AU PAIR APPLICATION / AU PAIR BEWERBUNG Germany / Deutschland Applicant / Bewerber: _________________________________ Last Name/Nachname

_________________________________ First Name/Vorname

_________________________________ Nationality/Nationalität

_________________________________ Age at Program Start/Alter bei Beginn

Program/Programm:  12 Monate  6 Monate  Other / Sonstiges ____ Months / Monate

Availability / Verfügbarkeit: Earliest Departure Date / Frühestes Ausreisedatum: ____________________ Latest Departure Date / Spätestes Ausreisedatum: ____________________

INSTRUCTIONS AND APPLICATION CHECKLIST Congratulations on deciding to apply to the AuPairCare Germany program from Ayusa! Completing this application is an important first step to becoming an au pair in the heart of Europe. Your application will be shown to our registered German host families once completed. Take your time to complete this application thoughtfully and clearly, and be very thorough when you describe your experiences with children. Please check the boxes for each item once they have been completed:  Profile Picture: For your profile picture please upload separately a smiling passport-sized photograph (approx. 2” x 2” or 5cm x 5cm) in the form of a .PDF or .JPEG along with your application.  Au pair Application: Complete the application online using the writable PDF version enclosed or print it out and write clearly using black ink.  Letter to prospective host family: The letter must be one page in length. For detailed instructions please look inside the application.  Photograph Collage: A photo collage is highly recommended! Please be creative! For detailed instructions please refer to the application.  Medical Record Verification Form: This form is to be completed by an authorized physician and must be signed and stamped by the doctor. Please also send in a recent (maximum 6 months old) HIV test, which is required by the insurance company.  Childcare Recommendations: To be completed by a friend, neighbor or childcare employer/co-worker. There should be a minimum of TWO childcare references.  Personal Recommendation: Completed by a friend, neighbor, teacher or employer (non-relatives only).  Background Check: To be obtained from the local police department in your home country. Please note: we do not need an advanced background check where fingerprints need to be taken.  Photocopy of Driver’s License: Please include a photocopy of your national driver’s license. It must be valid for the length of your stay. You must also arrive with an international driver’s permit (IDP) valid for your entire stay. The IDP must be applied for AFTER being matched with a host family! It can be obtained at your local AAA office.  Photocopy of your passport: Please attach a copy of your passport. It must be valid throughout and 6 months beyond your stay in Germany.  Photocopies of German language tests results, transcripts or certificates. (Please note: homework assignments, group projects and writing exercises cannot be accepted).  How to submit your application!  If your application is less than 8MB, please send it to us by e-mail at [emailprotected]  If your application is more than 8MB, please send it to us in separate e-mails or use a service like largefilesasap.com or yousentit.com, which enables you to upload files! (Preferred Method)  If you decide to send it to us by post, please make a copy of your application for your records.

Ayusa International e.V., C/o Kathrin Schultze, Giesebrechtstr. 10, 10629 Berlin, Germany


AUPAIRCARE PROGRAM SUMMARY A true adventure awaits you - discover the world through the eyes of a German child! Au pair Profile

Au pair Tasks

You are… - interested in learning about German culture and the German language and already know the basics of the language - between 18 and 24 years old (18 - 30 years old if you are a European passport holder) - experienced in looking after children; for example, babysitting,internships in pre-schools, kindergartens or in a pediatric center; as a camp counselor or after-school tutor (minimum of 2 different references) - Good health and clean criminal record - preferably have a valid driver’s license


Childcare for the host family up to 6 hours per day for a total of 30 hours per week

An au pair's responsibilities depend on the age of the children in the host family and generally include: Keep the children safe at all times. Feed, bathe, and play with the children. Housework related to the children (preparing children’s meals, doing children’s laundry, making the children’s beds, and so on). Act as a member of the family by helping with tasks (setting the table for a meal, helping with dishes, etc.) around the house. Act with common courtesy and keep your room clean, do your own laundry and wash your dishes. You might also take the children to school/kindergarten or accompany them to various after-school activities.

Benefits and Salary

Ayusa/AuPairCare Germany Support

- Private bedroom and full board - Monthly stipend of €350 (€260 stipend plus €90 for language courses and education) - 2 days of paid vacation per month (four weeks for a 12-months stay) - Minimum of 1 ½ free days per week - Access to transportation (either a local public transportation pass or a car) - A comprehensive insurance package for the entire length of the program, including health, accident and liability insurance

The Ayusa/AuPairCare office in Berlin will be there for your support during the entire length of the program. Additionally, you will have a local Ayusa/AuPairCare representative living in your area (max. 2 hours distance) supporting you and your host family.   

Arrival orientation with your local representative Regular meetings with your local representative Contact information for the Berlin office and a 24hour emergency phone number

Flight - If you commit to six months, you will be responsible for paying your own airfare to and from Germany. - If you commit to a program length of 12 months you will receive a flight ticket to Germany. - If you successfully complete a 12 months stay with one family, you will receive a free return flight from your host family.

Program Duration and Confirmation  I confirm that I have read and understood the program terms and conditions. I agree to a publication of my profile on the internet and Ayusa/AuPairCare website for the purpose of finding an appropriate host family.  I confirm that I have sufficient funds (own or from family members or friends) for a flight ticket back to my home country (e.g. in case of an emergency at home, early program termination, 6 months applicants).


AuPairCare Germany Application AuPairCare Deutschland Bewerbung A. PERSONAL DATA/ANGABEN ZUR PERSON Last Name/Nachname:

First Name/Vorname:

Middle Name / Weitere Vornamen: ______________________

Nickname / Rufname: __________________________________

Birth Date/Geburtsdatum:

Gender/ Geschlecht:  F  M




City of Birth/Geburtsstadt: ______________________________ Country of Birth / Geburtsland: _________________________________ Citizenship/Staatsbürgerschaft:

Country of Residence/Aufenthaltsort: ___________________________

Native Language(s)/Muttersprache(n): _________________________________________________________________________________

Street/Straße: City/Stadt:


Zip Code/Postleitzahl:

Telephone/Telefon: +___ (____) ________________________

Cell Phone/ Mobiltelefon: +___ (____) ____________________

Country code / Area code / phone no.

Country code / Area code / phone no.

E-Mail (please print): Skype (please print):

Please send us a copy of your passport! / Bitte schicke uns eine Kopie deines Reisepasses!

• Have you ever lived or traveled outside your country? / Hast du schon jemals in einem anderen Land gelebt oder bist dorthin gereist?  Yes/Ja  No/Nein If yes, when and where/Wenn ja, wann und wo? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Have you ever lived in or traveled to Germany? / Hast du schon jemals in Deutschland gelebt oder bist dorthin gereist?  Yes/Ja  No/Nein If yes, when, where and for how long? / Wenn ja, wann, wo und wie lange? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Why do you want to come to Germany? / Warum möchtest du nach Deutschland kommen? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Religion: • What is your religious affiliation?

• Religious Participation/Religionsausübung:

 Regularly/Regelmäßig

 Occasionally/Manchmal

 Never/Nie

• How often would you attend religious services while in Germany? / Wie oft möchtest du deine Religion in Deutschland ausüben?  Regularly/Regelmäßig

 Occasionally/Manchmal

I agree not to impose my religion on the host family and their children. Ich werde meine Religion nicht meiner Gastfamilie und deren Kinder aufdrängen.

 Yes/Ja

 Never/Nie

 No/ Nein

Smoking: • Do you smoke? / Rauchst du?

 Yes/Ja

 No/Nein

 Social Smoker /Gelegenheitsraucher

I agree not to smoke in the host family’s home. / Ich rauche nicht im Haus der Gastfamilie.  Yes, I agree/ Ja, ich stimme zu

 No /Nein

 N/A

I agree not to smoke whenever I am with the children. / Ich rauche nicht im Beisein der Kinder.  Yes, I agree/ Ja, ich rauche dort nicht

 Nein/ No

 N/A

Please note: most host families prefer non-smoking au pairs. In addition, smoking is also not permitted while working with children. / Bitte beachte, dass die meisten Gastfamilien nichtrauchende Au pairs bevorzugen und das Rauchen während der Arbeitszeit mit Kindern verboten ist.

Driver’s License Information: 

Do you have a valid driver’s license? / Hast Du einen gültigen Führerschein?

 Yes/ Ja

 No / Nein

If yes, since when? / Wenn ja, seit wann? _____________________________________________________________________ Date of Expiration: __________________

How often do you drive a car? Wie oft fährst Du Auto?

Are you willing to drive in Germany? / Bist du bereit in Deutschland Auto zu fahren?

 Often (3-7 days/ Oft (3-7 Tage)  Sometimes (once a week) / Manchmal (einmal pro Woche)  Seldom (less than twice a month) / Selten (weniger als zweimal pro Monat)

 Yes/ Ja

 No / Nein

Please note: if you want to drive in Germany, you must have both a national driver’s license valid for your entire stay and an international driver’s permit (IDP) in your possession BEFORE you depart from your home country. Please apply for the IDP only AFTER you have been matched with a host family and shortly before you depart to Germany!


Pets & Allergies: 

Are you willing to live in a home with pets? / Bist du bereit mit Haustieren zu leben?

 Yes/ Ja

 No/ Nein

If no, please explain which pets you CANNOT live with. /Wenn nein, erkläre bitte, mit welchen Tieren, du NICHT leben kannst. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Are you allergic to any animals? / Hast du eine Tierhaarallergie? • Do you have any other allergies? / Hast du andere Allergien? • Do you follow a special diet? / Befolgst du eine besondere Diät? (i.e. Vegetarian, etc./z.B. vegetarisch, etc.)  Yes/ Ja

 No / Nein If yes, please explain: / Wenn ja, welche:

Please note: your host family is not required to prepare special meals for you. If you would like to eat certain food, you must buy and prepare it yourself. You should also be able to prepare meat products for the children if asked. / Bitte beachte, dass die Gastfamilie nicht extra für dich kochen muss. Wenn du etwas Bestimmtes essen möchtest, solltest du dies selbst kaufen und zubereiten. Du solltest außerdem in der Lage sein Fleischprodukte für die Kinder zuzubereiten, wenn gewünscht.

Health: 

Do you have chronic/recurring health problems? Hast du chronische oder wiederkehrende Gesundheitsprobleme? If yes, which ones? /Wenn ja, welche?

 Yes/ Ja

 No / Nein

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you take any medication on a regular basis? / Nimmst du regelmäßig Medikamente? If yes, which ones? /Wenn ja, welche?

 Yes/ Ja

 No / Nein

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Conduct: 

Have you ever been a victim of physical, sexual or emotional abuse? Warst du jemals Opfer einer körperlichen, sexuellen oder emotionalen Misshandlung?

 Yes/ Ja

 No / Nein

If yes, what happened? /Wenn ja, was ist passiert? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you been convicted of or charged with a criminal offence? Wurdest du jemals verhaftet oder angeklagt?

 Yes/ Ja

 No / Nein

If yes, what for? /Wenn ja, wofür? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Full Name/Name:



Full Name/Name:



You live with/Du lebst mit:  Both parents/beiden Eltern  Mother/Mutter  Father/Vater  Alone/allein

Since/Seit: _____________

 Flatmates/in einer Wohngemeinschaft

Since/Seit: _____________

Other Family Members: / Andere FamilLenmitglieder:





1. 2. 3. 4.

Living Information/Lebensumstande: 

Where do you live? / Wo Lebst du?  Urban/Städtisch

 Suburban/Vorstädtisch

 Small Town/Kleiner Ort

 Rural Area/Ländlich

Do you have any pets? / Hast du Haustiere?  Dog/Hund

 Cat/Katze

 Other Pets/Andere Haustiere:


Tell us about your family! / Erzähle von deiner Familie! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________


C. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND/SCHULISCHER HINTERGRUND Academic Education/Bildungsstand  High School Diploma/Mittlere Reife: _________________ (Date of graduation/Datum des Abschlusses)  Currently in College/Im Studium: ________________________________ (Major/Type of degree /Fachrichtung)  Completed College/Abgeschlossenes Studium: _____________________ (Major/Type of degree /Fachrichtung)  Vocational Training/Lehre: ______________________________________________ (Occupation /Berufsrichtung)

What are you currently doing (school, job, etc.)? / Was machst du momentan (Schule, Arbeit, etc.)?

What are your future career and educational plans? / Was sind deine Berufs- und Bildungspläne für die Zukunft?

Indicate the foreign language(s) you speak and the number of years you have studied each language. Welche Sprachen sprichst du und seit wie vielen Jahren lernst du diese Sprache?





Level of German/Deutschkenntnisse (Please send us a German language certificate or transcript if you have one)  Fluent/Fließend  Advanced/Forgeschritten  Intermediate/Befriedigend  Basic/Grundkenntnisse  None/Keine

Please note: part of the au pair visa requirements is to attend German classes during your stay. Most Au pairs use Volkshochschule (community college) which is the most affordable option. / Bitte beachte, dass eine Au pair Visumauflage ist, dass du einen Deutschkurs während deines Aufenthalts besuchst. Die meisten Au pairs absolvieren diesen in einer Volkshochschule, die das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis hat.


D. INTERESTS & HOBBIES / INTERESSEN UND HOBBYS Check all the boxes that describe your current interests and hobbies / Bitte markiere alle Kästchen, die deine momentanen Interessen und Hobbys beschreiben.

 Drawing/Painting

 Writing

 Reading

 Photography

 Board Games

 Sewing

 Computer

 Gardening

 Cooking

 Baking

 Dining Out

 Socializing

 Travel

 Camping

 Animals

 Church Activity/Community Service

 Drama / Theater

 Concerts

 Choir/Singing  Playing instrument(s)______________________________________

 Handcrafts

 Aerobics

 Basketball

 Baseball

 Football

 Soccer

 Volleyball

 Bowling

 Tennis

 Table Tennis

 Golf

 Bike Riding

 Running

 Skating

 Dancing

 Swimming


 Gymnastics

 Martial Arts

 Hiking

 Watersports

 Horseback Riding

 Sailing

 Skiing

 Snowboarding  Other: __________________________________________________________

E. HOUSEHOLD DUTIES/HAUSHALTSPFLICHTEN I understand that part of my au pair duties include light household chores. / Ich verstehe, dass Teil meiner Au pair Tätigkeit das übernehmen leichter Haushaltstätigkeiten beinhaltet.

 Yes/ Ja

 No / Nein

I am able to do the following household activities: / Ich kann folgende Haushaltstätigkeiten:

 Baking/Backen

 Cooking/Kochen

 Washing dishes/Geschirr spülen

 Vaccuming & Mopping/Staubsaugen & aufwischen  Cleaning my own room & bathroom/Eigenes Zimmer & Badezimmer putzen

 Cleaning the children’s bedroom(s) & bathroom(s)/Kinderzimmer & Kinderbadezimmer aufräumen  Running small errands/ kleine Besorgungen erledigen

 Changing bedsheets for children /Bettwäsche der Kinder wechsel

 Taking out trash/Müllentsorgung

 Doing Laundry/Wäsche waschen

 Ironing children’s clothing/Kindersachen bügeln

 Dusting/Staubwischen

 Feeding pets/Haustiere füttern

 Walking pets/Haustiere spazieren führen

Please note: looking after your host family‘s children will be your main responsibility during your stay. However, according to the German au pair visa regulations, you may also be asked by your host family to help them out with light household chores such as the above. While you will not have to do all of the above solely by yourself, you will be responsible for keeping your own and the children’s rooms neat. Also tidying up common rooms used by the whole family (i.e. kitchen, dining room) might be a task of yours. Please be sure to discuss your exact household duties with your host family during the interview. Bitte beachte: deine Hauptaufgabe liegt in der Betreuung der Kinder deiner Gastfamilie. Nichtdestotrotz und gemäß den deutschen Au pair Visumregeln, kann deine Gastfamilie dich auch darum bitten, sie bei leichten Haushaltstätigkeiten zu unterstützen. Während du nicht für alle oben aufgeführten Tätigkeiten allein verantwortlich bist, bist du dafür zuständig dein eigenes Zimmer als auch die Kinderzimmer sauber und ordentlich zu halten. Auch das Aufräumen der Zimmer, die von allen Familienmitgliedern genutzt werden (Küche, Esszimmer), könnte dazu zählen. Besprich daher bitte die konkret von dir erwarteten Haushaltstätigkeiten mit deiner Gastfamilie während des Interviews.



Comfortable with/Bevorzugte Altersstufen

 Newborn/Neugeboren – 12 months/Monate

 Newborn/Neugeboren – 12 months/Monate

 1 – 2 years/Jahre

 1 – 2 years/Jahre

 3 – 5 years/Jahre

 3 – 5 years/Jahre

 6 –10 years/Jahre

 6 –10 years/Jahre

 Teenagers

 Teenagers

Previous types of childcare / Bisherige Erfahrungen mit Kindern

Special skills / Besondere Talente

 Babysitter for non-related children

 Cooking & Baking / Kochen & Backen

 Babysitter for Siblings & Family / Geschwister & Familie

 First Aid / Erste Hilfe

 Assistant at a Kindergarten & Day Care / Kindertagesstätte

 Life Guard / Rettungsschwimmer

 Camp Counselor / Ferienlager Betreuer

 Newborn classes / Neugeborenenversorgung

 Tutor / Nachhilfe

Child development class / Babysittingkurse

 Teacher / Lehrer

 Nurse / Krankenpflege

 Nanny & Au pair / Kindermädchen & Au pair

 Swimming / Schwimmen.

 Working with mentally and physically disabled children / Arbeit mit geistig und körperlich behinderten Kindern

 Bike Riding / Radfahren.

What kind / Welcher Art: ____________________________ I have experience with the following childcare-related activities:  Bottle Feeding/Flasche geben

 Preparing Baby Formula/Flasche zubereiten

 Bathing/Baden

 Playing/Spielen

 Changing diapers/Windeln wechseln

 Put to bed/ins Bett bringen

 Dealing with tantrums/beruhigen

 Spoon feeding/füttern

 Potty training/Sauberwerden

 Baby swimming/Babyschwimmen

 Practice speaking/Sprechen üben

 Tutoring/Nachhilfe

 Burping a baby/”Bäuerchen” machen

 Supervising/Betreuung

 Caring for sick children/kranke Kinder betreuen

 Caring for colicking baby/krankes Baby betreuen

 Accompanying during activities/zu Aktivitäten begleiten

 Other/Anderes: ____________________________________

What do you enjoy about taking care of infants and toddlers? / Was gefällt dir an der Arbeit mit Babys und Kleinkindern? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What do you enjoy about taking care of children over 2 years? / Was gefällt dir an der Arbeit mit Kindern über 2 Jahren? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


G. HISTORY OF CHILDCARE WORK / ARBEITSERFAHRUNG MIT KINDERN Type of Childcare: _______________________________  Seasonal (i.e. winter & summer)  Temporary (irregularly)  Yearlong Child First Name:


Start Age:

End Age:

Start Date:

End Date:





____/____ /_____

____/____ /_____













Reference Name: _________________________

Average number of hours worked per month: ______________________

Type of Childcare: _______________________________  Seasonal (i.e. winter & summer)  Temporary (irregularly)  Yearlong Child First Name:


Start Age:

End Age:

















Start Date: ____/____ /_____

End Date: ____/____ /_____

Reference Name: _________________________

Average number of hours worked per month: ______________________

Type of Childcare: _______________________________  Seasonal (i.e. winter & summer)  Temporary (irregularly)  Yearlong Child First Name:


Start Age:

End Age:

















Start Date: ____/____ /_____

End Date: ____/____ /_____

Reference Name: _________________________

Average number of hours worked per month: ______________________

Type of Childcare: _______________________________  Seasonal (i.e. winter & summer)  Temporary (irregularly)  Yearlong Child First Name:


Start Age:

End Age:

















Start Date: ____/____ /_____

End Date: ____/____ /_____

Reference Name: _________________________

Average number of hours worked per month: ______________________


H. SHORT ESSAYS/ KURZE FRAGEN The biggest concerns for German host families are au pairs who: 1) behave like one of the children in the family, 2) constantly skype with friends & family during on-duty times, 3) are unable to see what needs to be done on their own, 4) only work with instructions, 5) fail to adjust to the daily lifestyle of the family, and 6) do not show any motivation or enthusiasm to be in Germany. Die größte Sorge einer Gastfamilie ist ein Au pair, das: sich wie ein weiteres Kind der Familie verhält/ ständig während der Arbeitszeit skypt/ nur nach Anweisung arbeitet/sich dem Alltag nicht anpasst/ keinerlei Motivation und Enthusiasmus zeigt.

• Why do you want to become an Au pair?/ Warum möchtest Au pair werden? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • What are your strengths with children (special skills/talents)? / Was sind deine Stärken mit Kindern (Fähigkeiten/Talente)? What activities would you like to do with your host children? / Welche Aktivitäten würdest du mit den Gastkindern unternehmen? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ •

What qualities do you need in order to adapt to the host family´s way of life? / Welche Qualitäten brauchst du, um dich an den Lebensstil deiner Gastfamilie anzupassen? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Why should a family pick you as their au pair? / Warum sollte eine Familie dich als ihr Au pair aussuchen? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • What do you think will be the most challenging part of being an au pair? / Was denkst du, wird der schwierigste Teil deines Au pair Jahres sein? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • If you experience homesickness in Germany, what method will you use to overcome this? / Wenn du in Deutschland Heimweh bekommst, wie wirst du es überwinden? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


I. AU PAIR LETTER / AU PAIR BRIEF Please prepare a well-written typed letter for your future host family in the space provided below. Explain why you want to live and work as an au pair in Germany. Write about your interests, expectations, family and friends; but most importantly, about your work experiences with children. Please emphasize why you enjoy being around children. Bitte schreibe hier einen getippten Brief an deine zukünftige Gastfamilie. Schreibe, warum du in Deutschland als Au pair leben willst. Schreibe über deine Interessen, Erwartungen, Familie und Freunde und besonders über deine Erfahrung mit Kindern. Erzähle, was dich an Kindern begeistert.


J. PHOTO COLLAGE / FOTO COLLAGE This collage is for your host family to gain a better understanding of your childcare experience & lifestyle. Remember, first impressions count! Follow these tips when creating your collage:    

Include predominantly photos of yourself with children you have worked with (minimum of four photos!) Include photos of family and friends Write captions underneath each photo Create a 2 page photo collage

Create your photo collage by using, i.e Microsoft Word, Clip Art, iPhoto, iWork etc. Please save the photo collage as a .doc or .pdf. However, if you do decide to use a separate piece of paper to create your photo collage, please make sure to scan it in color & high resolution.

Dieses Fotoalbum ist für deine Gastfamilie, damit sie sich ein besseres Bild von deinen Kinderbetreuungserfahrungen & Lebensstil machen können. Es sollte daher vor allem Fotos enthalten von dir und Kindern, mit denen du gearbeitet hast, aber natürlich auch von deiner Familie und Freunden. Das Album sollte 2 Seiten umfassen und jedes Foto sollte eine kleine Bildunterschrift haben.


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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.