The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


KING FEATURES SYNDICATE. Into WORLD RIGHTS RESERVED Martin, House leader of the minority party. He records ho was gratified that "he (Martin) assured me that co-operation was at the top of, has Finally Came 'Round" Congressman Martin and four other New Englanders, by the wry, were at the luncheon attended by Prestdent Truman the day after he was sworn in as President of the United States. President Truman, by breezing up to the Capitol to lunch in the office of his close friend of Senate days, Secretary of the one Senate Biffle, caused loud cries "Presidents don't do that; it isn't in keeping" from Washington's precedent-conscious public. Truman's diary, however, records none of that.

It says merely he was there to discuss the advisability of a message to Congress from him the following Monday. "Some of them opposed it. I listened to what all had to say. Then I said, I am coming and prepare for me. I thought it was the proper thing to do.

They finally came around to my way of The other New Englanders present were Majority Leader John McCormack of Massachusetts, former Senator Wallace White of Maine (R), former Senator Warren Austin of Vermont and Massachusetts -born Senator Joseph C. O' Mahoney of Wyoming (D). There were 18 in the group excluding Truman. Floor Leader McCormack figures in the Truman diaries again on August 4, 1948, when he records a meeting with congressional leaders Barkley, Rayburn, Lucas and McCormack. The entry reads: "Talk over congressional ing spirit into them.

Some success I situations. Tried to get some fightbelieve. Set a press conference for tomorrow. It ought to good." Couldn't Watch Ball Game Another glimpse of how high office sets one apart, even a gregarious person like Truman who enjoys rubbing elbows with his fellows, is in this passage: "I took a walk this morning at quarter of seven and passed that Zero Milestone twice. It is just across the street from the South Portico of the White House.

There is a baseball diamond just south of it and I get out field glasses and watch the games going on there. I tried to go personally and witness one of these games and all I succeeded in doing was breaking it up." The South Portico, with its controversial balcony, inspired Truman to this charming piece of writing. June 28, 1948: "Bess and I are eating supper on the south porch of the White House at seven p. m. am facing the Jefferson Memorial across the House lawn.

There 1g a fountain in the center of the lawn surrounded by petunias--we had dwarf cannas last year and the Japanese beetles ate them into rags and tatters. A. ball game or two goes on the park south the lawn. Evidently a bit competition from the cheers and the calls of the coaches. "A robin hops around looking for worms, finds one and pulls with all his might to unearth him.

mocking bird imitates robbing, jays, redbirds, crows, hawks--but has no individual note of his own. A lot of people like that. Planes take off and land at National Airport south of the Jefferson Memorial. "It is a evening." Dinner Alone Contrasting with the pastoral style above is this succinct and humorous account of a lonely and not So pleasant evening at House, November 1, 1949: "Had dinner by myself tonight. Worked in Lee House office until dinner time.

A butler came in very formally and said 'Mr. President, dinner is I walk into the dining. room in Blair House. Barnett in tail and white tie pulls out my chair, pushes me up to the table. John in tails and white tie brings me a fruit cup, Barnett takes away the empty cup.

John brings me a THE NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN and HARTFORD RAILROAD CO. New Haven, Connecticut, March 12, 1952. The annual meeting of stockholders of The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company will be held in Room 948 of Company's general office building, 54 Meadow Street, New Haven, Connecticut, Wednesday, April 9, 1952, at 2.00 p.m. for the following purposes. 1.

Elect Tellers of Election. 2. Elect Board of Directors to serve until next annual meeting and until their successors have been elected and qualified. Ten directors are to be elected by holders of Preferred Stock voting separately, by as. a holders class, of and Common five Stock voting separately as a class.

3. Transact such other business as may properly come before meeting. Stockholders of record at close of business March 10, 1952, are entitled to vote at meetings. By order of Board of Directors, G. T.

CARMICHAEL Secretary SOVIET FORCES TERMED THREAT TO JAP. ISLAND Ambassador Sebald Says Hokkaido Surrounded by Red Baltimore, March 23 (A bassador William J. Sebald, hom*o from Tokyo, said tonight that Japan's northernmost. island of Hokkaido been "virtually surrounded by the advance outposts of Soviet power." Kremlin Wants Japan The diplomat, who has served AS tone MacArthur political and adviser Gen. to Gen.

Matthew Douglas 13. Ridgway, successive Japanese occupation chiefs, declared that U. S. forces must protect Japan until it has developed the strength to defend itself. Sebald's comment about the threat to Hokkaido, in a speech prepared for a Knights of Columbus gatherIng, followed by only 8.

few days a statement in Japan by Ridgway that tho island country was menaced by Soviet forces massed in Siberia Sebald noted that the U. S. Senate approved last week the Japanese peace trenty and several Pacific Japan. Under the peace treaty the security pacts including one with former enemy nation, occupled by U. S.

forces for the past six years, will soon regain full independence. Sebald said it will be a great asset on the side of the free nations and that they must not permit it to fall into the hands of the Kremlin and become an asset for aggression. "You can he said, "that In their own evaluation. of Japan, the masters of the Kremlin place a high premium Japan's Industrial potential, the know of its technicians, and the great manpower reservoir of its 84 million people." WOULD SPEED UP BRITISH DEFENSE Laborites Warn Nation Is in Mortal Peril Newcastle, March 23 (AP)Clement Attlee's moderates in the British Labor Party demanded acceleration of Britain's rearmament program today--a broadside aimed at both the Conservative Government and left wingers in the labor fold. Defense at Danger Point Speeches by two of the former Labor prime minister's top lieutenants here tonight warned against any reductindeot by the the arms wing program- rebel faction of Aneurin Bevan-and declared Prime Minister Churchill's Conservative, Government had pared the program to the danger point.

Hugh Gaitskell, former Labor Chancellor of the Exchequer, warned that if Britain slashes her defense spending further America might "turn isolationist again," which would bring this country into "mortal peril." Woodrow Wyatt, former Labor Undersecretary of State and one of Attlee's staunch supporters in Parliament, said a reduction of the nation's rearmament program would make Britain "the laughing stock of the world" and would "give the signal for Stalin to go ahead again in Europe." Churchill had announced previously the nation couldn't complete its 600,000,000 pound ($10,080,000,000) rearmament program within the acheduled three years, but would require an extra year. Economics Dept. at UNI Will Hold Open House Amherst, March 23-Open house for the School of Home Economics the University of Massachusetts will feature Home Demonstration Week which is celebrated annually throughout Massachusetts. The dates, of the open house are May 2 Home Demonstration Week is. being celebrated nationally from April 27 May 3.

According to Dr. Helen Mitchell, dean of the school, the program will include special exhibits and demonstrations planned for homemakers, parents of home economics students, and home demonstration council members. Mrs. Anna C. Nahlovsky Kent Springfield, Is president the State Home Demonstration Council.

The exhibits and demonstrations will be held in Skinner Hall and will prepared and given by students the university. The range of subjects will include clothing, foods, home fur nishings, household equipment, textiles, child training, and flower arrangement. Defense Job Risk To Be Considered Washington, March 23 (P) The Renegotiation Board announced today that, in recovering unduly large profits from any government contractor, it will take into account the risk he runs in handling defense jobs. Issuing its regulations under the Renegotiation Act of 1951, the board said it will give "special consideration" in cases where a higher-thannormal profit is justified by the risk element. -5.

The board has instructed contractors to file by May 1 reports on their operations in their fiscal years prior to Jin. 1, 1952. The risk clement might enter, the board said, when a manufacturer is faced with possible saturation of his normal market by his all-out production during the emergency. Machine tool builders in the past have complained of this hazard: A tooling -up for war causes a depressed market for years after. In other items, the risk might be the accumulation of big government-held surpluses which, when unloaded after the emergency, deflate market.

DEWEY IS 50 TODAY Albany, N. March 23 (INS)- New York Gov. Thomas Dewey, whol will be 50 years old tomorrow. said today: "I am not celebrating this hirthday. I'm trying to forget it." Dewey will spend the day at his Pawling.

N. farm, with his wife. mother, and son, John. Ile will Albany Monday night. Outdoor Sportsman's Guide annual ladies' night of Franklin County League of Sportsmen's Clubs will be held at Odd Feilows Hall, Charlemont, Wednesday, April 9, at 7 p.

m. Entertainment and speakers will follow dinner. A dircussion on the "Baby Hoover commission's" conservation department reorganizing bill I12032 and the sportsmen's bill S-73 will highlight the evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Charlemont Sportsmen's Association will be held April 2, 8 p. m.

at American Legion Rooms, Charlemont. This Is an open meeting with all sportsmen invited. James L. Homer writes that with spring here the Connecticut River Game Fish Associations, No. 1 in Northampton and No.

2 in Greenfield, will br stocking Atlantic salmon in tho Connecticut and its tributaries. Some 10,000 Atlantics are on order for May delivery. Last year the Association stocked 3000. Neither of the Associations look for good salmon fishing In the next few years but are hoping their efforts will pay. off good dividends in the future.

losmer says that with the Holyoke Dam fishway nearing completion and possibility of a test this spring, the Associations believe that the salmon will do their part in coming back to tho Connecticut after a sea run. They ask all sportsmen who might hook a salmon to return it to the waters where taken. Officials of Connecticut Fish and Game Commission are working with the Associations to draft rules to regulate the taking of Atlantic salmon in that state. These will be brought to the attention of the legislators who have promised to help the Associations in their latest and greatest effort to better fishing in Western Massachusetts, IC Connecticut is willing to work with the sportsmen of Western Massetts Division certainly, Fisheries and Game sachusetts, the Massachushould be looking forward to putting restrictions on the taking of salmon from the Connecticut River and those tributaries which have been stocked with fingerlings. Sportsmen who will shortly take to streams after trout must also work with the Associations and return, uninjured, all salmon.

This is a voluntary move but if the Associations are willing to spend plenty of morey, time and work in their behalf to try and bring back salmon to the Connecticut they should co-operate in this move. Membership in either or both of the Associations will also help. Bryant R. Chapin, who is doing an excellent job: of trying to keep. us and the sportsmen informed on the activities the Division of fisheries and Game, working on a budget and for that wouldn't be accepted by a broom man for any city, reports that fishing prospects for 1952 may surprize the rod and reel devotees when they go "astream" April 15.

State hatcheries -will by opening have released some 150,000 legal sized browns, brookies and rainbows, this in addition the fish purchased and stocked by the conservation minded sportsmen's clubs. Chapin reports that BIll Munroe, who 1g in charge of the state's six hatcheries, said that 22 per cent of the 730,000 trout stocking figure are nine Inches and over in length, and that division of the funds. In August 1949 the price was raised to $2 to offset What's the Presidency Like? 4 It's a Terribly Lonely Job, for One Thing, According to Mr. Truman's Diary Just Published By ISABEL KINNEAR GRIFFIN President" hit the bookstands last week, and is without question living its advance billing as a controversy-provoking tome. The hit dogs are howling.

The politicos are ferreting avidly, pro-Trumanites for material to bolster their cause, anti-Trumanites for ammunition of attack on the Administration. Commentators rend this meaning and that into Its words. Does Truman Fool Himself? The book, containing much of PresIdent Truman's personal diaries, letters and notes and marking the first time such material public while the originator hatobeersmidn office, leaves me with an uneasy feeling. There's such a thread I'malways-right running through it. You wonder, has Harry Truman, born optimistic, become past master the art of self-deception? Or is he whistling in the dark for courage when he sees the distance between what ho says and advocates verbally and what he accomplishes? Book reviewing is not my line and I usually lose political bets.

But there's one thing safe and sure to say about President Truman's diaries and notes. He makes it crystal clear. The Presidency is a lonely job, Each President has one thing in common whether he's a Democrat or Republican, strong or weak, a gregarious person or an introvert-loneliness. President Lincoln's lonely vigils in the night during the wrenching days of the War Between the States are part of White House history; Woodrow Wilson anguished the wall between him and the public. The loneliness of high office was brought heartbreakingly to Calvin Coolidge in the death of his younger son.

"Had I not been President he would not have blistered his heels on the White House tennis courts and would still be with us. Is not this a. terrible price to pay for the Presidency?" he wrote. Harding faced the bitter loneliness of betrayal by trusted friends. President Franklin D.

Roosevelt, father of 8. large and lively family whose name was known in hamlets and villages the world over often had a look of "Inhuman loneliness," his White House housekeeper wrote. Truman Gets Lonely President Truman, who gets around socially and sees more people 11- formally than any President in recent decades, makes no bones about this. gets lonesome off there at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He says SO vigorously and often in his notes and diaries.

He likes the White House though, and appreciates its dignity. Recording the time he and Churchill were photographed on the "stoop" at Blair House he commented: "How we need the old building across the street, known as the White House." another returning from a cross country trip, he records: "Went to the taxpayers' house on 16th and Pennsylvania Avenue and spent a very pleasant night in sleep." New Year's Day 1947, President Truman's family was in Missouri. He'd spent New Year's Eve on the Williamsburg with 18 members and ex-members of the White House staff, but was back in the White House by 8.45 a. m. "and never was so lonesome in my life." He turned to the telephone for company and records: "Called the 'boss' at 10 m.

had talk with her and the daughter. Byrnes, Snyder, Clark, Patterson, Forrestal, Krug, Harriman, Schwellenbach, Anderson, and left word for Hannegan who was out on a fishing trip. Then I called General Fleming, General Eisenhower, former Secretary of War Stimson, and Miss Perkins. Apparently they were all pleased by the calls -and so was 1. You wonder how many of the Inevitable New Year's Day parties in the year 1947 were sprinkled with casual reference to "President Truman on the phone this Later in the day President Truman got or the phone again and talked with Massachusetts' Congressman Joe SEE "ARNO" HAVE YOUR SPRING SHOES REPAIRED NOW! OVER 33 YEARS EXPERIENCE MAIN and WILCOX STS.

ALWAYS "ARNO" Chewing Wrigley's Spearmint Helps. You On Your Many people find that chewing on a good, smooth piece of Wrigley's Spearmint Gum is a real help during working hours. The pleasant chewing keeps the 1 mouth moist, refreshes you, and so helps your work go smoother and easier. And the cost is so small you can chew this healthful, delicious gum often every day. Wrigley's Spearmint' Chewing Gum has been a favorite in New England for generations.

Its fine quality is the result of time-tested methods developed and perfected by a concern that makes only chewing gum. Be sure to get the original Wrigley's Spearmint Chewing Gum. Look for the green spear on the package. AN GUM CHEWING AF-712 released in streams and ponds. These range from 12 to 24 Inches.

Th Division's publicist also reportel that only 1128 white hare been received from the New Brunswick supplier from the Division's original 2000 order. Al Torrey, chlet game cutturist will have to pass up some areas but these will recelve priority next year. Chapin writes that advance reports on the trapping season held recently produced only 63 beavers, By their purchases of Federal "duck stamps," hunters of wild ducks and geese' have contributed nearly $27 million to help underwrite a national waterfowl restoration program which the Federal Government has been carrying on since 1934, according to a Fish and Wildlife Service report released today by Secretary of the Interior Oscar L. Chapman. During the 17-year period July 1, 1934, when the duck stamp requirement became effective, through Juno 30, the $26,909,141 has been turned.

over the Fish and Wildlife Service by the Treasury Department as receipts from duck stamp sales. The Federal duck stamp is required of all waterfowl hunters over 16. It now sells for $2. Issues prior to 1949- 50 Bold for $1. Money received from sale of these stamps is used by the Service to help finance its waterfowl program.

The report shows that as of June 30, 1951, the Service has expended $21,626,072 out of the total receipts, as follows: $358,809 to the Post Office Department for printing and issuing tho stamps; $2,038,551 for law enforcement; $4,006,420 for land acquisition activities; $13,598,488 for development, management and administration of the refuges, and $1,623,803 for waterfowl investigations. At present the Service is operating 196 refuges, of 3,122,231 acres, which were established primarily for migratory waterfowl. In 1934, at the beginning of the waterfowl restoration program, the Service had 41 waterfowl refuges, consisting of 911,039 acres. As originally passed on March 16, 1934, the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act provided that 90 per cent of the money realized from the sale of the stamps was to be used by the Fish and Wildlife Service to supplement other funds for the purchase and maintenance of waterfowl refuges throughout the country. The remaining 10 per cent was to be used for the printing and distribution of the stamps and for the enforcement of all Federal laws which protect migratory waterfowl.

Two amendments to the Act in recent years have changed both the cost of the stamp and the original 90-10 rising costa encountered by the Serve ice in its efforts to expand its water. fowl conservation work. In October 1951, in response to demands for a stepped-up law enforcement program, Congress authorized an Increase in expenditure of duck stamp funds for enforcement and administration from 10 per cent to 15 per cent of the nual receipts. Copies of this special report, which describes the Service's accomplishments under the duck stamp program, may be obtained without charge upon application to the Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Information, Washington 25, D. C.

For Special Program Key West, March 23 (INS)President Truman authorized Mutual Security Director W. Averell Harriman today to make use of the first funds under the Kersten Amendment to aid "certain selected escapees" from the Iron Curtain countries. Included In NATO The President authorized' use of $4,300,000 to implement a program of aiding able-bodied refugees from Communist oppression to escape to the West for inclusion in the NATO defense forces. The President acted after Harriman informed him that "this program is of immediate and utmost importance" and that the plan would "contribute to the defense of the North Atlantio area and to the security of the United States." Harriman said it is estimated $7,200,000 will be needed for the present calendar year, of which $1,300.000 would come from Mutual Security funds. AIDS ESCAPEES FROM RED ZONE President Authorizes Funds Man Driving Auto Over Frozen Lake Believed Drowned Burlington, March 23 (A A Northfield man, father of three, was bellered drowned today as ho attempted to drive his automobile across frozen Lako Champlain.

Two companions, whose names were not immediately available, Identified him A4 Paul King, about 50. They told police they were Icefishing with King who. left them to drive across the lake to East Alburg for food. They said the car returned by a different route and drove Into an open section. diver Is searching for the hicle.

plate, Barnett brings me a tenderloin, John brings me asparagus, Barnett brings me carrots and beets. have to eat alone and in silence in candlelit room. I ring. Barnett takes the plate and butter plates. John comes in with a napkin and silver crumb tray--there are no crumbs but John has to brush them off the table anyway.

Barnett. brings me: a plate with a finger bowl and doily on it. I remove the finger bowl and dolly and John puts a glass saucer and a little bowl on the plate. Barnett brings me some chocolate custard. John brings me a demitasse (at home a little cup of coffee- -about two good gulps) and my dinner 1s over.

I take a hand bath in the finger bowl and go back to work. What a lite!" Nostalgia for simpler days in Dissourl crops out in Truman's account of Christmas Day, 1947, when Mrs. Truman's three brothers and their wives with two children carne to Washington for Christmas dinner. "My sister Mary Jane came on the 22d, and I am sure spent an enjoyable time. My brother could not come--in fact, I didn't ask him because he had told me he Intended to have all his family at the time.

He has four boy's, all married but one, a lovely daughter. I called him and he said twenty-two sat down to dinner at his house. I am sure they had a grand -a much happier one than a formal, butler served one, although ours was nice enough. But family dinner cooked by the family mother, daughters, granddaughters 'served' by them is not equalled by the White House, Delmonico's etc. Valentine's Day 1948, brought President Truman another twinge.

"St. Valentine's Day. Fog. rain and 43 degrees. My 'Baby' and her best friend give Valentines as does Bess I could not get out to get them one.

In times past I was the giver, now things are reversed. It is something to be the Chief of State." Sentimental About Family diaries record: "Bess Margaret Later the same year, Truman's went to Missouri at 7.30 edt, 6.30 God's time. I sure hated to see them go. Came back and read the papers, some history and then wrote this. It is hot and humid and Truman's mood is frequently sentimental when he writes of his immediate family.

Take this passage, for example, following a stag which he had had a wonderful time: "Got back to the White House at 10.30. Called the Madam and talked to her and my baby girl (she doesn't like that designation). I cannot help wanting to talk to my sweetheart and my baby girl every night." He misses wifely and daughterly solicitude about his appearance. "I am always lonesome when the family leaves. I have no one to raise a fuss over my neckties and my haircuts, my shoes and my clothes generally." Author William HIllman quotes President Truman's ideas of politics and government and cites one example which indicates President Truman thinks himself a better President than was Massachusetts' John Quincy Adams.

"No man can sit here at this desk without feeling he is out of touch with the people unless he has come up from the grassroots of the precincts as a political worker. As a precinct worker he learng at first hand what the needs and problems of the people are. "Take a very accomplished and brilliant man like John Quincy Adams, who was a fine ambassador and secretary of state. When he became President, he seemed to be lost because he lacked the experience as an ministrator or organizer, who 1g in touch with the requirements of the people and for that reason he did not do as good a job as President." Following "down the River on the President Trumn wrote a description of his fellow sengers. Here's what he said ahout his personal secretary, Matt Connelly of Clinton, Massachusetts: "He's A shrewd Irishman, who raised up the chips (logs) and shows me bugs, honest, fair, 'diplomatic' with me." BURNED IN HOME FIRE Leominster, March 23 -Arthur L'Ecuyer, 50, suffered serious body burns in a fire at his home yester.

day. His brother, Alcide, And the latter's two children, Anita, 7, and Rita, 9, escaped injury. Fire officials estimated damage at $1000. Your Stars Today What to Expect Today By. CONSTELLA Friends, those relations that one makes for one's Dally Gulde -The plensant phere of yesterday, and especially last evening, carry over into today so there 8 8.

continuation of friendliness. You were probably at your charming best last night and still feel the glow of mutual appreciation which was in the air! You are probably still chuckling over the pleasant and humorous conversations. Take advantage of the still co-operntive spirit abroad today by doing the little errands, shopping and visiting necessary, becausero late evening and through are lIkely to be hectic and difficult. Afternoon appointments will work out better than evening engagements. This can be day when you clear up a lot of tag ends of thisa and thata which you have meaning to get at for some time." Don't start anything new but do bring yourself up do date, ready for an active month ahead.

Happy Birthday, Aries! It is never very dull where you are, but even must be finding the pace 8 bit strenuous! It might he letting up for you a little, but not enough for you to throw caution to the winds. In July be careful how you handle partnership affairs and see that agreements and the financial security involved are understood perfectly. In October you will need to handle objections and criticism with tact--and tact is not your outstanding virtue. Plan your vacation for latter part of August and first part hole September for best results. Work hard to bring in more financial gains this year.

Predicts Congress To Slash Billion Off Foreign Aid Washington, March 23 (P) Sen. Sparkman (D-Ala.) predicted today Congress will slash a billion dollars off the $7,900,000,000. foreign aid program and Sen. Russell (D-Ga.) called that a "conservative estimate." reductions Sparkman can be a made reporter on a he "sensi- hopes ble" basis without crippling the program. He said talks with colleagues on the Foreign Relations Committee Indicate there Is strong sentiment for economy.

"It may turn out that we will work out some kind of percentage cut, perhaps a 10 per cent reduction in direct miiltary aid and a 20 per cent cut in so-called economic aid," he said. This would be somewhat in line with' the plea of Secretary of Defense Lovett that, if Congress feels it must whittle down the program, it should let the administration decide where the ax will fall. The committee has called Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther before it for testimony tomorrow on the military situation in' Europe as it relates to the mutual assistance program.

He will be batting for his chief, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces. Stassen Is Hoping For N. Y.

Support Washington, March 23 (P)-Harold E. Stassen said. tonight he hopes to win the New York state delegation's support if Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Sen.

Robert A. Taft deadlock in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. And Stassen, a candidate for the nomination, reiterated that he looks for Eisenhower and the Ohio senator to "block each other" out at the party's national covention in July. New York will have 96 delegate votes at the convention--more any other state. Present indications are that Eisenhower is likely to win at least 79 of the New York votes.

Arthritic Research Awards Given Two Boston Doctors Boston, March, 23 (AP)-Cyril H. Jones, chairman of the New England Chapter of the Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation, tonight announced award of research fellowships to two greater Boston doctors. Dr. Alex F. Muller of Winchester and Dr.

George Cytroen are among 14 scientists nominated by medical schools And research institutions to carry on the work in arthritis research during 1952-53. The fellowships are part of the foundation's national program to control the discase which affects more than seven million persons in the United States and totally or partially ables nearly one million persons in Dartmouth Boosts Added Fee $125 in Cost of Education Hanover, N. March 23 (AP)President John Sloan Dickey of Dartmouth College today sald mounting expenses since 1949 have made necessary an increase of $125 in the added fee toward the cost of education. No increase in annual dormitory room rentals or in annual board charges for college dining halls are expected. Dickey said the total annual charge for 1952-53 instruction, health service, and room and board will be approximately $1450.


The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.