My Salvation And My Honour Rest On God Psalm 62:7 (2024)

My Salvation and My Honour Rest on God Psalm 62:7


Today, we turn our attention to a powerful verse from the Psalms that speaks to the heart of our faith and trust in God. Psalm 62:7 says:

Psalm 62:7 (NLT): "My victory and honour come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me."

This verse provides a rich tapestry of truth about God’s role as our source of salvation, honour, and refuge. Let's explore this verse through three key points: God's Provision of Victory, God's Bestowal of Honour, and God's Role as Our Refuge.

1. God's Provision of Victory

The psalmist declares that his victory comes from God alone. The word "victory" here in Hebrew can also be translated as "salvation" or "deliverance." It points to the comprehensive nature of God's saving power.

Isaiah 12:2 (NLT): "See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD God is my strength and my song; he has given me victory."

Charles Spurgeon once said, "Salvation is from our God. The work is done; redemption is accomplished. Victory is the Lord’s."

Think of the Israelites standing at the edge of the Red Sea, with Pharaoh’s army bearing down on them. It seemed like defeat was imminent, yet God provided a miraculous victory by parting the sea. Their victory was entirely the work of God, demonstrating His power to deliver.

Reflect on the victories God has provided in your life. Trust in His power to deliver you from your current struggles, knowing that He is the same God who parted the sea and saved His people.

2. God's Bestowal of Honour

The psalmist also acknowledges that his honour comes from God. Honour, or "glory" in some translations, indicates the dignity and worth that God bestows upon His people.

1 Peter 2:9 (NLT): "But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light."

C.S. Lewis wrote, "The glory of God, and, as our only means to glorifying Him, the salvation of human souls, is the real business of life."

Consider the story of Joseph. Despite being sold into slavery and falsely imprisoned, God raised him to a position of great honour in Egypt. Joseph’s story is a testament to how God can transform our circ*mstances and bestow honour upon us, even when it seems least likely.

Recognise that your worth and honour come from God, not from worldly achievements or accolades. Seek to live in a way that reflects the honour God has given you, and honour others as He honours you.

3. God's Role as Our Refuge

Text and Exegesis:

Finally, the psalmist proclaims God as his refuge and rock. A refuge is a place of safety and protection, and a rock signifies stability and strength.

Psalm 46:1 (NLT): "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble."

A.W. Tozer noted, "A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; our helper He amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing."

Think of a lighthouse standing firm against the battering waves of a stormy sea. No matter how fierce the storm, the lighthouse remains unshaken. Similarly, God is our unshakable refuge in the midst of life’s storms.


When you face trials and difficulties, turn to God as your refuge. Trust in His unchanging nature and His power to protect and sustain you. Let His presence be your source of peace and stability.


In conclusion, Psalm 62:7 reminds us that:

God Provides Victory: Our salvation and deliverance come from God alone.

God Bestows Honour: Our worth and dignity are gifts from God.

God is Our Refuge: God is our safe haven and stable foundation.

Call to Action

Trust in God's Victory: This week, reflect on the victories God has provided in your life and trust Him for future deliverance.

Live Out God-Given Honour: Honour the dignity that God has bestowed upon you and extend that honour to others.

Seek Refuge in God: In times of trouble, turn to God as your unshakable refuge and find peace in His presence.

Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to deepen our trust in God's provision, honour, and refuge. May we live lives that reflect His glory and grace, shining His light in a world that desperately needs it. Amen.

My Salvation And My Honour Rest On God Psalm 62:7 (2024)


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He encourages others to make the same choice: trusting the Lord with sincerity. David asserts that he places all trust and faith in the Lord God alone. Evil people may slander and attack, but the believer in God can patiently wait for justice. Whether weak or powerful, all people are subject to God's judgment.

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Psalms 62:5-7 New Century Version (NCV)

I find rest in God; only he gives me hope. He is my rock and my salvation. He is my defender; I will not be defeated. My honor and salvation come from God.

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62). Pour out your heart out to God when you are in need. Like David, God wants you to pray to Him and pour out your needs to Him when you are under attack: “Rescue me from those who practice injustice, and save me from men of bloodshed.” (Ps.

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Dictionaries and Bible commentaries generally define the word glorify as “to bestow high esteem, respect, or reverence.” The word translated “glorify” is also translated in the Bible as “give honor.” We glorify or honor God when we acknowledge, value or exalt His attributes and acts—His holiness, perfect character, ...

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7 On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God. 7 My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.

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God's rest is not a matter of physical rest, but a spiritual rest that comes from living a life of faith and obedience. This requires a constant effort on the part of the believer to avoid disobedience and unbelief, which are the very things that caused the Israelites to fall short of God's rest in the Promised Land.

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So what is biblical rest? What is the Sabbath? Rest is defined as “peace, ease or refreshment.” the Bible speaks quite highly of rest. Its repeated all throughout Scripture, beginning with the creation story in Genesis 1 and 2. We see that God created for six days straight and then he rested on the seventh.

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MEANING. This is an invitation by the one and only Jesus. If you're tired and struggling, He can give you rest. This also describes the path to God the Father, but it is not one of labor and hard work. Following Jesus frees us from carrying the burden of our own sin because He has already done that work.

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The Hebrew word is dumiyyah, which entails "silence, a quiet waiting, repose." Some Bible translations use the word "rest" (NIV, HCSB). David repeats this point in Psalm 62:5 with almost identical phrasing.

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Father, I praise you that you are my rock, my fortress, and my salvation” (62:1-2, 6). “Father, I praise you that you are my hope when I am distressed” (62:5). “Father, I praise you that you are my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock and my refuge” (62:6-7).

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Psalm 62 1

My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. How long will you assault a man? Would all of you throw him down-- this leaning wall, this tottering fence?

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Here are some things to do throughout the day to spend your time more intentionally with God.
  1. Start Your Day With Him. ...
  2. Pray Intentionally. ...
  3. Write Down Things You Are Thankful For. ...
  4. Notice Your Complaints and Turn Them Into Praise. ...
  5. Enjoy God's Creation. ...
  6. Love Others. ...
  7. Love Yourself.

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To honor God, it must begin in the heart. It means to prize and value Him in our hearts above all things. This is the heart of the Great Commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37, ESV).

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.