Endless Lemons - Chapter 5 - Agitosgirl (2024)

Chapter Text

Naruto Uzumaki, the great Demon King of the land paced in his bedroom impatiently. He was garbed in a black silk robe with a large fox on the back. The young man was in his early twenties, even though he was actually more than two centuries old. He had blonde hair that reached the end of his neck and covered his ears. His blonde hair was wild and untamed, giving him a rugged look. His eyes were a deep sinister red that were currently filled with frustration. He couldn't stand tardiness.

His long legs paced across the room. His staggering figure stood at around 6'5. He flexed his clawed hands; he was ready to tear something apart.
Just what exactly was the angry demonic king waiting for?

His sacrifice.

That's right, his sacrifice. Every year, a girl was given to him as a "gift" by any village he chose. Now, one might think that there would be some uprising, or cries of outrage at this. After all, who would want a king that forced them to give up their sisters, their daughters, and their closest friends? He was more of a tyrant than anything else. So why was he in power?

Well, the young man is the son of the famed Kushina and Minato, with Kushina being the daughter of the even more feared Kurama. The family was originally the rulers of every single level of hell, and they had ruled for millennia. But, once Naruto took over, he had quickly become bored with the power. He wanted more; he wanted to expand his reign. So, he decided to extend his control to the human world. Of course, there were many ninjas who opposed his rule. But they were easily dealt with.

Naruto unleashed a swarm of untold hell down upon the lands. It was almost too easy; the humans were already weakened from fighting each other. So the victory was swift and brutal. His army was large and terrifying, an army of demons who lacked the same morals as them. Even his family joined in on the fun, it was sort of like a bonding moment for them.

But, once again, Naruto had become bored. It had been during his third decade of uncontested power that he thought of a solution. He announced that every year, he now required a virgin sacrifice. He was "kind" enough to allow the people to decide who should be the sacrifice of the year.

So they did, because if they refused them, he would demolish their entire village. It was as simple as that. So Naruto had gotten what he wanted, but even that wasn't enough. He would sleep with the sacrifices, drain them of their life, he would also brutally torture them if the mood fancied. But even that got old.

But then, he met her, his favorite sacrifice of them all….

His attention snapped to the door as the knob turned. The menacing red door was pushed open as a young woman quickly rushed inside the room. She shut the door silently behind her. She quickly began straightening out her hair, she wanted to make it seem like she didn't run a marathon to get here on time. She nearly had a heart attack when a voice cleared behind her. She whirled around and came face to face with the demon king. She pressed herself up against the wall and swallowed.

She was in trouble.

Naruto eyed the female angrily. But at the same time, he was very pleased with what he saw. She was wearing a pure white silk dress that reached mid thigh. The dress was tight, and it clung to her skin. It emphasized her already large chest, making them seem even larger and more desirable. Her flat smooth stomach and wide hips were also emphasized in the dress. It was short sleeved, allowing him to see the rest of her body. Her midnight blue hair reached down the middle of her back, and it was slightly curled, he could even tell that it was shinier. His sensitive nose noticed that she had used that lavender scented shampoo that he loved so much. There wasn't an inch of makeup on her delicate face.

Who was this young woman? Well, she was Hinata Hyuuga. Well, she wasn't a Hyuuga anymore. She had been unfortunate enough to be cast out of her clan. Once she was considered a disgrace by them, and in turn the village, it was easy for them to send her off to be the next sacrifice. Most had pitied the poor girl because she was now Naruto's favorite.

Most people shivered at the thought of this poor, innocent girl, at the hands of this monster. The maids and the servants often flinched when they heard her screams echoing through the halls.

But today, they would flinch even harder.


Because she was late. Naruto could not tolerate any type of lateness. He's stated at multiple executions that it was a sign of complete disrespect that he would not tolerate.

Hinata knew this, and Naruto knew that she knew this.

"Hinata, where have you been?" His voice was a low deep growl that sent shivers down her spine.

"I-I was g-getting r-ready m-my k-king." She replied feebly.

"It took you an hour to f*cking get ready?" He snarled out.

Hinata flinched before nodding quickly. "Y-yes. I-I tr-tried t-to tell th-the s-servant th-that I-I h-had to l-leave, b-but th-they w-wouldn't li-listen."

Naruto held a contemplative look on his face as he considered her answer. He knew which servants she was talking about. They were a group of very old and ancient demons who were around the same age as his grandfather. They would often take way longer than necessary trying to doll up his sacrifices. He would have them "taken care of", but they were close to the family. His mother would skin him alive if he did them any type of harm.

"Really? I hope you're telling me the truth. You are well aware of how much I detest liars." He growled out at her.

"O-of course I am, I would never to lie you my king." Hinata placated him. Now that she saw his anger toned down a bit, her stutter left her. As long as he wasn't pissed at her, she would be fine.

She bowed, making sure to keep her head pointed at the ground. "I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for being late."

Naruto was willing to accept her apology. Especially since he could see her cleavage because she was bending over. He grinned, his sharpened teeth giving his smile a menacing look. He knew exactly what she could do to make up for this inconvenience.

"Hinata, stand up and come here. Now." He ordered her.

Hinata sucked in a breath. She mentally cursed inside of her head. She knew there was no way of getting out of this tonight. But still, she had hoped that he would maybe forget why she was here….

Hinata straightened herself and walked over to the blonde. She made sure her pace was slow enough to prolong what was about to happen, but quick enough so he wouldn't become impatient with her.

Hinata stood in front of the large, imposing figure. She kept her head at level with his chest. A clawed hand grasped her chin and forced her to gaze up into her eyes. His blood red orbs peered down at her, a chill ran down her spine at the lust she saw hidden there.

"If you're truly sorry, you must apologize properly. Please your king." He purred out.
Hinata swallowed down her nerves. She wished there was someway she could get out of this, but she knew what the punishment would be if she disobeyed him…..

"Of c-course my king." Hinata placed her hands on his shoulders. She stood on her toes and closed her eyes. Naruto bent his head down and roughly captured her lips in a passionate kiss. His lips were frantic and needy as they pushed against her soft, gentle pair. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and dominated the inside of her moist cavern.

He ran his wet and slightly longer than average tongue across her teeth and gums before he tangled with her own tongue. He moved his against hers in a hungry manner. She whimpered as he explored her mouth. His hands grasped her hips and pulled her closer to him. Their bodies were pressed together, Naruto growled at the feeling of her soft and supple body against his. He couldn't wait to fill her once more.

Hinata shivered, he may be evil, devious, and cruel, but he could do incredible things to her body….

They both pulled apart, Hinata was breathing deeply. Hinata's lips were swollen and her cheeks were flushed. She knew what she had to do next. Hinata gripped the edge on his robes. She pulled them down, enough to uncover his shoulders and his upper chest. She ignored his co*cky gaze as she placed a kiss on his neck. She gently sucked on his shoulder before gently sinking her teeth into his flesh. He growled in response.

Hinata restarted the process once again on the other side of his body. A deep rumbling reverberated around in his chest at her actions. She ignored it; she already knew that her actions were a sign of her complete submission to him. It turned him on like nothing else. Watching and feeling her submission was intoxicating, especially since he didn't have to tell her how to please him. She's been around long enough to know what to do.

Hinata stopped back and untied the rope completely. It fell to his feet, leaving him exposed. Hinata blushed as his body came fully into view. Although she had seen it several times before, seeing it again always caused her to become extremely flustered and nervous.

It wasn't hard to deduce why. Most women would kill each other over a man with a body like his. It was like he was sculpted by the most talented craftsmen. His skin was the color of bronze, and his muscles were perfect. They weren't overly bulging, like a lot of men. But they were noticeable, and it was easy to tell how hard he's trained just from looking at them. Of course, there was also the very impressive piece in between his legs. It was long, around 8 inches. It was only at half mast at the moment, there was some more work she would need to do before he became fully erect. Although it was easier for her to get him hard then it was for other women…

The length was sprouting from a bushel of blonde hair where two heavy sacs hung. The vicious king was indeed a masterpiece to behold, and women of his kind were usually killing each other to be with him. He smirked as she tried not to stare. He knew exactly what his body did to women, and he loved it.

Hinata stepped forward once more. No words were exchanged as she placed a kiss on his left pectoral. She opened her mouth and allowed her tongue to slide over his skin once more. Naruto shivered and tilted his head back as her warm and wet appendage glided down his pec, and continued down his chest. He growled low in his throat as she trailed further down, past his stomach and further down. She was down on her knees as her trail ended with a very excited appendage greeting her. His length seemed to grow in both length and width at her ministrations.

Hinata swallowed thickly at the male pride standing proudly in front of her face. She knew what she had to do next, but she was hesitant to start.

"Hinata, why aren't you doing your job? Are you not sorry for coming late to meet with your king?" Naruto questioned her. He was gazing down at her with a raised eyebrow.
Hinata took a shuddering breath before nodding her head. "Yes, of course my king."

She leaned her head forward and placed his lips on his enlarged head. She opened her lips slightly and gave his slit a small lick. Naruto's growl reverberated in his chest. Her pink little tongue lashed out at his tip in a slow, teasing manner. Shock of pleasure ran down his spine. It was like she was teasing him, and Naruto didn't like being teased.

"Hinata…." He growled out in warning. He didn't have to finish that statement; she already knew the procedure, and the punishments that followed if she didn't do what she was supposed to.

Hinata heard the anger in his voice and decided that it was best if she moved her actions along quicker. A pissed off king meant a very sore Hinata. She slid more and more of his piece into her mouth until her nose was buried in his tuft of messy blonde hair. She hummed low in her throat, causing him to feel wonderful vibrations on his length. Hinata slid her tongue across his hot flesh as she allowed it to remain deep inside of her throat. She was slightly uncomfortable with how hot the flesh was. Demon's tended to have warmer bodies than humans. But Hinata was used to the feeling of his shaft within her, in multiple places.

Naruto was in heaven. Well, he was in the next best place. He loved how tight and hot her throat was. Her wet tongue sliding up and down his length, and the muscles messaging him in the back of her throat were all incredible. It reminded him of her chamber, and he loved it. He smirked as she sat still; he knew exactly what he wanted to do next.

Hinata didn't even flinch as he entangled his hand in her hair. He gripped her soft, silk strands tightly, making it impossible for her to move unless he allowed it. He slipped his length out of her mouth until just the head remained inside. Hinata just massaged it with her tongue. Naruto groaned before he thrust his hot rod back inside. He threw his head back and groaned as he repeated this process several times.

Hinata gripped the carpet beneath her tightly as he roughly used her mouth. She tried her best to keep in time with his movements as his speed increased. Her tongue was used to the amount of work it had to do in order to pleasure him. Naruto smirked and peered down at her. He almost purred at the pretty little sight she made. Her cute, pink little lips wrapped around his piece as he viciously thrust into them was driving him insane with lust.

The only sounds in the room were the wet sucking sounds from Hinata, and the growls and snarls that ripped from Naruto's throat. It remained that way for several seconds; Naruto was gradually building up to his first org*sm of the night. He increased his pace and tightened his grip in her hair. There was a very familiar tightening in his stomach as he came very close to his release.

"Ugh, I am very, ngh!-close now my pet. Swallow all I ugh, give you." He panted out harshly.

Hinata hummed in response. She knew how much he hated a dirty carpet. A few more harsh thrust, and he suddenly stilled, his piece was deep down her throat. He came with a long, drawn out groan. He shivered as his release washed over him, leaving him with delightful chills. He let out a low moan as her muscles squeezed and massaged him as she tried to swallow all of his seed.

Hinata hurried to gulp down his fluids. She could barely taste it since he was releasing deep down her throat, but she was having some slight trouble keeping up. She had to work extra hard to keep some form spilling out of her mouth. She was relieved when he finally stopped and pulled out of her mouth. Hinata panted as her throat was clear to breathe. A small trail of his seed was coming from the corner of her mouth.

Naruto shivered, her saliva was covering his manhood giving it a cool feeling. He was still hard; it would take more than a blow j*b to wear him out. His eyes darkened considerably as he watched her pant while on her knees. From this angle, he could see her cleavage. He licked his lips; it was time for the real fun to begin.

Hinata wiped the trail off with the back of her hand. She was busy catching her breath, so she didn't notice his lust filled eyes watching her carefully. She nearly jumped when he suddenly spoke again.

"Hinata, get up. Now." He commanded her.

Hinata stood up from her knees. They wobbled a bit as she rose from the ground. She awaited her next order as he roamed her dressed body with his eyes. She shifted nervously under his gaze.

"Hinata, I want your clothes off. After all, you can't properly please me with them on, right?" He grinned as she blushed lightly.

"O-of course. I will r-rid myself of them right away." She complied.

Hinata reached behind her and grasped the zipper in her fingers. She unzipped the dress slowly, the impatient in his eyes urging her to move faster. Hinata removed her arms from the sleeves and slid the dress off of her body. It pooled at her feet so she stepped out of it. This left the young maiden in only her bra and underwear.

Her milky white skin was left in only a pair of silken, blood red matching bra and panties. The underwear was dark enough to clash wondrously with her skin. And the red made her innocent face seem so wicked. He watched in utter satisfaction as she reached behind her and unclasped the bra. She allowed it to drop to the floor In front of her, allowing her breasts to be completely exposed. She then pulled her panties off, leaving every inch of her body exposed to him.

She stood straight up, and intertwined her arms behind her. He would be very upset if she tried to cover herself up in any way. So she patiently waited for him to instruct her once more.

Naruto growled in delight at the sight of her exposed body. Her large breasts were as pale as the rest of her body, save for two perky red nipples. They were both hardening due to the cold air and the intenseness of his gaze. He moved down to her perfect body that had incredible curves. Her hourglass figure would any man go wild, too bad she was only his to touch. He was pleased to see that there wasn't a speck of hair anywhere on her body, just like always.

"Get on the bed." He commanded her. He wanted to really start this fun.

Hinata silently obliged. She walked towards the bed and carefully climbed on. She made sure to lie on her back; it was the position she would have to remain in until he told her otherwise.

Naruto strode over to the bed. She looked absolutely sinful lying there on his sheets with her hair splayed out across the pillows. He couldn't wait to fill her, to have her scream in utter ecstasy, and thrash her head about in total passion. It's one of the most attractive traits she had, her absolute passion in the bedroom. She was like a little ball of energy when it came to sex, it was incredible.

Naruto crawled on the bed and stalked up her body like a predator. The darkened look affected the midnight haired beauty even more because she knew what was coming next. She just hoped her service on her knees was enough to appease him. Naruto was finally face to face with the girl. His entire body hovered over her much smaller form; she could feel his erection touching her.

"You have been a good girl tonight Hinata." Naruto complimented her.

"O-of course I have. It is my job to please my King. "Hinata responded.

"That is true. But, I feel that it is only just that I reward you." The blonde male purred out.

Hinata swallowed." I-if that is what you think is b-best." She was concerned about what exactly this reward was, but there was no way she would deny him of his wishes. It would only make the situation worse for her.

"Wonderful." Without another word, Naruto buried his face into her neck. Hinata arched up into him as he attacked the spot where her shoulder and neck met. She couldn't help it as a moan escaped her when he sucked and nipped at the spot. It was one of her more secret spots, and it drove her crazy whenever he gave it special attention.
He removed his head from her neck, allowing her to calm down for just a second. He then dove down and began viciously sucking her rosy nipple.

Naruto switched between breasts, making sure to give each one an equal amount of attention. He would tug at them, twist them, and nibble them with his teeth. The slight pain only added on to the experience for her. Naruto enjoyed her very sweet taste, and the feeling of her soft, supple body pressed against his. But, he wanted to journey farther down her body to taste a part of her that was especially sweet…

Hinata was mildly disappointed when Naruto halted his ministrations on her chest. But she didn't dare complain, her ass wasn't prepared for his types of punishments. Well, for tonight it wasn't.

Naruto slinked back down her body, he made sure to leave trails with his tongue down her stomach. He placed a kiss on the hood of her heated spot, before looking back up at her. They made eye contact, and Hinata couldn't tear her eyes away from him. He held her in his gaze as he placed her legs over his shoulders. He broke eye contact to gaze down at her glorious heated center. He could see some liquid on her thighs, coating them and making them glossy.

He inhaled deeply through his nose, her enchanting scent flooding his senses. The musky smell of her arousal made his erection twitch. He used one hand to carefully spread her pretty pink lips apart, revealing her clenching and dripping center. He leaned his head forward and took another whiff when he was inches away. He moaned, his warm breath hitting her center, causing her to shiver. She squirmed a bit in his grasp. She was anxious to have him start on her.

Naruto slid his tongue out of his mouth and placed it at her dripping hole. He carefully traced around the area, licking up her fluids. A low moan escaped Hinata's throat as she threw her head back. Naruto made sure to place his other hand on her hips to hold her in place. He made sure his tongue was hardened, before he stuck it inside her. A scream rippled from the pale eyed woman's throat as he slurped up her insides.

There was no mercy in his actions as he thrust in and out of her heated core. Naruto snarled as he stared up at her. The erotic way her head moved wildly side to side, and her back arched off the bed, causing her breasts to jiggle and move. She was truly a sight to behold.

More, he wanted more from this woman. He wanted more screams, more moaning, and more thrashing, more of everything!

Hinata nearly jumped when she felt his fingers lightly press and play with her cl*t. Sweat covered her body as a burning heat spread through her body. He then switched things up. He placed two digits inside of her and used them to f*ck her. Hinata almost saw stars. Another pleasure filled yelp escaped her as he took her cl*t into his mouth. He flicked her bean with his tongue, and then he very gently bit down.

Hinata couldn't breathe as her org*sm slammed into her. White spots filled her vision as complete and utter bliss took over her body. Her body shuddered uncontrollably from her extreme org*sm. She both hated and loved how well he could play with her body.

When Hinata finally came to, Naruto was once again hovering over her. Both of his hands were on either side of her head. An extremely co*cky smirk was playing on his lips. His engorged head was pressing against her very sensitive hole. Her entire body twitched when he rubbed his head against her moistened slit.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed your reward. Are you ready for the main dish?" He asked her.

"Y-yes, of course m-my king." She panted out. His tongue had felt amazing inside of her, but she now she yearned for something more to fill her.

"Then beg for it." He instructed her wickedly.

Her face flushed, she should have expected this from him.

"P-Please! I-I need you s-so much! I-I want you to f-fill me! I need i-it!" She begged him.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. It wasn't as good as it could have been, but it would have to do for now. He rearranged himself, and thrusted into her without warning. Hinata arched up into him right away. He filled her completely, stretching her tight passage. Naruto snarled, no matter how many times he's entered into her, it always felt the same. She was always so tight, gripping him like a steel vice on fire. She was squeezing him so tightly that it almost hurt. But it felt sooo good at the sametime.

Hinata was in shock. She was still sensitive from her very recent org*sm, and his harsh thrusting wasn't helping. Her throat was becoming sore as she screamed out her pleasure.
He was extremely hot, and she could feel every single part of his rigged piece inside of her. The friction he caused inside her made her feel amazing. His thick rod reached places deep inside of her that drove her wild.

Naruto clenched his teeth and shut his eyes closed as he sped up. He buried his head into her shoulder and gripped her hips with his hands. The bed squeaked under their strenuous activity.

Hinata wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. A pressure started building up in her lower stomach; she was approaching her end once more. Naruto growled, he could feel her coming close to her end. He drastically sped up his movements; the headboard was now meeting the wall in collision. Naruto slid his hand down her body, he made sure to give her cl*t harsh pinch while he sunk his teeth into that special spot on her shoulder.

He almost buckled when she came, her grip becoming unbearable. She screeched out his release, everyone in the kingdom probably heard her. Naruto released his seed into her seconds later. It was a grand moment of boning for the two of them as they simultaneously reached their peak. Tidal waves of pleasure crashed into them and nearly swept them away completely.

Naruto collapsed on top of her. Sweat covered both of them as they panted harshly, trying to regain their breath. Naruto carefully rolled off her, and on to the other side of the bed. The two lied there in silence, they only sounds were that of them trying to regain their breath.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed that." Hinata broke the silence when she managed to catch her breath.

"Yes, yes I did." Naruto answered honestly. There was a large smile on his face as he turned to look at her.

She rolled her eyes." Good, I hope you do know that I will never be doing that again!"

Naruto chuckled. "Why my beautiful queen, that depends on whether or not you can hold out next time in our bedroom challenges. Maybe you can get me to come first. Who knows?"

"I will win. That is a promise." Hinata vowed to her husband.

"Of course my dearest, but it won't be easy." He promised her.

Yes, it is true. The fearsome king of both the demons and humans was in fact married. As a matter of fact, he was deeply in love with his wife and cherished her dearly. She was his partner, someone who assisted in ruling the lands.

How did this relationship come to be?

Well, at the age of 13, Hinata had been mistreated by her family for many years. She was always compared to her younger sister Hanabi. She was mocked, beat. Yelled at, and scorned by her fellow clansmen. The only person who truly understood her was Neji, her older cousin. But one day, it became too much for her too handle. During one of their spars, Hanabi mocked Hinata like usual. She called her older sibling a complete disgrace and failure to the clan. Hinata took the harsh blows and words without a single word in her defense. But Hanabi crossed the line, she mentioned Hinata's deceased mother. She called her a 'pathetic whor*' and claimed that she was glad she had died.

Those were the wrong words to utter.

It had been the anniversary of their mother's death, a day Hinata usually spent alone. Hinata had loved her mother dearly; she had been the closest person to her. To hear this…this…Brat, speaking so vile of her made Hinata's blood boil. So the eldest of the two rained down hell like never before. It took several other members of the clan to stop her from killing her sister. Her father had been furious at her lack of control and sent her to her room. He sent Hanabi to the hospital; Hinata had put her in very serious condition.

While Hinata was in her room, she ranted and raved like a mad woman. She couldn't believe that she was the one being punished! All her life, they had called her weak, and now that she proved them otherwise she was being punished for it? Hell no! Hinata was done being nice, she was out for blood. She couldn't tolerate this place anymore. So, she packed her stuff up and left through the window. There weren't many guards around her, mostly because no one thought she would ever gain the courage to leave her room without permission.

Before Hinata had left the god forsaken village, she decided to finish some things up. It had been very simple to dispatch the guard outside of her sister's room. It was even easier to dispose of her. All it took was a simple kunai across her throat and she bled to death. Hinata cherished every second of her death. She then left, leaving behind a small note to Neji.

She traveled across the lands. The only people after her were other Hyuuga's. Although they had publicly disowned her, they wouldn't dare place a bounty on her head. They feared other villages would try and persuade her to join. Then one day, she was nearly caught.

She had been cornered by three very elite members of the clan. They were ready to deliver the final blow, when a certain blond haired man came upon the scene. The blonde haired king had been strolling upon this land he was visiting, trying to find something to do. He would have normally allowed the murder to continue, but he noticed something about her. Although she had been around 14, she was extremely beautiful. There was also a fiery light in her eyes that excited him. He decided that just this once, he would offer his services free of charge.

He dispatched the three Hyuuga with little to no problem. Once he finished with them, he turned to leave the young girl behind. She was interesting, but she wasn't old enough for him. Not yet at least. But, she followed after him. She got on her knees and bowed her head and pleaded with him to take her in. She told him it wouldn't be right for her to leave a debt unpaid. He thought it over, before agreeing. Hinata was very pleased with this arrangement. She knew who he was, and what he could do. No Hyuuga would dare try and attack her if she was close to him.

So thus began their relationship. Hinata worked in the castle doing various tasks for him. She would cook his meals, wash his clothes, make him new ones; she would even clean and sharpen his weapons for him. Naruto even started training her how to fight, she had skill and potential and he decided not to waste it. He also had a thing for strong women. And of course, his family adored her. She was also pleasant and kind to them. She prepared them her best meals, and made them the most beautiful clothing. But what they really enjoyed was how cruel she could be. Kushina almost squealed in delight when Hinata described in vivid detail the beating and death of her younger sister.

Naruto obviously enjoyed her presence very much. The two of them would often talk, and take strolls together. And of course, as Hinata grew older, she became more and more attractive. Naruto had paid rapt attention to her developing curves and chest. He would even have dreams about the two of them locked in a passionate naked embrace under the covers. It remained that way for years, the number of sacrifices he demanded increased to 12 a year, one for every month, but that still wasn't enough.

But then, Hinata once again interfered. He was heading to his room like usual, expecting to see a random girl from some village. Instead, she was there. When he questioned her of her motives, she told him she was doing it because she was of age, and it was only right that she pleased her king. Naruto, well he didn't need that much convincing other than that. The two of them spent a very passionate night together in that room. It was completely different from what Naruto was used to. All of his sacrifices would either fight him off or lie there like cardboard, forcing him to do all the work. Even demon women were like that. They would refuse to pleasure him, claiming that it was a sign of their submission and weakness.

Hinata, on the other hand, was a very active participant. She would always do as he commanded, and when she didn't, it made his blood boil in a very pleasant way. He even stopped his yearly ritual of receiving sacrifices, he just wanted her. 2 years after their love affair, he mated her. She had been very pleased. Not only was she now a queen, but she was also immortal, like him. She also got the benefit of marrying the man of her dreams It even brought more excitement into the bedroom. They were equals now, so Hinata would constantly challenge him for the position of being on top. They both loved exerting their dominance over one another, so they made a little deal every once and a while.

If Hinata came first, she would have to revert back to the days when she was a sacrifice. If Naruto came first, he would have to become her toy for the night. So you can see, Hinata had been the one to come first, which is what led to this moment now.

Naruto wrapped his arms around his love. "By the way my dearest, there are some very disobedient people we must deal with."

"Oh really? Who?" Hinata asked as she snuggled up to his side.

"There are some Hyuuga's who are still very upset with our children. I have listened to their complaints long enough. It is time for them to be dealt with." He informed her.

Hinata frowned at the mention of her old clan. Yes, both she and Naruto have 5 amazing children. The ages were from 5 years old, to 5 months old. Her old clan had risen up a storm about her children not being taught the traditional clan fighting style. Their complaining had gotten much worse over the years. Her husband was right; it was time to deal with them. She guessed it was finally time to silence them for good. The thought brought a smile to her face.

"Alright, but we are not going anywhere. Just send Fluffina or Fang out to tell them that they are wanted in the Kingdom." Hinata instructed him.

"Oh really? Why, what do you have planned?" Naruto had a clue, but he still wanted her to say it.

"Don't tell me that our little escapade tired you out!" She was on top of him in the next second.

"The night is still young my King and we don't have to pick the kids up from your mothers until tomorrow night. Why waste such a wondrous opportunity?"

Naruto grinned; his manhood was stirring once more. "Of course, but..."

Hinata shrieked in delight as she was flipped onto her back with him on top of her.

"I'm still on top for the night!" With that, their lips met in a very passionate kiss.

It was good to be king.

Endless Lemons - Chapter 5 - Agitosgirl (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.