Tweet Like a Pro: A Guide on How to Write a Good Tweet (2024)

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When it comes to social networking platforms, a few other platforms have superseded the brand engagement theory, as Twitter did.

Twitter has bridged the gap between companies and their followers with its direct line of communication.

For years, marketers have leveraged Twitter’s surging popularity to create brand awareness, grab more leads, gather rich insights, and expand their target reach.

The 280 characters extended limit has opened the gate of opportunities for marketers to write more engaging and targeted tweets.

In fact,

There is a wide array of Twitter marketing tools, engagement tools, and analytics tools available on the internet. Still, none of them can be of any help if the content itself is not worth a reader’s attention.

Therefore, it’s important to know how to write a good tweet that shouts Quality; and thankfully, we have got you covered with these 8 ways to create engaging tweets in 280 characters.

Want a more easier path? Try our fantastic Twitter Post Generator. Just share your topic, experiment with various tones, and generate multiple tweet ideas that follow all the best practices already.

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Tweet Like a Pro: A Guide on How to Write a Good Tweet (1)

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Let’s get started…

8 Ways to Write Good Tweets in 2024

1. Create Visually Attractive Tweets

It’s a proven fact, known by most marketers, that visual content has a larger retention rate than plain simple text. Twitter has grown leaps and bounds when it comes to visual content in the last few years. It is important for users to unravel the potential of video marketing on Twitter.

Incorporating videos, clips, GIFs, and images in tweets gives your brand a much clearer voice. It helps you convey your point better and grabs hold of your audience’s attention instantly.

It was studied and established that almost 98% of the users would like to be exposed to a new product or service through visual content. In addition to these, pictures and videos gain over 30% boost in terms of retweets, far superior to plain text.

Try and make your tweets visually attractive by centering them on your product or service, thereby leaving a lasting impression on the minds of your audience; this way, you can increase social media engagement.

For better understanding…

Let’s take an example of one of the most popular brands – Starbucks.

#MacchiatoMondays return with the cinnamon dolce bliss + caramel kiss that is Iced Cinnamon Almondmilk Macchiato. 😘

— Starbucks Coffee (@Starbucks) March 12, 2018

In this example, they used a GIF to showcase their Macchiato drink and used a relevant hashtag to make the drink a trend.

Well, you can call this example “Visually compelling plus intelligently marketed” a genius idea!

Now, what’s next?

2. Tag your Audience, Relevant Brands or Influencers

We all know Twitter is a great medium for sharing constructive views about a certain follower, influencer, or brand by mentioning them in the tweet.

So, why not get some more followers by mentioning some of the well-known influencers?

Well, ensure to always include the Twitter handle of the people you are referring to. This way, the mentioned user will be notified of the tweet within seconds.

And if the tagged user finds your tweet constructive or valuable, they would most likely retweet or reply, which would radically boost the overall reach of your tweet. As a result of that, you would have way more impressions and engagements.

How about taking an example to know more about it?

So, Matt Navara is a famous social media expert, and getting a retweet from him can help anyone receive more engagements and retweets from the marketing niche audience.

And that’s exactly what Ahemd Ghanem got – an audience with 4152+ of Matt’s followers!

Tweet Like a Pro: A Guide on How to Write a Good Tweet (2)

You can find out and mention the SME of your niche, and if they like your topic, they will retweet and share it further. This way, there are more chances of increasing and growing your followers.

In addition to this, influencer marketing can also lay the foundation of a fruitful relationship between you and the influencer or brand mentioned in the tweet. Because this will not only help you expand your social circle on the platform, but you will also be able to widen your tweet reach and visibility through such relationships.

3. Always use a Call to Action

We often believe that brands shouldn’t explicitly provide directions to their followers. Contrary to that belief, popular and noteworthy brands always ask their followers for link clicks, likes, retweets, comments and other engagement activities.

This is where adding a call to action can help you get the desired results. It is an important tool for every digital channel, from blogs and websites to social media sites.

If you want your audience to take action, you need to tell them what they need to do. This way of providing direction influences the audience, and in return increases the overall engagement ratio.

This example of Walmart will clearly help you get an idea! Look how unabashedly it is providing the links to buy products.

Tweet Like a Pro: A Guide on How to Write a Good Tweet (3)

So, using a call to action is one of the great ways to increase the followers and engagement ratio.

Let’s jump on the next one!

4. Being Short and Simple is Perfect

In order to increase the length of a tweet, users often use complicated and difficult words that have a direct and negative influence on their social profile.

So, before stepping ahead to curate a tweet, one must always avoid such heavy language and instead think of something easy from the audience’s perspective before drafting a tweet. Because if the language of the tweet is easy, there are more chances to get likes, shares, and engagement.

On the same note, make sure you don’t exploit the 280-character limit by creating long sentences. For that purpose, Twitter has already created the Twitter threads feature.

Look at this tweet from Mcdonald’s. The copy of the tweet is enough to propel people to watch the video, wherein lies all the details. Since the video covers all the necessary information, it’s unnecessary to justify it with so many words. Hence, keep it crisp and conscious.

Tweet Like a Pro: A Guide on How to Write a Good Tweet (4)

5. Creatively Integrate Emojis

Emojis have gone on to become the new global language in our advancing social world. After all, we all take the assistance of emojis while chatting with our friends and family, then why not include them in our tweets as well?

Since Twitter supports all kinds of major emojis in its platform, one can simply include them in its content. In this way, not only will it make your tweets more visually appealing, but it will also help readers understand the tone and emotion behind the tweet. Also, more people are likely to retweet your content if it is unique and interesting to read.

One ideal example is how NatGeo welcomed their new update by using animal emojis in their tweets.

🐶🦊🦁🐵🐔🐥🐺🐛🐜🐢🐙🐠🦍🦒🐖🐕🕊🦔🐻🐮🙈🐧🦆🐗🦋🦗🐍🦑🐟🐘🐃🐏🐩🐇🐭🐼🐷🙉🐦🦅🐴🐌🕷🦎🦐🐳🐆🦏🐂🐑🐈🐁🐉🐹🐨🐽🙊🐤🦉🦄🦖🦀🐳🐆🐪🐄🐐🐓🐀🐰🐯🐸🐒🦇🐝🐞🦂🦕🐡🐋🦓🐫🐎🦌🦃🐿 🐶🦊🦁🐵🐔🐥🐺🐛🐜🐢🐙🐠🦈🦍🦒🐖🐕🐕🕊🕊🦔🐱🐻🐮🙈🐧🦆🐗🦋🦗🐍🦑🐟🐟🐊🐘🐃🐏🐩🐇🐭🐼🐷🙉🐦 #280characters

— Nat Geo WILD (@natgeowild) November 8, 2017

Even brands like Google France took the assistance of heart and other shapes to create something unique.


— Google FR (@GoogleFR) September 28, 2017

Even brands like Google France took the assistance of heart and other shapes to create something unique.

So, this makes us clear that if the emojis are used correctly, it will definitely show up some different impact on the tweet!

6. Use Relevant Hashtags

To run a dedicated marketing campaign, it is imperative to use hashtags and leverage their power. This is where hashtags can help you get a great response.

Hashtags give you a unique touch in the market and helps remind your audience about the brand. But one must be aware of how to use hashtags in Twitter effectively to reap its positive results.

Here are certain things to consider before using hashtags in tweets…

  • The first thing you need to do is come up with a unique hashtag that relates to your brand. Make sure you don’t combine more than 3-4 words together and it is easy to understand.
  • You can use different Hashtag analytic tools like Socialert to discover new or trending hashtags. The reach of the hashtag can also be calculated through such tools.
  • Although it’s an obvious point, do not use an already used Hashtag. Make it original and free from profane language.
  • Don’t cover your entire tweet with different hashtags; instead, use up to 2-3 hashtags along with your main hashtag.

Well, let’s get a clear idea from Coca-Cola’s #ShareAco*ke campaign…

Where there’s food & co*ke, there’s a friend & where there’s a friend, there’s TV show plot-twist talks. #Shareaco*ke #NationalBestFriendsDay

— Coca-Cola (@CocaCola) June 8, 2017

Coca-Cola’s #ShareAco*ke campaign was one of the prime examples of how effective hashtags can be if done rightly. The campaign went on to attain 160,000 Twitter mentions and 740m impressions, generating a massive reach for the soft drink giants as a result.

So, do select a #hashtag that is not only related to your brand but is also simple and easy to understand by the audiences.

Now, let’s head to the next!

7. Create a Posting Cadence

With over 500 million tweets posted on average each day, it is easy to go unnoticed amongst the crowd.

So, what you can you do to stand out? Well, start by posting tweets consistently. Create a Twitter posting cadence and stick by it. This will tell your audience that it’s valuable to follow you as your account will always be there with new updates.

What should be your Tweet frequency?

There is no right answer. Some brands post 20 times per day, and some do it only thrice a day. It’s better to experiment yourself and come up with a number.

Here’s a tip: It is recommended to publish tweets every 3 hours, which makes the posting 8 times, on average, a good deal on Twitter.

Though, it’s nearly impossible to manage a consistent tweet frequency manually while working on other social accounts. This is where you can schedule your tweets with the help of social media scheduling tools.

Pre-scheduling your tweets will help you to be active enough on social media and also increases the engagement ratio.

Are you losing the quality of your tweets while barely managing the quantity for multiple client accounts?

Use SocialPilot’s scheduling features to balance the quality and quantity ratio of your tweets. As you plan early on the tweet content, prepare to publish them early as well with SocialPilot’s Twitter scheduling feature. Just create, schedule, and let SocialPilot take care of publishing while you think of more engaging tweet ideas!

Tweet Like a Pro: A Guide on How to Write a Good Tweet (5)

Start Your 14-day Trial

8. Add a Hint of Humor

Unlike LinkedIn or Facebook, Twitter is a much more direct and young platform. Most of the brands that are active on Twitter add a dash of humor to their content to make the tweets more engaging and interesting to read.


This makes it easier for people to relate to your brand and makes your Twitter profile more human-like. By coming up with humorous content, you can increase your followers and get more retweets as well; who wouldn’t want a taste of that, right?

Here is an interesting way to interact with one’s audience on Twitter by following a humorous approach.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for #NationalRoastDay
Hope you all had as much fun as we did

— Wendy’s (@Wendys) January 5, 2018

Wendy’s Twitter account is infamous for roasting people. While this might be a far-fetched instance, the account is known for its humorous appeal too. Recently, they did the same on National Roast Day as well and the result is in front of you.

Hence, adding a little bit of humor to your tweet is not a crime at all, as you can get more engaging followers and likes!

How to Tweet a Post?

Now that you know all the best practices to make a good tweet, it’s time to put them to use by creating a tweet. Wait, should I say how to tweet a post since Twitter is now “X” and the tweet button is the post button?

Anyways, the process is the same, let’s break it down step by step:

Step 1: Log in to your Twitter (Now X) account

Step 2: Click the “Post button” in the navigation bar or start typing on the post composer box at the top of the home timeline.

Tweet Like a Pro: A Guide on How to Write a Good Tweet (6)

Step 3: Inside the box, start writing your tweet, hashtags, emojis, and any mention in up to 280 characters (for X premium accounts, the limit is up to 25,000 characters).

Step 4: To make your tweets visually appealing, add up to 4 photos, a GIF, or a video in your post. You can also tag a location at this stage.

Step 5: Once your post is ready, click the “Post” button to share it with your followers. That’s it!

For busy marketers, manually posting multiple tweets throughout the week can be overwhelming.

While Twitter does offer individual tweet scheduling, using a Twitter scheduling tool like SocialPilot is the most effective way to schedule multiple tweets at once.

Get started today for free.

Let’s Call it Content!

With around 368 million monthly active users, Twitter has become an influential and widely used social media platform that marketers ought to leverage.

But it’s easier said than done. With so many users and tweets being posted every second, it can be challenging to get noticed and stand out from the crowd. This is why writing a good tweet is so important.

So there you have it! Now you know how to write a good tweet. These sure-fire ways will not only result in increased engagement but will also skyrocket your social media goals.

Tweet Like a Pro: A Guide on How to Write a Good Tweet (2024)


Tweet Like a Pro: A Guide on How to Write a Good Tweet? ›

Put the most important words at the start of the tweet to catch a follower's eye. Scannable. Write simply and concisely. You want followers to “get” it first go.

What makes the perfect tweet? ›

Put the most important words at the start of the tweet to catch a follower's eye. Scannable. Write simply and concisely. You want followers to “get” it first go.

How to write good content for Twitter? ›

12 Tweet Writing Tactics: How to Write Tweets
  1. Keep your tweets short.
  2. Address your target audience.
  3. Format your own Tweets as news.
  4. Show your astonishment.
  5. Ask a question.
  6. Use curiosity-generating words.
  7. Share your knowledge.
  8. Create urgency.
Mar 31, 2023

What should a tweet look like? ›

Things You Should Know

Try Tweeting things that will generate a response, such as questions or opinions that allow you to tag other users. Tweets with images, videos, or gifs attached tend to draw more engagement. Even as character limits have loosened on Twitter, shorter Tweets still perform best on the platform.

How do you tweet professionally? ›

Using Twitter for business: 9 best practices
  1. Keep it short. Simple, clear messages are the best way to get your point across on Twitter. ...
  2. Write organically. ...
  3. Engage in conversations. ...
  4. Don't forget CTAs entirely. ...
  5. Tweet with emojis. ...
  6. Use trending hashtags. ...
  7. Tweet with visuals. ...
  8. Know when to tweet.
Oct 4, 2021

What is the number 1 tweet of all time? ›

Top 30
RankTweetLikes (millions)
1[It is with immeasurable grief that we confirm the passing of Chadwick Boseman. Chadwick was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2016, and battled with it these last 4 years as it progressed to stage IV... ]6.7
2Next I'm buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in4.5
29 more rows

How to tweet like a pro? ›

How do you write a perfect Tweet? +
  1. Keep your tweets clear and concise.
  2. Add visuals to make tweets engaging.
  3. Use a call to action to drive followers to the next step.
  4. Use relevant hashtags.
  5. Use humor in your tweets.
  6. Ask questions and run polls.
Jan 1, 2024

What type content is most successful on Twitter? ›

Blog content

Blog posts are among the most popular content types on all social platforms. When you produce a good quality article, you should promote them on social media to get as many readers as possible. Moreover, it gets traffic to your website too.

What type of posts work best on Twitter? ›

Topics ranging from jobs, events, motivation, trends, and holidays are excellent for Twitter posts. However, factoring in your brand's industry is also important when making posts. This is because certain topics may suit your brand while others may not.

How to get a tweet to go viral? ›

Tips to Make Your Tweets Go Viral
  1. Tweet frequently. Tweeting regularly is vital to getting your tweets seen. ...
  2. Post Visual Content. ...
  3. Utilize Hashtags. ...
  4. Become Part of a Twitter Community. ...
  5. Engage With Replies, Retweets, and Tags. ...
  6. Publish (and Comment on) Twitter Threads. ...
  7. Create an Inviting Profile. ...
  8. Participate in Twitter Chats.
Mar 16, 2024

How do you tweet properly? ›

  1. Step 1: Set up your profile. ...
  2. Step 2: Follow relevant accounts. ...
  3. Step 3: Understand the Twitter lingo. ...
  4. Step 4: Decide what content to Tweet. ...
  5. Step 5: Choose your Twitter voice. ...
  6. Step 6: Write your first Tweet. ...
  7. Step 7: Join trending hashtags. ...
  8. Step 8: Maintain your channel.
Nov 30, 2023

What is considered a successful tweet? ›

How many Twitter Impressions is good? Tweet Impressions: if you get more than 20% impressions over your followers that will be good. This number usually changes, but 20% would be great. It means that at least 20% of your followers saw the tweet.

How do I make my tweets more attractive? ›

Use hashtags: Hashtags help your content get discovered by people who are interested in your topic or industry. Use relevant hashtags in your tweets to increase your reach and engagement. Engage with your audience: Twitter is a social platform, so it's important to engage with your audience and build relationships.

How do you write a catchy tweet? ›

You could consider incorporating humour, where appropriate, inspiration and newsworthy content to draw followers in. You do not only have 280 characters of writing at your disposal. Consider whether an image or video might convey your message more appropriately, or if they can add value to what you have written.

How do you make a tweet stand out? ›

Optimizing tweet length is crucial for standing out. Keep it concise, ideally under 280 characters, to maximize engagement and encourage retweets.

How do you tweet creatively? ›

What to post on Twitter
  1. Ask questions. Asking questions of your audience is a great way to garner engagement from your followers. ...
  2. Industry news. ...
  3. Brand announcements. ...
  4. GIFs and memes. ...
  5. Promo codes or flash sales. ...
  6. Blog content. ...
  7. Visual content. ...
  8. Tease launches.
Apr 7, 2020

What makes a tweet a top tweet? ›

As Twitter explains, “Home, or top Tweets, are ones you are likely to care about most, and we choose them based on accounts you interact with frequently, Tweets you engage with, and much more.” “This means you will sometimes see Tweets from accounts you don't follow,” they continue.

How to make a successful tweet? ›

  1. Keep It Human. ...
  2. Target Your Followers. ...
  3. Tag Relevant Audience Members. ...
  4. Tweet Like A Journalist. ...
  5. Keep What's Most Important. ...
  6. Use Everyday Language. ...
  7. Don't Sweat Being Grammatically Perfect. ...
  8. Remove All Unnecessary Words.
Feb 20, 2020

What is the anatomy of a perfect tweet? ›

Immediate Value Identification: Within the first 20 words, make the benefit to the reader crystal clear. Promise a Reward: Tease a compelling benefit or revelation that awaits the reader. Use Metrics or Lists: Where possible, quantify benefits or structure your hook with a list format to organize thoughts clearly.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.