Mcpaws Veterinary Clinic (2025)

1. Hospital - MCPAWS Regional Animal Shelter

  • Contact Us · Meet the Team · Services · Gracie's Fund

  • Please call the MCPAWS Veterinary Hospital to schedule your appointment (208) 325-4510! Open Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00pm.

2. Veterinary hospital contact - MCPAWS Regional Animal Shelter

  • Please call (208) 634-3647 to schedule an appointment! MCPAWS Thrift Store. 301 Lenora Street McCall, ...

  • 8 Coho Lane McCall, ID 83638

3. MCPAWS Veterinary Hospital - Great Pet Care

4. McPaws Veterinary Hospital – McCall, ID - Pets Best Insurance

  • Get more information and read reviews for McPaws Veterinary Hospital in McCall, ID ... McPaws Veterinary Hospital. Address. 8 Coho Ln, Mccall, ID, 83638. To ...

  • Get more information and read reviews for McPaws Veterinary Hospital in McCall, ID.

5. McPAWS Veterinary Hospital and Regional Animal Shelter

6. Valley County - Ladies and The Trap

  • Cascade Veterinary Clinic. (208) 382-4590 · MCPAWS Veterinary Hospital. (208) 325-4510 · Cascade Vet ...

  • Valley County Veterinary Clinics

7. Medical & Veterinary - McCall Idaho Real Estate

  • Cascade Veterinary Clinic, 208.382.4590. Donnelly ... MCPAWS opened its doors in 2002 and is a no kill ... MCPAWS is a non profit 501(c) (3) organization and ...

  • McCall Idaho has a wide range of medical and veterinary care options for you family and your family's pets.

8. Veterinary Financing | Veterinarians in Lucile, Idaho | Scratchpay

  • MCPAWS Veterinary Hospital. 8 Coho Lane, McCall, ID 83638 · (208) 325-4510 · FIND A PAYMENT PLAN. 3. Double Arrow Veterinary Clinic. 66260 ...

  • From routine appointments to emergency situations or surgeries, Scratchpay gives pet owners the peace of mind needed to care for pets big and small with veterinary financing. Here is a list of the clinics offering Scratchpay in Lucile, Idaho

9. Trusted Veterinarians in Mccall, Idaho | Great Pet - Find a Vet

  • MCPAWS Veterinary Hospital. Location Icon. 8 Coho Ln, Mccall, ID 83638-5039. Phone Icon. 2083254510 · Long Valley Veterinary Clinic.

  • Looking for a veterinarian in Mccall, Idaho? Find local vet clinics, emergency vets, mobile services, and low-cost options.

Mcpaws Veterinary Clinic (2025)


What is the most common complaint in a veterinary clinic? ›

The most common complaint triggers in veterinary practices (and how to avoid them)
  1. 1. “ ...
  2. “Assuming I knew what was happening” ...
  3. “I wasn't expecting that” - setting realistic expectations. ...
  4. Not providing sufficient or accessible information. ...
  5. "Not properly explaining Covid-19 restrictions"
Mar 24, 2021

Why is it so hard to get a vet? ›

When veterinary staff are not able to come to work, it is not easy to replace them. Many veterinary clinics found themselves in a situation where a significant percentage of their work force was no longer available. Right now, there are fewer people to provide services for more animals.

How can I make my vet clinic more efficient? ›

8 time-saving tips to maximize veterinary practice efficiency
  1. 1: Use a practice app to reduce phone usage. ...
  2. 2: Take advantage of technological tools. ...
  3. 3: Be on top of app downloads. ...
  4. 4: Get started on gathering needed items during appointments. ...
  5. 5: Create digital forms.

What might a veterinarian encounter in a clinic setting? ›

In a clinic setting, veterinarians may encounter a controlled environment where pets, such as dogs and cats, as well as smaller animals like birds, reptiles, and rabbits, are brought in for treatment, examinations, surgeries, and other medical procedures.

What is an example of veterinary negligence? ›

For example, if a vet was overseeing the loading of your horse into a horse trailer and failed to properly secure the horse, you might not be able to sue the vet for malpractice, but you probably could file a property damage claim based on simple negligence.

What is the most overlooked pet healthcare issue? ›

Be sure to add them to your list of things to pay attention to.
  1. Dental care. Roughly 80% of pets have some form of dental disease by the age of 3. ...
  2. Lumps and bumps. Get all new lumps or bumps that you notice on your pet checked out! ...
  3. Weight. ...
  4. Ear infections. ...
  5. Water intake.

Why are so many vets quitting? ›

Poor Work-Life Balance

The main reason why vets are leaving the veterinary profession relates to poor work-life balance. A whopping 60.3% of professionals list this as the main reason why they want to leave, indicating a growing sentiment (or indeed, resentment) in the profession.

How bad is the veterinary shortage? ›

Mars Veterinary Health estimates that by 2030, there may be a shortage of as many as 24,000 companion animal veterinarians, even accounting for students who will become vets over the next decade. There are a few factors driving the shortage, said Hodges, a veterinarian since 2001.

Why are vet techs paid so little? ›

Unlike human healthcare, pet owners are not required to carry insurance and often pay out of pocket for their pet's medical bills. This puts pressure on veterinary clinics to keep costs down and prices low, which means that vet techs are often paid less than they would be in other healthcare settings.

Does a vet get more money than a doctor? ›

Medical doctors typically earn higher salaries due to longer, more intensive education, and the demand for their specialized human healthcare skills, while veterinarians focus on animal health, which often pays less. Insurance and lawsuits.

How to have a successful vet clinic? ›

Here are a few of my favorite client service tips to make your practice shine—even above the others in your area.
  1. Low-cost, big-impact service.
  2. Celebrate each pet. ...
  3. Provide a comfort station. ...
  4. Treat the kids. ...
  5. Conduct follow-up calls. ...
  6. Monitor clients' wait time.
  7. Attract and impress new clients.
  8. Hand out new patient folders.
Dec 1, 2010

What is the most common injury in a vet clinic? ›

Prior analyses of American Veterinary Medical Association Professional Insurance and Liability Trust workers' compensation data have reported that the most common injuries in the veterinary care setting are animal related injuries including bites, kicks, and scratches, as well as worker sprains and falls [Hub ...

What are 5 situations that would be considered unethical in a veterinary hospital? ›

Unethical Behavior
  • Practicing below the standards of patient care.
  • Diagnosing, treating, or prescribing without a valid veterinary-client-patient-relationship.
  • Abusing drugs.
  • Abusing or neglecting patients.
  • Using slander (that is to say speaking poorly of other veterinary professionals)

What is the life of a veterinarian? ›

A typical day of a veterinarian involves caring and tending to animals. Your veterinarian daily routine will involve plenty of rewarding experiences including nursing sick animals back to their health, speaking to owners about caring for their animals and providing vaccinations.

What is one of the most common complaints in clinical practice? ›

What are the 6 most common patient complaints?
  • Long wait times. After patient registration, how long are patients typically expected to wait before seeing doctors at your practice? ...
  • Slow office response times. ...
  • Lack of provider availability. ...
  • Not enough time with the provider. ...
  • A subpar checkout experience. ...
  • Poor communication.

What is the chief complaint in veterinary terms? ›

A chief complaint (CC) is a concise statement describing the symptom, problem, condition, diagnosis, physician recommended return or other factor that is the reason for the patient encounter. A CC is required for all levels of service.

What is a master problem list in veterinary? ›

A list of an animal's health problems that serves as an index to its permanent medical record. It includes each problem, and the dates each was noted and resolved. Related Terms: Permanent Medical Record.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.