Retro Uprising - FAQ (2024)

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Goal amount: 5000 USD, Received: 1409 USD (28%)
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When we reach the current donation goal all software on Retro Uprising will be replaced with a new superior method for playing games online that will support all browsers, play many more games and consoles and fix errors in existing games. This will be a massive site upgrade. The largest in our history. Please help us reach our goal as soon as possible.

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Retro Uprising

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  1. General Rules
  2. Game Rules
  3. Forum Rules
  4. Tech Support
  5. How to Play With a Game Pad
  6. Why Register?
  7. General Forum Usage
  8. User Profile Features
  9. Reading and Posting Messages

General Rules
  1. Do not attempt to enforce these rules yourself. If you find someone has broken a rule, then inform an administrator and they will take care of it.
  2. Never give your password out to another person, for your protection and for validity reasons. We also HIGHLY recommend you use a complex and unique password for your account, to prevent account theft.
  3. Use common sense. Be a positive force in our community. If you do not like these rules then perhaps you should look for another web site.

Game Rules
These rules are just for competitions: submitting scores, clearing andcontests. If you are NOTsubmitting a score or game clear then you do NOT need to follow these rules.To keep the high scores fun and competitive we do not allow anycheating at all. We are very strict.

Most of these rules are common sense. If you playfair and ask questions when something is not clear then you should haveno problems. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need tounderstand these rules.

If you make an innocent mistake you will receive a warning and yourscore will be deleted. If you intentionally cheat or receive multiplewarnings then you may be banned and all of your scores deleted.

Next to each score will either be the text "Verified" or a"Request Verification" link. Verified means we have thoroughly checkedthescore for cheats or rule breaking and found none and confirm the scoreis legit. Request Verification means we have not thoroughly checked thescore yet. If you click it then that score will be sent to a mod toinspect. The score will then either be verified or deleted.

1. How to submit scores.

  1. You must be registered and logged in.
  2. You must have ArcadeOX installed. Ifyou are having trouble check our our supportsection .
  3. The game must support high scores. Ifa game is not high score enabled and you feel that it should be, pleasepost a requestfor high score enabling (include a link to the game.)
  4. You must select ArcadeOX Scoremode. Full Mode and Java Mode will not allow you to submit a score.
  5. Press the F12 key onyour keyboard to submit your score. A pop up will askif youare sure you wish to submit this screen as your score. Eitherselect yes or no. If your score is not clearly visible on the screenyou submit thenit will not count. Your game will end when you submit.
  6. Avideo ofyour gameplay will be sent to a moderator. The mod willwatch it and either approve or delete your score. This process takesabout 24 hours on average.
  7. Gameplay videos are the sole property ofRetro Uprising. By submitting you are waiving anycopyrights you may have had from such videos.
2. High score submission rules.
  1. If you need to start over then you must pressF5 or click the "ArcadeOX Score Mode" link again. Youcan not start the game, get a game over and keep playing then submit. Resetting at any point of the game even if you don't get a game over is also unacceptable. That inflates your game play movie which annoys the mod who has towatch it.
  2. Do NOT press "Start" to pause or stand arounddoing nothing for long periods of time, this includes letting the demo play. That inflates yourgameplay movie. If you need to pause press "P" which alsopauses the movie.
  3. Do NOT use pause ("P") to boost yourscore.You may occasionally pause in typical games but do NOT pause in a gamethat has puzzles (ExampleWhere's Waldo and Tetris) or trivia questions (Example Jeopardy) or is anendurance test (Example Asteroids marathons). In addition to "P" the following also pause the game: Resizing or moving the game window, pressing F12 and then canceling instead of submitting your score, pressing escape before you submit your score. Be careful as all of those are counted the same as pausingand are not allowed in timed puzzle and trivia games where pausing would give you an unfair advantage.
  4. Maintain an average of at least 95% FPS (Frames Per Second).You can press F11 during the game to view your FPS. If your computer isnot fast enough to play full speed then your score will not count. Somegames require faster computers than other games.
  5. Do NOT adjust any default settings. This includes settings such as number of lives, continues, time limits, and decreasing difficulty. However, you may INCREASE default difficulty and change button layouts.
  6. Do NOT enter any codes or passwords.Example, the Contra 30 man code is cheating. For simplicities sakeall codes, even cosmetic codes that don't make the game easier andcodes that make the game harder, are forbidden.
  7. Your score will not count if you use continues. You may use up to 5 continues in console games and still receive credit for clearing the game but then your score will not count.
  8. Always play as player 1 only.This to prevent cheating in games like Double Dragon that allow you to kill player 2 for extra points and to prevent confusion in sports and board games. We will typically make exceptions for games that have different characters for each player, example: TMNT, Simpsons, and X-Men.
  9. Do NOT abuse extra lives or extra continues. Anything that allows you to start an infinite or near infinite point loop or rewards you forplaying badly is not accepted. If a game gives you an extra life every time you play a level, you may collect that extra life but you should only use it once. If you collect the same extra life multiple times then you would have lives remaining when you submit your score.
  10. Do NOT Farm, Grind or Leech. DoNOT repeatedly kill the same respawning enemies or repeatedly collectthe same respawning treasure without naturally progressing through thegame. If the game has a limit such as a timer that would prevent you from doingthis for very long then you may break this rule.
  11. Do NOT submit a Default or Demo Score.Obviously any score you submit must be your own.
  12. You MAY use controllers. Ifyou plug them in before you load the game then they should beautodetected and configured.
  13. Do NOT use controllers with Turbo Fire, Auto Fire orSlow Mo buttons.
  14. You MAY change the default controls.Press Tab Key for config menu.
  15. You MAY use Fast Forwarding.Hold the END key to speed up the game.
  16. You are allowed to use any glitches that wereincluded in the original game. By glitches we mean bugsthat the programmers left in the original game such as walking throughwalls. There may be exceptions in a few games if there is an extremeglitch.
  17. You are allowed to use warps.Example pipes in Super Mario Bros.
  18. If a game supports SRAM, also calledBattery Saves, Cart Saves or In-Game Saves, (example most RPGs such as Zelda) then you may use them. This is different than Save States. To create a Cart Save you must first use the game's original builtin save feature and then close the game by pressing Escape followedEnter. To load the game just start it normally and then use theoriginal game's built in continue feature. This rule is primarily toallow clearing of long RPGs. Wewill be less strict with the above rules ingames that have SRAM enabled. If you have questions abouta specific game, feel free to ask.
3. Additional score information.
  1. In most sports games your score is the spread.Example if you score 21 and the computer scores 14, then your finalscore is 21-14=7. If your score is zero ornegative then it will be deleted. In games where your score is determined by the spread then you must complete the entire game before submitting.
  2. Multi-game carts share asingle score board for all games on the cart.This only affects a few games such as Action 52, Quatro, and CaliforniaGames.
  3. In the event of a tie, thetrophy goes to the person that has the fastest time.
  4. Please ask questionsif you need any clarification on theserules. Not understanding the rules is not an acceptableexcuse for not following them.

4. What is a game clear.
  1. Game clearing is our method of trackinggames you have beat.Typically this meansbeating the final boss, flipping the score or levels, completing a fullloop of the game, or reaching a kill screen.
  2. In Coin-Op Arcade games this is called 1CC (One Credit Clear) in console games it sometimes called 5CC as you are allowed up to 5 continues.
5. How to submit a game clear.
  1. You must follow all highscore rules above.
  2. Check if there are any special requirementsneeded for the individual game before making the attempt.You may ask about specific games or requirements here.
  3. You must complete the entire game from startto finish on default or harder settings.
  4. If a game loops, you only need to completethe first loop. That means short loop games suchas DonkeyKong will be very quick and easy to beat.
  5. If a game has no ending then flipping thescore or level counter or reaching a kill screen will count asclearing the game.
  6. If the original game cartridge featuredbattery saves you can request"SRAM to be enabled" if it is not already. Typicalexamples of games that used battery saves are The Legend ofZelda and Final Fantasy.
  7. If a game provides continues, you may use upto 5. If you use continues your submission will not count as a score, only as clearing.You may NOT increasethe number of continues offered via an options screen or code.
  8. Submiting a gameclear is done the same way as submitting a score. PressF12 when you are on a screen that shows you beat the game.
  9. After yousubmit your clearing you areencouraged to post here. If you do not thena game mods might mistakenly assume your submission is justa score and not give youcredit for clearing it.
  10. If the gamehas one screen that both shows your score andthat you havebeat the game then you may submit on that screen and get credit forboth at the same time.
6. What are contests
    1. Contests are video game related competitionshosted on Retro Uprising. There are generally threetypes of contests hosted; Challenge Cups, Team Contests, and longrunning contests.
    2. Challenge Cups are one-shot contests that aredone at random intervals. These usually focus onachieving some difficult goal in one specific game and often awardbadges or prizes for doing so.
    3. Team Contests are team based contests thatare done around everyfour to 6 months. Theseare usually long running, high stress contests that you must be amember of an official team to participate in. Team contests alwaysaward badges.
    4. Long Running contests go on with no setspecific ending date. There is usually always one or twoof these running at one time. These contests usually award badges butoften the ownership of the badge is temporary.

    Forum Rules
    1. Use a spell checker and do not use "13375p34k" or "hukt on fonikz". We do not expect you to type like an English professor but we will not tolerate bad netiquette. If you type "u" instead of "you" or "ne1" instead of "anyone" then your post will be deleted. Firefox comes with a spellchecker built in.
    2. Do not use all caps or excessive smilies or multiple exclamation marks.
    3. No "Flaming" or "Trolling". Do not post any message that harasses, insults, belittles or threatens other members.

      "Trash Talking" is acceptable as long as it is done in good spirit and in the appropriate areas. Examples. If you beat someone's high score you may brag about how good you are. You may say someone's favorite sports team sucks. You may NOT say "You suck."

      If someone trash talks you, do not hold a grudge or start a fight. Be the bigger person. If you fight on the forums you will be held responsible even if you did not start it.

    4. Do not post obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, racist, sexist or discriminatory messages. If posting links, images or quotes that may be offensive then put them in NSFW tags.
    5. No "Spamming". Do not post for the sake of increasing your post count.

      If it appears that you signed up for an account just to advertise another site or to take advantage of our members in some way then you will be banned and your IP will be blocked.

      Do not post money making schemes, such as free ipod sign ups.

      Do not post chain letters.

      Posts with off-site links are deleted unless you are an active forum member.

    6. Do not create multiple accounts. We don't want to listen to you talk to yourself.
    7. Wait at least 48 hours before "Bumping".
    8. Stay on topic. If you want to change the topic of a conversation then start a new thread or find an existing thread that is a better fit.
    Please note that with each access to Retro Uprising your IP address is recorded and will be used in the event that you need to be banned from this forum or an abuse report needs to filled with your ISP. This will only happen if there is a major violation of this agreement. The first step is normally just a warning and a reminder of the rules.

    Happy gaming!

    Tech Support
    Read this before asking for support.
    Helpful support topics.

    How to Play With a Game Pad
    ArcadeOX Score Mode will automatically detect and configure your controller if it is plugged in before you load the game. To change the default settings press Tab in the game to bring up the menu.

    ArcadeOX Full Mode will also automatically detect your controller if it is plugged in before you load the game but you will have to use the menu to configure it before it will work.

    Java Modes will not automatically detect your contoller unless your controller is capable of simulating keyboard input. For Java we reccomend this xpadder tutorial.

    Recommended controllers.
    Retrozone - Real retro Nintendo and Sega game pads for your PC.
    XBOX 360 - Plugs into a PC too. This is a great controller.
    Act Labs - Not the best controller but it is decent and cheap and can simulate keyboard input making it perfect for Java and some Flash games.
    X-Arcade - Arcade style. Fairly expensive but nothing beats having arcade quality sticks. Also can simulate keyboard inputs making it great for Java Mode too.

    Why register?
    Registration is NOT required to play.

    Registration is free and allows you to do the following:

    • Post high scores
    • Submit Game Masteries
    • Save/load game states
    • Enter contests
    • Add games to your favorites
    • Post in forums
    • Receive email notification of replies to posts and threads you specify
    • Set up a 'buddy-list' to quickly see which of your friends are currently online
    • Receive notification when new games and systems are added or when your scores are beaten

    Registration is required for these features because we need to know whose name to associate with the data.

    We will NEVER send you spam or sell your email address. We hate spam as much as you do.

    If you do not log in at least once every 2 years then your account along with your scores and save states might be deleted.

    General Forum Usage
    • Forums, Threads and Posts
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    Retro Uprising - FAQ (5)
    Retro Uprising - FAQ (2024)
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    Author: Aracelis Kilback

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    Views: 5990

    Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

    Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Aracelis Kilback

    Birthday: 1994-11-22

    Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

    Phone: +5992291857476

    Job: Legal Officer

    Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

    Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.