Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (2025)









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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (4) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (5)byAceofWands Thu 11 Jan 2018, 6:38 pm

Can a kind soul enlighten me when Daisy said anything negative about a romance for Rey?

Links? Hints? I mean, I see people mentioning it, and I'm wondering if it's about the interview answering about Poe. Then I want to understand how people made that leap. If it's another thing, please enlighten me.

I can bet Daisy Ridley has never said anything negative about a romance for Rey, but I can't argue if I don't have the source.

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Jedi Master
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (10) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (11)bygeforce100 Thu 11 Jan 2018, 6:39 pm

Again i mean no offense but it is strange to think that even IF AD&DR have a onscreen kiss that would be the first one in her career.
I am not saying she has the pull to stop having love interest written in the story but she could tell JJ that she would be uncomfortable with a ""guy kiss" period.
and maybe that is why she is so happy JJ is back so she does not have to explain this to him even if he is the the godfather of "reylo".

i mean it astounds me that she is in a movie with Tom Holland and again nothing whatsoever.

I mean look at Oscar isaac pushing "stormpilot" John boyega said basically that he had to, come out our shutup.

Again no offense meant to DR.

Last edited by geforce100 on Thu 11 Jan 2018, 7:07 pm; edited 8 times in total

Jedi Youngling
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (15) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (16)byPalmettoBlue Thu 11 Jan 2018, 6:47 pm

Moonjump05 wrote:

Xylo Ren wrote:

IoJovi wrote:


Dang it you beat me to it!!!! Here’s the screenshot if anyone wants it:

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (18)


They want us rooting for it cuz it's endgame as hell.

@Xylo Ren

Is it bad that I didn't get it at first? I didn't realize they were talking about literal spacesphips, lol.



With regards to DR's comments - is this still the fall-out from the interview translated from English to Chinese back to English by Google translate? Has that been clarified?

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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (24) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (25)bylauvamp Thu 11 Jan 2018, 6:53 pm

@PalmettoBlue @Moonjump05

Don't worry, at first sight I thought it was a fan account because I couldn't believe what my eyes were reading Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (26)

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Jedi Padawan
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (32) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (33)byrawpowah Thu 11 Jan 2018, 7:03 pm

I can't believe the star wars twitter just did THAT! Omg!

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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (38) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (39)bynickandnora Thu 11 Jan 2018, 7:15 pm

I'm quite sure they made up that "poll question" for the express purpose of making that joke, btw.

Also, TPTB probably understand that Reylo is their moneymaker* and that it would be wise to put it out there in the open for all to see.

(*moneymaker being relative in Star Wars terms, ie. the difference between making paltry billions and mega trillions with legs)

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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (43) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (44)byMyOnlyHope Thu 11 Jan 2018, 7:24 pm

nickandnora wrote:I'm quite sure they made up that "poll question" for the express purpose of making that joke, btw.

Also, TPTB probably understand that Reylo is their moneymaker* and that it would be wise to put it out there in the open for all to see.

(*moneymaker being relative in Star Wars terms, ie. the difference between making paltry billions and mega trillions with legs)

Oh god yes. Look at the laughable pictures they provided. Ya, obviously everyone's favourite ships in TLJ were the Resistance escape pods or nameless Star Destroyer #80261. .Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (45)

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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (50) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (51)byIoJovi Thu 11 Jan 2018, 7:38 pm

RosiePancake wrote:

PalmettoBlue wrote:

Moonjump05 wrote:

Xylo Ren wrote:

IoJovi wrote:


Dang it you beat me to it!!!! Here’s the screenshot if anyone wants it:

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (53)


They want us rooting for it cuz it's endgame as hell.

@Xylo Ren

Is it bad that I didn't get it at first? I didn't realize they were talking about literal spacesphips, lol.



With regards to DR's comments - is this still the fall-out from the interview translated from English to Chinese back to English by Google translate? Has that been clarified?


My gut tells me that the infamous Chinagate and Kellogg Sc*m have led to all of this. From a certain point of view, the damage is done so Disney has to do something to protect those who still believe and ship Reylo as much as possible before it's too late.


You’re not the only one wearing the tin foil hat. It’s interesting this comes down right on the heels of that, just a day later.

Although I can’t complain too much. I use the phrase The Mighty Kellogg Ren every chance I get now. So some good did come out of it... Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (54)

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Force Ghost
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (59) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (60)byAceofWands Thu 11 Jan 2018, 7:46 pm

You mean they are doing damage control over an interview that doesn't exist?

Can someone explain what the latest meltdown has been about?

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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (65) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (66)bycaliforniagirl Thu 11 Jan 2018, 7:48 pm

I saw the Chinese interview, but what is this Kellogg thing of which we speak? Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (67)

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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (72) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (73)byIoJovi Thu 11 Jan 2018, 7:51 pm

californiagirl wrote:I saw the Chinese interview, but what is this Kellogg thing of which we speak? Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (74)


Google translated the Mandarin text of Kylo to Kellogg. Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (75)

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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-25
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (80) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (81)byIoJovi Thu 11 Jan 2018, 7:57 pm

AceofWands wrote:You mean they are doing damage control over an interview that doesn't exist?

Can someone explain what the latest meltdown has been about?


The majority of the conversation took place yesterday in the TLJ General Discussion thread over several pages. It was difficult to tell what was said specifically because we only had google translate to rely on, which was shoddy at best and there was no video to go along with it. A Chinese media outlet interviewed the cast, and when Daisy was asked if she supported Rey and Kylo as a couple, she essentially said she was glad they came to an understanding, but because he revealed himself to be scum, she couldn’t support it. Keep in mind all this text was translated from English to Chinese and back to English via crappy google translate. Who knows what was actually said, and there’s no video to accompany it.

My take is she was probably talking about where things stood as of the end of TLJ - essentially a non answer. I admit I had a mini freak out over it at first, but I’ve moved on.

Short answer is we will probably never know.

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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (86) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (87)bysnufkin Thu 11 Jan 2018, 8:03 pm

IoJovi wrote:

californiagirl wrote:I saw the Chinese interview, but what is this Kellogg thing of which we speak? :?:


Google translated the Mandarin text of Kylo to Kellogg. :lol!:


IoJovi wrote:

californiagirl wrote:I saw the Chinese interview, but what is this Kellogg thing of which we speak? :?:


Google translated the Mandarin text of Kylo to Kellogg. :lol!:


Rey would be foolish to turn down a proposal from the Mighty Warlord of Battle Creek. She’d never go hungry again with all the cereal he controls

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Date d'inscription : 2016-04-16
Localisation : it's in the chorus of Pavement's "Unfair"

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (92) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (93)byIoJovi Thu 11 Jan 2018, 8:07 pm

snufkin wrote:

IoJovi wrote:

californiagirl wrote:I saw the Chinese interview, but what is this Kellogg thing of which we speak? Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (94)


Google translated the Mandarin text of Kylo to Kellogg. Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (95)


IoJovi wrote:

californiagirl wrote:I saw the Chinese interview, but what is this Kellogg thing of which we speak? Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (96)


Google translated the Mandarin text of Kylo to Kellogg. Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (97)


Rey would be foolish to turn down a proposal from the Mighty Warlord of Battle Creek. She’d never go hungry again with all the cereal he controls


I feel really special, considering I grew up an hour away from there.

The Mighty Warlord of Battle Creek actually sounds right at home in an epic saga, making it that much more hilarious... Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (98)

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Force Ghost
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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-25
Age : 108
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (103) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (104)bybashfulblueeyes3 Thu 11 Jan 2018, 8:12 pm

It was from a tabloid that does not have a video of anything, but the Rey and Poe comment Daisy Ridley talked about when asked about their relationship. In fact, I have absolutely not seen one news outlet that has said anything about Daisy Ridley making any comment about Kylo or not liking Reylo. Until a video comes out, I don't think DR has said anything of the kind. Unless, someone has seen anything in the last day? The video on Poe/Rey does not even talk about anything to do with Kylo, I thought. She was being very careful in her answers, and that is why I don't believe that that other video exists or is the truth. She has been around the media circuit enough to know what she says will be taken out of context, if she is not careful.

Jedi Padawan
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (108) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (109)byAceofWands Thu 11 Jan 2018, 8:20 pm

Thanks @IoJovi and everyone for clarifying.

I thought her comment about Rey/Poe was really cool, when she mentions "that other movie" without romance. It means that her other movies, including TFA and TLJ, have romance...

I thought at first some people understood her comments that people can be friends as a general preference. If all this is about an interview that has never been seen, it's sad that it sparked comments even about DR's professionalism.


But I think it only affects a small amount of people who look for these things. I don't think the SW Twitter is doing damage control. It's just more Reylo, which we've been getting in drops since December.

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Jedi Master
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (114) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (115)bySoloSideCousin Thu 11 Jan 2018, 8:22 pm

IoJovi wrote:

AceofWands wrote:You mean they are doing damage control over an interview that doesn't exist?

Can someone explain what the latest meltdown has been about?


The majority of the conversation took place yesterday in the TLJ General Discussion thread over several pages. It was difficult to tell what was said specifically because we only had google translate to rely on, which was shoddy at best and there was no video to go along with it. A Chinese media outlet interviewed the cast, and when Daisy was asked if she supported Rey and Kylo as a couple, she essentially said she was glad they came to an understanding, but because he revealed himself to be scum, she couldn’t support it. Keep in mind all this text was translated from English to Chinese and back to English via crappy google translate. Who knows what was actually said, and there’s no video to accompany it.

My take is she was probably talking about where things stood as of the end of TLJ - essentially a non answer. I admit I had a mini freak out over it at first, but I’ve moved on.

Short answer is we will probably never know.


Also, there is video of the interview where she put a damper on ReyPoe, but "magically" no video of the part where she calls Kylo "scum." Further, a native Chinese-speaking Reylo said online that several Chinese journalists were at this press conference ... yet only this one guy has reported that DR called Kylo "scum". The video that we did see was in front of a bunch of reporters. IMO if Daisy actually said that Kylo was "scum" in that interview, then they would all be reporting it. This "scum" report came from one guy. I suspect the guy is looking for clicks and was full of sith... because again, if she said it, it would have been everywhere from the beginning. Now it looks like outlets are picking up on this dubious source and adding in the ReyPoe part of how they could just be friends and saying Daisy wants no romance. This is the woman who grinned mischievously when Ellen asked if there was romance, said the Kylo/Rey relationship was awesome and said Kylo's theme song after TLJ was Toni Braxton's "Unbreak my Heart." Doesn't sound too anti-romance to me. Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (116)

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Force Ghost
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (121) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (122)byIoJovi Thu 11 Jan 2018, 8:28 pm

SoloSideCousin wrote:

IoJovi wrote:

AceofWands wrote:You mean they are doing damage control over an interview that doesn't exist?

Can someone explain what the latest meltdown has been about?


The majority of the conversation took place yesterday in the TLJ General Discussion thread over several pages. It was difficult to tell what was said specifically because we only had google translate to rely on, which was shoddy at best and there was no video to go along with it. A Chinese media outlet interviewed the cast, and when Daisy was asked if she supported Rey and Kylo as a couple, she essentially said she was glad they came to an understanding, but because he revealed himself to be scum, she couldn’t support it. Keep in mind all this text was translated from English to Chinese and back to English via crappy google translate. Who knows what was actually said, and there’s no video to accompany it.

My take is she was probably talking about where things stood as of the end of TLJ - essentially a non answer. I admit I had a mini freak out over it at first, but I’ve moved on.

Short answer is we will probably never know.


Also, there is video of the interview where she put a damper on ReyPoe, but "magically" no video of the part where she calls Kylo "scum." Further, a native Chinese-speaking Reylo said online that several Chinese journalists were at this press conference ... yet only this one guy has reported that DR called Kylo "scum". The video that we did see was in front of a bunch of reporters. IMO if Daisy actually said that Kylo was "scum" in that interview, then they would all be reporting it. This "scum" report came from one guy. I suspect the guy is looking for clicks and was full of sith... because again, if she said it, it would have been everywhere from the beginning. Now it looks like outlets are picking up on this dubious source and adding in the Reylos part of how they could just be friends and saying Daisy wants no romance. This is the woman who grinned mischievously when Ellen asked if there was romance, said the Kylo/Rey relationship was awesome and said Kylo's theme song after TLJ was Toni Braxton's "Unbreak my Heart." Doesn't sound too anti-romance to me. Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (123)


Haha I had forgotten about the “Unbreak my Heart” reference. I’ll never forget singing that in the car with you and @applecrumble122 when that tidbit came out. That song was in my head all damn day! I also didn’t realize numerous reporters were at that press conference (duh, that’s why it’s called a press conference, right?) If she really said this, it would have made its way to Western media and we’d be seeing it everywhere. And yet, we have crickets. I have seen some news media misinterpreting her comments on Poe as her saying she didn’t see romance at all with anyone in IX as a possibility, but that’s a straight up misinterpretation. We have the video and we know that’s not what was said at all.

So yeah you can bet had she said this about Kylo, it would have made it this way in a heartbeat.

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Force Ghost
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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-25
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (128) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (129)bySheLitAFire Thu 11 Jan 2018, 8:51 pm

geforce100 wrote:Again i mean no offense but it is strange to think that even IF AD&DR have a onscreen kiss that would be the first one in her career.
I am not saying she has the pull to stop having love interest written in the story but she could tell JJ that she would be uncomfortable with a ""guy kiss" period.
and maybe that is why she is so happy JJ is back so she does not have to explain this to him even if he is the the godfather of "reylo".

i mean it astounds me that she is in a movie with Tom Holland and again nothing whatsoever.

I mean look at Oscar isaac pushing "stormpilot" John boyega said basically that he had to, come out our shutup.

Again no offense meant to DR.


It definitely shouldn't be. She is staring as Ophelia in Ophelia (lol) coming out this year and in the book that the movie is based on Ophelia and Hamlet (played by George MacCay) have sex. So depending on what the movie does (pg-13 I think) there should at least be kissing scenes. And that was filmed last year.

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Force Ghost
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (134) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (135)bysnufkin Thu 11 Jan 2018, 8:55 pm

@IoJovi - the Mighty Kellogg Ren needs to realize that Rey doesn't care about ruling the galaxy, she'd be pretty happy with a nice bowl of cereal and few supportive boyfriend statements about how she turned out ok despite her terrible childhood/adolescence.

@SheLitAFire - no matter how much Poe annoyed me in TLJ, I am 100% here for how miffed Oscar Isaac is that Rose got to be the one kissing Finn.

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Force Ghost
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Messages : 8649
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Date d'inscription : 2016-04-16
Localisation : it's in the chorus of Pavement's "Unfair"

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (140) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (141)bycaliforniagirl Fri 12 Jan 2018, 2:58 am

I lined up a new episode of SW Connection to watch right after Jedi Council's advertised discussion of Kylo Ren because I assumed I would need to feel better afterwards. But then... it wasn't bad at all. Maybe because Kristian Harloff wasn't there (though I like him whenever he doesn't talk about Kylo). It was like a diet version of what we do here. They brought up the Daisy interview and the People article we have been talking about (though they skipped Rian's comments about the interrogation scene and didn't really question Snoke putting the bond there), and there was this whole civil 15+ minute discussion about Rey and Kylo's relationship that was no worse than neutral, and even kind of positive. They all loved the force connection scenes, John Rocha said they were the best things in the movie. He also made jokes about the Poe thing, and described the elevator scene as almost romantic. Nor does he think that a romantic relationship inherently detracts from a woman's power or character. Ken Napzok and Mark Ellis said while they don't necessarily require a Rey romance, and that the slightly awkward, less-crucial to the story Finn/Rose could work itself out, they did not see the supposed Poe ship, and that Rey and Kylo would be the more intriguing option of the two for character reasons. No one even mentioned Rey and Finn. Multiple people mentioned how both trilogies had prominent love stories in them, and that it is a necessary part of the SW saga films. And everyone is excited for the importance the force bond will probably play in IX. This is Jedi Council on freaking Collider, and they are now open to the concept of Reylo and eager for Rey-Kylo interactions. What world is this?
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Force Ghost
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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (147) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (148)bySoloSideCousin Fri 12 Jan 2018, 3:16 am

RosiePancake wrote:OMG, have you guys seen this?
Her: I have to do it, I have to ask about Reylo.
Rian Johnson: You’re a Reylo fan?
Her: I am.
Rian Johnson: Oh that’s awesome! It’s all in the movie.

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I'm not on IG so I can't see it. Can someone screenshot it?

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Date d'inscription : 2016-03-25

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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (160) Re: Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread

Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (161)bySponsored content

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Romantic Reylo AKA the Who's Your Daddy Thread - Page 31 (2025)
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Article information

Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

Last Updated:

Views: 5682

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.