find the smallest number by which 1568 must divided to get a perfect square. Also find the square root of the quotient (2024)

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Make an ajax call to the server and get the search database. let databaseUrl = `/search/whiletype_database/`; let resp = single_whiletyping_ajax_promise; if (resp === null) { whiletyping_database_initial_burst = whiletyping_database_initial_burst + 1; single_whiletyping_ajax_promise = resp = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax({ url: databaseUrl, type: 'POST', data:{csrfmiddlewaretoken: "HZFw13rAmDbVgsGLPBgf9CFA3jGnpHYAMSeWz6TU4vE9IzCjSNqi2AVR0BGdQ888"}, success: function (data) { // 3. verify that the elements of the database exist and are arrays if ( ('books' in data) && ('curriculum' in data) && ('topics' in data) && Array.isArray(data.books) && Array.isArray(data.curriculum) && Array.isArray(data.topics)) { localforage.setItem('whiletyping_last_success', (new Date()).getTime()); localforage.setItem('whiletyping_database', data); resolve(data); } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); resolve(null); }, complete: function (data) { single_whiletyping_ajax_promise = null; } }) }); } return resp; } return Promise.resolve(null); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); return Promise.resolve(null); }); } function get_whiletyping_search_object() { // gets the fuse objects that will be in charge of the search if (whiletyping_search_object){ return Promise.resolve(whiletyping_search_object); } database_promise = localforage.getItem('whiletyping_database').then(function(database) { return localforage.getItem('whiletyping_last_success').then(function(last_success) { if (database==null || (new Date()) - (new Date(last_success)) > 1000*60*60*24*30 || (new Date('2023-04-25T00:00:00')) - (new Date(last_success)) > 0) { // New database update return get_whiletyping_database().then(function(new_database) { if (new_database) { database = new_database; } return database; }); } else { return Promise.resolve(database); } }); }); return database_promise.then(function(database) { if (database) { const options = { isCaseSensitive: false, includeScore: true, shouldSort: true, // includeMatches: false, // findAllMatches: false, // minMatchCharLength: 1, // location: 0, threshold: 0.2, // distance: 100, // useExtendedSearch: false, ignoreLocation: true, // ignoreFieldNorm: false, // fieldNormWeight: 1, keys: [ "title" ] }; let curriculum_index={}; let topics_index={}; database.curriculum.forEach(c => curriculum_index[]=c); database.topics.forEach(t => topics_index[]=t); for (j=0; j

  • Textbooks
  • `); } function build_solutions() { if (Array.isArray(solution_search_result)) { const viewAllHTML = userSubscribed ? `View All` : ''; var solutions_section = $(`
  • Solutions ${viewAllHTML}
  • `); let questionUrl = "/questions/xxx/"; let askUrl = "/ask/question/xxx/"; solution_search_result.forEach((elem) => { let url = ('course' in elem)?askUrl:questionUrl; let solution_type = ('course' in elem)?'ask':'question'; let subtitle = ('course' in elem)?(elem.course??""):( ?? "")+"    "+(elem.chapter?"Chapter "+elem.chapter:""); solutions_section.find('#whiletyping-solutions').append(` ${elem.text} ${subtitle} `); }); $('#search-solution-options').empty(); if (Array.isArray(solution_search_result) && solution_search_result.length>0){ $('#search-solution-options').append(solutions_section); } MathJax.typesetPromise([document.getElementById('search-solution-options')]); } } function build_textbooks() { $('#search-pretype-options').empty(); $('#search-pretype-options').append($('#search-solution-options').html()); if (Array.isArray(textbook_search_result)) { var books_section = $(`
  • Textbooks View All
  • `); let searchUrl = "/books/xxx/"; textbook_search_result.forEach((elem) => { books_section.find('#whiletyping-books').append(` ${elem.title} ${ordinal(elem.edition)} ${} `); }); } if (Array.isArray(textbook_search_result) && textbook_search_result.length>0){ $('#search-pretype-options').append(books_section); } } function build_popup(first_time = false) { if ($('#search-text').val()=='') { build_pretype(); } else { solution_and_textbook_search(); } } var search_text_out = true; var search_popup_out = true; const is_login = false; const user_hash = null; function pretype_setup() { $('#search-text').focusin(function() { $('#search-popup').addClass('show'); resize_popup(); search_text_out = false; }); $( window ).resize(function() { resize_popup(); }); $('#search-text').focusout(() => { search_text_out = true; if (search_text_out && search_popup_out) { $('#search-popup').removeClass('show'); } }); $('#search-popup').mouseenter(() => { search_popup_out = false; }); $('#search-popup').mouseleave(() => { search_popup_out = true; if (search_text_out && search_popup_out) { $('#search-popup').removeClass('show'); } }); $('#search-text').on("keyup", delay(() => { build_popup(); }, 200)); build_popup(true); let prevbookUrl = `/search/pretype_books/`; let prebooks = null; try { prebooks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('PRETYPE_BOOKS_'+(is_login?user_hash:'ANON'))); }catch(e) {} if (prebooks && 'previous_books' in prebooks && 'recommended_books' in prebooks) { if (is_login) { previous_books = prebooks.previous_books; recommended_books = prebooks.recommended_books; if (prebooks.time && new Date().getTime()-prebooks.time<1000*60*60*6) { build_popup(); return; } } else { anon_pretype(); return; } } $.ajax({ url: prevbookUrl, method: 'POST', data:{csrfmiddlewaretoken: "HZFw13rAmDbVgsGLPBgf9CFA3jGnpHYAMSeWz6TU4vE9IzCjSNqi2AVR0BGdQ888"}, success: function(response){ previous_books = response.previous_books; recommended_books = response.recommended_books; if (is_login) { localStorage.setItem('PRETYPE_BOOKS_'+user_hash, JSON.stringify({ previous_books: previous_books, recommended_books: recommended_books, time: new Date().getTime() })); } build_popup(); }, error: function(response){ console.log(response); } }); } $( document ).ready(pretype_setup); $( document ).ready(function(){ $('#search-popup').on('click', '.search-view-item', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); let autoCompleteSearchViewUrl = `/search/autocomplete_search_view/`; let objectUrl = $(this).attr('href'); let selectedId = $(this).data('objid'); let searchResults = []; $("#whiletyping-solutions").find("a").each(function() { let is_selected = selectedId === $(this).data('objid'); searchResults.push({ objectId: $(this).data('objid'), contentType: $(this).data('contenttype'), category: $(this).data('category'), selected: is_selected }); }); $("#whiletyping-books").find("a").each(function() { let is_selected = selectedId === $(this).data('objid'); searchResults.push({ objectId: $(this).data('objid'), contentType: $(this).data('contenttype'), category: $(this).data('category'), selected: is_selected }); }); $.ajax({ url: autoCompleteSearchViewUrl, method: 'POST', data:{ csrfmiddlewaretoken: "HZFw13rAmDbVgsGLPBgf9CFA3jGnpHYAMSeWz6TU4vE9IzCjSNqi2AVR0BGdQ888", query: $('#search-text').val(), searchObjects: JSON.stringify(searchResults) }, dataType: 'json', complete: function(data){ window.location.href = objectUrl; } }); }); });
    find the smallest number by which 1568 must divided to get a perfect square. Also find the square root of the quotient (2024)


    What is the square root of 1568? ›

    What is the Square Root of 1568 in Simplest Radical Form? We need to express 1568 as the product of its prime factors i.e. 1568 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 7 × 7. Therefore, √1568 = √2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 7 × 7 = 28 √2. Thus, the square root of 1568 in the lowest radical form is 28 √2.

    Which smallest natural number 1568 be multiplied to get a perfect square? ›

    the smallest number to be multiplied with 1568 to make it a perfect square is 2.

    How do you find the smallest number to get a perfect square? ›

    Any number that can be written as an integer to the power of 2. then 0 is included as a perfect square. Thus, 0 is the smallest perfect square.

    What is the smallest number by which 1620 must be divided to get a perfect square? ›

    Given, the number is 1620. We have to find the smallest number by which 1620 must be divided to get a perfect square. We observe that 5 occurs without a pair. Therefore, the required smallest number is 5.

    What is the factorization of 1568? ›

    Hence, the factors of 1568 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 16, 28, 32, 49, 56, 98, 112, 196, 224, 392, 784, 1568.

    What is square root of √? ›

    The square root of a number is the value of power 1/2 of that number. In other words, it is the number whose product by itself gives the original number. It is represented using the symbol '√ '. The square root symbol is called a radical, whereas the number under the square root symbol is called the radicand.

    What is the smallest number that is both a perfect square and a perfect cube? ›

    Thus N is both a perfect cube and a perfect square. Taking n=2, we get the least number: N=2×2×2×2×2×2=64.

    How do you find the perfect square form? ›

    As all the sides of a square are equal in length, so by multiplying the value of one side to itself, we get the area of the square. Similarly on multiplying a number to itself, we get a perfect square. For example the perfect square for 6 is 36. This is because 6×6=36.

    How to find the smallest 3 digit number which is a perfect square? ›

    Detailed Solution. ∴ 100 is the smallest 3-digit perfect square.

    How to find the smallest number? ›

    Like 1 is the smallest natural number, 0 is the smallest whole number, and so on. The numbers can be arranged in order, ascending or descending. By arranging numbers in ascending order, we will get the smallest number and by arranging numbers in descending order, we will get the greatest number.

    What is the easiest way to find a perfect square? ›

    How to Find Perfect Square? To find a perfect square, we need to multiply the whole number by itself. The first 20 perfect square numbers are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, and 400.

    What is the 4 digit smallest perfect square? ›

    Hence, The smallest four digit number which is a perfect square is 1024. Note: A squares of all integers are called as perfect square numbers.

    What is the smallest number by which 28672 must be divided to obtain a perfect square? ›

    28672 = (2 × 2 × 2) × (2 × 2 × 2) × (2 × 2 × 2) × (2 × 2 × 2) × 7 So, it must be divided by 7 in order to get a perfect cube. Thus, the required smallest number is 7. After grouping the prime factors in triplets, it's seen that one factor 2 is left without grouping.

    What is the smallest number by which 10985 must be divided to obtain a perfect square? ›

    ∴ We will have to divide 10985 with = 13 * 5 = 65. Thus, the required smallest no. is 65 which when divides 10985 will give the quotient as a perfect square.

    What is the smallest number by which 1600 must be divided so that? ›

    Hence, the smallest number by which 1600 must be divided to obtain a perfect cube is 52=25.

    What is the perfect square factorization of 1568? ›

    Properties of the number 1568
    Factorization2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 7 * 7
    Square root39.597979746447
    Natural logarithm7.3575562009104
    Decimal logarithm3.1953460583484
    24 more rows

    How to solve √ 1250? ›

    The square root of 1250, (or root 1250), is the number which when multiplied by itself gives the product as 1250. Therefore, the square root of 1250 = √1250 = 25 √2 = 35.35533905932738.

    How to solve √ 1256? ›

    The square root of 1256, (or root 1256), is the number which when multiplied by itself gives the product as 1256. Therefore, the square root of 1256 = √1256 = 2 √314 = 35.4400902933387.

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    Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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    Author information

    Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

    Birthday: 1992-08-21

    Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

    Phone: +331850833384

    Job: District Real-Estate Architect

    Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

    Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.