WE ARE ALIVE NOW - Chapter 29 - Hazazel7 (2024)

Chapter Text




" Are you really not going to tell me? " Sakura asked.

Ino smiled while fishing around inside her purse for the key of her apartment door. " Yup. You ditched me throughout the week, forgot my birthday was today. And now you want to know who the father of my unborn child is? " said Ino amusedly perplexed.

" Come on, I didn't mean too. You know very well how things have always been salty between me and Sasuke, and he his now finally showing me the care and affection I deserved. I couldn't see or think of anything else besides this warmth I haven't felt before, " said Sakura.

Ino furrows her brows staring into her purse, she stayed her fingers, then she tilt her head to Sakura.

" What's wrong? ", " I think I forgot the key at the shop, " said Ino.

" How, were you in a rush to get to the hospital? I mean you were fine, when you arrived, it didn't seem like you were unwell, " Ino sighs in exasperation, " it's that idiot's fault " she said.

" Idiot? Who are you talking about, " said Sakura befuddled.

Ino zips her purse close, and turns back towards the exit. " Hey! where are you going? " Sakura asks grabbing Ino's wrist.

" Uh, to the shop of course. I have to get my keys, " replied Ino. " You're pregnant and it's late, you can't go off to the shop... Alright, my place isn't that far off, we should have a sleepover " said Sakura.

" Really? It's been a while since we did that " said Ino excitedly. " Yeah, this is the best night. We can talk all night, and catch up ".

" Fine, to your place then ".

Sakura hooks her arm around Ino's, and with a smile they both stride towards the exit...

" Now that we are settled in, do you still refuse to tell me who the father is, even though you know I'm going to pester you till the sun shines over both of us? " asked Sakura towering over Ino, while the blond was seated on her couch.

Ino looks down at her left fingers. " The truth is, I don't really know how to tell you. I just think you would be way too shocked, " said Ino.

Sakura scoffs. " Someone who isn't Sai got you pregnant, other than you being pregnant, why should I be surprised. What, do you think I'll die, if you said it was Shikamaru? " said Sakura.

At the mention of Shikamaru, Ino burst into laughter, shocking Sakura and causing the pink haired to step back.

" Really Sakura? That's where your imagination took you, Shikamaru: bored, highly Intelligent Shikamaru Nara. My childhood friend and teammate, who thinks all women are a drag, but got with the most troublesome woman he knows, that Shikamaru? " said Ino full of amusem*nt, while placing one hand on her solar plexus.

Sakura stares down at her bare feet, feeling slightly ashamed that she considered it.

" I shouldn't have, I know Shikamaru would not cheat on Temari; I– I just wanted to make an obvious connection, since you are making it pretty difficult, " said Sakura.

Ino halts on the laughter, and looks down at her flat tummy Impassively.

" In here, a little Yamanaka is forming. A baby girl or boy, who will become my child, and I its mother... " Ino looks up at Sakura, whom stared back at her friend, and saw her eyes had become filled with tears that had begun to threaten to break out.

" Sakura, I'm going to become a mother, " said Ino, " I know, "

" Sakura. Are you listening, it's me we're talking about. Ino Yamanaka, your best friend since the academy: we were friends when we didn't even know what boys and girls do when they grow up. Me, the same girl who insulted you and called you names, because I was young and foolish. That me, is going to become a mother; "

Tears no longer able to be contained, bursted out, streaming down the young Yamanaka's fair cheeks. Immediately, Sakura got down on her knees and takes hold of Ino's hands.

" You're right, you are going to become a mother. But you're no longer that young and foolish girl, neither of us are. I mean look at Naruto, he's become so strong and smart, this village can no longer contain him; and Sasuke has changed so much that he can smile genuinely now, give hugs and kisses and say the sweetest things.

" I've become someone who has found a brother in the most unlikely candidate: Konohamaru Sarutobi. He's grown so much, that I couldn't have gotten through Sasuke's absence without him. I can call him a brother, because he was closer than no other. Everyone has changed, and now you're– " " it's him " Ino interjects.

" Huh? Him, who are you talking about. Is that a name, " asked Sakura.

" I wasn't planning too Sakura, I swear. I didn't think I would get pregnant; Sai and I did it several times, and nothing happened and so I wasn't expecting anything. I just wanted to lift the weight that was on my shoulder, you have to believe me, " said Ino hastily.

" Slow down Ino, what are you trying to apologise for... Who's the father, is it someone I know, It's not one of my teammates right? Sai isn't responsible. Naruto is busy getting with the Mizukage, and Sasuke was busy with me. So who–do I know...that could have the time, "

Sakura backs away slowly, as the thought of the probable soon to be, baby daddy of her best friend's unborn child began to dawn on her.

" Wait Sakura, don't misunderstand. I didn't know you two were that close... " said Ino getting up as well.

Sakura steps further back, lifting her arms slightly up. " No. You can't be serious. No. It can't be... Him? " Sakura stops, looking at Ino in perplexity, " Konohamaru is your unborn child's father? "

Once the words had left Sakura's mouth, a flower vase that was on Sakura's windowsill fell to the street ground and shattered.

Blue and green eyes, tilt abruptly to the window, and looked on in shock.


Konohamaru sitting on the rooftop of a civilian apartment, watched Sasuke ascend up into the sky, before the Uchiha disappeared into the clouds.

' Sasuke leaving like that. It must be something related to big brother, right? ' Konohamaru thought.

The young Sarutobi wasn't entirely sure as to why the Uchiha was leaving, so he put it out of his mind, and tried not to be bothered by it.

Konohamaru remained in the same spot for a little while, before he began to hear a pair of familiar voices. He looked down, and discovered Ino and Sakura were going towards Ino's apartment. Konohamaru got up unto his feet in haste, and as soon as he did, Konohamaru remembered Ino was a sensor and decided to sit back down in quiet deject.

' she told me not to follow her. I should avoid troubles with big sis, and stay away. Just like I've been doing, '

Konohamaru tilts his head down to his right; at the chocolate cake that remained as intact, as it was when he had presented it to Ino. Konohamaru sighs exasperatedly.

" What was I even thinking. I should never have gone over. ".

A couple of minutes passed, and Konohamaru decided he had, had enough and got down from the rooftop. Forgetting the cake.

' I should stroll around some more, and then call it a night and go home ' He thought.

Konohamaru went on his way, and eventually when he was about to turn a corner; discovered Ino and Sakura once again. This time, both young ladies were going into Sakura's apartment.

" Sleepover? " He muttered. ' I should patrol around, and make sure the street is safe, '

Making a decision based on a thought, Konohamaru went on, following his decision. And for a minute he patrolled the street, until he became tempted to know what the two best friends could want to share on this sleepover of theirs.

' Maybe she's going to tell big sis, that she had sex with me... If big sis finds out, I'm screwed ' Konohamaru thought.

Then, Konohamaru infuses chakra to the soles of his feet and walks up the wall of Sakura's complex; till he reached the living room window of her apartment, not caring for Ino's sensory ability. Konohamaru takes a peek inside the living room, and sees Ino seated on the couch with Sakura holding her hands.

' Is Ino crying? ' Konohamaru wondered puzzled.

He listened keenly, and picked up every single word, till he was mentioned alongside a pregnancy he had no clue about. Shocked beyond words or reason, Konohamaru lost control of his chakra, and his foot slipped off; desperate to not fall to his severe hurt, Konohamaru tried grabbing hold of the windowsill.

But then, he accidentally knocks the flower vase off, and his hands also slipped and he fell...

Sasuke Uchiha had been on his way towards the hospital, flying through the air when his luminous mangekyo Sharingan caught sight of Konohamaru's foot slipping off the wall of Sakura's apartment.

' The f*ck, ' thought Sasuke.

Sasuke takes a detour, and flaps his wings, increasing his speed to approach the young Sarutobi faster.

Sasuke flew over to the cascading Konohamaru, and catches him bridal style, from below. Sasuke stayed in mid air for a moment, softly flapping his wings. Sasuke looks at Konohamaru's panicked expression, and shakes his head.

" Idiot " said Sasuke.

Sasuke fly's Konohamaru over the apartment complex, to the front entrance of the building. Sasuke drops Konohamaru unto his back, once he was a few feet from the ground.

With a body thud, Konohamaru groans.

" Explain yourself, what the hell were you doing falling from the windowsill of my girlfriend's apartment. Do you have a death wish? " said Sasuke glaring.

Konohamaru turns his face towards the closed entrance door, and rose back up to his feet. Then he proceeds to dust himself off, and starts walking towards the entrance.

Ignored, Sasuke descends. Touching ground, Sasuke folds his wings and grabs Konohamaru by the collar, pulling him back.

" Where do you think you're going? " He asks, Konohamaru tilt his head back at Sasuke.

The Uchiha let's go seeing the mixed emotions that had mar Konohamaru's face. Konohamaru was about to continue on his path, when the entrance door opens up and both Ino and Sakura came out, walking carefully towards the young Sarutobi.

Konohamaru drones towards Ino, till he was a foot distance from her.

" Is it true?... Are you really pregnant, for me? " Konohamaru asked, looking on with hopeless eyes.

Ino nods quietly, and Konohamaru gasps falling down to his knees.

Sakura walked over to her boyfriend, and stood at his side, staring with helpless eyes.

" I wasn't planning on it, this just happened. I suspected, and I went to confirm. I'm pregnant, and you're undoubtedly the father, " Ino confessed.

Tears well up in Konohamaru's eyes, his mind stuck in a knot. But as he stared, Konohamaru felt compelled to make contact and so he began to lean in closer. As he did, Ino and the others wondered for a moment what his intentions were, until he turned his cheek and gently placed his right ear against Ino's solar plexus.

Ino's heart skips a beat at the contact, and she tentatively began to bring her arms up, till she eventually wrapped one around Konohamaru's shoulder, and uses her free hand to keep his head in place.

" Baby. Daddy's here, " Konohamaru says.

Sakura being unable to help herself, smiled, while Sasuke whom had little clue as to what was happening and why, watched Impassively.

" Hey, you two. Go back inside, it's late, " Sasuke decided to say in a placid tone.

Ino stares at Sasuke and Sakura puzzled. " Then, where are you two going to sleep? " she asked.

Sasuke smirks, then he picks Sakura up without a warning, causing the pink haired to yelp.

" Home. I'm taking my girlfriend home, so you two better head on inside, and sort whatever melodrama you two have gotten yourselves into, " " home? " Sakura says.

" What, did you really think that place belonged to Naruto? " Sasuke asked staring at Sakura with endearing eyes, " yeah " Sakura says. " You're cute, " Sasuke says with a chuckle.

Sasuke's wings retracts, and the Uchiha departs with a streak of electricity. Once the couple were gone, Ino pats Konohamaru on the back.

" Come on, let's go in. We should talk " said Ino.

Reluctantly, Konohamaru got back unto his feet, and without protest returned into the building; closing the entrance door behind them...

" Why were you keeping this from me, didn't you think I had the right to know? " Konohamaru asked once they were inside the living room.

Ino stood with her back against the door, she bites down on her lower lip briefly.

" I hadn't thought that far before I began to feel strange, and as I already told you: went to the hospital, to have Sakura confirm, " said Ino. " Oh " He utters.

" What are we going to do now? " asked Ino, while Konohamaru had his eyes on her.

Konohamaru walked over to Ino, he stands before her and traps a loose blond strand behind, Ino's left ear; causing the young Yamanaka's nipples to freeze up.

" I haven't ever imagined or thought of this, sh*t I haven't dared to desire. But you're telling me you're pregnant, and I'm the father of that child, your child, " " our child " Ino adds.

Konohamaru smiles softly. " What do you think I'm going to do with, and to you, can you imagine? " Konohamaru asks.

" W... What? " Ino asked with a trembling breath.

Konohamaru caressed Ino's cheeks, then he slid his hand down, gallops over her bust, and down unto her solar plexus; Konohamaru stops his hand, and held it gently against Ino's stomach.

" Can you trust me? Will you have faith, that I'm man enough to be a worthy father, " " I really can't know that " said Ino.

Konohamaru leans in, and plants a feathery kiss on the side of Ino's neck; he immediately felt her tremble.

" I will take care of you, " He says and plants another soft kiss. " Will you also keep seducing me? " Ino asks.

" Perhaps, will you allow me? " said Konohamaru planting a third kiss, however, this time, he nibbled: at this Ino moans.

" That's if you promise to stay. I can't have you abandon me, " she says. " I won't, I'll stay. Even if you tell me to go, I won't, " said Konohamaru. " Then, you can have me " she says. . .

" How could you keep this from me? " Sakura asked with folded arms, glaring at Sasuke.

" I was planning to make it a surprise; this house was built to be our home, for when we get married " Sasuke admits.

Sakura became stunned. " I bought a ring and everything, had this house built, but before I could explain or propose. You decided to break up with me, " said Sasuke.

Sakura frowns. " Are you saying I shouldn't have? ", Sasuke waves. " No, no, no. I wouldn't dare; I'm just saying that was the case before you decided to leave me with a broken heart, which I totally understand, knowing how much I've hurt and disrespected you, something... " Sasuke grabs Sakura by the shoulder and looks her deeply in the eyes.

" I promise to you, will never happen again. I will neither disrespect you, undermine your intelligence or have anyone do so. I will always try my best to pay attention to what you're saying, and how you feel. I won't make you feel unwanted or unloved; I want to make you feel like a woman, and not a bother, a friend, not an annoyance: my lover and my number one fan. " said Sasuke.

" You said something about a ring? " Sakura asked, and Sasuke nods. " Will you bring it, and propose to me? " she says.

Sasuke smiles, then he vanished in a streak of lightning for five seconds, before returning in a streak and standing two feet in front of Sakura.

Sasuke goes down on one knee, opens his right palm and reveals a small white ring box. He pulls open the box, revealing a silver ring, with a sparkling diamond.

" Haruno Sakura. Will you be willing to forgive all my misdeeds towards you, be my number one fan and marry me? " He proposes.

Sakura smiles back at him. " I've always been your fan Sasuke, and I always want to be, so... Yes, f*ck yes I'll marry you! " she exclaims.

Sasuke picks out the ring, drops the box, while Sakura extends her left hand. He takes hold of it, and gently slides the ring into her second to the last finger (the ring finger).

Sasuke got up, wraps his arms around Sakura and kisses her passionately, after a little while of kissing, Sakura looks up at him with a mild glare.

" You had best not go back on your words, unless I'll bury you, " she says.

" I know you will, so I won't. I'm your eternal prisoner, don't let me go ", " never " Sakura replies.

Then they resumed their make out.


" Naruto, " " yeah? "

Naruto turned away from the big fish that he had placed on a cutting board; which had a knife sticking into it's neck. His luminous blue eyes went to Mei Terumi whom had walked into the kitchen.

" Hmm, what's that? " He asks noticing a scroll in Mei Terumi's hand.

" It's a missive from the Raikage, " " really? What does it say ", " it's a call for a five Kage summit " she reveals.

" Summit. He must have things to share, " said Naruto. " Well, I would have preferred he shared it in two days: when I've hand over the position of Mizukage to Chojuro " said Mei Terumi.

Naruto turns back to the fish, and pulls the knife out, before chopping back down, and severing the fish's head. Mei Terumi steps closer, and wraps her arms around Naruto's waist, hugging him from behind.

" I don't want to part with you, when you've only just been here for two months, " she says. Naruto chuckles, " I wouldn't say two months. I've come and gone, you know I'm very fast " He replies.

Mei Terumi pouts. " Are you saying you don't like being here with me? ", " I love you and love being with you. But I don't really fancy this place, it's not conducive for living. Which is why, I think we should move out once your kage tenure ends " said Naruto.

" Hmm, that sounds like a very good idea. But. If I agree, would you also agree to come along with me to the land of iron; where the summit is going to take place? " asked Mei Terumi smirking.

" Did you have to ask. I was never planning on leaving you to go alone, we are a package deal. Where you go, I go ", " I hope that is the case with you too ".

Naruto rests his hand, being done cutting the fish to large eight pieces.

" I'm going to show you the world, even show you what it looks like from above. I want to do everything with you, and our baby, " said Naruto.

Mei Terumi steps back, while Naruto grins. Looking down at Mei Terumi's small baby bump, Naruto bends down pecks the bump, and straightens up.

" My unborn child won't go into that snowy place, alone with its mother. We go together, and show all the other Kages, that the fifth Mizukage and her man; Uzumaki Naruto are an item and cannot be broken up, " Naruto says.

Mei Terumi scoffs, then smiles. " Your words never cease to amaze me, especially when you say it while looking at me like you are doing now, " she says. " And how's that? " He asks.

" Like you want to kiss me, " " you figured me out, "

Naruto leans in, while keeping his hands that have been messed up with fish guts behind him. Their lips came together, and Naruto sucked on Mei Terumi's lower lip, before lowering his head and planting kisses on her jaw. To which Mei Terumi then began to giggle...

After a few days at the crack of dawn, Mei Terumi arrived in the snowy land of iron, accompanied by Naruto Uzumaki and Chojuro. Before they could enter the building in which the summit would be held, Naruto encountered Gaara outside, with Kankuro his brother.

" Hey Gaara, it's been a while. How have you been, " said Naruto waving his hand at his friend.

Gaara walked up to them, he bows his head to Mei Terumi and noticed her swollen stomach. He was taken aback, so he tilts his head to Naruto and the blond regal young man nodded.

" Don't be shy, I'm only a month and three weeks along, " Mei Terumi says with a smile. " Oh sorry, I wasn't meaning too. I was just surprised, " said Gaara.

Kankuro came also and discovered the bump, unlike his younger brother, he wasn't too surprised and quickly congratulated both of them. A few minutes passed with the four talking, before they all went inside and revealed themselves to the other Kages, including Kakashi Hatake; whom was accompanied by Shikamaru Nara.

Seeing Naruto and Mei Terumi, both the Tsuchikage and the Raikage, including their subordinates stared in awe, at Naruto's growth and the Mizukage's baby bump.

Mei Terumi walked over, sat down and Naruto stood back to her left, placing one hand upon the throne like chair on which she sat.

" Greetings. I hope I wasn't late? " said Mei Terumi with a small smile. " No, of course not. We've all just recently arrived, " said A.

" Umm, are you two in what I've heard you to be in? " asked the Tsuchikage. " Of course. Naruto and I are together, and as you can see, expecting a baby " said Mei Terumi placing her hand upon Naruto's.

Kurotsuchi stared in perplexity, as surprised as her grandfather, that Mei Terumi's and Naruto's rumored relationship has gone this far.

A clears his throat, bringing everyone's attention to himself.

" I know you all must be wondering why I have called you all here, for this summit, " " a bit " said Onoki.

" I called you all here, to announce that as of this moment, I am no longer Kumogakure's leader. I stepped down a month ago, " A reveals.

" What! You stepped down?... Who then is the new Raikage, " Onoki asks.

A pushes his chair back, and rose up, stepping away from the chair.

" Thank you, Lord A " said Darui stepping forward and sitting down upon the chair.

Darui looks at every stunned face, which excluded, Kakashi, Naruto and Mei Terumi. Whom, already guessed or knew he would or was appointed as Raikage.

" Lord A has served and ended his tenure as Raikage, and I sit here today as the fifth Raikage of the hidden cloud village. This summit was called, in hopes we can establish a stronger bond as allied Shinobi nations. " said Darui.

Mei Terumi holds her palm up, capturing everyone's attention.

" I also have ended my tenure as Mizukage, and handed the title and office of Mizukage to Chojuro here, " Mei Terumi reveals, bringing a smile to Naruto's face, whom already knew.

" and I don't think I need to explain my reasons behind it, do I? " said Mei Terumi with a smile.

" Uh, no. I don't think that's needed " said Darui. " Okay. Then, we're going to be taking our leave. Chojuro, can handle the rest, " said Mei Terumi standing up.

Naruto steps back, extend his hand and Mei Terumi gladly took it.

" Have yourselves a good day and a good chat, " said Naruto.

None of them knew how to reply, as the couple abdicates the building, leaving the Kages to engage in friendly political conversations. . .


" Mommy, Daddy. We found a pearl! " Exclaimed two three year old girl and boy in chorus, running towards their parents on a sunny sandy beach.

" I think they found something, " said Sasuke sitting with a one year old girl with dark hair in between his legs. " It's kinda shiny, " said Sakura noticing.

" Hmm. Alright, big brother, you ready? ".

Naruto from beside Mei Terumi, whom belly was largely swollen; brought his hand up to create a coverage for his eyes, as he looked up at Konohamaru whom had gotten up, wearing a blue boxer shorts, shirtless.

Naruto rose up, and grinned. " Yeah, let's see who gets to his kid first. One... Two... Set, " Naruto sprints off at a human celerity.

Konohamaru having failed to follow at the instant Naruto picked up speed, made up for it by using the body flicker technique. Moving as smoke along the beach. Getting to the kids, Naruto picks his daughter up a few seconds after Konohamaru picks his son up. Both parent lifting their child up into the air.

" Aren't those two sometimes acting like children? " Ino asks while rummaging through a picnic basket, whilst beside Mei Terumi.

Mei Terumi tilts her head to the also pregnant blond, she turns slowly and places her hand upon Ino's hands, stopping her and having her wedding ring flash before the eyes of the head of the Yamanaka clan.

" Isn't he going to propose? " Mei Terumi asks, causing the blond to withdraw, while capturing the attention of Sakura and Sasuke.

" Well, we've talked about it. He said he's waiting for the right time, " Ino says. " Hmm... I think you need to put your feet down, and make him understand being his wife is what you want " said Mei Terumi withdrawing as well.

Ino looks towards Konohamaru, whom was jumping around with his boy, and stared intensely. " Yeah " she mutters...

That night, everyone was sitting around a table located in the patio of Naruto and Mei Terumi's home, except for Konohamaru.

" Where's my brother? " Sakura whispered, leaning close to Ino, " still inside perhaps. Getting ready? " Ino replies skeptically.

" you don't sound so sure. Go check on him, he might need you " said Sakura.

Ino turns to her son with a smile. " Enjoy your food, mommy will be back real quick, " " okay " He replies.

Ino got up and goes back into the house. Once she was gone, the others leaned close.

" I think Konohamaru is going to finally pop the question, " said Sasuke, " he's prepared himself. I helped, " said Sakura.

" Well I'm not surprised, since you're his unofficial sister, " Naruto says.

Sakura giggles leaning back into her chair.

Ino went up to the luxurious guest room, her and Konohamaru were both staying in and when she opened the door. Ino discovers, the room was lit with candles, and the queen sized bed was decorated with roses.

Walking into the room, she found Konohamaru standing with a smile behind a small table which had cake on it.

" Umm. Babe, what's all this? " she asks. " Happy birthday " Konohamaru says slowly walking over to her.

" I kept the kids and everyone away to have this moment to ourselves, we haven't had much alone time since Imito was born, and with this one on the way. We've been swamped, but thankfully we have a family out there that are willing to move the moon to help us have this, "

" Babe... " Ino says softly.

Konohamaru stops in front of her, and goes down slowly on his knees, pulling out a gold ring.

" I know this has been a long time coming. Since the moment I found out you were pregnant with Imito, I've began dreaming of having you as my wife. And growing that family with you. It took a minute, but I'm finally here, asking. Ino Yamanaka, the most gorgeous and sexy kunoichi on the planet, will you do me another miracle and marry me? " says Konohamaru.

Ino's eyes fills up with tears. " Yes. I'll marry you, I'll be your wife! " Ino replies excitedly.

Thirty minutes later, the newly engaged emerged from the house, Ino lifts her hand and reveals her ring to all the girls. Whom got up and excitedly went over to her, hugging her and asking her how it went.

Konohamaru went and joined the boys, chatting joyously. . .

After tucking their daughter in, Naruto and Mei Terumi went out to the beach, taking a stroll with their arms hooked.

" Today was very fun. Thank you for making time, to do that for everyone " said Mei Terumi looking ahead.

" I can't abandon my family, especially not the love of my life, " " can I ask you something? "

" Go on " He says. " What do you think would have happened, if we hadn't fallen in love with each other? " she asks.

" I would have remained sad, probably force myself to marry Hinata, and exist till I become the Hokage. "

" I don't like that future, " " neither do I. Which is why, thankfully in this life I didn't end up a man with a cold and lonely soul. I have you, and I have Kushina and our soon to be born second child. This is a life I never dreamed of, so I'm more than grateful that I'm living it " said Naruto.

" You make me the happiest woman, you know that right? " said Mei Terumi stopping and looking at him.

" And you make me the happiest man alive, because even though we didn't know it. We were always meant to be " Naruto says.

" I love you. Naruto Uzumaki, from the bottom of my heart. I love you. "

" And I love you. Mei Terumi, I have since we met again, and always will, so I'll stay by your side till every hair on our head is grey and we draw upon our last breaths. "

" But till then, let's continue embracing one another. Because, we are alive now. "

Mei Terumi wraps her arms around Naruto's neck, and pulls him down for a long, passionate and timeless kiss.


WE ARE ALIVE NOW - Chapter 29 - Hazazel7 (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.