Narrenturm (Trylogia husycka, #1) (2024)

James Tivendale

328 reviews1,369 followers

October 3, 2020

I received an uncorrected proof copy of The Tower of Fools in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Andrzej Sapkowski and Gollancz. (Review posted on Goodreads 01/10/2020.)

In The Tower of Fools, we are introduced to the twenty-three-year-old nobleman Reinmar of Bielawa, also referred to as Reynevan, whilst he is having sex with another man's wife. Unfortunately, the cuckolded husband's brothers interrupt proceedings and pummel the young rapscallion. Our protagonist somehow manages to escape, losing his many pursuers until finally, Wolfer of Stercza declares that Reinmar is a dead man.

"I'll catch you, kill you, destroy you. Exterminate you and your entire viperous family."

There are lots of characters introduced in the opening chapter and the general consensus is that they are all after Reynevan. Reinmar of Bielawa spends much of the novel running and hiding from many who would see him beaten, castrated, or executed. For all who seem to oppose him though, there seem to be many others who will aid him or give assistance, sometimes due of his high birth, that they are friends of a mutual acquaintance, or because he went to university in Prague with them.

Reynevan is an extremely interesting lead character. He's good-looking, charming, intelligent, a physician, is sort of an apprentice-level mage, is often foolish, makes rash decisions, and has a major weakness when it comes to the opposite sex. Reynevan has more in common with Dandelion than with Sapkowski's most famous protagonist, Geralt of Rivia.

"Reynevan... Misbegotten, albeit, but of Piast blood. A bishop's son. Kin of the Nostitz family. The nephew of the scholaster at Wroclaw Collegiate Church. A friend of rich men's sons at university. On top of that, if that weren't enough, a conscientious physician, almost a miracle worker, capable of winning the gratitude of the powerful."

Before I approached The Tower of Fools, one of my favourite elements of Sapkowski's writing was that he created great supporting characters, groups, brotherhoods and fellowships. An example would be the ensemble of Geralt, Dandelion, Regis, Milva, and Cahir in Baptism of Fire. This strength of the author's is present throughout The Tower of Fools too, with characters like Scharley, Samson Honey-Eater and Urban Horn being just as complex, colourful and interesting to read about as the novel's lead is.

Unlike the (mostly) straight-up epic fantasy nature of The Witcher saga, The Tower of Fools would be best described as historical fantasy. It is set in the 15th-century around the time of the Hussite Wars. This is an alternative universe version of historical events that features magic, religious sects, inquisitions, demons, and many monsters of the sort that Geralt would have crossed paths with. There are witches and mages, Wallcreepers, a werewolf who rapes unsuspecting male victims, amongst other creatures lurking in this reimagined Europe. I will admit that the period when this is set is a time of history that I know very little about but I am certain that some of the characters are based upon real-life counterparts. It would be interesting to research the era and see how the characters and the events fit in with those depicted in these novels.

The Tower of Fools was originally released as Narrenturm in Polish almost 20 years ago. This release is the first time that it has been translated into English. The translator is David French who worked with Sapkowski on six of The Witcher novels, and if you enjoyed his work on those novels then, like me, I imagine you will like this translation too. The Tower of Fools has a similar flow, feel, and lexical choices to those books and a couple of the issues that I found with them too. The Tower of Fools must mention the names of hundreds of Knights, members of the nobility and religious figures. It's extremely detailed and thorough, and all the information, although useful, can be overbearing for a typical reader who just wants to read a good fantasy tale. I honestly didn't care what twenty various Knights from different places had marked on their shields when it doesn't seem to have any impact on the story.

For me, The Tower of Fools came across as a slightly darker read than most of The Witcher Saga. The often naive yet good-intentioned (unless he's got his eyes on pretty women) Reynevan has some horrendous things happen to him in this novel, including events in the titular tower. Some parts read as particularly grim and it is heightened because these moments are due to religious motives and beliefs. The novel features many fights and skirmishes, lots of bloodshed, moments of torture, violence, and gruesome deaths. The Tower of Fools isn't without humour though. I smiled and chuckled frequently which was a nice juxtaposition to the darkness and gloom. The side characters have some extremely humourous exchanges with Reinmar, and our narrator also gives a cheeky, informal summary at what is to happen in the upcoming chapter.

The Tower of Fools is a great opening chapter of the Hussite Trilogy. It is a well-crafted mix of historical fiction and fantasy with engaging characters, a tight plot, and a unique setting. It is set in a reimagined Europe and features religion, heresy, war, magic, demons, and monsters. The ending is well-worked and fulfilling and sets up the sequel, Warriors of God, in fine fashion. I have had positive experiences with all of Sapkowki's books so far, except for Lady of the Lake, and for me, The Tower of Fools sits alongside Baptism of Fire and The Tower of the Swallow as some of the author's finest work. I'm intrigued to see what happens next with the Hussite Wars in this series and to find out the part that Reinmar of Bielawa and his companions may play. Recommended for fans of Sapkowski's The Witcher Saga, and those who enjoy a dark fantasy take on historical events.

*Quotations are taken from an uncorrected proof copy of The Tower of Fools and could change in the final release.

    fantasy freecopy historical-fiction


799 reviews1,251 followers

May 11, 2020

The Hussite Trilogy is a perfect choice for readers who are not afraid of terrific history/fantasy combination. I have read it several times, in Polish, and will definitely get the edition in English :)


Author5 books4,417 followers

October 13, 2020

Okay now. This is something huge. But I need to properly put this book (and the prospective trilogy) in context.

If you know the Witcher series you know he writes wonderful and complex characters, enjoys a vast and subtle world-building system, and sneaks you up to immense complications.

This NEW series is entirely historical, revolving around Europe and especially Poland during the 15th Century and it is RICH with history. (When I say it's rich, what I mean is that you can get a Masters in history with a focus on this time period and you'll be pointing your finger on every page, going, OH! THAT!)

And it doesn't just show off its knowledge. The story is as great as the main character, and UNLIKE history (depending on who you ask), there is magic everywhere. Wanna have a run-in with diabolists and the Guttenberg press? Real witches among the witch trials? Cathar-like crusaders with actual Templars versus woodland nymphs and the very spirit of Catholic Heresy and all the F**ed up wars of this period all wrapped into one huge RICH mess?

You've got it. Right here.

Make no mistake. It's absolutely a historical novel in all the big senses. But it is ALSO the start of a new epic fantasy that's boiling over with magic. Even if the main character is only characterized as an apprentice. :)

Be prepared for the madhouse/inquisition, you grimdark fans.

    2020-shelf fantasy history

Metodi Markov

1,488 reviews363 followers

May 19, 2024

"Кулата на шутовете" се оказа една сложна, шарена и многопластова карта на Силезия от XV век.

Взривоопасна смес от инквизиция, ереси, битки за пари и влияние разкъсва една населена от немци, чехи, поляци, евреи, цигани и разни други размирна част на Европа.

Началото е бавно, претрупани сме с места и имена и само чистия ми инат и очакването за поредна добра книга на Сапковски ме задържаха на страниците на този роман. Напомня малко като стил "Кръстоносци" на Сенкевич, където всеки рицар е описан с хералдиката му, родното му място и прочие подробности, само дето тук е по-досадно поднесено и голяма част от тия хорица нямат никакво отношение към историята в последствие...

Реймънд от Белау е начинаещ маг, доктор учил в Прага и абсолютно несведущ по женските въпроси невежа. До толкова, та да се остави да бъде изловен в леглото с жената на рицар, имащ четирима братя със силно развито чувство за отмъщение.

Действието пооткина чак когато в бягството му се присъединиха Шарлей и Самсон, крайно прелюбопитни индивиди, заслужаващи всеки своя собствена книга.

За малко се яви и стар мой познайник - Завиша Черни! ;)

Магията е представена от към смешната ѝ страна, само дето на папските инквизитори и на многобройните им жертви хич не им е било до смях.

Ще видим как ще са следващите два тома, но историята завърши обещаващо. Ако въобще се наканят да ги издадат де. :(

Любим герой - Пашко Римбаба, рицар и раубиер. :)

P.S. Среден като качество превод, има доста грешки и неточности - това си е запазена марка на издателство Сиела. Все пак, на български арбалетите все още изстрелват само стрели...

Общо взето, книгата е насочена към твърдите почитатели на Сапковски.

    2020 adventure fantasy


799 reviews1,251 followers

September 7, 2018

Not that much fantasy this time from Andrzej Sapkowski but quite a generous portion of solid historical background with regard the Hussite. Enjoyed reading Books 1, 2 and 3 immensely and even toured Silesia, Poland and the Czech Republic to visit most of the places mentioned in the books. A great lesson of history together with smashing storytelling by AS.


Велислав Върбанов

583 reviews80 followers

April 3, 2024

Началото на 15-ти век е изключително мрачен, но и много любопитен исторически период! За нас (българите) най-зловещото тогавашно събитие несъмнено е османското нашествие, но междувременно сред народите от централна и западна Европа, католическата църква е била също толкова старателна в избиването на хора, които не ѝ се подчиняват безусловно. Чешките хусити се оказват най-ярките и непреклонни противници на църквата и предшественици на реформацията... Тъй като явно не могат да бъдат спрени от обикновените тоталитарни методи на инквизицията, Ватикана подготвя срещу тях любимия си инструмент за налагане на власт - пореден „кръстоносен поход“.

В такава напрегната атмосфера ставаме свидетели на приключения на Рейневан (или Рейнмар Белау) , който е млад лекар и магьосник от благороднически произход. Първоначално той е преследван от братята на омъжена жена, тъй като са го хванали да спи с нея. Впоследствие главният герой се забърква в много по-големи опасности... Но, за сметка на това пък се запознава с доста загадъчни и интересни личности, като Завиша Черни, Шарлей, Самсон и Катажина Биберщайн. Покрай своите перипетии, Рейневан също израства в течение на времето...

„Кулата на шутовете“ е превъзходен исторически роман с малко фентъзи елементи в него! За пръв път чета Анджей Сапковски, но вече съм впечатлен от неговите увлекателен изказ и задълбочени познания... След време със сигурност ще се потопя и в популярната му фентъзи поредица - „Вещерът“!

„Слугите и оръженосецът седяха неподвижно и – кой знае – може би спяха. Завиша говореше тихо и доста монотонно. Сякаш искаше да успокои слушателите си. Особено онези, които вероятно вече бяха чували тоз�� разказ. И дори бяха участвали в събитията.“

„Дързостта на хуситите премина всякакви граници, толкова нагла ерес няма да търпят нито папата, нито Люксембурга, нито ландграфовете Мишни и Туринги, изобщо цяла Европа ще тръгне на кръстоносен поход срещу Чехия.
– Вече е имало антихуситски кръстоносни походи – отбеляза кисело Рейневан. – Вече се е вдигала цяла Европа срещу Чехия. И здраво си го получи.“

„По пътя ти беше на косъм от това да я качиш на седлото и да препуснеш в галоп, и тогава и двамата бихте загинали в Черната гора. Сега също, ако ситуацията се усложни, ти си готов да я сграбчиш и да скочиш от стената. Или греша?
– Не твърде.
– Както казах – магьосникът се усмихна с крайчето на устата си, – amantes amentes. Да, животът е същинска Кула на шутовете. Между другото, случайно знаеш ли кой ден е днес? Или по-точно: коя нощ?
– Неособено. Малко са ми се объркали датите.
– Остави ги датите, календарите лъжат. По-важното е, че днес е есенното равноденствие.“

Gintautas Ivanickas

Author18 books239 followers

April 25, 2023

Sako, Lenkijoje mokytojai savo metu piktinosi, kad mokiniai istorijos mokosi ne iš vadovėlių, o iš pono Andrzejaus husitų trilogijos. Viena vertus, gal būtų ir gerai, nes patys mokytojai taip sudominti istorija nesugeba, kita vertus - kai mokiniai, atsakinėdami į klausimus apie XV amžiaus įvykius, tarp faktų įpina ir kokią velniavą - tai jau truputį nebe istorija gaunasi. Bet tai čia mums taip atrodo, kad visokie burtininkai beigi raganos - tamsių žmonių išmįslas, o tiems tamsiems žmoniems jie buvo realybė - gyveno kaimynystėje, skraidė virš galvų, o šventinėm dienom gražiai pleškėjo laužuose miestų aikštėse.
Pagrindinis herojus nė kiek neprimena raganiaus Geralto, veikiau jau Vėdryną - prisiskaitęs romantinių baladžių ir pasaulį regi per jų prizmę. Gerai, kad šalia sukiojasi porelė vėtytų ir mėtytų draugų, kurie tikrojo gyvenimo moko, blogai, kad maksimalistas Reinevanas į jų pamokymus nelabai reaguoja.
O jei žvilgtelt giliau - tikrasis romano veikėjas anaiptol ne Reinevanas, o istorinis fonas. Rūstus fonas, nes ir knyga rūsti. Kokia dar galėtų būti, jei pasakoja apie fanatizmą ir apie tai, kokios gi tikrosios bene visų religinių karų šaknys. Bet net ir tame rūstume Sapkowskis nepraranda savo firminio ženklo - ironijos.
Penki iš penkių, be abejo. Gal net šeši.


Dabar trumpai apie lietuviškąjį vertimą. Klaidų nedaug, ir iš esmės – jos ne iš tų, kurios kažką labai gadintų. Aišku, nelyginau kiekvieno sakinio su originalu, bet kai jau kildavo įtarimas,kad kažkas ne taip – sutikrindavau (tiesa, į pabaigą aptingau ir taip ir nepatikrinau, ar pas Sapkowski kur nors bent viena šarvų detalė tikrai iš folijos padaryta). Aišku, neina suprasti kaip atsirado „rutuliukais šarvuotas gaubtas“. Bet kaip sakau, tokių klaidų mažai – viena-dvi šimtui puslapių tai tas pats, kas nieko. Kai kur prasimuša tokios smulkmenos kaip vardų paplaukiojimas. Ne pagrindinių herojų, kas gerai. Bet kai Bohuslavas lygiai po dešimties eilučių jau tampa Boguslavu – tai nebe taip gerai. Pradžioje kažkaip naujai išrasta Langedokija romano pabaigoje jau virsta padoriu Langedoku.
Vietomis nelabai patiko sakinių struktūra. Dėl jos, manyčiau, kažkiek nukentėjo ir dialogai.
Bet pasikartosiu – tai tikrai gana menkos pretenzijos ir jų nedaug.
Vertimui beveik būčiau pasiryžęs atseikėti penkis iš penkių (tegul ir skystokus). Beveik.
Deja, lipiko virsmas į drugiapaukštį (ok, formaliai tai ne virsmas ir klaidos tikrai nėra – tai du to paties paukščio pavadinimai), man to neleidžia. Nežinau, kodėl renkatės tarp tų dviejų galima apsistoti ties tuo, ties kuo apsistota. Nežinau.
O visumoj – gerai. Ir reikia pasidžiaugti, kad pagaliau turime „Husitus“ lietuviškai. Na, pradžią turime. Ir tikėkimės, kad toliau bus. Ir ne prasčiau.

Emiliya Bozhilova

1,543 reviews280 followers

February 28, 2022

Не трябва сляпо да се подчиняваш на църквата, а е нужно да мислиш сам, следвайки словото от Свещеното писание: „Ако сляп води сляп, двамата падат в пропастта“. Власт, нарушаваща заповедите на Бога, не може да бъде призната.

Заради тези и още редица други проповядвани принципи, през 1415 г. Църквата изгаря на клада чешкия проповедник Ян Хус, а в Чехия се разгарят хуситските войни - предвестник на Реформацията, послужили за кърваво-огнена панорама в тази трилогия на Сапковски.

Има нещо в полските и руските писатели-фантасти, което безкрайно ми импонира - тайнствена подправка, придаваща неповторим вкус на всеки иначе познат сюжет. Не винаги мога да преценя дали е богатата обща култура и език, насмешката и черният хумор, съчетани с трезва рационалност, епичен приключенски размах и грохота на историята, миксът между романтизъм и цинизъм, или има и още нещо.

Сюжетът е типичен за който и да е приключенски роман. Млад герой тръгва към израстването си. В нашия случай за Рейнмар от Белава то минава през обвинение в прелюбодейство (основателно) и убийство (неоснователно), срещи с разбойници, князе, магьосници (включително една летяща пейка), три вещици край врящ казан и цитати от “Макбет”, ритуал по екзорсизъм и няколко срещи със Светата Инквизиция.

Това обаче не е Марвъл, нито “Песен за Огън и Лед”, а старият поляк Сапковски. Който стоварва на главата на нищо неподозиращия си читател тонове латински, старогермански, шегички с модерна Европа и един много жив и близък 15-ти век с всичките му ужаси и безумия, които днес скромно се побират в няколко сухи изречения в учебниците по история (не всички). Фентъзи елементите са дискретни, което лично за мен беше голям плюс в сравнение с Вещера, който зарязах. Сапковски е твърде много реалист. И тук му се е получило прекрасно.

П.П. Дано бързо издадат и останалите две книги и да преведат този път всички латински и старогермански изрази, а не на парче, и да вземат да посочат кои са част от цитираните имена, знакови за епохата, вместо да оставят читателя да разчита на стари знания и интернет.

    centre-of-europe epic fantasy


520 reviews333 followers

Want to read

May 22, 2020

Update: Looks like the English translation release date has been moved to October 2020.

During my read of the The Witcher saga, I've had many people tell me (in sadness on my behalf, it seems) that I'll never be able to read Sapkowski's greatest work, The Hussite trilogy, being an English speaker and all. Looks like my wish has come true, and soon enough I'll be able to read it! 2020 isn't that far away.

So many people have told me this is better than his Witcher books. That, I can't wait to see.

Rudolfina (

227 reviews74 followers

March 20, 2020

Kiedy zasnęłam nad tą książką po raz trzeci, przyszedł czas, aby podjąć radykalną decyzję. To nic, że to Sapkowski. To nic, że jego fani mnie zjedzą. Własne zdrowie psychiczne ważniejsze. Jeśli dotrwam do połowy książki (magiczna strona 296 i pół) i nadal nie dowiem się, po co autor mi tę historię opowiada, i nie będę miała ochoty dowiedzieć się – co dalej? – powiem: pas. Jak myślicie, co zrobiłam?

Co mnie w „Narrenturm” zirytowało najbardziej? Nic na to nie poradzę, ale lubię czytać ze zrozumieniem. Jeżeli dostaję cały akapit, z którego nie dociera do mnie NIC, nabieram przekonania, że autor mnie, czytelnika ma głęboko w… sami wiecie gdzie. Zastanawiam się, czym się narazili autorowi jego fani, że aż tak bardzo postanowił ich przeczołgać.

Nie wiesz, co to beginaż, wagant, szarszun, wańtuch, gędźba, armiger? To twój problem. Wystarczy, że autor wie. Nie zdobyłeś klasycznego wykształcenia i nie znasz łaciny? To powinieneś wpaść w kompleksy. A ja właśnie dlatego przedkładam powieści, nad rozprawy naukowe, żeby nie wpadać w kompleksy, że czegoś nie wiem, tylko żeby przy okazji czegoś się nauczyć. I bardzo lubię zagadki, ale wtedy, gdy dostaję szansę na ich rozwiązanie.

I tylko nie próbujcie mi wmówić, drodzy fani, że czytając „Narrenturm” wszystko zrozumieliście, albo że uwielbiacie czytać książki przygodowe z wyszukiwarką Google w dłoni (jeśli ktoś czytał tę powieść wtedy, gdy się ukazała, w 2002 roku, to musiał mieć pod ręką „Wielki słownik języka polskiego”, „Słownik wyrazów obcych” i „Słownik łacińsko-polski”). Założę się o skrzynkę pilznera, że większość entuzjastów wszystkie te popisy erudycji autora omijała wzrokiem. Jak więc możecie twierdzić, że coś jest dobre, skoro nie zrozumieliście wszystkiego? Zrozumieliście? A to przepraszam. Nie trzeba rozumieć wszystkiego – powiecie? Zgodzę się, tylko po co zatem wkładać do książki treści, które i tak znakomita większość zignoruje?

Ja jednak jestem dociekliwym czytelnikiem. Czytam na przykład coś takiego:

„Przykładem choćby Marcabru, którego, pomimo nachalnych sugestii zdecydowanie nic nie łączyło z Eleonorą Akwitańską. Wyolbrzymione są też, moim zdaniem, romanse Bernarta de Ventadorn z panią Alaiz de Montpellier i Raula de Coucy z panią Gabrielą de Fayel. Wątpliwości budzi też Tybald z Szampanii, gdy przechwala się względami Blanki Kastylijskiej. A także Arnold de Mareil, według własnych słów kochanek Adalazji z Beziers faworyty króla Aragonii.”

Czytam, analizuję i próbuję dociec, do czego to było potrzebne. Nie znajduję odpowiedzi. Czy tylko mnie te nazwiska nic nie mówią? Czy tylko ja gubię się w ich natłoku? W książce pojawiają się setki postaci, setki nowych nazwisk, i w związku z tym nie zwracamy uwagi na nikogo. W głowie zostaje pustka. Co z tego, że mamy również postaci łatwo rozpoznawalne, jak Zawisza Czarny, Jan Gutenberg czy nawet biskup Konrad, skoro są tylko ozdobnikami, nie mającymi żadnego wpływu na akcję powieści. Ot, popierdzą trochę (to wcale nie moja metafora, to słowa autora; rycerza Zawiszę zapamiętujemy głównie dlatego, że ma gastryczne kłopoty) i jadą dalej.

Chylę czoła przed autorem za rzetelną dokumentację czasów, obyczajów, postaci i miejsc, które opisuje, ale nie mogę mu wybaczyć, że przyjemność z czerpania wiedzy o tamtych czasach zachował dla siebie i nie podzielił się nią taki sposób, aby była pożyteczna dla czytelnika.

„Narrenturm” nie przemówiło do mnie jeszcze z kilku powodów. Kompletnie nie kupuję występującego na kartach powieści fantastycznego świata. Gdyby realia historyczne nie zostały oddane z tak drobiazgową, fotograficzną wręcz dokładnością, gdyby to było jakieś Śródziemie albo Westeros, wtedy uwierzyłabym w pomurniki i wilkełaki bez wahania. Ale straszydła, bajkowe wiedźmy i czarodzieje na Dolnym Śląsku, w latach dwudziestych XV wieku? Po co mi one, skoro realia historyczne są jeszcze bardziej przerażające i krwawe. Spokojnie można było się skupić na prawdziwych polowaniach na urojone czarownice.

Dramaturgia w tej powieści nie istnieje. Po napisaniu kilku książek Sapkowski zapomniał, że istnieją takie środki budowania napięcia, jak zwroty akcji, kulminacje, cliffhangery. Fabuła jest prosta jak budowa cepa: Reynevan ucieka, ścigają go, ucieka, ścigają go, ucieka.

Zupełnie mnie nie też przekonuje postać głównego bohatera. Reynevan von Bielau nic mnie nie obchodzi. Na początku wydaje się tylko naiwny i nijaki, ale dość szybko okazuje się, że jest również durnowaty. Jego o wiele barwniejsi towarzysze podróży, tym bardziej podkreślają mizerotę głównego bohatera. Mam chyba jakiś uraz, bo nie bawią mnie opowieści o durniach.

W „Narrenturm” broni się jedynie sapkowskie poczucie humoru. I to ratuje tę książkę przed pałą. Zabawne sceny giną jednak w zalewie zupełnie niepotrzebnych słów.

Dla mnie Andrzej Sapkowski pozostanie więc wyłącznie autorem „Wiedźmina”. Całą sagę przeczytałam w swoim czasie, i nawet miałam ochotę ją sobie przypomnieć, ale chyba dobrze, że zrezygnowałam. Wspomnienie sprzed dwudziestu lat jest wyidealizowane. Pamiętam, że wtedy wszystko mi się podobało. Mam obawy, że gdybym zajrzała do „Wiedźmina” dzisiaj, mając dużo większe doświadczenie czytelnicze, mogłabym się mocno rozczarować. A po co? Nie wrócę więc do Sapkowskiego. Obejrzę serial.


2,006 reviews589 followers

November 8, 2020

I made it to the 30% point of this book before abandoning it. At least up to there it was more of a picaresque historical fiction than it was a fantasy novel, and it was about a time and place that didn’t really interest me. I almost stopped at the first chapter, which was an extremely long, cringe-inducing sex scene. So painful. There was excellent narration of the audiobook by Peter Kenny, however. I am glad that I didn’t have to figure out how to pronounce those names. When I concluded that there is no way that I could read an entire trilogy of this I stopped reading.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.

    audio dnf netgalley


320 reviews50 followers

November 28, 2020

This is definitely a Sapkowski work.

Readers of the Witcher saga will recognize the distinctive prose (and for English readers the translative work of David French so that’s comforting), subtle yet powerful world building, dialogue-driven storyline, and fully realized characters. Despite this being a historical fiction rather than high fantasy, the alternate 15th century Europe contains a multitude of monsters, magicians, and demons to introduce an additional layer of intrigue even for readers unfamiliar with or bored by the reformation of Christianity’s hierarchy during the crusades. To cap it off, in a vein similar to the Witcher, Sapkowski’s side characters often steal the spotlight through their quirky and endearing charms. All of that is well and good.

Here’s the rub, though. Don’t immediately believe that the new availability of a trilogy by this author will be an automatic favorite.

I think despite all of the strengths of this author’s writing it still takes a particular type of reader to fully engage with this story. Despite my initial intrigue and excitement during the opening chapters, I soon found myself struggling. What with you might ask?

Well, primarily the issue is the sheer density of the historical information. Kudos to the author for the authenticity, but an exceeding number of named places and historical characters that I was wholly unfamiliar with was decidedly dull. Add to that a nearly incalculable number of Latin phrases ranging anywhere from several words to several paragraphs...without any accompanying translations, footnotes, etc. That’s likely an artistic choice as most of the meaning of the Latin phrasing can be inferred from context, but it’s not always intuitive. I’m likely missing quite a bit from this omission. Top it all off with a main character who is exceedingly mediocre (at least to my impressions) and the final product was a disappointingly average read. My enjoyment throughout ranged from a 4/5 at the peaks and a 2.5-3/5 at its worst. Ergo, a middle-of-the-road reading experience.



526 reviews342 followers

April 8, 2021


Or at least, Witcher fans who enjoy history...

Apparently, Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, famous for his fantasy Witcher series, wrote this new series, The Hussite Trilogy, some years ago, but it’s
only now being translated into English.

The Tower of Fools is the first volume.


The Witcher books, although apparently set in roughly the same (but indefinite) time period, are fantasy novels with no discussion of history.

The Hussite Trilogy, by contrast, are detailed historical novels, set in 15th century Silesia during the Hussite Wars. The Hussites were a local and very influential sect of Christian “heretics” who hated the Catholic establishment.

This volume, The Tower of Fools, takes place in 1425.

Andrzej Sapkowski is very erudite about the history
of Silesia (an area mostly in Poland, but partially
in Czechoslovakia and Germany) in the Middle Ages.

The local history comes at the reader thick and fast.
There was just too much of it to look up every single fact. I certainly got an education in Medieval Silesian history. Sapkowski could write a doctoral thesis on the subject, just using the information in this novel.


The university grads and monks of the time were highly
educated compared to today’s college grads.

Latin was the lingua franca, and Sapkowski lards his
text with lots of Latin (bawdy songs, prayers, quotes, etc.), which I was constantly having to translate.

Several characters quote Dante in the original Italian, too.

You have to be comfortable with this sort of stuff to read this.


But never fear, fantasy fans.

Though this is a historical novel, it’s larded with magic.

We encounter witches galore (flying witches, even a celebratory and hedonistic witches’ Sabbath).

There are sorcerers, demons, weird spells, uncanny creatures that appear out of nowhere, magical fogs, spells for finding the right travel route and magical talismans for thwarting enemies, etc. There might be time travel involved too.


Geralt, the monster killing hero of the Witcher series,
is a complicated man.

He can be a brutal warrior, yet he has an underlying sensitivity and sense of ethics.

He has an elegant way of extricating himself from trouble.

He’s a smooth ladies’ man. The ladies love his combination of toughness and gentleness.

Geralt is a shrewd and accurate judge of character.

Reynmar of Bielawa, or Reynevan, is an entirely different kettle of fish.

He’s a young, opinionated, stubborn nobleman. He’s a competent, educated physician, an herbalist, and a fledging sorcerer.

Reynevan attracts trouble like rotting meat attracts maggots.

He doesn’t listen to the advice of older and wiser characters who try to protect him from danger. Instead, he unwittingly and stubbornly steers right into peril.

Reynevan’s attention to female beauty blinds him to
the untrustworthiness of certain female companions.

His good looks attract female attention, but his doltishness makes him much less of a favorite with the ladies than he imagines himself to be.

Also, as others advise him to no avail, in view of his propensity to bed other men’s wives, he has no right to the moral self righteousness he proclaims.

In short, Reynevan is a young, strident, stubborn, hot headed jackass. But somehow loveable nontheless.

And he does learn and mature, albeit very, very slowly.


There are plenty of colorful secondary and minor characters.

Warrior monks, bar maids, criminals, bounty hunters,
Inquisitors, witches, wizards, merchants, etc.

There’s even someone who might be a time traveler.


Sapkowki’s ribald, coarse, and often politically incorrect humor is on full display here.

One wonders if he could have even gotten published
in the U.S.

Which is too bad. Because he’s very, very funny.

The first scene of the book is hilarious.

Reynevan is discovered in bed with his married
lover, Adele, in a monastery no less.

He has to flee Adele’s irate in laws on horseback.
His flight through a market place wreaks havoc on the town.

This is the funniest scene in the book, but there’s
other sly humor.


For example, at one point there’s a winky-wink
nudge nudge reference to another heretic, Luther.

But this is apparently anachronistic as Luther
lived some years after 1425...

Except that Luther happens to be the name of someone’s cat.

Here’s the passage:

“ ‘Because that’s also the times we live in,’ Justus Schottel suddenly exploded, “when someone can just write out a few theses and stick the f*ckers up on some church door. Shoo, Luther, off the table, you cheeky cat.‘ There was another long silence in which only the contented purring of the cat Luther could be heard.”

In an another funny scene, Gutenberg shows up,
breathlessly hawking his invention of printing
and asking for financial support.

Scharley, Reynevan’s protector and companion, allows that Gutenberg’s invention is visionary, but says he’s got to run a business and can’t be funding Gutenberg. (Even though that business involves producing written material. The joke’s on Scharley.)


Reynevan has a terrifying encounter with the
Inquisition and meets Copernicus (without,
of course, realizing his historical significance).

The times are brutal, and the Hussites are as
terrifying as the Inquisition in their use of torture
and violence.


David French has done a wonderful translation, giving us the humor and sparkle of the original. (Of course, I haven’t read the original Polish version, but I’m surmising that this is a good translation).


Peter Kenny, whose audios I haven’t always liked in the past, is the ideal reader for this. He narrates the audio brilliantly.


470 reviews465 followers

December 1, 2020

The Tower of Fools is a historical fantasy that is set in Silesia around 1425 at the time of the Hussite Wars. It follows a main protagonist who, as in many other fantasy novels, is skirmishing through landscapes on the run and on a mission, hovering around Poland, the Czech Republic, and Germany, never being able to stay out of trouble. This novel was first published in Polish in 2002 and has now been translated into English by David French, who also translated Andrzej Sapkowski's Witcher series and was published in 2020.

This book is not the easiest of feasts to be had. For one, it is very historically detail-oriented with only smattered elements of the fantastical such as non-human characters, artifacts, witchcraft, and some magic. Secondly, there are a multitude of characters mentioned from historical times that most non-historians and leisure readers would never even have heard of and require in parts the interest in track-keeping, plus processing the foreign names of most of them. Some more well known real persons such as 'Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg' finished with his studies in Erfurt and who is in search of funding for his Gutenberg Press is mentioned, or Ptolomy and his geocentric Theory.

Overall, the atmosphere in this novel reflects that of the darker time it represents: Disease, heretics, witchcraft, poverty, prostitution, the Papacy, European monarchs, and the Holy Roman Empire, which suppressed the religion of the Hussites, which continued to spread. Throw in the attempt of a crusade and we have a protagonist in an uphill battle.

His name is Reinmar of Bielawa, also referred to as Reynevan. Besides his charm, intellect, and good looks, he finds himself in a pickle, when he gets caught bedding the married Adele of Stercza by her brother in law. In his act to escape, one of his opposing forces is accidentally killed, which marks him now a wanted murderer.

On the run, Reinmar, who is a physician and a sort of an apprentice-level mage, encounters all kinds of folks in forests and alehouses; and so, word of his affairs precedes him wherever he goes. If it wasn't for other mage folks like him, and solid friendships he forms on his trip, he'd end up in the Tower of Fools much sooner than he actually does.

Reynevan's adventure is fueled by his weakness for Adele. He dreams of her, misses her, and wants to go back for her. Whenever he finds himself safe, he acts against the advice of others; and therein lies his trouble. Caught between the factions of the church and internal conflicts of the Hussite War, he becomes witness to information he tries to use in his favor.

When he realizes that someone murdered his brother to get back at him for what we perceive as an act of revenge for his affair with Adele, he becomes determined to follow suit. When he finally has the chance to meet face to face with his enemy, Adele does the unthinkable and his entire life takes a spin in the wrong direction.

When I first heard of this novel, I knew this would be one of a kind. However, I did not anticipate the immense amount of detail and amount of persons with titles and foreign language that were contained in this story. This made the text more challenging and took away from the enjoyment of the fictional plot for me. Reynevan's character is likable and easy to connect to. His foolishness is endearing and his personality develops slowly along the way of the entirety of the novel. Somewhere along the middle, when Adele pulled the plot in a 180-degree direction, it became a bit more drudgerous through the politics and events. Luckily, some of the characters that stuck around and Reynevan himself were able to reign me in every time, though at the expense that I didn't care as much for the constant shower of new names and titles.

This novel is an investment of time and speaks of the brilliance of the author. It had me look up all sorts of places and persons and I learned that liberties must have been taken to fit it all in the exact timeline, so one can say this is a more alternate history.

Though there were some funny and clever moments, there were also some darker aspects of the novel. Most of them appear as medieval practices, beheading, rapes, burning at the stake, sword fights, torture etc. The brooding atmosphere of dark forests, wet paths, grimy kids, little towns, nomads, and gypsies, and open hillsides create an eery sense and perfect atmosphere. Sapkowski absolutely nailed that.

The Tower of Fools lays a great foundation for the books to follow in the Hussite Trilogy. As Reynevan's narrative has changed from where it had begun, it is up to one's imagination where this will go.

If you have enjoyed books by Ken Follett or Edward Rutherford and like lots of detail, then this might be a book for you.

Happy Reading and Enjoy :)

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher in exchange for an honest and voluntary review. All opinions are my own.

More of my reviews here:
Through Novel Time & Distance

Mick Dubois

439 reviews46 followers

October 13, 2020

The book starts out with an extensive report and history on the politics and rulers of the Bohemia/Silesia/Chechz/Polish territories to bring us op-to-date to 1425.
Reynevan or Reinmar of Bielawa may be a brilliant young physician who secretly dabbles a bit in the forbidden arts; he is also a very foolish young man. When he gets caught making out with the married Adele of Strecza by her brothers-in-law he has no choice but fleeing the city. When the youngest brother is killed in a freak accident, the family swears revenge and they organise a real manhunt with some infamous professional trackers.
Along his way, Reimar meets an awful lot of strange characters, some friendly and others not. I’m certain that we will encounter some of these people again, later in the book and series. ). During those travels, he also meets some benevolent supernatural beings that greet him with ‘there’s so few of us left’ and ‘Toledo’(one who studies alchemy as opposed to those with magic in their blood) what includes him in their ranks. He also meets 2 peculiar companions: Scharley a penitent with a dark past and some awesome fighting skills and Samson Honey-eater, a wise being from another realm/dimension that got accidentally trapped in the body of a gentile simple giant. Against every advice he’s given, Reimar insists that Adele has an undying love for him and he is bound to rescue her from her captors. This is after she accused him of sorcery to attract her to him. So, how stupid can you be?
Then there is the Catholic Church intent on raising another general crusade against the Hussite heretics in Bohemia. Political power was in the hands of the church with their knightly orders, monasteries, and bishops just as much as in the kings, dukes, and knights. But even when they want to achieve the same thing, their motives, and reasons still differ. And despite their hate of witchcraft and magic, some secret conspiracy relies on Wallcreepers (a shapeshifter that takes the form of a bird.

This is a textbook plot for fantasy books of course but there’s far more to this story. The series is written against the backdrop of the Hussite wars in Silesia and Bohemia. The Hussite was a Christian movement that followed the teachings of reformer Jan Hus, who preached against the wealth of the church and monasteries. They were one of the most important forerunners of the Protestant Reformation. This predominantly religious movement was also propelled by social issues.
It would have been a good idea to offer a map and a name register, especially as this English translation is aimed at people who are not familiar with the region, the geography, the history, or even the names. I had that problem until I decided to read it as any other fantasy book with its unusual geography and names as imaginary.
On the other hand, the historical context is really fascinating. I can’t stand the temptation to regularly google the names, places, or events that are mentioned and I’ve learned more about the period than I thought. It certainly wasn’t an easy time to live when you could be tried for heresy or witchcraft for just about any excuse. The power of the church was really everywhere, even kings ruled by their grace and needed a papal blessing. It reminds me a bit of the power that IS holds over its subjects and communist indoctrination during the cold war. It paints not a pretty picture of Christianity and I saw little to no love or forgiveness that is preached today. A lot of hypocrisy, I saw.
The fighting and wars at that time were very brutal and violent. Rape, pillage, and plunder were normal practices and even the main incitements to wage a war or crusade. No side is spared in this conflict, both sides are as cruel and disgusting (for modern opinions) as the other.
I must say that the author has really done a lot of research for this series. The devil is in details and there are just so many aspects and details in this long book that are all so well described that you can close your eyes and imagine the streets, woods, and buildings with the smell and sounds included.
As this book is translated from Polish, I must also congratulate the translator for his accuracy in his language that often gives you an idea and feeling for the time described. There is also a poem/song in ancient German (although most of the drinking songs are in Medieval Latin) and I was surprised how much of that I can still understand and some of it was even closer to Flemish than modern German. I’m no expert but that was my impression. There are a lot of Latin expressions and sentences in this novel as that was the international language spoken by the educated people all over Europe.
Years ago, I started to read ‘The Witcher’ by the same author but I couldn’t relate much to the story and didn’t finish it. This book, I loved and I even wonder if I should make another effort to read his other series.
This really is an exciting and interesting story and I can’t wait to read the next translation. With a chase through the city, the first chapters aren’t slow at all as so often happens when the characters are being introduced. We do meet such a large number of people that you can’t tell who will appear later on again or who might be important. So you have to keep your attention well fixed on the story. And then, I got drawn into the narrative and couldn’t read quick enough to find out more. The only drawback is that you don’t pick it up for a 5-minute read.
The author is very subtle in his criticism of mankind. In retrospect, it’s easy to make predictions but some are funny and Samson is great in this. He predicts transport that doesn’t need oxen without polluting the environment at the same time. He also talks about churches that will bear a half-moon crescent.
He draws heavily from Slavic folklore, but not exclusively as amongst others Greek myths and Arthurian lore also feature. We’re being treated on a witch’s Sabbath, magical furry creatures, an old wizard needing aphrodisiacs to satisfy his protective lady and much more. It’s almost magic how Sapkowski melts the actual history with fantastical elements and creates a universe of his own.

    action europe fantasy


486 reviews279 followers

February 14, 2024

Pakeista ne tik vieta pasaulyje, pakeistas ir pats pasaulis.
Viskas vyksta tarsi ir Silezijoje. Tarsi ir "mūsų" 1425-aisiais. Tarsi ir pažįstamos istorinės aplinkybės bei personažai.

Bet, ultimately, esminio skirtumo nuo "Raganiaus" tai aš nematau. Gal kažkam tai - trūkumas. Man gi tai vienareikšmiškai privalumas ir galimybės rekomenduoti. Vienintelę žvaigždę numušiau dėl tiesiog neįtikėtinai vėžliško tempo. Beje, tai yra gan paradoksalus pareiškimas iš mano pusės. Mat kaip išdidus Testudo Hermanni savininkas, galiu paliudyti, kad vėžliai - gerokai greitesni gyvūnai, nei jūs įsivaizduojate).

Solidžios 4*.



242 reviews75 followers

November 28, 2020

*A big thank you to Gollancz for the physical ARC in exchange for an honest and spoiler-free review.*

The Tower of Fools is the first book in a historical fantasy trilogy by the author of The Witcher novels, Andrzej Sapkowski. It is set in Europe in the 1420's - primarily Silesia, in Poland.

The story follows a young man called Reynevan as he is forced to flee his home after being caught sleeping with the wife of a Knight and angering a powerful family in the region, the Sterczas.
Reynevan is a doctor and also, supposedly, a magician - having secretly studied the arcane arts whilst abroad in Prague, thus he is also being tracked by the Inquisition to answer for his unholy crimes.

The way this story is structured is very straightforward.
We have only one main POV (and a few small interludes from the perspectives of our various antagonists), and it is completely linear, with no flashbacks or huge time jumps.
This may sound like a criticism, but I actually found it to be rather refreshing, and it helped me connect with young Reynevan on a much better level than I would have otherwise - despite him making a myriad of ridiculously terrible decisions throughout the journey.

Mud splashed from the horse's hooves, muddying the already muddied, cloaked figure huddled by the cross. None of the riders paid the figure any attention.

And nor did Reynevan raise his head.

The cast of characters - travelling companions, old school friends and the more minor side characters are all memorable, well written and distinct from each other.
There is a good balance of people who are willing to show Reynevan kindness, to count against the host of people that are out for his blood, all for their own reasons in well crafted circ*mstances.
Unfortunately I felt Reynevan himself, at least in the first half, to be the weak link in the character department. He seemed all too childish and ignorant, refusing to consider the consequences of his actions and chasing skirt wherever possible.
I am sure this was a deliberate design choice, but I found him too act too much like a teenager to believe he studied medicine (and sorcery) at university. As I mentioned, he did grow on me, but he was far from my favourite character.

The story itself was fantastic. I will keep it spoiler-free, but after an admittedly fairly weak prologue of stale and un-engagingly written history, straight into the awkwardly worded "lovemaking", it really improves, for which I am very thankful.
There is lots of historical politics, talk of holy crusades, banditry, religious fanaticism and zealotry. All spliced up with the more fantastical elements, such as the three witches, a prophecy, undead spirits, a reverse exorcism and a mountainside sabbath with not a few non-humans in attendance.
It's a very soft magic system and it's used with about the same regularity as Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings books - as a well implemented problem solver, rather than fireballs and lighting bolts on a field of battle.

'Beware the terror by night, beware the pestilence that walketh in darkness; beware the demon that wasteth at noonday! And that which calls: Adsumus! Beware the Wallcreeper! Fear the night birds, fear silent bats!'

The pacing of The Tower of Fools I can certainly see being a problem for some readers. It is markedly slower than Sapkowski's work with The Witcher. There is a lot of time spent journeying between locations, descriptions of scenery and wildlands, pit stops for herbalism and foraging, plus a lot of talk about the politics of the world in and around the major scenes.
I personally appreciated all of these moments. It made me feel like I was on a proper journey too, alongside our characters. And, of course, the payoff for paying attention to all of the politics and history was completely worth it come the end.

'And you, kinsman,' she said, turning around, 'take care of yourself. Hussite emissaries are being hunted down. Strangers and foreigners are watched and anything suspicious is reported, because anyone who doesn't inform is himself suspicious.
You are foreign
and a stranger.

I am very much looking forward to seeing where the story goes in the next two books, and hopefully seeing Reynevan evolve further into being a character I can truly connect with.
If you want a slower-paced, historical light-fantasy set in a medieval Europe, this is a great place to start.

4 Stars. Solid and enjoyable, but there is plenty of room for improvement in the next installments.

Thank you for reading my review! And thank you again to Gollancz for the ARC!


482 reviews147 followers

September 11, 2021

Synopsis: It’s the year 1423 in mediaeval Silesia, the times are turbulent with the religious war between Catholic Holy Roman Empire and Hussite Bohemia. Reynevan is a young doctor of noble blood who studied at Prague university, along with his interest in magical practice. The story starts with a quite explicit sexual intercourse where Reynevan cuckolds another noble. The nobleman’s brothers catch Reynevan in the act and a helter-skelter race through the city starts, including a fist fight with monks and one impaled chaser.

Driven by his hormones, Reynevan tries to win back the wife, accumulating ever more vengeful foes who try to get hands on him. He is protected by some powerful noble players, gets escorted by a monk, and travels crisscross Silesia.

He encounters robber-knights, resourceful witches, a mage, shapeshifters, the Holy Inquisition, and also the Tower of fools which is an asylum for the mad. Worthy of mention are Gutenberg – the inventor of letterpress printing – and Copernicus, talking about the heliocentric solar system.

Review: Sapkowski became popular to a broader public with the fabulous game adaption of his Witcher series, and recently with Netflix’s series adaption. The author has been well known in his Polish home country, and this first part of a trilogy has been originally published in 1994. The recent hype swipes up more from his works to English speaking folks.

His better known Witcher series is set in a world following remotely mediaeval Europe, filled with fantasy elements every second page. Tower of Fools in contrast tries to be historical correct and geographically exact in Silesia. One could even follow Reynevan’s travels on Google maps, and as a middle European it was a treat for me to do so. Fantastical elements like magic or witches take a good while to appear and are more seldom, but in the course of the work it becomes very clear that this novel isn’t a historical fiction but more a mixture of that subgenre and fantasy.

As a historical fiction, Sapkowski overburdens the reader with recurring huge lists of names, places, occurences, religious songs, and hints which can easily be skipped without any consequences. On the positive side, every description of armor, weaponry, church practices or every day life feels exact and lively, really brings the reader into the midst of mediaeval superstituous Europe.

I had to laugh when Reynevan met Johannes Gutenberg, who tried to sell his innovation, the letterpress printing, which was one of the most important factors bringing up the Renaissance and enabling Luther’s Reformation (though that was later). It wasn’t exactly believable that Gutenberg wandered through Wrocław in 1423 – it isn’t exactly known where he was at that time, so that can be put as a literary freedom. But the other notable person, Copernicus, didn’t even live in the time of Reynevan, and the scientific Copernican Revolution was a long time away. That was too much for me, and questioned every historical detail in this work – what of them is pressed in as an author’s choice and which of them can be trusted to be correct?

As a work of fantasy, Sapkowski checked off nearly every fantastical element: I waited for a long time to read the gathering of flying witches, but yes, there it was. The same goes for burning witches, mages, and shapeshifters.

Sensitive people will find loads of triggers, including detailed sexual intercourse descriptions, lots of bloodshed with gory wounds and mutilations resulting from fights, and moments of torture practice by the Inquisition. Even one narration of a gay werewolf raping male victims while they take a sh*t. The author doesn’t spare his reader anything and dives deeper into grimdark territory than in his Witcher novels.

The narration meandered its way through hundred of pages, and while each chapter brought up an interesting variety, the overall tension arc was lacking a direct target. It was mostly unclear what this novel was all about beside of Reynevan’s hormonic pressure and idiocy.

Speaking of him, I didn’t like the main protagonist at all, as he couldn’t decide if he’d be seeking a noble cause, be an impulsive naif ignoring any recommendation and falling into traps again and again, or developing into a mighty mage.

Tightened by a third, this novel would work better for me. While I enjoyed most of the narration, I found myself slugging through and fighting to bring it to an end. I won’t read the rest of the trilogy but I’m happy to have read this one, resulting in a weak three stars.

Recommended for patient readers interested in a mixture of historical fiction and grimdark fantasy set in mediaeval Middle-Europe.

Athena (OneReadingNurse)

812 reviews113 followers

October 28, 2020

Thank you so much to Orbit Books for the eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review! All opinions are my own!

Oh Reynevan, part of me thinks that him and his entire lot needed a turn in the asylum. After bedding a knight’s wife and apparently falling madly in love (which she clearly didn’t return), Reynevan sets off on a series of misadventures when he should honestly be fleeing the country.

This is a very historically dense book, with many names and details that bogged the pace down quite a bit. That said, I don’t know a darn thing about the Hussite wars so I felt like I learned SO much, and it was interesting too to see why the wars started and how the church kind of just devolved into heretical “witch hunts” and went to the crusades. There is more history than fantasy but it felt so real that I had more than enough to keep my imagination going.

The atmosphere felt appropriate too, these religious groups hated each other. There is suspicion and people were encouraged to rat out their neighbors for clemency. Someone is killing merchants, the Knights are on their way out, and wallcreepers are turning into humans and making dark deals. I know a lot of people aren’t liking all the Latin left in the book but like the prayers weren’t spoken in English and do y’all really care what they say? Even the bits left in sentences make more or less sense if you know anything about word roots, and if not, I doubt much is being missed.

I did just love the characters too. Scharley had me literally CRYING I was laughing so hard during one totally fake exorcism scene. I didn’t realize that Sapkowski had a sense of humor but the banter and conversations and occasional one liners from side characters are amazing, and I think David French did a great job bringing the characters through the translation. Reynevan himself is a moron though, he got so much great advice and ended up ignoring all of it, captured, and imprisoned instead. Riding through the towns and hearing the different townspeople’s interpretations of happenings and politics was interesting too.

I think this series is really going to heat up in book two, with the wars starting and a lot of the setting and exposition out of the way. I will definitely be reading on when the next book comes out!

Thank you so much again to Orbit Books for the early copy!

8stitches 9lives

2,856 reviews1,656 followers

October 24, 2020

Tower of Fools is the first instalment in a brand new historical fantasy trilogy, which tells the story of Reinmar of Bielawa, also called Reynevan de Bielau. The action takes place in Silesia in 1425, at the time of the Hussite Wars. Twenty-three-year-old nobleman Reinmar of Bielawa, aka Reynevan, both a medicine and magic scholar, has made a huge mistake; one that'll impact his life for the foreseeable future. He has slept with a knights wife, Adèle of Stercza, but as soon as they are doing the deed he realises he will forever have a target on his back, but you can't help who you're attracted to, right? To make matters worse the husband's brother catches them in the act and gives him a hiding. Although he inexplicably manages to escape the brother’s clutches through wit and wisdom, Wolfer of Stercza declares that Reinmar is a dead man walking. This thoughtless indiscretion finds him caught in the crosshairs of a powerful noble family, and he is forced to flee his home. But once he passes beyond the city walls, he finds that there are dangers ahead as well as behind. Pursued by dark forces both human and mystic, it'll take all his wits, his skill in healing, and his knowledge of magic to survive.

When those seeking vengeance realise that he is too crafty to catch, they decide to get to him through his brother; slaughtering him in cold blood for his brother's error. Reinmar warns them he has nothing to lose and will avenge his brother's murder in time. This is a compulsive, tense and action-packed read set against the backdrop of the religious wars of the Renaissance as Czech Hussite reformers battled Catholic Inquisitors across Central Europe. It's a chaotic time and Sapkowski depicts this exceptionally well; due to this there really is never a dull moment throughout. It's an original historical fantasy with the author's passion for the fifteenth century clear for all to see as he portrays historical events of the time accurately and authentically. Reynavan is a hero for the ages and is relatable as he errs just as the rest of us do and joining him on the first leg of his journey was an absolute pleasure. With a richly-imagined and intricate plot, alluring prose and well-defined characters, you simply cannot go wrong. This is historical fantasy at its finest comprised of magic, sex, death, lust, and mayhem. If you were a fan of The Witcher I'm pretty convinced you'll find lots to love within this book, too. Many thanks to Gollancz for an ARC.

Gică Andreica

208 reviews2 followers

April 29, 2022

Sincer, nu m-am gândit nici o clipă că, în 2022, voi ajunge să citesc un roman al cărui gen părea că a apus cu mult timp în urmă. Însă lucrurile stau complet diferit atunci când preiei un model narativ al trubadurilor și îl împopoțonezi cu o estetică modernă și comercială, reușind, astfel, să creezi o lucrare unică și foarte complexă. Așadar, în buna tradiție a romanelor cavalerești, scriitorul polonez, Andrzej Sapkowski, vine cu o poveste istorică, plină de farmec și de farmece, în care iubirea și onoarea sunt mecanismele care pun în mișcare și, totodată, răstoarnă o lume blocată în propriile ei ideologii. Pe lângă faptul că în spatele volumului de față există o întreagă istorie literară, și asta nepunându-i la socoteală pe Lancelot și pe ceilalți cavaleri ai lui Chrétien de Troyes sau celebra scriere Amadís de Gaula – despre Don Quijote, opera parodică care a sfidat complet schema clasică, nici nu mai are rost să vorbim –, „Turnul nebunilor” reprezintă un text în care reîntoarcerea la vechile tendințe devine un proces științific, o cercetare a unui trecut care, chiar și astăzi, stârnește interesul și fascinația celor care au curajul să se încumete la o aventură care a schimbat cursul lumii.



2,679 reviews496 followers

February 7, 2018

-Ambientación muy lograda.-

Género. Narrativa fantástica.

Lo que nos cuenta. El libro Narrenturm (publicación original: Narrenturm, 2002) nos lleva hasta la Silesia del primer cuarto del siglo XV, donde el joven Reinmar de Bielau, Reynevan para sus íntimos, es un culto estudiante de medicina y alquimia que mantiene una relación tórrida con una mujer casada. Cuando son sorprendidos por los hermanos de la dama, Reynevan tendrá que poner pies en polvorosa y desatará una persecución en la que las razones de honor se mezclarán con el dinero, los secretos, la venganza y los intereses políticos, religiosos, económicos e incluso sobrenaturales, asociados tanto a la herejía husita como a las guerras que acompañaron a su rebelión. Primer libro de la Trilogía Las guerras husitas.

¿Quiere saber más de este libro, sin spoilers? Visite:

Rachel (TheShadesofOrange)

2,471 reviews3,707 followers

October 9, 2022

3.5 stars
If you love the Witcher, you won't necessarily like this one because the story is very different. The translated writing felt similar, but the tone of this one was perhaps a bit lighter with a slight humor. Moreover, this character, Reynevan, is clearly not Geralt. He has a very different personality (as he should), but I simply did not enjoy him as much. With this book he stumbles from one adventure to another and personally prefer a more streamlined narratives.

I would recommend this one to readers who enjoy historical fiction, regardless of their feelings towards the Witcher franchise.

Disclaimer I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

    500-pages fantasy

Sebastian Gebski

1,046 reviews1,036 followers

March 4, 2023

Re-read, po ponad 20 latach (tak, rzuciłem się wtedy na książkę natychmiast po jej wydaniu).

Przyznam, że nie do końca pamiętam swoje wrażenia po pierwszym czytaniu, ale rzecz jasna byłem zawiedziony - no po prostu nie było innej możliwości (dla fana Sapkowskiego). Oczekiwaniom po sadzie o Wiedźminie nie dało się sprostać, zwłaszcza że na Narrenturm przyszło chwilę poczekać a informacje, które wypuszczał Sapek były raczej skromne. Obawiam się, że przez to wtedy książki nie doceniłem, umknęło mi to co w niej wartościowe i godne podziwu. Za bardzo szukałem kolejnego łowcy potworów.

No dobrze, ale może przejdźmy do konkretów - jest 5 gwiazdek, więc zachwyca. Ale co zachwyca?

1. Po pierwsze: piękne, cudne, przebogate tło historyczne. Tło którym się żyje. Wiarygodne, barwne, po mistrzowsku opisane. Oraz: co charakterystyczne dla ASa - nie czarno-białe, lecz szare. Takie, w którym wybory moralne nie są banalne a często najlepsza (najbezpieczniejsza) metoda z chwalebnością nic wspólego nie ma.

2. Po drugie: absolutnie kosmiczne dialogi. Ktokolwiek z kimkolwiek tu rozmawia, jest z tego widowisko. Czasami dlatego, że szermierka słowna jest najwyższych lotów. W innym przypadku ze względów na ciekawe nawiązania, żarty sytuacyjne albo fantastyczną imitację stylu (taaaak, bohatorowie komunikują się tu bardzo różnie - w zależności od osobowości, wieku, stanu, itp. - niby podstawa, ale pokażcie mi - którzy autorzy robią to równie dobrze).

3. Kunszt pisarski, styl. No, trzeba przyznać, że p. Andrzej talent miał zawsze, ale N. to jego opus magnum - widać tu nie tylko talent, ale włożoną pracę i wysiłek. Autor bawi się słowem, ale taki sposób, że frajda nie pozostaje tylko po jego stronie, czytelnik również świetnie się bawi.

4. Nachwaliłem potężnie, ale czy wszystko mi się w Narrentrum podobało? Nie, oczywiście że nie. O ile rys fabularny (pomysł na główny wątek) jest spoko, to właściwie historia toczy się sama swoim torem :) A postęp fabularny dokonuje się niejako "przy okazji". Mamy tu do czynienia z typową "historią drogi" - bohaterowie ciągle są w ruchu, re-aktywnie wplątują się w kabały, spotykają stare i nowe twarze. To wcale nie jest zła konwencja, ale ... tu nie do końca zagrała. Po drodze jest tyle przystanków, które migają jak mijane z dużą prędkością scenki, że nawet nie byłbym w stanie ich wszystkich wymienić, nie mówiąc już o ustawieniu chronologicznym.

5. Na granicy bycia irytującym jest również sam główny bohater. Panicz z Bielawy notorycznie nie słucha dobrych rad, ze 100% pewnością pakuje się zatem w kolejne kłopoty i czasem ta jego naiwność życia powoduje już lekkie zgrzytanie zębów. Ale na szczęście jego motywacje (w naiwności) nie są wyrazem młodzieńczego buntu. Dlatego są jeszcze strawne.

Koniec końców naprawdę warto. Dla kunsztu Sapkowskiego i tego niesamowitego tła historycznego (skomplikowany Dolny Śląsk, skomplikowany okres konfliktów religijnych, skomplikowana sytuacja geopolityczna, świat u progu Renesansu).

Димитър Цолов

Author31 books341 followers

April 2, 2021

Много, ама наистина много ми хареса Кулата на шутовете! Личи си, когато авторът не само съпреживява с героите си, но и искрено се забавлява, докато пише. Резултатът - квалитетен исторически роман, с тъъънка щипка фентъзи, ситуиран в годините на Хуситските войни (1420-1434). Изгарянето на клада на Ян Хус, идеолог на чешката Реформация и отявлен критик на Ватикана, здраво разтърсва католическа Европа, а в кампаниите срещу надигналата се на бунт негова родина се включват над дузина съседни кралства и провинции.

В тези интересни и мракобесни времена се ражда Рейнмар от Белава - антипод на всички мускулести герои, които сме свикнали да срещаме във фентъзи епосите. Медик с вкус към окултното, импулсивен до глупост, патологично влюбчив и непоправим романтик, той просто притежава умението постоянно да се забър��ва в животозастрашаващи неприятности и да си създаде куп врагове сред духовенството и светската власт. Не по-малко атрактивни персонажи са и спътниците му - Шарлей - мъж с мътно минало, изтърпяващ наказание в кармелитски манастир и Самсон Меда - наглед малоумен дангалак, но всъщност приютил в себе си същество, призовано от друго измерение...

Невероятният приключенски коктейл успя да ми се вслади при все че преливаше от ненужни исторически подробности. Разбира се, познаването на въпросния период със сигурност би увеличило удоволствието при преглъщ��не на четивото, но и лаик като мен успя да се справи без да се задави. Не търсете също така кой знае какви паралели с Вещерът - тук виждаме един доста по-зрял (респ. по-трудно смилаем и сложен стил) Сапковски, на моменти циничен и почти мизантроп, но с онова негово уникално чувство за хумор.

Критиката към родното издание - не всички латински изрази (стихчета, песни и пр.) бяха преведени. Щеше ми се да има и обяснителни бележки за събитията и историческите личности, мяркащи се покрай фиктивните персонажи, но това са бели кахъри. Максимална оценка!



2,344 reviews657 followers

August 4, 2020

Excellent novel - has a picaresque feel as Reynevan stumbles from one misadventure to the next, getting into trouble by trying to do "the right thing" as he sees it... The magic is subtler to start with, though it becomes more explicit towards the end with a hallucinating ride through the air on a bench and witches/wizards night on a mountain; not able to resist the charms of attractive women may still be undoing of the main hero, but by the end of this book he discovers a purpose and joins the Hussite cause to avenge his brother and bring justice to the world, although his two friends and companions he acquires in his adventures, caution him that bringing justice to the world at the point of the sword (or the war wagons and the flails used by the Hussite army in this case) never worked well...

Each chapter starts with a short description of what happens next (though of course, the description is often quite misleading), while it is useful to get an overview (map, a few historical facts) of the 15th century Silesia where the action happens as historical facts are weaved with the fiction and the fantastic elements.

Highly recommended, funny but also dark and ending at a great stopping point but with more to come

    2020_releases_read genre-fantasy mainstream

Martin Doychinov

511 reviews33 followers

July 25, 2020

Рейнмар от Белава е един млад лекаромагьосник, чието възмъжаване започва с основателното обвинение в прелюбодеяние с палава рицарска съпруга. А - и неоснователно такова в убийство. 😆
След това го очакват безброй приключения с приятели и врагове в тежкия период на хуситските войни и инквизицията.
По същество, Сапковски е написал историческо фентъзи за израстването на главния персонаж, като го е ситуирал в епоха, която познава добре и го е подправил щедро със страхотен хумор!
Много фрази/стихове на латински, чешки, полски допринасят за атмосферата, но са превеждани неконсистентно. Ако имаше и две думи откъде са, щеше да е още по-добре.
Някои приключения бяха пренаситени с персонажи, а и нетипичните им (за този стил) чешки, полски и т.н. имена затрудняват - "Този ми е познат, ама откъде?".
Една карта от това време с отбелязани градовете и селцата, през които минава повествованието би била от голяма помощ! 😆
Дано скоро издадат останалите две части, че ще се наказваме иначе!
П.П. Некрономикон се появява на два пъти. ☺

Христо Блажев

2,347 reviews1,585 followers

January 15, 2021

Кулата на шутовете всява ужас сред еретиците:

Сапковски се е заел с почти непосилна задача – да пресъздаде периода на Хусистките войни, които разкъсват големи части от континента, да пренесе читателя във време на хаос и насилие, да опише как действа Инквизицията, а обикновените хора понякога са по-жестоки и от нейните предани следовници. Точно сред този хаос – който на места е много объркващ с изсипваните със завидна скорост от автора непонятни имена на малки владения, области и властници от различен калибър и сой, Рейнмар трябва да си спасява кожата от мъстта на влиятелна фамилия, която е опозорил. Той самият също не е кой да е и тук-таме има по някой съюзник, който да му спасява кожата, а сред всички вихрени приключения се сдобива и с преинтересни спътници, които да му помагат в най-напечените моменти.



6 reviews8 followers

April 22, 2023

Czytam Sapkowskiego zawsze z ogromną przyjemnością i podziwem dla kunsztu pisarskiego. Styl mnie zachwyca, humor słowny i sytuacyjny rozbraja, momentami wręcz płaczę ze śmiechu. Do bohaterów (zawsze oryginalnych i bardzo plastycznych) nieodmiennie się przywiązuję. Ogromu rozeznania, jakie autor musiał przeprowadzić przed napisaniem Narrenturmu, mogę się tylko domyślać. Jednak jako filolog z wykształcenia podczas czytania zadaję sobie wciąż to samo pytanie: Jak, do cholery, przetłumaczyć to na jakikolwiek język obcy?? Wypadałoby chyba zapoznać się z tłumaczeniami już istniejącymi dla sprawdzenia wykonalności tego zadania. Tymczasem pozostaje mi jedynie współczuć tym wszystkim, którym nie dane było mówić po polsku, bo wiele tracą nie mogąc czytać naszego Mistrza w oryginale.

Miquel Codony

Author11 books291 followers

January 4, 2013

El fin del mundo no llegó en el Año del Señor de 1420, aunque señales muchas hubo de que así había de ser.

No se consumaron las aciagas profecías de los chiliastas que preveían con asaz precisión —para el año 1420, en el mes de febrero, en lunes, Santa Escolástica— la llegada del Fin. Mas pasó el lunes, vino el martes y tras él el miércoles, y nada. No llegó el Día del Castigo y la Venganza que había de anteceder a la llegada del Reino de Dios. No se liberó de sus prisiones al satán, aunque habían pasado mil años, y no salió éste para embaucar a las naciones de las cuatro esquinas de la Tierra. No murieron todos los pecadores del mundo ni los enemigos de Dios a causa de espada, fuego, hambre, granizo, de colmillo de bestia, de aguijón de escorpión o veneno de sierpe. En vano esperaron los fieles la llegada del Mesías en los montes Tabor, Carnero, Oreb, Sión y en el de los Olivos, en vano esperaron la nueva venida de Cristo las quinque civitates, las cinco ciudades escogidas que anunciaban las profecías de Isaías y por las cuales se tuvo a Pilsen, Klatovy, Louny, Slany y Zatec. No llegó el fin del mundo. El mundo no sucumbió ni estalló. Por lo menos no todo.

Y aún así se montó una buena

Narrenturm, la primera entrega de la Trilogía Husita, no es una lectura fácil, ni por el lenguaje ni por la densidad de la información que contiene sobre la revolución Husita en el siglo XV. De hecho, el libro debería venir con una advertencia: “No te desesperes con la introducción”. El tono despeja cualquier duda de que el sudor frío es exactamente lo que Sapkowski pretendía provocar con sus primeras páginas, pues las siembra con una densidad de nombres propios de sonoridad centroeuropea (es decir, impronunciables y difíciles de memorizar) y acontecimientos históricos capaz de amilanar al más pintado. Afortunadamente, y a pesar de que la novela condensa mucha información y en ocasiones es inevitable volver atrás para refrescar algún episodio, el texto enseguida adquiere un ritmo de trote con arranques de galope y hace muy difícil abandonar su lectura.

Este libro es una novela desconcertante y que evite el naufragio es el mejor testimonio posible de la habilidad de Sapwkowski como novelista. Las coincidencias inverosímiles y las salidas de tono parecen la materia prima de una historia que se regocija en el artificio y bebe de la tradición fantástica europea, repleta de brujas, duendes, criaturas del bosque y una inquisición más terrible que todo lo que persigue. Seguro que habéis leído libros que os han hecho pensar que el escritor lo tenía todo planeado desde el principio o, al contrario, que cuando se sentó a teclear no tenía ni idea de por donde le llevarían los antojos de las musas: con Narrenturm soy incapaz de pronunciarme. La planificación es evidente al nivel más general de la trama, pero la increíble energía que la propulsa de huída hacia adelante a huída hacia adelante parece fruto de una imaginación febril difícil de someter a la disciplina de un esquema previo. Esa vitalidad, combinada con el (sucio) detallismo maníaco con el que el autor describe la historia y el entorno, convierten la lectura de Narrenturm en una experiencia inmersiva al alcance de pocos escritores. Per si hablamos de la capacidad de inmersión del libro es inevitable referirse la traducción de Jose maría Faraldo, capaz de reproducir un lenguaje forzado en su sintaxis y en su léxico que trata de evocar la sonoridad y la forma de hablar de otras épocas. La traducción de Faraldo representa uno de aquellos casos en los que opinar sin ser filólogo es pecar de incauto. Yo no soy filólogo y sí incauto, pero reconozco que es fácil que lo que para mi es virtud para otro sea un defecto o, al menos, un obstáculo. Narrenturm es un libro que impone su propio ritmo de lectura, que obliga al lector a aminorar el paso para atravesar su cuello de botella lingüístico y examinar con detenimiento cada frase y cada palabra, cada arcaísmo, cada latinajo, cada delicioso vulgarismo que, sumados, convierten el artificio en pirotecnia de explosión lenta y despliegue pausado. Si os gustan las lecturas vertiginosas este NO es vuestro libro, a pesar de su carácter es aventurero y los acontecimientos se suceden sin pausa dando lugar a una “road movie” medieval de sorprendentes inmediatez y vivacidad.Otro de los aspectos peculiares de la novela tiene relación con sus protagonistas, tanto el principal (Reinmar de Bielau, conocido como Reynevan) como los secundarios (Scharley el monje-delincuente, el enigmáticoSansón Mieles, Urban Horn el espía o la valerosaNicoletta). La interacción entre los tres primeros, especialmente, le da un carácter especial a la historia gracias a la lealtad un tanto inverosímil que les une. El contraste entre la ingenuidad y el idealismo deReynevan, el cinismo antisocial de Scharley y la sabiduría casi extraterrenal de Sansón Mieles les convierte en un magnífico equipo cuya dinámica responde a una fórmula cómica sencilla que se adapta bien al componente de comedia de la historia:Reynevanse mete en líos, habitualmente de faldas, yScharleyy Sansón le rescatan. Esta dinámica se ajusta bien al carácter de comedia. De hecho son estos elementos (lenguaje, escenario, contexto, personajes) los que actúan de motor de la historia, puesSapkowski renuncia a la estructura convencional de planteamiento-nudo-desenlace y, desde las primeras líneas, construye un enorme nudo que puede resultar un poco apabullante.

La Europa en la que transcurre Narrenturm se diferencia de la nuestra en que la magia es real (no, no creo en la magia...). Si existen otras diferencias respecto a la historia oficial a mi se me escapan. Estamos hablando de una magia arraigada en el folklore, de hechizos construidos a base de hierbajos y encantamientos en latín o lenguas muertas, dominio de brujos y brujas cuya queja es que “cada vez hay menos de nosotros” y que se prestan ayuda en el ocaso de su submundo lisérgico. Es la historia de la aparición de un nuevo orden que, a su vez, se promete mutable, basado en el control férreo de las creencias de la población por parte de una iglesia más cercana a las supersticiones que persigue que a la tecnología incipiente que guarda en su interior la capacidad de liberar al vulgo, aunque sea para saltar de la sartén a las brasas. Sirva como ejemplo la conversación entre Johannes Gutenberg y los protagonistas acerca de su nuevo invento: La imprenta:

—Perdón. —El gigante extendió las manos—. No pude evitar caer en la tentación... Siendo, lo queramos o no, testigos de un hallazgo que cambiará la faz de la época.

—¡Ja! —El rostro de Gutenberg se iluminó, como todo artista gustoso del halago, aunque fuera emitido por un ogro de aspecto idiota cuya cabeza alcanzaba el techo—. ¡Así será precisamente! ¡Y no de otro modo! ¡Porque imaginaos, nobles señores, libros doctos a decenas, y puede que alguna vez, por mucho que hoy suene ridículo, hasta en centenas! ¡Sin tener que copiarlos cansinamente y durante largos años! ¡La sabiduría humana impresa y accesible! ¡Sí, sí! Y si vos, nobles señores, apoyáis mi hallazgo, os prometo que precisamente vuestra villa, la hermosa Swidnica, será famosa por todos los siglos de los siglos como el lugar en el que se encendió la lámpara de la ciencia. Como lugar desde el que la ciencia se extendió a todo el mundo.

—Ciertamente —enunció al cabo Sansón Mieles con su voz amable y tranquila—. Lo veo con los ojos del espíritu. Una producción masiva de papel densamente cubierto de letras. Cada papel en cientos, y algún día, por muy ridículo que hoy suene esto, puede que hasta en miles de ejemplares. Todo reproducido multitud de veces y de fácil acceso. Mentiras, habladurías, calumnias, pasquines, denuncias, falsa propaganda y demagogia halagando al populacho. Toda maldad ennoblecida, toda nimiedad oficializada, toda mentira hecha verdad. Toda porquería, virtud; todo innoble extremo, revolución progresista; todo ocioso eslogan, sabiduría; toda bagatela, valores. Toda estupidez, reconocida; todo idiota, coronado. Porque todo estará impreso. Está en el papel, así que tiene poder, así que es de obligado cumplimiento. Fácil será comenzar esto, señor Gutenberg. Y desarrollarlo. ¿Mas detenerlo?

—Dudo que exista la necesidad —intervino Scharley con seriedad—. Siendo como soy más realista que tú, Sansón, no le auguro tanta popularidad al invento. E incluso si se llegara de hecho al resultado por ti profetizado, habrá cómo detenerlo. De modo simple como un cubo. De la forma más común y corriente, se creará un índice de libros prohibidos.

Gutenberg, quien no hacía mucho estaba radiante, se apagó. Tanto que a Reynevan le dio pena.

—No le auguráis entonces a mi hallazgo futuro alguno —afirmó al cabo con voz de ultratumba—. Con verdadero entusiasmo de inquisidor perseguisteis su lado más oscuro. E igualmente como inquisidores menospreciasteis sus más claras virtudes. Luminosas. Las más luminosas. Puesto que también se podrá imprimir y de este modo propagar con amplitud la Palabra de Dios. ¿Qué respondéis a ello?

—Respondemos —los labios de Scharley se torcieron en una sonrisilla burlona— como los inquisidores. Como los padres conciliares. ¿Qué, señor Gutenberg, que no sabéis qué es lo que proclamaron en lo tocante a esto los padres conciliares? La sacra pagina ha de ser privilegio de los clérigos, puesto que sólo ellos son capaces de entenderla. Fuera de ella las zarpas de los seglares.

—Os burláis.

Reynevan también pensaba lo mismo. Porque Scharley, al seguir hablando, no escondió ni su sonrisa burlona ni su tono irónico.

—A los seglares, incluso a aquéllos que muestran un punto de razón, les basta con los sermones, las lecciones, el evangelio del domingo, las citas, cuentos y moralidades. Y aquéllos completamente pobres de espíritu habrán de conocer las Escrituras con teatrillos, milagros, pasiones y vía crucis, cantando laudes y mirando las imágenes y las esculturas de las iglesias. ¿Y vos queréis imprimir las Sagradas Escrituras y dárselas al vulgo? ¿Y puede incluso que hasta traducida del latín a la lengua vulgar? ¿Para que todo el mundo pueda leerla e interpretarla a su modo? ¿Querríais que se llegara a ello?

—No tengo que quererlo en absoluto —respondió Gutenberg con serenidad—. Porque a ello ya se ha llegado. Y no muy lejos de aquí. En Bohemia. Y sea como sea como vaya discurriendo la historia, nada cambiará ya el hecho ni sus consecuencias. Lo queráis o no, estamos a las puertas de una reforma.

Y todo ello aderezado con el sentido del humor, me dicen que característico, de Andrezj Sapkowski, que combina la sutileza con la zafiedad y la escatología y consigue arrancar del lector las más grandes carcajadas. Entiéndaseme: el humor, oscuro, que impregna al libro es algo tan esencial, tan inherente a su mensaje de escepticismo y relativismo acerca de la naturaleza del progreso de la civilización, que no podría entenderse la novela sin él. Está en su médula desde su propio título, Narrenturm, “La Torre de los Locos”, ese edificio antiguo en el que se encerraban a los enfermos mentales y que funciona como metáfora, no sé si de la Silesia del S. XV o del conjunto de la Historia, pero que en cualquier caso captura muy bién la esencia de esta historia.

Narrenturm (Trylogia husycka, #1) (2024)
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