The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (2024)

Aestas Book Blog

1,059 reviews75.2k followers

August 3, 2014


The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (2)

Starting this book brought back every single raw emotion left over from Carnage. Tears filled my eyesand every bit of pain from the ending of the previous book instantly slammed back into me. It's hard to describe the emotions that this series evokes. They're all consuming. They take hold of the deepest parts of your heart and don't let go. Reading these books isa crazy, intense roller coaster ride from start to finish.

I alternated between crying and almost-crying for chapters and chapters on end. But I love that intensity. I really do. My favorite stories are the ones that make mefeeeeeeeeelthem and there's no doubt both books in the Carnage series make you FEEL every single thing with every fiber of your being.

I'm not going to say anything about the plot at all. There's literallynothing I can tell you about this book that isn't a massive spoiler. Even character names are spoilers. I'll just say that this is

not a standalone and is the direct continuation of the story from Carnage #1. However, Icanassure you that this fully concludes that story with a resolved ending (and epilogue) that has all the things you will want in it.
"I'm damaged goods…"

"You're not damaged, babe; you're just… You're a beautiful young woman, trying to find her way in life after having the most devastatingly, f*cked-up thing happen to her."

>>>> My review of Book #1 ➜

I read this 400-page book from start to finish with almost no breaks. It kept me up til 5AM with my heart racing, unable to stop reading. This story just grabs you. It keeps you captive and takes over your life.

Unfortunately though (and this is where being honest is very painful),I had a few majorproblems with this book. But beforeI go into detail,I want to be clear on thisfirst: this book contained everything I wanted and needed from this story. Everything. My issue was that itsadlyalso contained a whole lot more.

See, thisis such a boundary-pushing series to begin with that I believe thatcomes the huge responsibility of keeping things believable. I really feel like the first book managed to create believable drama in a phenomenal manner. I'm in awe of thisauthor for creating a storythat intense without falling into the drama-for-drama's-sake trap. Sadly though.... this book didn't fully follow suit.

My honest opinion is thatthe situation that the last book set up had enough natural pain and angst in it to sustain an entire book. Even if this book had just been about the healing, it would have been emotional enough on its own. It didn't need more drama. So, there were 4 plot elements that I felt went waytoo far and they took away from the story in a big way for me. I'm going to explain them here (without spoilers)...

The first two problemswere scenes that I felt were totally out of character and only add in for dramatic effect. In my opinion, doing thissacrificed the integrity of the characters and story for the purpose of adding unnecessary angst. And, I'm sorry, but stupid drama is literally my #1 pet peeve of all time.

So, the first one was somethingshe did in Australia. And just... noto that whole situation. This story didnot need that.It was too soon, toomuch, and even though she stopped it quickly, it just really sat wrong with me. While the scenedidn't ruin the book or anything, I really didn't like it. It felt unbelievable.

The next thing was whathe did in that airport bathroom. -- O.M.F.G. -- That whole scene was justwrong. Why? Not because of what happened, but because

hewouldN.E.V.E.Rhave donethat in thatsituation. No f*cking way. He has waymore class than that and he's not that desperate. Like, REALLY?? Ugh. And yes, I know that he's a fictional character. But I've spent 800 pages getting to know him and he would notdo that.

Honestly, I was angry but I was loving the rest of the book so much that, at this point, I was just planningto mentally delete this scenefrom my memory and move on. I thought this would be as bad as this issuegot. But no. In the last 15% of the book, this whole thingwas brought back in ahuge, overdramatic way and this unbelievableissue was thrown into the spot light causing more unrealistic pain, drama, and angst. *sigh*

Ok next up was a plot element that I felt was "too much" to begin with, but my actual issue was that it was taken "too far" --- like waaaaaaaaay too far. That type of plot twist is just eye-roll-worthy to beginwith. My reaction when I found out about it was justreally??? But I can deal with it existing. What drove it too far was the way it kept being used over and over and over again as a way to try come between them and the whole vibe around it left me with a sick feeling in my stomach. This book, this whole story, didnot need that kind of drama. The storywas strong enough without it and this just brought it down for me.

And the final big issue I had was an over-the-top, unnecessary source of drama inserted right at the end before the epilogue. In any other book, it wouldn'tbother me at all but... you can't play the same card twice. Didn't we go through this already??It was deja-vu and we really did not need to go through it again.

*throws hands up in the air* ---- It was just TOO MUCH.

I loved, no adored,the first book and I still do. I stand by the fact that it was one of the most impressive and stunning epic, emotional love stories I've everread. It mayhave been unconventional and it may have been broken rules, but it was done right. It was believable. And I will always love it.

I would have preferred this book to be focused on dealing with the aftermath ofthat situation and on healing. The devastating consequences on her life from the end of Carnage would have already set a dramatic, emotional setting strong enough to have easily carried an entire 400-page book. This book needed healing. It didn't needmore drama, especially not this kind. Just,too much. But the Australia thing, the bathroom thing, the 'surprise' thing, and the twist at the end before the epilogue were just too much. Take those 4 things out of the story and (in my opinion), you've got a 5 star read. Heck, even a 5+ star read.

I absolutelyloved the first 85% of the book. I was pretty muchat 5 stars for most everything in that section (barring those 2 earlythings) but generally, I wasloving it. However,the last 15% went downhill for me asthe rest of the issues pretty much just all blew up one right after the other. It wastoo freaking much. I felt sick to my stomach (and not in a good way). So by the time the big swoony epilogue came around, I was still feeling somuch negative emotions fromthe last 15% that it overshadowed the ending. Even though Iwas relievedthat they'd found their happiness, honestly I just ended the book feeling shellshocked. I'm saddened by those plot elements because, without them, this would absolutely have been a top favorite of the year for me. But I feel like the integrity of the story was compromised to create this extra drama. And that goes beyond just 'rule breaking' for me. In my opinion, that's a line that should never be crossed.

This is of coursejust my personal opinion. You might not agree with what I think or what the characters would do. Or, you might just not be bothered by it. Or, you might even love the hell out of all those plot points. There's no right or wrong. However you feel is right foryou.

It's important to note that, apart from those4 things, I totally loved thisbook. Genuinely

LOVED it. So, I think if you can either look past themor accept them, that you'll be just fine.

Here's the bottom line: The story of Carnage has touchedmany readers' hearts, including my own. It's been an intense emotional roller coaster telling an epic love story. It's been unconventional, rule breaking, and boundary pushing, but it's also taken us on a journey that none of us will ever forget. These characters will forever be in myheart. They've left their mark on meand are truly unforgettable.

I commend the author for creating such a vivid world and for writing characters that have come to lifeso realistically. And, regardless of the details, I have to admit that this is one hell of a story.

I love the f*ck out of you.
I will talk.
You will listen.
We will be together.
I've waited long enough.

Rating: 4 stars.Conclusion to Carnage #1.

Rating explanation: 4 stars is half way between the 2-3 mark and the 5 star mark. The reason I'm pushingit closer to 5 is that I loved 85% of this story and disliked 15% of it. The majority was fantastic and also, the story was complete. Meaning,if that 15% had been removed, the author would not have needed toadd anything else to make the story 5 stars for me. So I'm averaging to 4 stars.


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The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (3)

Shabby -BookBistroBlog

1,609 reviews870 followers

May 28, 2023

"This tiger is about to roar !!"
And roar he did !
What a brilliant conclusion to georgia's story.lesley stole my heart with carnage 1 .she's a master story teller and the characters become your life.i cried and laughed with Georgia and Sean and cam and Marley and Lennon and bailey.wish I had Jimmie and ash as my friends .When these characters become real and creep into your thoughts for months on end , that's what makes you realize that you are in august company of an amazingly talented author.
This book deadended me and drowneded me.
-princess aurororora👸
I got Carnaged again !


725 reviews

June 5, 2015

This book really broke my heart. I had been team Cam from the start and was so excited that they were finally going to get their chance together. But the author has to ruin it by having Cam get a blow j*b at be airport as he's rushing on a flight to get back to George to prove how much he loves her and can't be without her. He's thinking about her as he's getting the blow j*b and the only reason he accepts the offer is because he was hard thinking about George.

Why not just wait the f*cking few hrs to get back to London and have sex with the woman you claim to love? How disgusting. It just ruined the entire story for me. It was such a pointless and unnecessary thing to add especially since I really liked his character.

    cheater-alert detailed-sex-scene-with-ow-yuck heroine-has-sex-with-om


1,665 reviews16 followers

Shelved as 'the-book-graveyard'

February 10, 2017

I'm assuming Tiger will be the one to put Kitten back together again. I'm sort of relieved this book isn't out. I'm not sure I'd survive both books back to back. The feelings are too fresh from Carnage.

351 reviews193 followers

January 10, 2015

5 WhOoPiNg StArS

I'm Georgia Rae Layton McCarthy.
This is the Story of Me, my Journey Back!!

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (8)

I made a HUGE statement at the beginning of the year, and 80 odd books later I still stand by my statement The Story of Us is still my NO.1 READ THIS YEAR!

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (9)

I'm not gonna write some kinda long arsed review for CARNAGE #2: The Story Of Me I think all the 5 star reviews speak for themselves.

What I will say is, there was some Ohhhh Nooo....moments

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (10)

and LOT'S of this....
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (11)

In fact I laughed my way through the whole book, it felt like I was doing my own rendition of the Laughing Policeman song, I laughed so bloody much!!

Being an Essex girl the humour wasn't lost on me, I LOVED IT....oh and my favourite gaff from the book had to be about Nicknames - too hilarious for words!!

One last final thought...Yes can't go without mentioning 9 inches ladies!! Rawrrr!!

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (12)

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (13)

Yes indeedie, I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was blinding!!

Lesley Jones is a amazing writer, thanks Lesley for sharing Georgia Rae's story with us - smooch x

    best-reads-2014 laugh-my-arse-off made-me-cry

RB Martin

327 reviews3 followers

August 7, 2014

DNF: 72%
Of course, the dude with the biggest co*ck gets the girl

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (15)
Before I started this, I already know that I might not like it.
But I still read this. So now pissed. f*cking pissed. Even in the first book, I don't like them. Now, I loathe them.
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (16)

I intended to have a review of this. But honestly, I already forgotten about all of it. What I just remember is this...

"I f*cking love the f*ck out of you, Kitten."
"I f*cking love the f*ck out of you, too, Tiger."

ANNOYING! f*ckING ANNOYING! I hate these dialogue! I HATE it!

By the way, the author's writing improved. So much than the first.



Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞

2,747 reviews

August 6, 2015

3 - 3.5 ★'s

I know...I'm shocked I read this too especially given my feelings from the first book but believe it or not, I'm actually happy that I did read it. I'm not going to sugarcoat it and say things are so much better...because they're not but there is closure and that's what I was looking for.

Georgia slowly comes out of her grief and starts getting on with her life. She ends up going to Australia to spend some time with her cousins and not dealing with the media. Her cousin, Jackson, has some experience in what she's gone through so he's a real help.

She does met a guy while she's there and while there's some connection, it's nothing like Sean but at least it awakens something in her. So much so, that after a wild night, she actually texts Cam and of course, they then run into each other at a club opening her other cousin, Jodie, was working at. We all know what's coming...

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (18)

Of course we do especially after what happened at the end of the first book. But it's not an easy road. There's been a lot of history in these 10+ years and Cam definitely has not been celibate. And that's a whole 'nother truck load of drama!

But I did like this book better than the first. Maybe I was better prepared but at least the craziness is not too over the top...just over the top. I want to say that Georgia handles things better....naw, I'll just let you decide.

Overall, I'm glad I read it. I just hate to be left hanging so it was great finding out what happens and if Georgia gets some happiness.

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (19)

Favorite quote:

♥ "I love the f*ck out of you.
I will talk.
You will listen.
We will be together.
I’ve waited long enough."



635 reviews94 followers


May 7, 2017

DNF @ 69%

No Rating!!!

Don't get me wrong, I love book 1 of Carnage, I was actually looking forward to reading this one. And just for the prologue... WOW! Magnificently done. It takes me back to where the first book ends and that's good. I also love how the author never fails to give us a glimpse of what happened to book one for people who tends you forget easily - namely me. However, some events are told more than once and it kinda felt repetitive, like it was written for the main purpose to make this book long.

***Please stop here if you still haven't read the first book ***

I felt the story somehow turned 360• because the first book shows us just how much Georgia loved Sean with all her heart, Cam did hold a portion of it but not as much as how Sean occupied it, but with this book, it seems that Cam hold a bigger portion, it's just that she is in denial of her feelings for Cam and realized it too late that she loved Cam after all. I'm beginning to think whether Georgia REALLY loved Sean at all or just the idea of being in love to him. Coz it sure feels like it.

Let me get this straight, I'm not naive. I know that this book will continue Tiger and Kitten's story but I just don't like how everything turns out. I thought everything will start out slow coz it sure feels like it from the start when Cam texted her on her birthday, but no.... Sometime later, Cam just suddenly keeps on invading Georgia's mind and all of a sudden she realizes that she is STILL very much in love with him. Step aside Sean! I'm ready to move on with the other love of my life and hey, have I told that all this time you NEVER really owned my heart? Coz half of it or more (just realised it now) belonged to Cam all this time? Even when we're married? Yeah... Just want you to know that's all

I've done nothing but think about what I feel for him for years, especially in the last few weeks

Girl, I don't think you deserve Sean's love after all...


Life goes on, I know... but the idea of professing your love to the man you cheated your husband with and WORSE on the anniversary of the day he died is just too much for me. She just doesn't seem to respect his death anymore ...all she's thinking about was her needs - and by that I mean sexually... Because I'm sure they're gonna do it if Cam didn't insist on just talking. I know that Sean was dead, but somehow this book felt like cheating. All this time, their marriage for me was a sham. I sure like for Georgia and Cam to get back together on this book but definitely NOT in this manner.

"Despite being happily married and in love with my husband, I f*cked this man and I thought about him far too often during my marriage, and now, here I am. My husband’s dead and now here I am, back in his bed...."

At first, I really felt George's sorrow for the loss of Sean in the first book, but now I don't know what to believe anymore. I guess she's crying for her shattered illusion of her happily ever after to her "supposed love of her life " , guilt for being unfaithful to her husband and not being honest about her true feelings for Cam.

I'd be honest, somewhere along 57% I'm thinking of DNFing this one coz I can't take it. I felt like what I read on book 1 were all fake, everything just seize to exist, well except for everything that happened between Tiger and Kitten... I am team Sean... It's not that I don't like Tiger, he's great too but their timing was just not right and surely who doesn't want an HEA? I know both Sean and G loved each other so much that I want them both to end up together.. or so I thought , coz the love here as I see it now probably just runs one way. But despite everything, I still continue to read on....

" I love the f*ck out of you, Kitten.”
“I f*cking love the f*ck out of you, Tiger"

I hate reading about this statement so many times! the f*@# word is overly used, It makes me want to shout it back to both of them. Okay maybe not, just Georgia.

Sean and I had chemistry; ours was borne more from knowing each other so well. We loved each other and sex was one of the ways in which we expressed our love. We had times when things got a little routine, but it was never boring. We liked to mix things up in the bedroom. We travelled a lot and were pretty adventurous when it came to finding new places to have sex: planes, boats, cars, backstage offices, but what I have with Cam is something else altogether. Whatever we do, however many times we f*ck, I want more, all the time. I just want more.
- You wanna know why? The answer is simple... 9- 1/2 inches, that's why.

That's it.. I'm done. I really don't know why everyone's making a fuss out of this book, because I felt NONE. I'm not trying to be troll here but this book was just a HUGE let down and a waste of time. I guess I'm one of those who judges easily. So this book definitely wasn't it for me.

If you still want to read this, then by all means do it. Don't say I didn't warn you though.

    alpha-heroes boring-read dnf


1,179 reviews4,603 followers

October 12, 2015

I have never been torn between two characters like I was between Sean and Cam. Usually, I have a clear and unwavering preference for one or the other. That wasn't the case with the Carnage series at all. I loved both guys and wanted her to keep both. I was so torn when Georgia had to choose in Book 1, and then utterly devastated by the tragic ending.

I wasn't sure I would be able to handle Georgia moving on in Book 2...or if it would feel forced and not measure up after the epic romance she had with Sean. Carnage 2 did all that and more! It takes an amazing talent to write not one, but two, epic "love of their life" romances for one character, without seeming to take away the realness and depth of either relationship.

Georgia has grown up a lot since her relationship with Cam ended and has had to endure unimaginable grief and loss. Once she gets past the guilt of loving 2 men, she is able to build a life with Cam. It didn't feel wrong, or forced, but like it was meant to be. They had their fair share of drama to work through, but they did it.

This story was beautiful! Finally, Georgia gets a happy ending!

    age-difference childhood-loves dangerous-hero-themed-books-read

Vanessa Booked Up

928 reviews434 followers

March 28, 2015

3 I Have So Much to Say Stars!

"I don't want to be just someone to help you through until the next love of your life comes along. I want the next love of your life to be me."

My Castings for the series:

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (23)

So here's the thing. I absolutely LOVED Carnage The Story of Us. No other book has gotten to me like that book did in a very long time. Coming out of that story, I was COMPLETELY invested in every one of these characters and I couldn't NOT jump right into this continuation of the story.

The beginning started out great, and I was immediately sucked back in to the setting and the emotions. But sadly, that didn't last for long. I am totally ok with suspending a level of reality when I read a book...I feel that I already did a good bit of that in Carnage. But the story carried itself, so it worked and I was ok with it. Here?

What was done here was the complete use of DRAMA over EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT.
So, instead of soul searching, mature character development, and reflection on the things that had happened to these characters together, bringing them to certain realizations and subsequent growth, we instead had to endure cheap, OTT, white-trash, out-of-character behavior from BOTH the hero and heroine in order for them to come to certain conclusions.

Allow me to explain...

Complete OTT moment #1 -

I actually didn't see the point of the entire trip to Australia over all, unless it was to introduce us to Roman and Jackson so that a spin-off can maybe be written for one of them later (it is said that there will be a book 4 in this series at some point), and if that was the reason, it pisses me off. I am ok with a new character and a complete new story line being introduced if it was the natural progression of the STORY; NOT if it was to set up the sale of another f*cking book! Not saying that this is the case, but it felt so unnatural in the story, that this is what I am therefore led to believe.

Complete OTT moment #2 -

Complete OTT moment #3 -

I just don't understand. Everything that happened in Carnage was enough, MORE than enough actually, to carry this book. None of this crap was needed. What it did, was cheapen the ENTIRE story, as a whole for me, and just generally really piss me off.

There were other things that bothered me too...the list is so long, honestly that there is just too much to cover in detail. The major ones are above but additionally there were parts of the internal dialogue that were extremely repetitive AND hmmm, how do I say this without throwing a major spoiler? Well, Team Sean fans, I feel, will be very disappointed here. His role in her life, I thought, was discredited and overshadowed needlessly. I LOVED the idea of them both being the "loves of her life." Why put what they meant to her in competition with one another? I feel like that was done here and it did not flow AT ALL with what we were shown and lead to believe in Carnage.

With all of this being said, there were some parts of this book that I absolutely did love and enjoy. There were some beautiful moments and some great quotes that I loved. However, there was so much other crap that was completely impossible to overlook, laced in with the good, that the overall reading experience was severely compromised for me.

So all-in-all, I would recommend reading this book if you are ok with completely wiping a few (and by a few, I mean a lot) pointless scenes from your memory and just picking apart the book for the few worthwhile pieces that we did get. Otherwise, I think it's best to skip it. As heart-breaking as the end of Carnage was, I rather have drawn my own conclusions as to the futures of these characters, than to have embarked on this particular journey with them.

It's really sad because, at the very end of the book, I actually was happy with where the overall story was left but, in my opinion the author took a total crap road in getting there.

This author showed us in book 1 that she is a

MUCH better writer than this. I am not sure what she was trying to do here but, she missed her mark, to put it lightly!

And for the record, I was not team Cam or team Sean. I think that they are BOTH EQUALLY the loves of her life.

I still loved this story as a whole and I will still definitely read Marley's book because again, I am too invested in these characters now, so there is no way that I could NOT read a continuation of any of their stories. Just please God, I hope she doesn't take the Jerry Springer/ trashy OTT route in telling a story and getting her points across again!!!

I love the f*ck out of you.
I will talk.
You will listen.
We will be together.
I've waited long enough.


    3-stars-it-was-all-right cried-like-a-little-bitch drama-llama

Lyns Simpson

22 reviews

July 29, 2014

Where do I start, I don't want to say much as I don't want to give anything away. Firstly I would like to say thank you to Lesley for giving us a second part to Georgia's story. I didn't think she could beat Carnage but she has exceeded all my expectations. I love This book so much. I have laughed, I have cried, I have almost choked and spat out my brew all over the place, my heart has twisted and sunk and rebuilt so many times. I feel like I have lived Georgia's story with her. What a fantastic end to her story and I'm so happy and grateful to Lesley for giving it to us, I just wish I could rate it 100 stars


713 reviews41 followers

August 4, 2019

4.5 Kitten Stars

I really needed this kind of second book! There were more tears for sure, especially in the beginning, but they were the restorative, healing kind.

This author’s wit and humor was the best kind of offset to all the emotion. The hilarity...SO much cheek—I loved it! Between the British, and a bit of the Australian slang thrown in, I had many a laugh—good Ol’ Mildred! And Ashley— that “bird” was a “nutter!” LOL

“Twelve years denying I loved two men. I really hate the way this makes me feel. I wonder if it makes me lucky or unlucky to have two loves of my life.”

I honestly think this is one of the best love triangles I’ve ever read! The storyline for the two books was original with a distinctive twist, and the characters were absolutely unforgettable! My heart, mind and sensibilities were all over the place throughout both books. Even tho I was devastated by the turn of events from the first book, and my heart was totally invested in that scenario, this one ended so well!!!

    favorite-series good-n-angsty unforgettable


488 reviews73 followers

August 5, 2014

5 Healing Stars

Carnage The story of me..
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (27)

Georgia is now in Australia, trying to come to terms with where her life is now going.
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (28)

She’s a mess, but an out of character incident makes her look at herself and finally realises that its time to go home.

It might be a life alone.. but its a new life.

Can she move on from her past or is her past her future?

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (29)

My thoughts.
I loved this.
Now there is a lot of drama, there’s alot of angst but maybe to understand Georgia’s journey and get to the end it was necessary.
I had so many feels, it’s funny....
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (30)

It’s heartbreaking....
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (31)

Its frustrating....

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (32)

The first 30% Georgia was a mess, I was a mess.
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (33)

You question some of her actions, and others too...
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (34)

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (35)

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (36)

No this is not a sweet love story...But this is Georgia's story... It's about healing, it's about love and family and I loved Georgia’s family, yes its raw, sexual, did I say sexual.... but forgiving too...

Then we watch her come to terms and I liked the new Georgia, she had at last grown up, she knew what she wanted but in a good way.
She wanted a life again.

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (37)

This story kept me hooked till the end, I needed that HEA ..

Lesley Jones you did a brilliant job and thank you for giving me a conclusion to Georgia’s story ....

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (39)


    books-that-made-me-cry favorites


46 reviews

August 1, 2014

What can I say about this book, too many thoughts, but all I have to say is amazing. If you are searching for a different book. An interesting read that is different from ever other cookie cutter book out there. Read about Gorg, you'll love her. That is all.

Amber’s reading

538 reviews111 followers

February 17, 2019

This book gave me what I needed after the utter devastation I felt after book 1. Even though book 1 was messy and heartbreaking, it was such an epic story and it gave me all the feels.

While this book was healing and gave Georgia what she deserved, it didn’t quite pack the same punch as book 1. Don’t get me wrong, it was still fabulous, but what I loved about book 1 was that it felt so authentic and the drama didn’t feel contrived for the sake of drama. It flowed perfectly and felt natural. Book 2 had some of that unnecessary drama that I am not a fan of. Less would have been more. The trauma from book 1 was powerful enough to sustain the whole series. The additional drama in this book was completely gratuitous.

Had Lesley Jones remained focused on Georgia’s healing and willingness to love again, this book would have easily been 5 stars.

Overall, an all-consuming and utterly memorable epic love story that I highly recommend. It’s unconventional and will push some people’s boundaries, but totally worth the emotional rollercoaster ride.

    contemporary-romance epic-love-story famous-hero

Rachael 🥀

456 reviews27 followers

November 22, 2023

If I never read the word Kitten again I will rejoice. It was said 242 times. 242 TIMES.

This was way too angsty for me. The drama never stopped. Like damn can I get a moment to breath without something happening.

I will not, and won’t ever, forgive Cam from getting that blowj*b from a random girl at the airport while on his way to fight for the woman he really loved. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. 🤯


502 reviews131 followers

March 31, 2020

I loved it so much !! 💜💜



2,278 reviews2 followers

May 7, 2023

Spoiler from Book 3 + maybe 4 -
We find out from h's brother's PoV that Sean DID cheat on the h in book 1,
AND during THIS 2nd book while he was married to the h,
and she was depressed about a miscarriage.
He did this with the same girl he cheated on h with from book 1.

Then in book 4- book about his letters, I found a comment from a reader saying this,
"In her letter she made it seem like her and Sean had a whole emotional affair while Georgia was grieving and shutting Sean out. However, Sean and Marley made it seem like it was nothing and Sean only saw her that one time when Marley caught them. "

Big Spoilers
Note safe

Cheating H(Cam) with a random hookup at the airport shortly after they see each other again. This scene is descriptive but short. His action showed me that he didn’t really love the h after all.

Cheating Details;
The MC spent the entire night together just cuddling and talking, they said I love yous, and said they wanted to try having a the morning, they get into a fight (she finds out the H dated her cousin), and the h rushes home mad. So the H goes after her, and he’s at the airport…he’s horny and sees a slu*tty woman and gets a BJ. Then he text the h saying how much he loved her lol….gets on his flight and for him to rush to her parents house as soon as he lands to declare his undying love for the h in front of her family and that they f*ck on the same day he cheated….Thanks author, truly showed me how much he lovvvvved her.

The h became a whiny, needy doormat in this book. She forgives all instantly. Her reasoning, they weren’t really together yet. So spending a night together declaring love for each other, saying they will try again…isn’t being together now?

Big Ow drama - his on and off f*ck buddy of 10yrs is pregnant with his baby.
And yes, after dragging it out for the entire book-is it really his…Is it not….they do finally find out that it IS his baby at 80% and the h will have to see and raise his child with the Ow. The H proceeds to put his son above the h for the rest of this book, and most likely their lives together.
Reviewers didn’t seem to share baby spoiler, so now I did. it’s a trigger/big pet peeve for me - baby with ow trope- so you should know it.

- this book has too many fillers and the MCs don’t even meet again until 40%.

- very detailed and long love scenes with OM, this is before she sees Cam. They also have a threesom. MFF.
The h gets oral sex from a girl.🤮🤭

I hated everyone in book 1 especially Sean because he cheated, so I read this book expecting to see the heartbroken Cam show the h what real love was…Then to find out in book 2 that Sean never cheated in book 1, and Cam is actually the f*cking asshole of the series, and she’s stuck, has a HEA, with the real cheater pissed me the f*ck off.🙄. Wow I feel played.
3 stars for the angst.

I plan to change my rating for book 1 after finding out the truth.


Natalie Dennis

68 reviews9 followers

August 16, 2016

This was worse than the first book. I didn't want to read it but I kept wondering if I'm going to miss anything and really hoping it was better than the first. I really wanted Cameron to have a HEA. I ended up reading only the parts that involved the main characters and then the epilogue. All the other characters and drama was just unnecessary and the conversations were cringe worthy. I hated all the telephone conversations.

[image error]

I hated all the crying – fine I can understand that George is sad and its fine but as soon as she starts crying there is always at least one other person that joins in.

[image error]

All the “Kitten / Tiger” banter was cute the first couple of times but later it started feeling as if these conversations were copied and pasted over and over and over again.




Gina *loves sunshine*

2,008 reviews87 followers

September 17, 2018

Story of Me picks up right where the Story of Us left off. And Wow what a ride!!!! So much to work through, so many emotions and Lesley Jones does a phenomenal job of writing it all! A repeat of what I said about Book 1 - this British setting is like no other, so funny, such great banter. This family is fierce and sharp tongued!!! They are all my favorites! I just know this is going to be a great series - I can't wait to binge it all!!

    2018 book-2 ebook


635 reviews402 followers

January 25, 2015

*****5 Beautiful, Healing Stars*****

Let me start this review by saying it is with GREAT relief to be able to give this follow-up to Carnage 1: The Story of Us 5 Stars. I can honestly say I was a bit afraid. Carnage #1 is one of my all-time favorite books. (My review -> ) So how do you follow that? I'm just glad it was Lesley Jones who had the daunting task and not me. Because she did it with a master's touch. She took on the task of healing Georgia Rae Layton McCarthy, and she did it powerfully, beautifully, and with love.

This is the healing of Georgia Ray. Her journey back to life, after her emotional death.

"You made me feel." I don't know why I'm telling him this. "It's not even been a year, and you made me feel."

Drowning in guilt, reeling from her loss, and living with a shattered heart; she has to find her way back to herself, or at least a new self. Figuring out how to do that, to go on and live is challenging and frightening.

Her incredibly supportive family and her amazing cousin Jax, slowly help her accept the past for what it was, a tragedy, and realize she has to move on, to live on. I LOVED her cousin Jax! (HE needs a book!) He was incredibly insightful, caring and handled Georgia with the right amount of care and straight talk.

"Stop crying and feeling sorry for yourself, George. You did a sh*tty thing, but crying ain't gonna change that, and it certainly won't make you feel better."

Lesley Jones gives us a story of redemption, healing, love and family with this continuation of Carnage #1.

***I was graciously given an ARC for my honest review by Lesley Jones***

***Blog Tour with Teasers*** --> -->

    5-it-fed-my-addiction-stars arc favorite-author-s

Concetta Vargas

250 reviews3 followers

May 17, 2017

2,5 rate
Questa serie avrebbe dovuto chiamarsi "MAI UNA GIOIA" ...
Sciagure a non finire dall'inizio alla fine....
Per capirci: Se questa va a Lourdes, non solo trova chiuso ma, l'acqua delle vasche evapora per proteggersi....
Era insopportabile lei, per me, nel primo libro...adesso raggiunge vette altissime.
Più che un libro tragico mi è sembrato un libro comico....Tutto ruota intorno al sesso...sesso al mattino, mezzogiorno e sera, sesso da drogati, da ubriachi, sesso intontiti....
Sesso con sconosciute/i.
Insomma ciulate a destra e sinistra...
I "mici a" e i "tigre" melensi si sprecano.... tanto da avermi causato un'orticaria pruriginosa
E per causarla a me, che sono ProRomanticismo, ce ne vuole...
Ma in questo libro tutto è all'eccesso.
Ma anche le sciagure continuano ...
L'autrice non paca del primo ha continuato ad infierire anche nel secondo...che uno dice : ma una gioia arriverà?
Su di lui , Cam, non mi esprimo
Sono fin troppo disgustata: dico solo che ,se un uomo, che mi ha dichiarato amore imperituro 10 secondi prima, si facesse fare un servizietto da una sconosciuta e manco 2 h dopo mi inviasse, appena concluso, un messaggio d"amore
A) lo evirerei
b) Lo scuoierei
c) lo appenderei al ramo più alto, del più alto albero e lo lascerei a morire di fame.
Da tutto il libro però possiamo imparare che:
1) La droga rende liberi
2) le misure contano
3) puoi farti fare un pompino in bagno da una sconosciuta, l'importante è che poi invii al tuo lui/lei un messaggio in cui dichiari tutto il tuo amore
4) fare sesso 3 volte al giorno per 7 giorni, ( 90 volte al mese) a 44 anni si può
5) tutte le donne fingono....anche le protagoniste dei libri
Insomma era meglio il primo, e non è che mi era almeno li potevi trovarci un senso, ma qua..,,
il nulla...


1,243 reviews38 followers

August 5, 2014

***6 Stars and Beyond***

This book is a continuation of Georgia's story. The first book, Carnage - The Story of Us gutted me. I loved Sean and Cam. I wasn't just reading about Georgia and Sean and Cam, I felt like I was experiencing it. So, yes Book 1 gutted me. I had a book hangover for days after reading it.

I was nervous and scared about this book, because anything can happen. I know what I want to happen. I chatted with others for days about Georgia's path to happiness and how it would be a hard road. I knew who in MY mind how her HEA should be. But it wasn't my was Georgia's. If you know Georgia, then you know things don't always work out.

This book, all I have to say, this book to ME is perfection. I felt what Georgia was going through...her guilt, her struggles, her love. The support of her family, unwavering. This book was how I wanted it to be for Gia...of course there were some drama that I could have done without, but, it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, this book to me was PERFECTION.

Thank you Lesley Jones, for this wonderful journey.

    2-or-more-pov alpha-beta-gamma-hero angsty-emotional


642 reviews2 followers

October 27, 2014

Lesley didn't disappoint. LOVED and one of my top favorites this year!!

OMG I need this book NOW!!! I hope Tiger shows up to put kitten back together. ;(



1,162 reviews4,873 followers

February 10, 2019

4.5 stars

    _romance angst-fest feels-feels-feels


881 reviews1 follower

August 2, 2014

I'm not going to lie I was actually bricking myself when I picked up this book!!!! Let me explain why, I absolutely adored Carnage even though that book put me through every range of emotion know to womankind & I cried buckets of big ugly sobbing my heart out tears. I was beside myself with joy when Leslie confirmed she would in fact be writing a second book. I immediately joined the carnage support group & consoled myself with the fact that more & more people had loved the book & had cried their eyes out too! Over the course of the last 5 months we have debated, argued & all firmly stated our opinions & what we wanted from the second book all the while trying to guess what way Leslie would take the story. The snippets & teasers from book 2 put us all in a spin & I was dying to know how it was all going to pan out, which brings me back to the bricking it situation!

So now I've finished this book & I refuse to post any spoilers because I'd hate to spoil to for anyone else, so can I just say OMFGG Leslie you outdid yourself this book went exactly as I'd hoped it would. I inhaled every word & loved every twist & turn along the way, if you were nervous about this book you shouldn't be it was as good or in my opinion better than book 1! The epilogue was immense & I was smiling all the while reading it.

I absolutely love the style of writing by this author & maybe cos I was born & raised in the east end & now live in Essex it was more special to me who knows but what I do know is that I give this book 5 BIG FAT STARS, absolutely loved it!!!

Lo Bookfrantic

798 reviews591 followers

February 8, 2015

I enjoyed this. Even though I cried to death the first 40% of this book, I still loved it.
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (54)
I specifically loved the end it was just perfect. this book had so much drama day is happy stuff the next tragic but overall I loved it.
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (55)
Perfect ending to this beautiful love story!! Team Cam he was awesome, loved him! <3
The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (56)


724 reviews50 followers

November 1, 2016

Synonyms for Carnage:

All of the above are what my emotions went through reading this series. Just when things would go well for a second.......BAM reference the above.

I have to be honest, I never could get on board the Georgia & Sean train. They behavior was toxic, immature, and co-dependent. Georgia loved the boy, not the rock star Sean grew into. I don't think she ever truly forgave him for the hotel incident and that's why Cam had so much sway on her.

I liked Cam. I secretly rooted for him the whole first book and then felt guilty with that ending. I felt this whole series was about Georgia growing up (lord have mercy she was so infuriating) and Cam getting the chance he deserved.

    music-celebrities tragic-heartbreaking

♂️Must Have Book Boyfriends ♂️

517 reviews2,206 followers

May 14, 2015

The conclusion of Georgia's story. What a ride. It truly is a journey. Just when I thought I had experienced all I could with Carnage 1, was I wrong! Again, so many emotions while reading this fantastic book, I just absolutely LOVED it! Again, a book that did things to my heart and mind that I didn't think were even possible! I felt more emotions while reading this book, than I did with Carnage 1! Just amazing, truly amazing. Thank you so much Lesley Jones for all your hard work! Thank you for giving us Georgia, Sean, Cam, Ashley and Marley. I will NEVER forget these characters and will recommend this story to everyone I know! LOVE YOUR GUTS YA SEXY BIRD!!!

Donna ~ The Romance Cover

2,817 reviews320 followers

August 6, 2014

The Story of Me (Carnage #2) by Lesley Jones
4 stars!!

“The biggest lies we tell, George, are the ones we tell ourselves.”

First off, I will start by saying that this is nothing like Carnage and to be honest I was glad because I don’t think my heart could have taken another heart shattering, soul destroying ride that Carnage delivered. This is Georgia’s story and as we know from Carnage she has had an incredibly tough life, she has been through the mill, her heart has been shattered and she has been left in pieces. Can the devastation of Carnage ever be put in the past? Can Georgia recover? Will her heart ever be the same again? Can life go on for Georgia?

This is one e-mot-ion-al book but as I said above totally different from Carnage. This is the story about Georgia learning to cope with her past, trying to live in the present and coming to terms with the fact that she does have a future. After her heart was decimated in Carnage it takes a lot of soul searching and some amazing friends and family to make her see that there is a life for her beyond the “Carnage.” As the saying goes though, you have to hit the bottom before you can reach for the top and there is still a lot of turmoil for Georgia to go through before she can begin her turnaround. Guilt is an incredibly overpowering emotion; none more so for Georgia but that guilt is so misplaced. She was a victim, the fall-out from a terrible accident, the one that was left behind, she had what they label as “survivors guilt.” Now it was up to her to not let that guilt swallow her whole, but to break free and live the life that Sean would have wanted for her. He wouldn’t have wanted her to give up and this was what she needed to come to terms with.

“It sounds like the most logical thing to do, but in my head, in my head all I can see is that old tumble drier full of socks of my mum’s going around, every sock representing a different thought, feeling and emotion…”

I really cannot say much about this book and as much as I would like to gush about its contents anything I do say would be a massive spoiler, so I will have to refrain. I will say though that this book will make you see Carnage in a different light, well it did for me. I found myself re-visiting scenes in Carnage and having a totally new perspective. You will find yourself imagining things differently, seeing other characters in a totally different way and having a new and different appreciation for those characters.

One thing I also found was I was right all along about a certain person. He truly was a beautiful person inside and out despite the tough exterior. If you were like me while reading Carnage, I was so totally engrossed in Georgia and Sean’s story that you tended to forget about the other characters that were left behind in their all-consuming romance. There are more victims than first meets the eye and none more so than this man. Yes it may have dictated how his life turned out, but one thing never changed for him and this you are made painfully aware of while reading this book.

“If I was to have a custom made steering wheel made to represent me, it would have a little He-Man on it, coz I’m not just King of the world; I’m Master of the f**king Universe.”

Georgia’s family in this book are truly amazing and are one powerful family unit and will do anything and I mean anything to keep their family together. The ladies in this family are so strong, so extraordinary that you cannot help but wish you were a part of it. I found that this part of the book in particular to be emotionally draining but so empowering at the same time. You find yourself wanting to be a better person for your own family. Outside interference can wait; family is the priority, no matter what.

This is not all about the “feels” and the emotion, this book has some serious wit in it too that will have you laughing out loud. This humour interspersed with the emotion gave the book a perfect balance.

This was one of those stories that needed to be told and Lesley Jones told it perfectly. This is a story that will give you a new appreciation for life and to grasp what you have with both hands, to never take people for granted as you never know what the future holds. Make the most of your life, live it to the max and most of all be happy, life is a gift, hold it, treasure it, live it, breathe it but most of all make the most of it, be the person to make that difference.

The Story of Me (Carnage, #2) (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.