >:(
LYLA: some security makes it hard for me to reach out, could you tell him to come to Miguel's apartment uhhhhh… let's say in two days?

Peter B.: That's gonna be less than a day for Miguel to rest after getting the new dosage of its medication… are you sure that it's going to be fine with that?

LYLA: eh, if it isn't I'm gonna take the blame :D it never stays mad at me for long :3

Peter B.: if you say so
Peter B.: please don't give my number out like that anymore

LYLA: …fineeeeee

Peter B.: thank you LYLA!
Peter B.: Oh my god, I still don't have a name???
Peter B.: LYLA please!
Peter B.: I'm going slightly crazy here???

LYLA: good :P


She's a runner she's a trackstar

Miles: I lived bitch

Hobie: good for you

Margo: if you two ever pull that sh*t again, I will personally temper with the footage to first f*ck you up and then make Miguel drag you back to HQ by the ears
Margo: I'm glad you're okay tho

Miles: sorry queen
Miles: really

Pav: I'm so glad you're okay Miles!

Miles: thanks Pav!

Margo: did your suicide mission at least get u the info you've wanted??

Miles: it diddddd
Miles: we got a sh*tton of files that specify how they bred the other spiders
Miles: and apparently they used some compound to get Mama O'hara stable in 1610

Margo: well damn
Margo: you actually got what you wanted, huh…
Margo: anything else??

Miles: it was all geneticist speak, so I guess we're gonna have to wait for Miguel to check everything over

Pav: imagine getting a vaccine for dimensional travel O.O

Miles: damn that'd be so cool
Miles: no danger of broken watches and glitching

Pav: right??

Margo: would be funky

Gwen: hi guys!
Gwen: I have an update on Miguel!

[several people are typing]

Pav: yay!! How's it doing??

Margo: did the new meds work??

Miles: I was wondering where it went

Hobie: our spider doin okay?

Gwen: Peter said it responded very well to its new shots. Jess is manning the office until tomorrow so it can rest up
Gwen: AND!
Gwen: Peter is staying with it

Miles: oohhhh

Margo: f*cking finally

Pav: awww!! I'm so happy for them! :3

Hobie: no sneaking around the apartment, gotcha

Miles: why would you?

Hobie: more blackmail, but i ain't getting flashbanged

[several people are typing]

Gwen: HOBIE D:

Pav: D:

Miles: D:

Margo: D:

Gwen: someone give me bleach, that image is in my head now

Miles: ewwwwww that's like… thinking about my parents doing the nasty
Miles: second the bleach

Margo: naw bro that's ewewewewewewew
Margo: keep passing the bleach around

Pav: [image: stock footage of a white canister with a red cap and label spelling "clorox"]

Miles: WHY IS IT RED???


Margo: CLOROX IS YELLOW???????????

Hobie: damn, dimensions do be dimensioning

Miles: so f*cked up
Miles: idk if I want ur red bleach Pav

Pav: :(

Miles: good thing I like you tho, hand me that

Pav: :)


anyone can guess who our dear ????? is? I think it's fairly obvious but hehehehehe
have a great weekend!

Chapter 15: A Green Goblin? (pulls down mask) Gabriel the Green Goblin?!?!?!?


this is a lot of picked comic lore!!
more in the end notes!
Have fun!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Miles to Miguel

Miles: how are you doing?

Miguel: are you alright?

Miles: fine :D
Miles: still feel like I'm recovering from a cold, but everything's healed up
Miles: you didn't have to send my mami that report
Miles: I'm confined to my bed now

Miguel: good

Miles: you didn't answer my question
Miles: how are you?

Miguel: fine

Miles: come on
Miles: don't be a dick now
Miles: we have pictures of you grooming me and I will release them

Miguel: …
Miguel: I'm sorry

Miles: huh?? Whatever for???

Miguel: I scared you again
Miguel: I told Hobie to stay hidden so I would sense you while being like that

Miles: Miguel, spider, is all good
Miles: yes it was scary at first
Miles: but then u were really chill
Miles: also my spider in christ… why tf are you running that hot
Miles: I've got cooked

Miguel: …
Miguel: I'm sorry?

Miles: ur a broken record sometimes
Miles: i swear spider, i'm all good and not about to dip out of the society
Miles: ain't getting rid of me

Miguel: alright
Miguel: and I'm good, no instincts running rampant anymore

Miles: incorrigible :D


Miles to c*nt (deg)

Miles: can you check up on Miguel?
Miles: I think its not doing too well

c*nt (deg): already at its apartment
c*nt (deg): don't worry miles
c*nt (deg): I'm keeping an eye on it

Miles: thanks
Miles: how is it doing? Really?

c*nt (deg): well enough, a bit achy and complain-y but once it stops pouting every time I ask it to move, it will be right as rain and back to good old grumpy Miguel
c*nt (deg): it just doesn't like losing control over its instincts and takes some time to get over the embarrassment afterwards
c*nt (deg): really, miles, you have nothing to worry about :)

Miles: cool cool
Miles: thanks man

c*nt (deg): no problem :)

[Miles changed c*nt (deg) to Peter]


????? to Miguel

[3 weeks ago]
?????: Hi
?????: god that's just weird
?????: sorry
?????: i don't know where to start… how do you text your brother you haven't seen in ages and kind of… f*cked over and got f*cked over by the last time you spoke
?????: it's Gabriel, by the way
?????: listen, if we could meet, I would love to see how you're doing and… i don't shocking know… catch up i guess

[LYLA changed ????? to Gabriel]

[8 days ago]
Gabriel: I know your messages get blocked due to them being sent through LYLA, but I can't disable the firewall without risking damaging other security measures I took
Gabriel: I finally did that Migs
Gabriel: you don't need to nag me about cybersecurity anymore
Gabriel: …I also hope you didn't tell me to shock off and never contact you again

[2 days ago]
Gabriel: LYLA gave me this number a while back through a drop off in cyberspace and the guy on the other end seemed confused as shock
Gabriel: he said to come to your apartment the day after tomorrow and I hope he didn't lie to me
Gabriel: I really hope he didn't lie
Gabriel: I've missed you, Migs

[1 hour ago]
Gabriel: I'm taking a glider up
Gabriel: I hope that's okay with you
Gabriel: wonder if you still have that shocking big ass couch you always slouched on
Gabriel: nevermind, i'm on my way now


She's a runner she's a trackstar

Pav: uhm guys?

Miles: was up pav?

Pav: don't want to alarm anyone
Pav: but I think I just saw what could be a goblin variant entering Miguel's apartment?

Margo: WHAT

Gwen: holy sh*t
Gwen: I never really thought about anomalies popping up on 928
Gwen: …or the fact that Miguel has its own villains

Miles: u guys think we should check up on it???

Hobie: u ain't movin bruv
Hobie: still benched
Hobie: Mama Morales was clear about that

Miles: snitch

Pav: idk if we should check… LYLA would have sent out an alarm if there was a problem, right??

Margo: whoever it is, is no anomaly
Margo: if it's really a goblin variant, it's from 928
Margo: LYLA hasn't said anything and she just sent me a :) when I asked so I guess it's fine????

Gwen: anyone wanna join me to check
Gwen: just in case

Hobie: what makes you think Pav an i aren't already on the way

Gwen: omg

Miles: I swear if you don't keep me posted I will snitch on you to Miguel

Gwen: oh no D:
Gwen: Miles has discovered his privileges

Margo: sh*t… he really did


Hobie: [image: the picture was taken from somewhere in Miguel's apartment, camera capturing parts of the darkened living room where Miguel is slouching on one end of a giant couch, wearing gray joggers and a turtleneck sweater. At the other end, a guy who seems to be in his late twenties sits cross legged, clad in a green sweater and a winding purple scarf that obscures his chin and lips. Orange goggles are pulled up into his reddish brown hair and despite his face being only partially visible, he bears quite the resemblance to Miguel. They are both not really looking at each other, posture closed off. New guy has his eyes fixated on the mug in his hands, while Miguel is staring at the floor. Yet, Miguel isn't hiding its claws and even the red eyes it usually hides in front of non-spiders are free of sunglasses. There's a silver glider leaning against the backrest, dividing both of them even more.]

Miles: [whisper-sings] two bros sitting in a hot tub on a big couch, five feet apart cuz they're not gay

Gwen: I swear that might actually be Miguel's brother
Gwen: look at those cheekbones

Miles: say what

Pav: the tension between them is so awkward
Pav: I wonder why they are meeting…

Margo: so, i did some research
Margo: i couldn't resist

Gwen: oh?

Margo: apparently judging by that outfit and glider that actually is a green goblin of 928
Margo: like… I see at least three versions of green goblin on 928 on my list… man, this dimension is weird af

Miles: omg
Miles: and Miguel is just like: "sure! Come into my home! I banned the guy I'm dating for a few weeks from even stepping through the door, but a known enemy of spider-man? Yeah, you can take the window!"
Miles: like wtf

Gwen: so this is a version of Goblin??
Gwen: that is so f*cked up

Miles: can you hear what they are saying??

Pav: they were just silent for a good while
Pav: the guy, then asked about someone named Father Jennifer?
Pav: Miguel has been mumbling a lot, so I can't understand what it's saying
Pav: now they are talking about cyberspace?

Margo: oh! How cool!
Margo: Miguel hates cyberspace with a passion

Miles: the f*ck is cyberspace

Gwen: the f*ck is cyberspace

Margo: a virtual reality simulation and basically 928's internet
Margo: been there a few times. Miguel showed me around and after I got the hang of it, me and LYLA took a few trips
Margo: it's a weird concept to explain

Pav: oop
Pav: they started fighting
Pav: verbally! not like angry fighting

Miles: come on don't leave me hanging

Gwen: we're trying but none of us speak spanish and sheesh
Gwen: if Río goes off like that on you, my condolences
Gwen: I feel like I should be apologizing

Miles: rip to the guy then
Miles: had Miguel berate me in spanish once
Miles: only my mami is better in making me feel guilty

Pav: oh my godddd
Pav: okay so miguel is tapping

Margo: like when we've got the idiots out of 1610?

Miles: hey D:<

Pav: nvm that but yeah
Pav: it's tapping really fast and it's super hard to understand back here but it was saying sorry?
Pav: something about safety and worry
Pav: and then it just called the guy a c*nt (derogatory)?????


Margo: Miles you are such a bad influence on it jesus

Miles: I didn't do anything????

Margo: did or did you not call Peter a c*nt (derogatory)?

Miles: …
Miles: ain't saying anything without a lawyer

Margo: how tf you even say c*nt in spider

Gwen: guys, I swear the guy can understand Miguel
Gwen: stunned silence
Gwen: we are trying very hard not to laugh

Hobie: [video 37sec: Miguel is standing, arms crossed over its chest and scowl between its brows. The goblin-like guy has a stunned look on his face, mouth gaping open and one finger pointing at Miguel. For a moment there's no sound in the apartment, then the guy bursts out laughing, face lit with mocking joy. "You! You the most prickly, dorito-shaped bitch on the block do not get to call me a c*nt! Who even taught you that?!" He's gasping between words while Miguel still scowls, even though there's a twitch to the angry line of its lips. There's a low snigg*r from somewhere behind where Hobie is holding the phone. Instantly both people in the picture zero in on them. "f*cked…" comes Hobie's defeated sigh, before the video cuts off.]

Miles: u guys alive?

Margo: oh sh*t

Miles: fr did Miguel finally maul u???

Gwen: My office, all of you. Tell Señora Morales I am sorry to go against her word, Miles. If you don't get here, I will drop by your place. - Miguel

Miles: may god have mercy

Margo: prayers to us all


Chaos missions

Miles: so our transgression of invading Miguel's privacy aside
Miles: who was the guy @miguel

Miguel: that was my brother if you must now

[several people are typing]


Gwen: omg why did we never know about your brother???

Pav: your brother can speak spider!!! Did you teach him?

Margo: what's his name?

Miguel: You won't meet him again, so don't get hung up about it

[several people are typing]

Pav: aww :(

Gwen: but he's cool :(

Margo: i've already coded him into the system :(

Miles: but we want to know you more :(

Hobie: bet he be sad if he knew ur keeping him from us

Miguel: FINE
Miguel: dios mío all of you are terrible
Miguel: his name is Gabriel and he's E-928's Green Goblin
Miguel: we don't speak anymore
Miguel: is that enough information?

Miles: …wow

Gwen: that was so bad

Margo: I have more questions than I had before

Hobie: did u really think that would get us off ur back spider

Pav: :(

[LYLA added Gabriel]

Miguel: LYLA!

Gabriel: uhm, hi?
Gabriel: oh wow this bypass is actually secure as shock
Gabriel: thanks LYLA!

LYLA: [heart]

Miles: ur Miguel’s brother yes??

Miguel: sorry Gabri, you can just leave the chat again

[several people are typing]

Gwen: we have so many questions!!

Margo: are u really a green goblin??

Pav: did Miguel teach you how to speak spider? :3

Miles: ur a good guy??

Gabriel: oh wow
Gabriel: I guess I should introduce myself?
Gabriel: I'm Gabriel, Miguel's younger brother. I am the current "Green Goblin" as people call me, but after getting my ass handed to me by Migs I decided to… uhhhh… not be evil?? Idk man…

Miguel: you are a menace

Gabriel: that!
Gabriel: less of a villain, more of a menace :D

Miles: somehow I think that's not what miguel meant…

Gabriel: and yeah, migs taught me how to understand spider :)

Gwen: so Gabriel, what do you do (pronouns??)

Gabriel: cybercrime mostly (he/they :))

Hobie: the cooler siblin

Miguel: I am this close to deleting this entire chat

Gabriel: I just know ur growling right now

LYLA: It’s growling alright hehe

Pav: you're in the know!!

Margo: thank f*ck

Miles: damn I had almost finished opening a new chat with just us and the spider
Miles: cuz this would have been weird

Gabriel: you're talking about Migs pronouns??
Gabriel: so it told you????
Gabriel: shocking milestone imo

Miguel: I have a bad feeling about you all knowing each other
Miguel: the hair on my neck is standing up
Miguel: is this that spider-sense you always talk about?

[several people are typing]


Margo: HUMOR?? BY YOU??



Gabriel: what is happening

Miguel: you'll get used to it
Miguel: …
Miguel: dun sweat it

Miles: [dies]


okay so, Gabriel being the goblin was kinda retconned in the later comics, but I'm mostly following the 1992 continuity, in which due to the departure of one of the writers, Gabri is the green goblin. I know there is one later comic where father jennifer is the goblin (as first intended) and a lot of different sh*t is happening due to time f*ckery, which makes pinning down a timeline really hard.
so I'm staying with the 1992 lore :3
Hope you had fun reading!!

Chapter 16: it's not all flowers and rainbows


Sooooo I might have been hospitalized for the past few weeks? Just a little (very big) flare up that f*cked a bit harder with my health than we all expected... I'm still getting used to being home again, but I finally got around to digging into my files!
On a positive note: I had a lot of time to write!
I hope you have fun with this short-ish chapter!
Also very much all my love to the nice comments under the last chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

She's a runner she's a trackstar

Miles: that's it
Miles: imma quit
Miles: this ain't working out no more

Gwen: ????
Gwen: are you okay????

Pav: do you need emotional support? :(

Hobie: nah he need do crime

Miles: I swear people just
Miles: [internal screaming]
Miles: tell me, u ever just get so annoyed by people u seriously consider letting the crime happen???
Miles: cuz i swear to f*cking god

Hobie: …
Hobie: no comment

Pav: I don't :) everyone deserves to be saved
Pav: but i do remember some people who were mean despite my help :(

Gwen: what happened tho

Miles: got called a slur, had a purse I just got back from a robbery thrown after me and have been stalked by drones for most of the day
Miles: all that in just one patrol
Miles: the stress ain't worth it
Miles: people aint worth it

Pav: :( how rude
Pav: but you can't let a few bad people overshadow the good you do!

Hobie: dun be a bitch and deck the next idiot

Gwen: …two types of people
Gwen: but both have a point
Gwen: there will always be assholes but there will also always be great people
Gwen: despite Pav's demeanor, it's not all flowers and rainbows

Pav: D:
Pav: I feel strangely insulted and appreciated at the same time

Gwen: :)

Miles: Pav is the exception to the rule regarding positivity
Miles: but yeah, I know that its not just the good interactions
Miles: but i feel like the bad ones be getting worse
Miles: gonna need a whole ass break after today

Gwen: wanna go and get some ice cream?
Gwen: my treat

Miles: honestly I'd love too but i feel mentally drained
Miles: no spoons left

Pav: noo, not the empty spoons!!

Gwen: okio
Gwen: let me know if you get some spoons back!

Margo: spoons?

Pav: yeah! Like, you have a certain amount of spoons (energy) and some activities take up more or less spoons. If your spoons are empty you have to rest and replenish your spoons :)
Pav: Miles used all his spoons, so even meeting with Gwen is too much

Margo: oohhh that's a cool way of thinking about your social battery!
Margo: go get those spoons back brother!

[Miles reacted: heart]

Miles: gonna chill in some hidden corner at hq for a bit

Margo: lemme know where, imma keep that corner clear of spiders for you

Miles: a treasure
Miles: thanks sis


Margo to Miles

Margo: ma bro
Margo: if you still at hq and managed to get some spoons back
Margo: Miguel is in a mood
Margo: if u need a break from ur normal spidering maybe u can get behind the mystery that is our spider

Miles: why is it in a mood now????
Miles: I thought everything was going well again?????

Margo: ur the spider whisperer
Margo: pav may speak the language but u speak them meanings
Margo: and you have favorite child privilege

Miles: more like got-beat-up-by-a-grown-ass-adult-and-then-proved-it-wrong-privilege
Miles: but I take it

Margo: still so f*cked up
Margo: but hey
Margo: this Miguel is actually pretty cool

Miles: mood swings aside apparently

Margo: fr idk what crawled up its ass this time
Margo: you'd do us a solid if you can figure it out

Miles: u know what
Miles: ur right
Miles: imma go annoy Miguel
Miles: im overdue a good chase anyway

Margo: bro
Margo: u know that's not what I've meant

Miles: :D
Miles: i have no idea what ur talking about
Miles: omw to wrangle Miguel into being nice again

Margo: don't die brother


Miles to Miguel

Miles: u at hq?

Miguel: did something happen?

Miles: why do you always assume something happened? :/

Miguel: because 82.3% of the time you text me directly you are either a) in trouble, b) injured, c) did something stupid or d) all of the above
Miguel: what happened

Miles: I want to say ur wrong but I can't really find evidence to the contrary by looking at our chat…
Miles: but no, nothing happened
Miles: at least not how u think

Miguel: are you okay?
Miguel: is something wrong with your family?

Miles: aside from u still dodging meeting them without a mask on? :D
Miles: nah they fine
Miles: people were awful last patrol and I wanna ask if I can chill at ur office for a bit
Miles: my hidden corner in hq is great enough, but not really comfy

Miguel: you want to "chill" in my office?
Miguel: don't you have friends?
Miguel: and what do you mean by your corner?

Miles: I do be havin friends, just aint feeling social
Miles: ur office is always great to chill at and I found a silent corner at hq
Miles: but its getting a bit chilly there

Miguel: fine
Miguel: sure
Miguel: "chill" where I work

Miles: somehow that dun sound like u fine with me chilling

Miguel: I'm fine with you "chilling"

Miles: it dun seem like it
Miles: ur growly aint u

Miguel: you're being nosy

Miles: :D

Miguel: you won't stop annoying me, will you?

Miles: nah
Miles: not until you tell me honestly I can come over
Miles: I'm just a little anomaly getting on ur nerves

Miguel: Miles…

Miles: but this little, annoying anomaly will feel a lot better if he knows that his boss is actually fine with him chilling in its office :)

Miguel: Alright! I get it!
Miguel: dios mío
Miguel: I swear, you can come over
Miguel: Just stay quiet, okay?
Miguel: I am working on something and it's not doing what I want it to do

Miles: awesome!
Miles: with me coming over
Miles: not that ur stuff aint working out
Miles: how long since uve slept spider?

Miguel: I don't owe you any more answers
Miguel: come over or don't just stop texting me

Miles: see you in five :D

She's a runner she's a trackstar

Miles: [image: Miguel sitting crouched at a workstation in its office, gnawing ferociously at the end of its stylus pen. Its chaotic hair is being kept back by a zigzag headband and there are bluelight glasses pushed up on its nose. It's wearing a labcoat over its suit, colorful stains all over the washed out white. Several coffee mugs line the edge of its desk, some of them looking suspiciously as if they have started growing their own ecosystem.]
Miles: remember that possible interdimensional travel vaccine?

Gwen: oh my god

Pav: Is it really working on that? owo

Miles: yeah!
Miles: or at least a temporary fix so we dun glitch out if the gizmo breaks

Gwen: that's actually super impressive
Gwen: but i guess that's what is making it so snappy

Miles: yeah apparently making something like that aint that easy

Hobie: bet

Gwen: valid

Margo: oof spider is looking frazzled

Miles: dun worry :D
Miles: LYLA and I have already devised a plan to get it sum sleep
Miles: operation sleepy spider has begun

Pav: say if you need help!
Pav: we all know how cranky Miguel can get without sleep :3

Miles: will do!


We'll be returning to the usual 2 to 4 days between updates!
I gotta do some work and uni stuff because I've missed a lot, so I don't wanna say regular updates :3
Love and appreciate you all!

Chapter 17: bites, magic, splicing and organic webbing


has it been three days already???
well, here we go :D
Thank you everyone for the well wishes :3 you are amazing!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chaos Missions

Gabriel: anyone here heard from Migs?
Gabriel: It's not answering my messages :/
Gabriel: again
Gabriel: @miguel answer me and stop being a shocking recluse
Gabriel: I don't remember that one being in your dna
Gabriel: or maybe it is
Gabriel: just in your human half

Miles: bru not the spider pun

Margo: makes u wonder if we can still get that list of spiders from Miguel

Gwen: can't get over the fact it even has that list

Miles: somehow I see obvious spiders on that list but also some f*cked up ones

Margo: well the wolf spider is obvious
Margo: and the tarantula as well

Gwen: once you've seen Miguel fight you know there's jumping spider in there somewhere
Gwen: should have seen it fight vulture when I first met it

Miles: LYLA shared that footage
Miles: not-so-little spider just jumping around while Gwen was asking Jess if she'd adopt her

Gwen: D: the betrayal
Gwen: LYLA I trusted you

LYLA: [heart]

Margo: hey @gabriel
Margo: you know if theres some f*cked up spider genes in Miguel?

Gabriel: several orb-weavers tbh
Gabriel: most well known probably the black widow genes :D

Pav: love that Miguel is a silly, venomous spider :3
Pav: you guys think Miguel builts actual webs?

Gabriel: it does!
Gabriel: shocking creepy if you don't know about that
Gabriel: ran straight into one and got stuck

Margo: dang my condolences
Margo: Miguel's webbing is so f*cking sticky

Gwen: if it needs some pointers on web fluid it should hit us up

Gabriel: web fluid?
Gabriel: wait
Gabriel: you guys don't have them arm bumps??

Miles: HUH???

Pav: most of spider society doesn't! :D

Miles: what bumps???

Pav: organic webbing! Most of us don't have those :3

Gwen: hold up
Gwen: Miles, you didn't know Miguel's webbing is organic?

Miles: NO??
Miles: its webbing is legit bright red neon??

Gabriel: fancy bit of nanotech it got from a friend!
Gabriel: but yeah Migs has spinnerets in its arms

Miles: ngl
Miles: kinda nightmare fuel to wake up with that mutation

Margo: right?

Gabriel: nah
Gabriel: Migs almost got murdered when it got its powers so the spinnerets were the last thing on its mind i bet

Miles: BRUH??
Miles: @miguel now I wanna know ur canon
Miles: f*cked up

Pav: I got my powers through magic!

Gwen: HUH???
Gwen: You legit never said???

Pav: apparently magic isn't as uncommon as gene splicing :D so it never came up :3

Gabriel: so cool
Gabriel: I usually stay clear of magic
Gabriel: Dr. Strange was a mistake I will not repeat

Margo: isn't your Dr. Strange that hot latina?

Gabriel: Like I said, a mistake I will not repeat

Hobie: boi got game

Miles: boi got with a sorceress D:
Miles: fr tho
Miles: Miguel not in its apartment?

Gwen: didn't you get it to sleep?

Margo: I saw you guys going up to Miguel's apartment?

Miles: I did! It was completely knocked out when I left!

Gabriel: so it's not in its apartment, not in its lab… I didn't see it swinging around Nueva York either…

Pav: has anyone checked in with Peter? :3

Miles: D:
Miles: I'm not risking my sanity

Gwen: preach

Gabriel: Yeah no
Gabriel: I don't need to see that either
Gabriel: ew

Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: stop shaggin for a moment and answer ur bro
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: u cant type while shaggin?
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel
Hobie: @miguel

Miguel: I swear to everything you people hold dear if you do not stop texting me I will kill you
Miguel: what do you want

Gabriel: you might wanna kys then u shocking bitch
Gabriel: where you at
Gabriel: need ur help with a corpo thing

Miles: wouldn't be the first time you tried that :D

Hobie: whatchu gonna do? Chase us to the moon?

Gwen: go feral and beat up your spiderlings? :D

Margo: be a f*cking fanatic and send us back to our dimensions? :D

Miguel: …
Miguel: letting you add me to this group chat was a mistake
Miguel: letting you meet my brother was a mistake

Margo: you know you love us :D

Miguel: how unfortunate
Miguel: however
Miguel: Mayday is sick I just got her down to sleep
Miguel: how urgent is the "corpo thing"?

Gabriel: pretty urgent

Miguel: take hobie
Miguel: let him loose
Miguel: corp won't be standing after

Hobie: sus
Hobie: u never lemme run round ur dimension willingly

Gabriel: don't question the permission
Gabriel: just go with it

Miguel: take it or leave it
Miguel: I'm muting you all

Hobie: good enough for me

Gabriel: great!
Gabriel: meet me at the rooftop
Gabriel: taking the glider

Hobie: bloody awesome

Miles: we all ignoring the fact that Miguel is taking care of Mayday?

Pav: we've known about them for a while :D

Gwen: and Miguel's parent shaped

Miles: it do be parent shaped


Hobie to Miguel

Hobie: dun think I dun know what u doing mate
Hobie: dun need ur charity

Miguel: so you don't want to destroy a mega-corporation that is actively restricting the population's access to food and clean drinking water?

Hobie: not what I meant and u know it
Hobie: I know LYLA is snitching about my earth to you
Hobie: I can deal by myself
Hobie: dun need ur hovering micromanaging eight eyes on me

Miguel: the day I manage to micromanage anything related to you will be the day the multiverse irreversibly collapses

Hobie: an honor tbh

Miguel: Hobie, you don't need to do this alone, you know?

Hobie: I aint
Hobie: I have ma band

Miguel: I know you remember what spider society is about
Miguel: why we decided to recruit more spiders

Hobie: it ain't got anything to do with that

Miguel: let us help
Miguel: even if it's just for you to "vent"
Miguel: Noir lives at HQ at this point, because the resources Noir needs due to the spider-powers aren't available for Noir
Miguel: Gwen stays for days in her room above the society because she needs a place to decompress from the stress of her dimension and personal problems
Miguel: Have we ever said anything against you sleeping in the rafters above my office?

Hobie: …I know what ur doing

Miguel: oh, do enlighten me
Miguel: what am I doing?

Hobie: lower that bloody eyebrow I know it's up in ur hairline
Hobie: u wanna get me to admit I need help
Hobie: well I dont

Miguel: alright
Miguel: I'll drop the topic and stop trying to offer the society's resources when they're not wanted after I close this chat
Miguel: there is however a room with your earth's name on the door on the floor below my apartment that can only be entered with your dimensional signature, do with that what you will, just don't destroy everything in it if you don't want it. Someone else might.

Hobie: I hate you

Miguel: Good, someone besides myself has to

Hobie: dun u have a little anarchist to take care of?

Miguel: already doing that

Hobie: I really f*cking hate you mate

Miguel: Sure


Sunshine to Hobie

Sunshine: can we talk after you're back from punk-ing with Gabriel? :3

Hobie: sure thing luv
Hobie: u good?

Sunshine: yeah!
Sunshine: just
Sunshine: we haven't spent a lot of time together lately and I miss swinging through Mumbattan with you and feeding the dogs :)

Hobie: of course, sunshine
Hobie: it been a bit, innit?

Sunshine: yeah! everything has been a bit crazy lately :3 you know, with Mama O'Hara, the spiders, you and Miles being absolute idiots :)

Hobie: ehh sum lessons gotta be learned
Hobie: u know I'm sorry about not telling u

Sunshine: I know that :3 I'm not angry
Sunshine: sometimes we do stupid things :D
Sunshine: as long as we're still friends I'm good :)

Hobie: bloody hell
Hobie: ur amazing sunshine
Hobie: I'll ring when I get back?

Sunshine: oki!


yes, I head canon Jeannie (sorceress supreme of E928) as latina and yes, I went "wow... just... woman [melts into a puddle]" when I saw her first appearance in Migs comics :) Gabriel and her is a headcanon cuz I think he's a bit of a slu*t (affectionate) when he's not crushing on someone

Chapter 18: situationships and relationships?


I had been too optimistic regarding my health, so here is me once again crawling out of the proverbial grave!
Have some words!
Next chapter is also lined up :3

Chapter Text

Gwanda to Miles

[holocall: 5h 34min]

Gwanda: pay up
Gwanda: [image: E-65 Ned mid-fall during one of his school's football games, the end line close. He's clutching the football close to his chest, other players ready to get it from him. Gwen is in the foreground of the image, sticking out her tongue while holding up her fingers in a peace sign, the edge of her web-shooter visible.]

Miles: damn, didn't think u'd actually do it.
Miles: 10/10 precision
Miles: you take ice cream as payment?

Gwanda: thank you
Gwanda: and I do take payments in installments

Miles: perfect

[holocall: 7h 42min]

Miles: f*ck I'm so sorry I fell asleep on call yesterday

Gwanda: completely fine
Gwanda: no like I didn't haha


She's a runner she's a trackstar

Gwen: @all I have an argument to settle

Hobie: Gwendy I swear to god

Gwen: no
Gwen: I will prove to you that I am right and you are just more f*cked up than we all thought

Margo: oh?
Margo: now i am interested

Pav: Hobie isn't f*cked up :) just british

Hobie: thank you sunshine

Pav: however, some crimes can't be excused
Pav: what did he do now?

Hobie: betrayal

Gwen: he ate the middle of the brownie we made! Straight up just cut out the middle.
Gwen: who does that

Pav: D:
Pav: you just ate the middle??
Pav: Hobie…
Pav: how could you :(

Margo: omg man wtf
Margo: you are a selfish, selfish man

Hobie: no regrets
Hobie: tasted perfect

Pav: i am so disappointed

Hobie: aww sunshine dun be like that

Pav: T^T

Gwen: see?!
Gwen: you made Pav cry

Hobie: honest mistake then
Hobie: all the regrets

Miles: what is happening
Miles: I take one mission and come back to Hobie being a psychopath
Miles: Gwen being horrified
Miles: Pav CRYING

Margo: just another tuesday evening :)
Margo: what did you expect?

Miles: you know what?
Miles: facts tho


Gwanda to Miles

[holocall: 3h 17min]

Gwanda: Can you break the news to Miguel that I'll be sitting out the meeting today?

Miles: any specific excuse u want me to use?

Gwanda: last minute assignment or something?

Miles: cool cool
Miles: u good?

Gwanda: just…couldn't get out of bed

Miles: still a few till the meeting
Miles: wanna call?

Gwanda: please

[holocall: 56min]


Miguel to Gwen

Miguel: Next time don't send Miles to cover badly for you, please
Miguel: i cannot deal with the fact he ever managed to hide being Spider-man from his parents with those atrocious lying skills
Miguel: Why weren't you at the meeting?

Gwen: doesn't concern you
Gwen: and don't come for Miles
Gwen: he was doing me a favor

Miguel: Gwen

Gwen: Miguel

Miguel: I just want an honest answer
Miguel: It won't be included in the report if that's what you are worried about

Gwen: I just had a bad day, okay??
Gwen: jesus
Gwen: could you stop stalking for one day???

Miguel: [1 attachment: fill-in sick leave]
Miguel: please fill out the time frame in which we should take you off the mission roster

Gwen: …oh
Gwen: thank you

Miguel: you don't have to lie about being sick
Miguel: regardless of physical sickness or if you have to take mental health days

Gwen: I didn't know

Miguel: you could ask next time

Gwen: alright
Gwen: I'll ask next time

Miguel: sure

Gwen: I promise?

Miguel: obviously

Gwen: I swear??

Miguel: of course

Gwen: sometimes I can't tell if you're joking or if you're just a piece of drywall

Miguel: what a mystery for you to solve

Gwen: jesus spider…

Miguel: get some rest, Gwen
Miguel: Just let us know if you need some more time

Gwen: thanks
Gwen: I think today is just an outlier
Gwen: I'll be fine to come to the next meeting
Gwen: I'm sure

Miguel: Then I'll see you at the next meeting.

Gwen: yeah, see you then…
Gwen: …Miggy

Miguel: I'm going to delete LYLA for that

Gwen: you would never, stop lying :D


Gwanda to Miles

[holocall: 4h 03min]

Gwanda: I love you, Miles
Gwanda: I want you to be my boyfriend
Gwanda: officially

Miles: …

Gwanda: that was too forward, wasn't it?
Gwanda: oh god just forget i said anything

[Gwanda deleted three messages]

Miles: what??
Miles: no wait a sec
Miles: I was just suprised!
Miles: I love you too!
Miles: I just…
Miles: [image: the corner of a drawing, blonde hair with pink tips being illuminated by the sun. The drawing is extremely detailed and obviously done with great care.]
Miles: I had a plan :D

Gwanda: Oh my god
Gwanda: did I just very impulsively ruin your surprise?

Miles: kinda
Miles: but that is perfectly fine with me
Miles: [heart]

Gwanda: you're amazing Miles
Gwanda: [heart]

Miles: cones at our place?

Gwanda: cones at our place :)


Chaos Missions

Miles: heya anyone seen Pav?

Gwen: nope
Gwen: thought they were already up at office with you guys

Miles: sad
Miles: @pav where ya at

Pav: sorryyy! Had to kick some villain butt and am running late! be there in 5! :D

Miguel: [thumbs up]

Gwen: omg
Gwen: who showed it how to react to messages???

Hobie: hehe

Miles: first the middle of the brownie
Miles: and now this
Miles: what betrayal do we have to suffer through next

Margo: yall act as if Hobie has never done sh*t like this before
Margo: remember the burgers?

Miles: wild

Gabriel: burgers?

Gwen: let us share the single most funny item on society's menu
Gwen: [image: a perfect Miguel-burger]

Gabriel: that is the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen
Gabriel: I already knew I loved hobie after we stormed that synthia outpost
Gabriel: this is even better

Hobie: damn

Pav: am in the lobby!
Pav: anyone still waiting?

Hobie: waited for you sunshine

Pav: aww thank you!

Miles: *whispers* I want what they have

Margo: *whispers back* clear up that situationship first bitch

Miles: EXCUSE ME???

Margo: you are excused

Miles: there is no situationship

Gwen: only a relationship

Margo: WHAT
Margo: hold up a sec??!?!?
Margo: are you two finally??? like??? together??????

Miles: maybe :D

Gwen: maybe :D


Gabriel: aww congrats you two!

Miguel: …
Miguel: i wish you well

Miles: that sounded more like a threat

Gwen: fr fr

Miguel: ....

Miles: *whispers* do not react, it can smell fear

Gabriel: *whispers* it actually can so be extra careful

Miles: D:

Gwen: D:

Margo: D:
Margo: okay but honestly congrats!
Margo: when did you make it official

Miles: yesterday

Pav: aww congrats you two!

Hobie: Miles if u hurt ma drummer imma take your kneecaps

Miles: understandable °^°

Chapter 19: symbiotes man.... they be a problem


*evil laugh that ends up in coughing* have some new plot :3

Chapter Text

She's a runner she's a trackstar

Miles: Pav?
Miles: u good?
Miles: where u run to?

Pav: sorry, had to get out of that office
Pav: something was wrong
Pav: my spidersense went crazy
Pav: couldn't stand there anymore

Gwen: sh*t
Gwen: you good now?

Pav: yeah
Pav: just had to get away

Hobie: dun worry luv
Hobie: meetings over anyway

Pav: okay
Pav: good
Pav: I don't know what happened but…
Pav: everything was screaming at me to get out of there

Miles: real?
Miles: could you pinpoint what it was?


Miguel to Hobie

Miguel: Pavitr is in danger

Hobie: the way they reacted earlier u bet
Hobie: so, what do u know


She's a runner she's a trackstar

Pav: …
Pav: I don't want to accuse anyone
Pav: I swear

Miles: Pav, if anything makes your spidersense go crazy, we have to know
Miles: and we can tell Miguel
Miles: it'll help

Pav: see…
Pav: that's the problem
Pav: I think Miguel was the trigger

Gwen: what

Margo: but everything has been fine lately?
Margo: I didn't notice anything?
Margo: you guys?


Miguel to Hobie

Miguel: they didn't smell

Hobie: creep
Hobie: why u sniffin them

Miguel: you all reek
Miguel: everyday you kids smell the same
Miguel: it's a pheromone thing

Hobie: still freaky
Hobie: and today pav smelled different

Miguel: not different, Hobie
Miguel: like nothing
Miguel: Pav smelled like nothing


She's a runner she's a trackstar

Miles: no
Miles: everything seemed fine to me

Margo: same here
Margo: Miguel didn't seem different?
Margo: maybe a bit more silent than usual?

Gwen: yeah
Gwen: but Pav understands Miguel's language
Gwen: maybe they picked something up we didn't?
Gwen: we shouldnt disregard that

Hobie: obviously


Miguel to Hobie

Miguel: I mean it
Miguel: Pavitr smelled like nothing. Clear, if you want to call it that. Everyone smells of something and usually Pavitr smells like… Pavitr
Miguel: but today they didn't

Hobie: well, you gave them a panic attack earlier
Hobie: so hows that for different
Hobie: what did u do huh

Miguel: Hobie…
Miguel: this isn't the first time I noticed this change in a spider

Hobie: so what


She's a runner she's a trackstar

Pav: i don't know what it was
Pav: Miguel just seemed…off
Pav: everything about it seemed off

Gwen: hm… I honestly didn't notice anything about it being more weird than usual

Pav: just… as if it wasn't our Miguel
Pav: for example how some Peters whose dimensions are close together seem just the slightest bit different from each other, you can't see the difference, but your spidersense knows the difference.
Pav: you have to believe me

Gwen: we believe you Pav
Gwen: we're just trying to understand why you noticed, but nobody else did

Miles: what Gwen said
Miles: we believe you Pav

Margo: exactly
Margo: we may be getting along with Miguel now, but if you say it was off, we trust you

Hobie: sure

Pav: I think it was the way it's spiderside was silent today

Miles: oh

Margo: like completely silent??

Pav: yeah
Pav: it didn't say anything
Pav: it wasn't tapping, it's body language was silent as well, as if it had taken a few extra shots of its meds. It didn't say anything.

Miles: sh*t
Miles: that's probably why we also thought it was more silent today…missing the spider conversation.

Pav: I really don't want to make any assumptions
Pav: everything has been going so well lately
Pav: but I think Miguel might be dangerous right now
Pav: something must have changed

Margo: f*ck
Margo: well there's one thing

Miles: what u find margo?

Margo: I went through Miguel's mission logs
Margo: Miguel fought its Venom a few days ago and has yet to hand in the report
Margo: it's other reports are all there, even from the two missions it took after that fight
Margo: I mean its a minor thing…

Gwen: …but its always the first to hand in its reports

Margo: yeah…

Miles: sh*t


Miguel to Hobie

Miguel: shortly after I met Peter, he called me to help him out in his dimension
Miguel: his scent had been reduced to almost nothing. I almost didn't notice him. He was…shaken. Trying to convince me he was himself again. Everything about him seemed off back then. I couldn't say what until I realized his scent was almost missing completely.

Hobie: why are you telling me this

Miguel: because back then Peter had just fought and barely escaped Venom after the symbiote had bonded with him during the fight.

Hobie: if I were to ask Peter if thats true
Hobie: would he agree

Miguel: about Venom? Yes
Miguel: but he doesn't know about the scent. We weren't that close back then and I didn't want him to know about my mutations.
Miguel: He knows about my enhanced senses but not specifically about the pheromones

Hobie: alright
Hobie: sh*t
Hobie: let me get back to you
Hobie: imma help keep Pav calm first

Miguel: Thank you, Hobie
Miguel: I just really needed you to listen
Miguel: I really think Pavitr might be in danger


She's a runner she's a trackstar

Hobie: I don't doubt you sunshine
Hobie: Miguel's behaviour has been weird even for the spider
Hobie: you go back home for now
Hobie: let us deal with the spider

Pav: Thank you hobie. Youre the best

Hobie: is all good sunshine
Hobie: tell your auntie I said hi

Pav: [heart]



[Hobie has created: Troubleshooting]

[Hobie has added: Gwendy, Jessica, Margo, Miles, Peter B.]

Hobie: We have a symbiote Problem

Hobie: [added 7 images: four screenshots from "She's a runner she's a trackstar" in which Pav describes their feelings regarding Miguel and three more from Hobie's chat with Miguel]

Gwendy: oh f*ck

Miles: sh*t of course they're accusing each other

Peter B.: ….
Peter B.: I'll meet with Miguel immediately
Peter B.: why would he tell hobie and not me?

Jessica: I'll check in on Pavitr
Jessica: you kids stay out of this

Miles: WHAT
Miles: why??

Peter B.: because symbiotes are dangerous
Peter B.: and we don't want any of you caught up in that fight.

Hobie: is it true though
Hobie: you getting caught up with venom?

Peter B.: yes
Peter B.: we really werent that close back then, Miguel was just the first spider I thought would be able to handle Venom in my stead. I didn't know about it being able to smell pheromones back then. But it makes sense? I mean, it is half spider…

Miles: but so does Pav's claim
Miles: Pav knows whenever Miguel is saying something we can't pick up.

Peter B.: and I have to admit that Miguel hasn't been…as spider-y as usual
Peter B.: it hasn't, and this has to stay between us, been webbing up its bedroom and also isn't purring at the moment…
Peter B.: I didn't want to ask because Gabriella's death day is coming up and I thought it was just grieving…

Jessica: whatever happens, you kids go home
Jessica: None of us want to be the ones to tell your families
Jessica: and symbiotes are ALWAYS dangerous

Peter B.: exactly
Peter B.: symbiotes don't just fight against you. They take over you, become you and know you. They tempt you with everything and getting rid of them is like cutting off parts of yourself. You are left thinking you've lost something of your being.
Peter B.: we can't have any of you be incapacitated during the aftermath. If it's Pav, they are going to need you. Their friends. To help them through this.
Peter B.: and I know you all started out shakily with Migs, but do you really think it would ever forgive itself if any of you get hurt trying to help it?

Miles: we know that
Miles: but they are both our friends

Gwendy: we know how dangerous the situation is
Gwendy: but wouldn't you want the security of knowing that your friends are doing everything to help you? For them to be there when you need their help?

Peter B.:...

Jessica: kids…
Jessica: we can't risk it
Jessica: right peter?

Peter B.: no
Peter B.: they are right

Jessica: what

Peter B.: we're doing this as a team as we should have from the beginning
Peter B.: no more we and they
Peter B.: we are spiders, we help each other
Peter B.: and right now we have to help our friends

Hobie: damn
Hobie: didn't think you had it in you

Gwendy: thank you Peter

Margo: f*ck yes

Miles: right
Miles: Let's save our friends!

It don't bite - morallywrong (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.