The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1908 Gen. Svoboda Czech Choice For President WORDS for Tomorrow's Puzzle The WORD LIST below, together with the WORD LIST printed here yesterday, contains among others all the words necessary to make a correct solution of The Springfield Union's Prize Crossword Puzzle, which will appear in The Union tomorrow, Use the two WORD LISTS for assistance in solving tomor. row's Prize Crossword Puzzle. HASTE LOG PLATE REST TENTS LAB LOYALTY PRY ROYALTY VEST LICKED NAMED RACE SHEARS WASTE LIFE NEST RENTS TASTE WASTING LINE PAY U.S., Britain See Peril In Arab Commandoes BEIRUT in Amman are security conditions open zations. embassies security meetings GEN.

LUDVIK SVOBODA reports reaching following incidents PRAGUE (UPI)-The 'Czech Communist Party Thursday nominated Gen. Ludvik Svoboda, 73-year-old World War II hero, to succeed ousted Stalinist leader Antonin Novotny as president of Czechoslovakia in a move designed to satisfy both the Kremlin and reform minded leaders of the new Prague regime. Wins Party OK Czechoslovakia's new Communist chief, Alexander Dubcek, won the party's overwhelming approval for his presidential candidate, Gen. Svoboda, during a Central Committee meeting in the Spanish Hall of Hradcany Castle. The Czechoslovak National Assembly will meet Saturday for the formal election of the new president.

Novotny. who was ousted as party leader in January and stepped down as president last week under pressure, resigned Thursday as member of the Central Committee presidium and the secretariat, thus losing his last important party function. His resignation was approved unanimously. But Novotny retained his seat on the 120-member party Central Com- mittee. Russians Satisfied Svoboda was commander-in- chief of Czechoslovak forces fighting with the Red army in World War II.

Dubcek thus had chosen a man with whom the Russians would be satisfied. 3 Bank Robbers Gunned Down, Loot Recovered PHOENIX, Ariz. (P Sheriff's deputies shot down three men Thursday after a $52,000 bank robbery at the desert community of Carefree about 20 miles northeast of Phoenix. One Slain One man was killed, another was critically wounded and the third was hospitalized. The bandits made their first mistake by trying to rob a bank which is isolated except for two paved roads, and the second by picking a time when deputies were in the area for weekly target practice.

Deputies said the three men. all former convicts at the Arizona, Valley State Prison, National entered Bank branch shortly before it opened land forced employees to open the vault. After scooping up the money, they fled in the bank manager's yellow compact car. Less than five minutes later a police bulletin was out on the robbery. Come Out Shooting' Deputies quickly boxed the car in near the Phoenix City and exchanged gunfire with the three men.

Officers said the men emerged from the car firing until all of them were cut down by police bullets. Police said they recovered the stolen money. Venezuela Clash Takes Two Lives CARACAS, Venezuela AP Demonstrators clashed with police in Maracaibo on Thursday for the second time in 48 hours. At least two persons were reported killed. The reports raised the toll to four dead and about 300 injured in three days of violence in the oil producing center some 400 miles west of Caracas.

Garbago collectors have been on strike in the city and a 24-hour general work page was in effect Thursday. Reports reaching Caracas said the day's deaths occurred when police fired at a group demonstrating before the municipal palace. THE SPRINGFIELD UNION Telephone RE 2-3112 Published dally except Sunday of 32 Cypress Springfield, Mass. 01101. Second class postage is paid at field, Mass.

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George Plimpton and Bride Around the World Clash Closes Madrid University MADRID- The Spanish government Thursday ordered the violence-torn University of Madrid closed indefinitely following the year's worst clash between the students and police. This--the first such closing of Madrid University since the 19208-was another illustration of the rapidly rising political tensions in Spain, involving not only the students but also the workers and even the rival power groups within the regime of Generalissimo Francisco Franco. 3 Even as the government announced the immediate closing of the university, hundreds of riot policemen surrounded the United States embassy in the heart of late Thursday night to keep away students and workers who had planned a demonstration opposing bases in Spain and protesting the Vietnam war. The massive presence of police around the emba6sy, where two bombs exploded last Monday, prevented actual demonstration, but large groups milled in the nearby streets. (c) New York: Times News Service A WARSAW, Polish Poland Students (AP)-Warsaw Defy Ban University students held an unauthorized campus meeting Thursday -In defiance of Communist authorities, informed sources The students called for the reinstatement of six fired professors and assistants, it was reported.

The sources said about 2000 students met despite stern warnings from authorities that the action might result in closure of the school and mass expulsions. The sources said the students adopted two One appealed for the return of the six teachers fired Monday. The other was said to be a protest against government censorship and the arrest of students in connection with the demonstrations. Conservatives Dump Laborites LONDON (AP)-Opposition Conservatives scored four massive special election victories over Prime Minister Harold Wilson's Labor Party Thursday night, underscoring the mood of national revolt against the government's austerity policies. The results, in four widely differing districts of industrial and rural England, showed voters deserting Labor by the thousand.

Political analysts said that if the trend continued in national elections due by 1971-Conservatives would win by a landslide and Labor would be reduced to a token force in the 630-seat House of Commons. Moscow Denies Curbing Prague MOSCOW The Soviet Union heatedly denied Thursday that it was attempting to restrain the wave of progressive reforms under way in Czechoslovakia. Pravda, the Communist Party newspaper, charged that such commentary in the West was nothing but "slanderous concoctions" by hostile forces trying to drive a wedge into the Communist alliance. The paper rejected interpretations in the West that the Soviet Union and other Communist countries had attempted at a weekend summit meeting in Dresden, East Germany, to interfere in Czechoslovak affairs and put curbs on the country's liberalization. (c) New York Times News Service Around the Nation Dirksen Hospitalized After Fall WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen.

Everett M. Dirksen, R- fell in his home Wednesday night and has been hospitalized for examination, Dirksen's office said Thursday. Concern was felt because the senator, who is 72, fell on the same hip he fractured last year. However, rays showed no further fracture. Dirksen was taken to Walter Reed Army Hospital.

The senator fell while attempting to change a light bulb over the dining room table in his Leesburg, Va. home, his office said. U. S. Begins Melting Old Dimes, Quarters WASHINGTON (AP)-The Treasury Department has begun to melt into bars the old dimes and quarters which contain 90 per cent silver.

Since last June, the Treasury has been withdrawing the old silver dimes and quarters from circulation. The silver ultimately will be sold for domestic industrial use. The Treasury already had collected 240 million ounces of silver in the old coins and expects to have even more by June 24, the deadline for redeeming silver certificates for actual silver. A ban on the melting of silver coins by individuals and companies has been continued indefinitely by the department. 21 in House Ask Tonkin Resolve Repeal WASHINGTON (AP)-Repeal of the Tonkin Gulf resolution, cited by the administration as the basis of U.

S. full-scale entry into the Vietnam war, was urged Thursday by 21 House members. However, in proposing this course of action Rep. Lester L. Wolff.

D-N. cautioned against interpreting it as an attempt to repudiate administration policy. The Tonkin Gulf resolution sped through Congress Aug. 7, 1964 after reports of North Vietnamese attacks on two United States destroyers. It gave President Johnson authority "to take all necessary steps, including the use of armed force." Battleship Ends Trials at Sea PHILADELPHIA -The battleship USS New Jersey, a broom flying from her yardarm, came back to port Thursday after three days of sea trials, a step closer to duty in the Vietnam war.

The broom, raised like a flag on the superstructure, meant all clean sweep" of her trials, said Capt. J. Edward Snyder. The schedule for the New Jersey calls for her to leave Philadelphia in May, proceed to San Diego for further training and be off Vietnam with its big 16-inch guns by the end of September. A 7 Today in History were divided by the Treaty of St.

Germain. On date: In 1790, the 10th American President, John Tyler, was born. In 1847, American forces under Gen. Winfield Scott occupied Vera Cruz, Mexico. In 1867, the British parliament created the dominion of Canada.

In 1943, during World War II, meat rationing began in the United States. In 1932, vaudeville entertainer Jack Benny made his debut as a guest on the Ed Sullivan program. Ten years ago Nikita Khrushchev was consolidating his power after replacing Nikolai S. Bulganin as Soviet premier. Five years ago Fire swept the Sherry Biltmore Hotel in Boston, leaving four persons dead and 26 injured.

One year ago The U. S. Central Intelligence Agency was ordered to halt subsidies to private educational, philanthropic and cultural groups. Today's birthdays: Entertainer Pearl Bailey is 50. Ballerina Diana Adams is 42.

Thought for today: We think according nature. We speak according to rules. We act according to custom -Francis Bacon, English writer, 1561-1 1626. (By The Associated Press) Today is Friday, March 29, the 89th day of 1968. There are 277 days left in the year.

Today's highlight in history: On this date in 1632, French and English claims in America Indiana Court Blocks Assembly Of Ku Klux Klan BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (P A court order has blocked the Indiana Ku Klux Klan's plans to meet on Bloomington's courthouse square Saturday. William M. of Greenwood, the klan's state grand dragon, said the temporary restraining order issued Wednesday by Monroe Circuit Judge Nat U. Hill against 1 the meeting would be obeyed.

The order was asked by Prosecutor Thomas Berry. The prosecutor acted on request by Mayor John H. Hooker, who talked earlier with the Bloomington Human Relations Commission. The klan had announced the now canceled Saturday meeting as an assembly and then a the business district 50 klansmen. through, The plans gave rise to rumors of possible violence.

A hearing was set for April 24 on whether Judge Hill's order should be made permanent. Chaney said he would make a personal appearance on the Indiana University Campus at Bloomington this afternoon. He said he had received a challenge by the I.U Forum to debate either a student or faculty member. Catholic Order Superior Dies PARIS (P Sister Suzanne Guillemin, general superior of the Roman Catholic Sisters of Charity, died Thursday of a heart attack at a hospital where she had undergone a minor operation last week. She was 62.

She became head of the 000 member order in 1962. In 1964 she was named an auditor by Pope Paul VI for the Ecumenical Council. This year she was appointed member of the Congregation of Religious Orders, making her one of the few women members of the Vatican Curia. Windows Broken At U.S. Embassy RIO DE JANEIRO iP Demonstrators smashed three plate glass windows in the U.

S. Embassy on Thursday after A student police clash in which a student and a bystander were shot dead. The students had been demonstrating against conditions at student restaurants when the police arrived. Besides two killed, one person was seriously injured and at least six policemen were hurt. HARDWICK (UPI) -A small private plane crashed off Rte.

32A Thursday. The plane was destroyed but no one was injured. Authorities a id Matthew Pluta of Gilbertville, the pilot, and his daughter walked away from the wreckage unhurt. Private Plane Crashes In Hardwick: 2 Unhurt 3 The American and British embassies seriously concerned about deteriorating in the Jordanian capital because of activities of Arab commando organihave held ly in the Jordan Valley, where recently, the Jordan River, forms the (c) By Les Angeles Times News Service here said, present cease-fire line. involving American citizens.

In one case, the wife of an American professor at Jordan University was stopped in downtown Amman by armed commandos and asked for money. Said to Ask Money Other reported cases include commando groups going to American homes and asking for money. The American embassy Amman declined to confirm or deny the reports. The commandos- or people posing as commandos-have been operating in public view ever since the Israeli reprisal attack of last Feb. 15.

Their popularity zoomed since the daylong battle a week ago in which Israeli forces attacked the Karameh refugee camp, killing some 25 commandos and taking many more prisoner. Since then, they have emerged in public elsewhere in Jordan, and were seen moving about the big town of Irbid in the north earlier this week. They are operating free- Test Your Horse Sense ANSWERS Questions on Page 31 1. Hutch (Rabbit) 2. Barley 3.

Tom (Cat) 4. Rake 5. Kreisler 6. (a) Air Force-Colo. (y) (b): (x) (c) Coast Guard (v) (d) Merchant Marine, (w) (e) Naval -Md.

(2) (Associated Press Wirephoto) George Plimpton and his bride, the former Freddy Espy, smile Thursday after their wedding in New York City. 'The Paper Lion' Tamed NEW YORK (AP)-George Plimpton, one of New York's most eligible bachelors and a man who's tried everything from playing pro football to playing with the Philharmonic, was married Thursday evening to Freddy Espy, a petite who helps manage a photographic studio. The attended by about 30 friends and relatives of the bride and groom, was performed by the Rev. Kenneth Stewart of the Brick an Church, the Plimpton family church. It was held in the Central Park South apartment of Joseph M.

Fox. an editor at Random House and a Harvard University classmate of Plimpton's. Four- Year Friendship Plimpton, 40, is editor of the Paris Review and author of "The Paper about his training season with the Detroit Lions football team. He and Miss Espy, 26, me. about four years ago at a party.

Plimpton appeared shy and slightly nervous. When one of the guests, Clay Felker, editor of New York magazine, appeared at the door, Plimpton said: "Hi. Take my place, will you?" The guests included Marianne Moore, the poet; authors Terry Southern and Phillip Roth, and pianist Peter Duchin and his Mother Absent The bride was given away Center buckle Bank Robbers Grab $39,840 At Tewksbury TEWKSBURY, Mass. (UPI)- Two gunmen robbed the Tewksbury Shopping Plaza branch of the Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank of $39,840 Thursday, police said. Fourth in Two Day's It was one of two bank robberies in Massachusetts Thursday and the fourth in two days.

Police said one man wore a stocking mask and carried what appeared to be a sawed off shotgun. The other wore sunglasses and wielded a hand gun. They held three women tellers at gunpoint while they took the cash from tellers' cages and a vault. There were no customers in the bank. They fled in a blue car.

The robbery occurred shortly before 1 p.m. Meanwhile, two men robbed the South Weymouth Cooperative Bank of an estimated 000. One man carried a knife but did not injure the bank employes or either of the two customers in the bank. They fled in a car which police said was stolen. Robbers struck Wednesday at an Auburn branch of the Worcester County National Bank and a branch of the Beverly National Bank in BevN.Y.erly.

About $3,650 was taken in the Auburn holdup and $1,000 (in the other. HAVANA (AP) Scores of sidewalk sandwich stands have halved prices since they were taken from their private owners and nationalized, the semiofficial newspaper El Mundo reported Thursday. It said the price for a sandwich now is 15 centavos instead of 30. A centavo is listed as equal to one U'. S.

cent. The stands were taken over by the National Tourist Institute two weeks ago and now are manned by members of Cuba's mass organizations. Cuba Sidewalk Sandwich Stands Halve Prices her father, Willard R. Espy, New York public relations consultant. Her mother.

Hilda Cole Espy of Putnam Valley, N. did not attend. The groom's best man was Robert B. Silvers, editor of the New York Review of Books. Asked how long the wedding had been planned, a spokesman for the couple said, "About by'seven hours." pump 44 strippy open sides, low chunky heel.

Hot pink, It. blue, yellow, navy, black patent leather. 19.00 FRIDAY MR. WALTER CRANE SHOWS NEWEST SHOES navy rayon shantung Two-tone spectator The Villager with white patent tip low slant heel. 16.00 Mr.

Walter Crane, fashion co-ordinator for Villager will be in the Women's Shoe Salon Steiger's Springfield Friday with a trunk show. ing of colorful shoes by Villager. Come, see. 14.00 to 19.00 Daisy kid leather bias heel and leather daisy in contrasting color: pink, It. 16.00 Wemen's Shee Selen All Steiger Stores Stagers a 3 1.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.