Soft Cruelty: The Complete Collection - Resplendence_Of_Starlight - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (2024)

Chapter 1: Author's Note and Story Timeline

Chapter Text

DISCLAIMER: Naoko Takenuchi owns all rights to Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon.

Author's Note–Finally, after more than a decade, I am getting around to uploading my fanfiction work from to here at AO3. It only seems fitting that I start with what arguably became my biggest and most well-known body of work I ever wrote to date: my Soft Cruelty series. I've changed my penname from my old one to the current one here. Too many personal things were left in Author's Notes. Things that, while I in the intemperate youth of my early 20s did not mind posting or sharing, are no longer fit to be left out in the open.

Timeline - 'Soft Cruelty' takes place in November, 'Soft Cruelty: An Usagi and Michiru Christmas' is set the 24th and 25th of December. 'Soft Cruelty: The Maelstrom Dream' is set in April of the following year, 4 months after SC: Christmas. 'Soft Cruelty: Summer Days' takes place in July, 3 months after SC: Dream. 'Soft Cruelty: Here With Me Now' is set two years after the first 'Soft Cruelty'. 'Soft Cruelty: Side Stories' are short little side stories and drabbles that take place at different moments within the Soft Cruelty AU I inadvertently created.

Shortly after the events of SC: Dream, Minako met Setsuna at the college she was going to. That’s how the other Outers came to know the Inners. In June, after the scouts had known each other for a little over a month, the cats reappeared and unlocked the seal placed upon all of the senshi’s minds after Sailor Moon defeated Galaxia. Since this is a kinda-sorta-but-not-exactly AU fiction, after the battle with Galaxia and the star seeds were returned, Eternal Sailor Moon used the powers of the Silver Crystal to seal the memories of the events away in the minds of her senshi, both Inner and Outer courts. This was so that things could start off fresh. That they may each make their own destinies instead of being forced to follow preset paths.

After having their memories restored (Mamoru gained his as well), the scouts and Mamoru decided that if that future was truly intended to happen, then it would of its own accord without their interference. Michiru and Usagi, Ami and Makoto, Rei and Minako, Haruka and Setsuna all decided to keep things as they were. Michiru and Usagi especially, since neither were willing to give each other up. Despite the initial protests of the lunar cats, Usagi was firm in her resolve and Luna and Artemis eventually relented.

The timeline above should help you understand how in this fanfiction, the Inners and Outers know each other, and how Chibi-usa has appeared. But then again, where Chibi-usa is concerned…don’t judge a book by its cover. :)

Chapter 2: Soft Cruelty

Chapter Text

It was cold…and dark. The blackest inky coal of a night you ever had the displeasure of seeing; if you weren’t me that is. It wasn’t that there was anything bad about it, it was just that the cloud cover hid the moon and stars away behind their dark gray melancholy. The temperature was all but non existent. At least the wind saw fit to not blow around and drive the freezing air into you. I could smell the crystalline, icy pleasure in the crisp air long before the weathermen knew about it. I’ve always been able to do that. I don’t know why though, I just have.

The soft, skyward rumble reached my frozen ears through the sounds of the city as I walked alone through the streets. This one would be big, I could feel it. Turning up my collar and tightening my scarf a little closer to my neck, I enjoyed the calm. My city’s song did little to soothe my restless heart. He and I had finally called it off. It just wasn’t working like I’d hoped; like we’d hoped. While we were still very good friends, I missed having someone to hold at night, and be held by. My arms hurt for someone to wrap themselves around. My pillow just wasn’t cutting it anymore. My body ached to be able snuggle against someone under the covers of a bed. And my heart yearned for that warmth that can only be felt by the press of someone else’s flesh. I could stand the hurt; the ache; the yearning, for these needs for a while. However as winter’s chilling blanket slid silkily over the land, they became unbearable to the point that I found myself here, now, walking through the streets of Tokyo.

Soft Cruelty

By: Resplendence of Starlight

It had been almost three months since we broke up. Odd though, however, that since then I haven’t really even looked at another man like I used to. I found myself gazing more and more at other women, admiring their beauty, and the softness of them; so soft at times, it was almost cruel. Call me vain, or sinful, or selfish, I don’t really care anymore. I have needs, just like any other human being. And even if it was only for a single night…I yearned for it. I needed it. More than the chill that I inhaled as my legs and feet carried me slowly through my beloved city, with its cold heat of neon lightning and Christmas music. I let out a soft laugh. It wasn’t even Thanksgiving yet and they were already playing Christmas music. A few strangers here and there nodded, smiled, and wished me Happy Holidays, and I returned the favor, genuinely glad to see some true good among my people. These simple gestures put a little more bounce in my step, even if they would never truly know who I was. And at that point in time, I didn’t really care. And it felt good.

Not really surprised much at my recent attraction to the fairer sex. Nor am I weirded out by it. Ami-chan and Mako-chan don’t seem any lesser because of it. Neither did Rei-chan or Mina-chan. I could see their feelings for each other were deep, and true, and unshakable. I only hoped I could one day find that with someone, be it man or woman. Sighing to myself, I found my feet had carried me into the heart of Tokyo, just outside a nightclub, L'Océan Mystique, that was across the street. I knew the name was French, translated into Ocean Mystic. It was an aptly named club, and from the line outside, highly popular. The people stretched down the block and around the corner, out of sight. One of the bouncers outside looked oddly familiar. Checking both ways up the street twice as to make sure I wouldn’t become a frozen splotch on the asphalt skin I walked upon, I hurried across. Tapping the green haired man on the shoulder, he turned around and looked at me. Then with a simultaneous cry of joy from each of us, we embraced in a hug.

“Nephlite-san! What’re you doing here?”

“Hime-chan, long time no see! I work here, isn’t it obvious?”

“Wow. It must be a popular place. You look busy tonight.”

“Yeah, this is as big as I’ve seen. Don’t know why either. We don’t have any special events or acts tonight, least none I know of. What brings you here all alone, thought you’d be with your significant other?”

“We broke up a few months ago.”

“Sorry to hear that, hime-chan.” He put his arms around me again.

“Nah, don’t worry about it onii-san.” I smiled, returning the hug, “We both knew it wasn’t really going anywhere. We’re still good friends though, we wanted to salvage that.”

“Glad to hear it. Say, it’s pretty frigid out here. Why don’t you go on ahead and go inside where it’s warm? Maybe get something to warm you up. You are of age right?” He looked down at me.

“Mmm. Just turned twenty-one a few days ago actually.” I smiled back up at him.

Laughing he hugged me tighter, patting my back before letting go and opening the ropes to go inside, “Alright then. In ya go. And happy belated birthday!”

“Arigato gozaimasu, onii-san! Ja ne!”

“Ja ne!” he waved. I could hear some displeasure among the crowd, grinning a little to myself. What could I say? It pays to know people, especially when they’re like the big brother you never had.

The club was jumping, for lack of a better word. A circular, sunken dance floor took up the middle of the club surrounded by three black-lighted rings, each one step higher than the previous ring. Low, circular tables and blue leather padded lounge chairs were situated along these rings, with the stage facing the rest of the club; the exit off to the stage’s far left. Music played loud enough to be heard over the chatter of patrons. The air was lightly hazy from cigarette smoke. People filled the dance floor as they moved to the lyrical magic coming from the speakers. The bartenders were busy filling drinks as waitresses moved fluidly among the crowd to the customers that were situated at tables along the three rings around the dance floor, as well as booths that lined the walls beyond that. The stage curtain was closed, as I remembered Nephlite telling me there weren’t any special events or acts planned for tonight. A maitre‘d walked to me then, offering to take my coat. I smiled and obliged. I was glad I had somewhat dressed up tonight. Handing him my coat he gave me a ticket in return, telling me to redeem it at the door to get my parka back. Tipping him I moved inward, deeper into the club. Blue lighting in varying shades, along with black lights were popular, fitting the name of the club to its internal appearance.

A few seats were open at the bar so I sat down and waited for one of the tenders to come to me. Turned slightly in my seat I looked out over the club, watching my people have fun and enjoy themselves. The music seemed to be a mix of just about everything, a good portion of it being Western-style in nature. Couples of all combinations, it seemed, were welcome in this local jewel. People didn’t care at all, interacting as though nothing were different at all. I heard a knock on the counter behind me.

“What’ll it be, miss?”

I turned to the barman, “Ice Nine with a shot of lime, please. No sweetener.”

“Excuse me? Never heard of that drink before.”

I opened my mouth to explain how to mix it but was beaten to it. “It’s because it’s rarely ever mixed. Not many know of it at all.” A melodic voice came from beside me, “Smirnoff vodka on ice, with two and a half ounces of lime juice. It’s up to the bartender if they want to add Sprite or 7UP to the mix. Leave it out if they don’t want sweetener.”

“Oookay. One Ice Nine with lime, no sweetener, comin’ right up.” The barman shook his head and turned around to prepare the drink.

“Didn’t realize it was that rare of a drink…” I said, bemused, idly watching him go about his work.

“Didn’t realize a fine young woman such as yourself would order something such as that either.”

I finally turned to see who had informed the worker of my drink, meeting the eyes of a beautiful stranger. Twin cerulean pools, whose sparkles made the stars lifeless, gazed back at me. After a few moments I came back to my senses. I gave her a quick once or twice over in obvious sight of her looking on as I did but not caring in the least. Aquamarine hair fell in waves around her head, stopping just below her shoulders. Those beautiful eyes looked on patiently, a mischievous glint in them. Small, delicate nose. Moist, luscious lips painted the same aquamarine as her hair curled up into a sly smile. Her creamy skin was just slightly tanned. A simple pearl necklace with matching earrings offset her teal, strapless dress perfectly as it clung to her slim form like a second skin. Her breasts looked to be slightly bigger than mine. The dress cut off at mid thigh, showing off smooth legs that went on for days. On her feet she wore black high-heels. A black hand purse completed her outfit. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered how she wasn’t freezing cold wearing something like that on a night like this. But for the most part, my head didn’t really care. She was absolutely gorgeous. And by the look in her eyes, I’d about put money on the fact she knew I thought that too. Deciding to play it cool I turned back to the bar.

“I’m unique, what can I say? I know what I like, and I go for it.” I replied, thanking the bartender as he placed my order in front of me. Gripping the glass I listened for her response.

“Is that so?”

“Mmmhmm.” ‘Playing hard to get huh? This should be fun.’

“I’m kind of that way myself. Bartender, I’ll have an Ice Nine as well, with a shot of lemon. Sprite based.”

“Comin’ right up.” He replied and turned around to make her drink.

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye, noticing her watch me intently. I could see the burning in her eyes, flowing like an ocean. May as well attempt to make small talk. You don’t meet a girl like this every dynasty, as they say. Not often a woman such as this approaches me…come to think of it, no woman has ever approached me before.

“Imitation is the simplest form of flattery.” I said, nonchalantly, as I finished taking a sip of my drink, setting it back down on the bar.

“Ahhh, but you see mine is different than yours.” My my, she’s rather playful considering how we don’t even know each other.

“Touché.” I take another sip before continuing, as the barman returns with the woman’s own Ice Nine, “Come here often? Your attire seems to fit the name of the club, which I must say you do look quite gorgeous.”

A soft melodious laugh rang through my head, “I do come here often, but I just like the color teal. And thank you, so do you.”

My blonde hair was done up in its usual style, the twin odangoes with pigtails that trailed down to my hips. Pink strawberry lipstick adored my lips, while a gold chain, diamond teardrop necklace with matching earrings decorated my neck and ears. I wore a white spaghetti strap evening dress with an open back that went down to my knees, the chest was coated with sequins. White high-heels with longer straps that wrapped around above my ankle and a white hand purse completed my outfit. Simple but elegant. What can I say? I wanted to dress up that night.

“So what brings you to the Ocean Mystic tonight?” I asked her, turning my head to address her.

“Me?” she takes a sip of her drink as she continues, “Oh, just feeling kind of lonely. Felt like going out and having some fun instead of sitting at home alone. How about yourself?” An intentional add on; so she is single.

“Pretty much the same thing. Was actually just out on a walk through Tokyo, hadn’t really planned on coming in here tonight.”

“I’d say your current attire would say otherwise. What made you chose here?”

“I saw one of my friends outside working as a bouncer.” I laugh a little, smiling as I continued “He’s more of a big brother that I never had than my friend. And he treats me like a younger sister. That’s how I beat the line outside.”

“Mmm. Knowing people does help.” She picked up her glass and her purse before turning to me. “Would you like to get a table or maybe a booth? We can talk further in a somewhat more private atmosphere.” ‘Okay so maybe not playing that hard to get.’

I smiled at her and picked up my own drink and purse. “I’d love to.” As we stood up to move away from the bar, the tender informed us that a waitress would be around to check on us should we need anything else. Thanking him, we turned out and moved forward into the crowd, going deeper into the club. The woman led the way, and I wasn’t complaining. Her hips swayed so seductively it was impossible not to stare. She had a nice ass. I think we both knew that I was checking her out. It was all part of the fun, and neither of us cared. She seemed to be enjoying my attention greatly. Finding an empty table on the second ring around the dance floor, near the pathway to and from the three rings and the floor, we sat down across from one another.

“Do you come here often then?” I asked as I took in her beauty once again.

“It’s my usual club, yes. I’m here at least once a week.” She replied, sipping her drink.

“First time in here myself. Although I must say, if this place brings in people such as you, I’m going to have to start coming here on a weekly basis as well.” This earned a laugh from her again, and a grin from myself. “I must say though,” I continued, “I’m surprised a woman as beautiful and charming as you doesn’t have a date with her.”

Her face seemed to fall for a mere instant, but I saw the pain flickering in her eyes for a moment or two. My heart instantly ached, wanting to soothe that pain, which caught me off guard as I didn’t even know this girl. But it didn’t stop the ache I felt for her. “I’m sorry; I pushed too far too fast. I apologize. I’ll leave if you want me to.” I stammered out instantly, reaching for my purse on the table. My hand was caught in gentle warmth, my movement forestalled.

“No. Please don’t go. I could use the company.” She replied quickly. I looked at her, and saw the desperateness in her gaze.

“Alright.” I replied softly, but just loud enough to be heard.

There was a somewhat awkward silence as I felt her trying to put into words what was bothering her. Her hand never left mine.

“My girlfriend broke up with me about a month ago. Turns out she had been seeing another woman behind my back for about half a year.” The woman said. “What made it worse was the fact she was one of our close mutual friends.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that.” I felt tears well up in my eyes as I turned my hand up and caught hers in my own grasp. Her skin was soft and smooth. “I can’t say I know exactly where you’re coming from, but my boyfriend and I broke up three months ago. We both knew it was going to happen. It was just a matter of time before it did.”

“Enough about our past love lives. Let’s just enjoy ourselves for tonight. Agreed?” Her mood brightened considerably. I could tell it was an attempt to forget her former girlfriend. That showed me strength in her that I found I admired greatly.

“Mmmm.” I smiled in return, nodding my head. “And at that notion, dinner is on me tonight. What’s the food like here anyway?”

“Typical lounge cuisine. Speaking of which, here comes a waitress.”

She leaned back into her chair, picking up her menu as she went. In doing so, her hand left mine and I instantly wished for that soft warmth to touch me again. Not letting the small disappointment show, I mimicked her actions as well, drawing back slightly to study my own menu. It wasn’t long before a waitress arrived at our table, announcing her presence with a friendly greeting.

“Good evening and welcome to L'Océan Mystique. Our lounge special for tonight is a ten ounce sirloin steak with your choice of potato and a tossed salad. So what can I get for you this evening?”

“That lounge special sounds good. I’ll have one of those, medium-well with American fries, and the tossed salad with ranch dressing please.” The woman said.

“Very good, ma’am. And for you miss?” the waitress turned to me.

“Sounds good. Make that two of the same.”

“Very good. Can I get either of you another drink?”

“Yes please, two more Ice Nines, one lemon with Sprite. The other lime, unsweetened. Just talk to the bartender there, he’ll know how to make them.” I replied, noticing that both our drinks were rather low.

“Alright then. I’ll be back with your drinks in a moment. Your food will be out shortly.” She responded with a smile, taking our menus and moving off to place the order.

I turned back to the stranger as a smile still played on my lips from my interlude with the waitress. Once again I took in her beauty as she took another sip of her Ice Nine, or at least took in as much as the table allowed. She chose that moment to look at me over the rim of her glass with those bright blue orbs. The pure seductiveness flowing in them made my heart skip a beat and I involuntarily swallowed. Play it cool, Tsukino. Play it cool. I watched as she sat her now empty glass down on the table, the cubes of ice clinking slightly. She picked one up out of the glass with her finger and thumb and popped it into her mouth, sucking on the frozen treat. I shifted slightly in my seat under her heated gaze, and the eroticism of how she had just done what she did.

“So.” I've gotta break this tension or I’m gonna lose it. “What do you do for a living?” I finished off my own Nine hoping the alcohol would help me control myself as she responded.

“I’m currently in between jobs at the moment, but have enough money saved up to last me quite some time. Mostly from paintings I have done for various buyers. Some of it, however, comes from concerts I have performed at in night clubs across Japan. Most of them not unlike this one.”


“Violin solos. Sometimes they have me play with the resident entertainment.”

“Violin. Not an easy instrument to play.” I replied, leaning forward on my elbows. Doing this inadvertently pushed my breasts up and in, lowering my dress a bit. Did I do it on purpose? Maybe…but I’ll never admit it. I grinned inwardly as I saw the quick darting of her eyes downward. “I must say I am impressed though. Your hands are silky smooth for being those of a violinist.”

Aha. Now she’s the one shifting in her seat. Another darting of her eyes downward and away from my face. Seems I’m not the only one interested, if it weren’t blatantly obvious by now. I hear her laugh again as she brings up her hands to study them, rubbing them against each other. I don’t think I could ever tire of her laughter.

“Yes, the violin is quite rough on my fingers. I use a special herbal lotion I get from a small shop in Osaka I found while on a small tour there. The owner of the drug store was a fan of my music so he gives me a discount price on it.” She smiles up at me again, crossing her own arms and leaning forward slightly on the table, copying my move as I lean back into my chair. I’m a little more stalwart about it though than she was. Didn’t stop me from glancing down after a short while though. “What do you do for a living?”

“Nothing as exciting as traveling around and getting paid to do something you love, like painting or playing an instrument. I work as a secretary for a small business here in Tokyo. Not sure what I want to do with my life right now. Just saving up some money and what not at the moment.” I replied smoothly. “Don’t have many hobbies, unless you count my massive collection of stuffed rabbit plushies and my addiction to chocolate milkshakes.” I said with a sheepish grin.

“That would count. I have something akin to an adoptive daughter that collects antique lamps.” She replied back with a smile.

Our food and drinks arrived then, and we took our time enjoying the western-style meal. It seemed to me that despite the name and its location, the Ocean Mystic was mainly a western-style nightclub. Regardless of that fact, the food was excellent. However I found my company to be much better. Saying I was attracted to this mysterious aqua-haired woman would be a huge understatement. Idle chit chat was made as we ate, both of us “poking blindly” into each other’s lives, trying to find out more about one another. However the question of what our names were never came up. And oddly enough, I was comfortable with that. And somehow I got another feeling she was too, just like earlier. It added to the fun of the night, and also kept an air of comfort about it. Names complicated things, I don’t deny that. Sometimes it’s just best to forget the names and go with the flow of ambiguity.

All too soon I found our dinner was finished. The waitress had returned to collect our plates. We both ordered one more Ice Nine each, continuing our small talk as we waited for her to return. The more and more I learn about this woman, the more and more I feel myself wanting her. Perhaps this oncoming storm would give me a chance, if only things worked out…

The conversation continued, easily flowing from one subject to the next, not pausing for any longer than a moment or two. Surprisingly, we had a fair amount of things in common. A mutual love of ice cream and a sappy romance movie, plushies, swimming to an extent, as well as music and art were shared between us. Soon though, the reality of time came back to gently tap on my conscience’s shoulder. I had to do something quick as there was only an hour or two before the club shut down for the night. Our drinks had long since been gone, each of us totaling five Nines for the night. The last one we had switched around to try the other’s drink, indirectly kissing each other in doing so. A warm feeling filled my body making me bold, and whether from the alcohol, my courage, or a combination of both I asked the question:

”Dance with me?”

A smile lit her face once again as she replied, “I’d love to.”

Leaving our purses behind and trusting in the patrons of the club to remain honest and not steal them, I boldly took her hand leading her down the two levels to the dance floor. I weaved us through the crowd of people into what I approximated to be the middle of the floor. With the close proximity of the other people, it was quite unavoidable to brush against one another quite frequently. Since I was smaller and certain that after tonight I would probably never seen this angel again, I made every attempt to leave as much of an impression on her as I could. I soon found myself grinding sensually against her, and was extremely pleased as I felt her hands on my hips running up and down my sides as she ground back. Song after song played by and as we continued to dance, I noticed more and more whistles and cheers directed toward us. Looking over my shoulder at her, I noticed the same mischievous grin I currently wore reflected back at me. I saw the crowd move back a bit to allow us more room to move in. Suddenly I found myself the center of attention of an entire Tokyo hot-spot, sharing the light with a beautiful young woman I didn’t even know the name of. And I was enjoying every second of it.

After what seemed hours, the DJ finally called out the final songs of the night. And with my incredible luck, they were slow ones. Perfect. The people around us all paired off with their significant others, leaving the two of us standing in the center of the floor. I looked up at her as we stood relatively close but still maintaining a respectable distance, and she looked down at me. I smiled softly and stepped forward, putting my arms around her neck and linking my hands together trying to ignore the flutter in the pit of my stomach at being this close to her. Her hair was softer than silk, just as smooth, and cool to the touch. Just like the ocean she loved so much. “I hope you don’t mind…” I said as I bit my lip slightly, my heart racing.

“Not at all.” She smiled back and put her arms around my waist, linking her hands together at the small of my back.

We danced slowly amid the other couples, losing ourselves in the eyes of each other. Getting comfortable with this new position after the first slow dance, I was still feeling emboldened by the drinks from earlier. Time to take it a little further. Pulling my arms tighter, I drew myself close to her as the final song of the night started. I felt our fronts press gently against each other, molding seamlessly together. She was so soft, I was almost afraid she might break under my somewhat awkward attempt and inexperienced hands.

As soon as we came together, I felt her arms tighten around me as well, drawing me closer than I had just done. My breath caught in my throat at the sudden intimacy. Smiling, I buried my face in the crook of her neck, breathing deep the scent of her lavender perfume. I felt her head lean against mine, and her own smile tug at her lips; her breath light against my ear. Convenient considering the last song was from a western country artist named Faith Hill, titled Breathe. No words needed to be said. And even if there were, I didn’t know how to say them without ruining the moment. Elation surged through my entire being. My arms were happy to have someone to wrap themselves around; my body didn’t ache any more, feeling her next to me. And the pain in my heart was chased away by the gentle warmth I felt radiate from her body. Turning my head slightly I nuzzled a little deeper into her neck, and heard a steady thump-thump below me that sped up. Her heart raced for me like mine did for her?

Sadly though, songs have endings, and time must continue to flow once again. I looked up at her as the music came to its close and the lights in the club increased in brightness just enough to allow people to see to leave. I could see the slight disappointment in her eyes as well. We drew slowly apart, still without words and moved back to the table to collect our things. We made our way to the door, each presenting our tickets to the maître' de who retrieved our parkas for us. Donning them, we walked out of the club together as I held the doors open for her. We moved out into the cold air of winter. The rumble rolled stronger through the night sky as the first flakes began to fall. I knew it would get worse in only a matter of a few minutes. I turned to her, watching the snow fall softly around her, alighting in her hair and adding to her already impressive beauty.

“This one promises to be a bad one. Do you live near here?” my own voice is steady, level, even. Not betraying the racing heart I fought to control.

“No. I live over in Kyoto. I took the train here and walked from the station.”

I reached out a glove-covered hand, taking her mitten encased one. “You won’t make it to the station in time to board the last train to Kyoto. The winds are going to pick up soon and we’ll have a white out on our hands. Come. You can stay with me.”

“I don’t want to impose…”

“You won’t be.” I assured her, looking up. “It’s a small apartment, but it’s warm and safe. You’ll be out of the cold. Please stay with me?” Smooth one, Tsukino. That last part didn’t sound desperate at all.

After a few moments of considering it, she replied with a smile. “Alright.”

“Good. By noon tomorrow the weather should have calmed down enough for the trains to start moving again.”

“It seems you went through a great deal of trouble.” She said out of the blue as we walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand.

“Excuse me?” I was lost. Not surprising given my hair color, Rei would say.

“The nightclub, the dinner conversation, the dancing. Even the coming snowstorm. All that for little ol’ me?” She grinned.

“Oh!” I laughed, “The club was pure coincidence. The dinner conversation, we connected easily. The dancing, I will admit, took me some courage. The Nines helped a little on that one though.”

She giggled at that last part, “And the thunder-snow?”

“Oh I knew about that before I left my apartment this evening; days ago, in fact, that we were going to be getting hit hard. Even when the weathermen were predicting no precipitation, I could smell it in the air. I’ve always loved snow. I guess that’s why I can tell when it’s coming.”

The snow started to grow thick, and a slight breeze began to pick up. I moved a little faster, as did she. Before long, the wind was blowing considerably and the millions of icy pleasures stung my cheeks as they hit. I lived in a three story apartment building on the top floor, I told her. We soon reached my apartment complex and I fumbled with the keys for a few seconds in the cold. Getting the right one finally I jammed it into the lock and opened it as quickly as I could. Letting the woman in first, I followed quickly behind, shutting the door behind me and entering the lobby. We got in the elevator and rode the short ride up to the third floor.

Walking down the hall, I found my number and unlocked the door. Once again, I let her in first and followed right after. Flipping on a light I took off my coat, hanging it on the wall hook by the door, then helped her take hers off as well and hung it next to mine. I followed her into the living room, watching as she perched elegantly on my couch. I moved to the patio door that led to my balcony and opening the window blinds we saw the city lights all but blocked out by a dark wall of driving white flakes. The wind blew harder, but did not penetrate the solid walls of the complex I lived in.

“See? Glad you accepted my offer now?” I grinned wryly at her before turning back to watch the winds drive snow into the city.

“Very much so.” There was a pause as I heard her stand up from her seat. “And even happier at the company.” She said quietly as I felt her step up behind me, pressing against me back-to-front. Her arms wrapped around my waist and squeezed me gently against her, feeling her breasts push softly against my bare back with only her dress separating our skin. Covering her right hand and arm with my own, I reached up and ran my left through her aquamarine tresses, enjoying the feel of them in my fingers. I let out a sigh as my body shuddered slightly, her head dipped slightly downward as she blew gently on my neck and cheek. I tilted my head to allow her further access, telling her without words that it was alright. God I wanted her so badly.

“Have you ever been with another woman before?” she said throatily.

“Mmmm.” I shook my head slightly, letting out a small moan. Turning in her arms I twined my own up and around her neck, pulling us closer as I felt her hands roam over my bare back giving me goosebumps. “Teach me?” Good one Tsukino, real smooth. Why don’t you just get on your knees and beg for it? Well…then again…

Our faces drew closer as our eyelids slid slowly closed. I felt a moist, gentle warmth cover my lips before an explosion of sensation burst through me. I tentatively responded, keeping my touch light; Kami-sama her lips were so cruelly soft. I drew back slightly to catch a breath I had not realized I held, looking up into the eyes of a stunning bombshell. The burning passion and lust I saw her barely holding back, were enough to drive away my conscience and all my rational thought. I couldn’t take it any longer, I needed her. And I needed her now. I pulled her suddenly back in for another kiss, getting a startled ‘mmpf’ as I hungrily devoured her lips. I could feel her respond back just as passionately, our hands and arms moving all over each other, trying to feel every centimeter of the other’s body, memorize it. Claim it for our own. Was it the alcohol? Was it the snow? Was it her? Or was it me? It didn’t matter to me now.

Without breaking our kiss I slowly began walking her backward, toward my bedroom. Our purses lay forgotten on the coffee table as she awkwardly kicked off her high heels, dropping her down to a little above eye level with me. The throb between my legs screamed out in my mind, desperate for attention. And this woman’s ravenous hands weren’t helping the situation to cool down at all. Not that I would have wanted them to anyway. I finally felt us stop at the foot of my bed, and her hands came to my shoulders. I drew back from the kiss to catch my breath as I rested my forehead against hers. I felt her fingers slip beneath the straps of my dress and curl into hooks. I leaned my head back, exposing my neck and gasped as she took the opportunity. Her mouth made love to my neck and I gripped her shoulders tightly as the strength in my knees gave way, threatening to collapse. She slid the straps of my dress off me, allowing it to fall silently to the floor. Clad in nothing but my white panties, high heels, and jewelry, I stood before her appreciative gaze.

It was then with some small dissatisfaction I realized I was almost completely bare and she was still in her dress. My hands began roaming all over her body, half attempting to arouse her further, half searching for the zipper. Her flushed cheeks, her sighs and moans as she clung to me as I had her, filled my senses. The scent of her perfume assaulted my nose as I found my prize. Pulling the metal downward, her dress fell away to pool at her feet in much the same manner as my own had. Imagine my surprised to find that this woman was going commando. We simply stood there at arms length, admiring each other’s bodies. The swell of her chest was much larger than what I had originally thought. Her hips were so curvaceous and smooth it made me tense and energetic inside. Her legs were the epitome of perfection. Could it be possible I was falling for someone I didn’t even know?

She moved forward then, and helped me step out of my remaining clothing, and I kicked the offending underwear across the room. She giggled a little at my antics and circled around me, putting me between her and the bed.

“Now…” she drawled out sexily, “Where were we exactly?” she moved forward to capture my lips again in a searing kiss.

We both gasped at the feeling of skin on skin as we fell to my bed. Her gentle weight pressed down on me and for the first time in my life I felt truly safe. Like nothing in the world could hurt me.

I wrapped my arms around her neck, drawing her full weight down on top of me, savoring the sweet press of her soft mounds against my own more modest ones. Silky smoothness met silky smoothness. Warmth met warmth. Passions were ignited, fueled, and urged on. I lost track of everything. Nothing else existed except for me, her, and my bedroom as my entire universe collapsed inward upon itself. And then it exploded into a world of bliss, of pleasure, of cries and moans and whispered needs. It exploded into sensation upon sensation, tossing me around like flotsam caught in an ocean wave. And as the stormy seas of my bliss faded I came back to my body. Turning us so that I was now on top, I wanted to show her exactly what I had felt. I wanted to give her exactly what she had given me. I wanted her to experience it; wanted her to feel it; I wanted her. Her voice filled my head with her own gentle cries and sweet moans, her flavor was exquisite, her gentle pressing hands urging me onward. I once again lost all track of everything. All through the night, countless times we gave and took pleasure until at last, with one earth-shattering cry, we left our bodies and soared.

We lie there underneath the covers of my bed which were now damp, basking in the afterglow of our intensity and snuggling with each other. My head rested on her pillowy chest and her arms circled around me holding me tight. I drew lazy circles on her stomach with my index finger as I enjoyed the warmth we shared. I placed a kiss on her breastbone, right above her heart and looked up at her.

Meeting my gaze I finally broke the silence. “I’m not sure exactly what happened tonight, but I do know that I do not nor ever will regret it.”

“I don’t either. I have never felt like that before in my life. Not even with my ex.”

“Me either…” I trailed off, debating on whether or not I should push my luck. Usagi-no-baka, you just had sex with her, what more could you possibly push? I hate it when my brain is right. “Is it too strange to say I really really like you?”

A giggle followed my question, “After the amazing thing we just shared? Not really. I feel the same.”

“In that case, my beautiful ocean goddess…is it too strange to say I’m falling in love with you?”

“Only if it’s too strange to say I’m falling in love with you, my cute little bunny.” She smiled back.

We lie like that for quite a while, savoring each other and listening to the howling winds and driving snow outside my bedroom window. I felt her hands gently caress my back and arms in the same manner my hand did her stomach. I let out a quiet laugh then as I thought about tonight.

“Hmmm?” came the wordless question.

“I met you in a club, got to know you quite well for only a few short hours of talking, danced with you in some of the most sinful ways possible and in front of Tokyo’s most avid club-goers. Somehow in the back of my mind I knew I was falling for you.”

She laughed at that too, squeezing me gently against her. God I could get used to this. “We walked outside into a winter wonderland…well, at least for a little while, until the winds picked up.” I continued, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, “We came back to my apartment, and made love to each other countless times. And here we lay, wrapped up in each others’ arms; safe and warm under the covers of my bed…and we still don’t know each others’ names.”

“I didn’t count on seeing a unique beauty such as yourself tonight. In fact I had quite the opposite on my mind when I left my apartment for the Ocean Mystic tonight…I know that alcohol doesn’t solve your problems, but it does help to deaden them for a while. I was still broken up over the whole thing with my ex; I had just planned on getting trashed alone.” She said quietly. I looked up at her as she stared up at my ceiling, recounting her point of view. “And then there you were. In all of your innocence and regality, there you were. I was headed that way anyway, but literally did a double take myself when I saw you. Then I heard you order your drink and found the opportunity to present myself. And from there, things just flowed. The thought of your name never occurred to me more than once or twice, but I dismissed it. I was having such a good time, I didn’t really care. And as the night went on, I kind of felt myself falling for you too. Even though my conscience was screaming at me, warning me not to risk my heart again, my heart wouldn’t listen. I didn’t want it to listen.”

“Mmhmm. I know what you mean. It’s so rare these days that people just act on impulse or follow their heart, rather than their head. Maybe that’s why things are so screwed up in today’s world. I hadn’t thought about asking you your name more than once or twice either, and it was always quickly dismissed.”

Another companionable silence passed as I watched her. She soon turned her gaze down at me, those bright cerulean eyes sparkling with content. “Would you like to know my name?”

I turned my eyes away to think for a moment. I hadn’t really expected that question. Then again, I hadn’t expected to fall in love at first sight with a girl like this at a nightclub either. But hey, life is full of unexpected surprises. Suddenly, the answer came to me.

“In the morning…we’ll tell each other in the morning. Until then,” I smiled, turning back to her, “Anonymity isn’t such a bad thing. Names complicate things, but I think we both know we’re way beyond that. But waiting to know…will you still love me in the morning?”

She leaned her head down slightly, as I lifted mine up without a thought. Our lips met in a gentle repose for a few seconds, and we both just relished the contact. She drew back and so did I. Smiling at me she replied, “Forever and ever, babe.”

Holding each other close, we pulled the covers up further around us and fell quickly asleep as the safety and comfort of each other wrapped around us. It guarded us both from the frost of night; and the frost of loneliness. My last conscious thought before my eyes closed, her heart beat lulling me to sleep, was that I had finally found my special someone. And she had found hers as well.

Chapter 3: Soft Cruelty - An Usagi and Michiru Christmas

Chapter Text

The cold wave that had rolled over Tokyo like a freight train had stalled out atop the city and surrounding countryside, leaving the residents with no recourse other than to bundle up more warmly than usual. Mild snowfall was forecast for that evening and through the midnight hours, enough to turn the world white for Christmas, but not so bad as to shut down transportation or cause weather delays. The door of the apartment opened and a woman stepped in, slipping her shoes off and took off her turquoise parka to hang on a coat hook next to a pink one. Shivering slightly she stopped at the thermostat on her way down the short hallway to turn the heat up some before making her way into the kitchen, sneaking up behind a blonde haired girl with two pigtails. Her arms snaked their way silkily around the blonde’s waist as the blonde instantly responded, her arms and hands covering the other girl’s as she tilted her head to the side, feeling the warm breath of the ocean goddess on her cheek and neck giving her goose bumps.

Soft Cruelty An Usagi and Michiru Christmas

By: Resplendence of Starlight

“Mmmm.” The odango-haired girl moaned, “I love it when you do that.”

“Oh really?” came the reply. “Just that?”

“Well, that among other things.” She said with a grin, before pulling away and turning back to the cookie dough she was in the process of balling up and placing on a cookie sheet.

“Cookies?” the taller woman queried as her nimble hand moved toward the bowl.

“Yes, cookies.” The blonde gently swatted the hand away, smiling more, “And no, you can’t have any of the cookie dough. This batch is for the girls and our Christmas party tomorrow at the shrine. Maybe if you’re nice and behave yourself…I might bake a special batch, just for you.”

“Mmm. Sounds good.” The aquamarine haired girl replied, her hand returning to its place around the blonde’s waist, pulling herself closer to the shorter woman and pressing into her back.

She reached her head down and kissed the other girl just below her ear at the base of her jaw. This, unfortunately caused the other girl to lean her head too much to the right to allow the other access to her neck, which in turn resulted in a quite hilarious tip of the center of gravity out of its supporting base, sending the pair unceremoniously to the floor in a heap of tangled arms, legs, lips, and giggles from the taller woman. In a desperate, but vain attempt to keep them upright, the blonde had grasped out madly for something to hold on to. Sadly though, she had grabbed onto a wooden spoon which wound up hitting an open sack of flour. Said sack tipped over and showered the two in a small cloud of white. Amongst a lot of giggling from the taller girl, the blonde flipped her over and pinned her to the kitchen floor.

“You… are not behaving.”

“I’m sorry, love. You’re such a delectable temptation I can’t help myself.” She smiled up shyly at the now flour-covered face of her lover, “Forgive me?”

“Hmmmmm…give me a kiss and maybe I’ll consider it.” The blonde replied, immediately leaning down to capture the other’s lips. They locked together in an intimate kiss, each enjoying the warmth of the other, despite the mess they were currently in. The blonde opened her lips slightly and reached out with her tongue to gently prod at the entrance to the other’s mouth, instantly being granted access with a soft moan. Their tongues danced together as the blonde lowered herself to fully rest on top of the woman below her. Said woman’s arms twined around her neck to hold her head closer, as she returned the kiss with all the passion she could. After a few moments, the blonde drew back.

“You’re forgiven.”

“Good.” The other smiled. “I love you, Usako.”

“I love you too Michi.”

Leaning in for another quick kiss, Usagi pressed her lips against Michiru’s for a few more seconds before lifting herself off the girl and standing up. Reaching out, she grasped the outstretched hand and pulled the taller girl to her feet. The latter used the momentum to crash softly against the blonde and pin her against the counter top, her arms twining their way back around her neck. “One more? You did spill flour on me you know.”

“Because you tipped us off balance! What makes you think you deserve another kiss?” Usagi laughed back, her hands resting on her lover’s hips. She tilted her head up to look into the eyes of the other girl. “Oh, don’t you start with that puppy dog face, Michi.”

“But…but, I want another kiss.” She let her lower lip stick out a little more, quivering slightly, looking down at her blonde soulmate with her big doe eyes.

“Oh, alright. But only one more! I have to get these cookies done!” Usagi relented quickly, a small smirk hooking up one of the corners of her mouth.

“You always cave for that look.” Michiru replied, her voice low and sultry as she slowly leaned in.

“Because I know it’s always worth it to do so.” Usagi replied quietly before their lips connected once again.

The two simply stood there, just enjoying the feeling of holding each other and kissing each other. It had been a little over a month since that night at L'Océan Mystique where they had met. It had been a little over a month since Usagi had danced so sinfully with the older woman in front of some of Tokyo’s most avid club goers. It had been a little over a month since she had brought that woman home with her in the middle of one of the worst snowstorms Tokyo had ever seen, and wound up making love to her over and over that night. She had never felt as complete as she had that night in Michiru’s arms. She remembered their conversation after their need had finally been satiated. The feeling of safety and comfort wrapping around them as they talked helped to heal their hearts more than they had thought it would. And she remembered the next morning, when they had finally told each other their names. It was noon before they had finally gotten up out of bed. Sighing contentedly as the memories filled her head, Usagi pulled back for air and snuggled further into Michiru’s warmth.

“Whatcha thinking about, love?”

“Just that first night we met at L'Océan Mystique, and the gift that was given to us after we got back home.” Usagi replied.

“The gift of love?”

“Yeah.” The odango-haired girl pulled back slightly to look up at her lover, “Promise me you’ll always love me?”

“Forever and ever, koneko.” Michiru vowed, kissing her lightly on the tip of her nose. “Now, I’m going to go shower and change. I’m covered with flour.”

Usagi giggled, “It’s still your fault we’re like this. You’re lucky I’m in a really good mood otherwise I’d make you clean up the kitchen.”

Laughing, Michiru kissed her on the forehead and then walked out of the kitchen headed back to their bedroom. Passing the living room, she paused to look at the Christmas tree lit brightly in the corner, the presents underneath sparkling in the colored light. Smiling to herself she remembered when the last time she had a tree for Christmas. It had been quite a few years in fact, not since she had moved out of her parents’ house to prove to them she could live on her own and take care of herself. Even when she was with Haruka they had never had a Christmas tree, instead going over to their mutual friend Setsuna’s house for Christmas with her and their adoptive daughter Hotaru. And now Haruka was with Setsuna. Strangely though, now that she stopped to reflect, it didn’t hurt her anymore. She had a good idea as to why too. And it was all thanks to a certain blonde odango in the kitchen making cookies.

It was only a week after they had met that Usagi had asked her to move in with her, to which Michiru had promptly agreed. It wasn’t as big as her own apartment in Kyoto, but Usagi’s job was here and it would be far easier for her to find work in Tokyo than her precious Usa to find it in Kyoto. Not to mention, it was still a fairly decent apartment for as inexpensive as it was. Usagi found it strangely easy to relinquish parts of her own space for Michiru to have and some of Usagi’s furniture was replaced with some of Michi’s own. The result was a comfortable blending of two different people into one unique essence. Just as if they had been meant to be together. Making her way down the hall and into their bedroom, Michiru slowly peeled off her clothes, one by one. Her blouse was slowly unbuttoned and peeled off. Her skirt slowly unzipped, dropped to the floor, and stepped out of. Her tank top was last to come off as she reached the threshold to their room. Clad in nothing but her black bra, panties, and pantyhose held up by her girdle straps, she opened the door. A voice from the kitchen broke her reverie at the sight before her.

“I took the liberty of drawing you up a nice hot bath in our bathroom. There are some fresh apple and cherry blossoms I bought at the store this afternoon for you to sprinkle in the water if you wish. Relax a little; I know you’ve had a long day.” Usagi called.

Their bedroom was alight with scented candles burning brightly in crystal holders. Rose petals of varying shades of red, pink, and white covered the bed as soft music played from the stereo. More of the faint light could be seen just inside the doorway to the bathroom telling her that even more candles sat lit inside. Jasmine and lavender hung in the air, soothing her tired body with their sweet scents. Michiru smiled as she closed her eyes, breathing deep the calming atmosphere. She walked into the bedroom and stripped herself of the rest of her clothing, peeling it off slowly to enjoy the feel of the silk sliding against her creamy skin sending shivers of arousal throughout her body. Smiling as she appreciated her nude form in front of the full body mirror, she ran her hands over her skin. Despite the flour on her face and arms and in her hair, she took time to admire herself. She wasn’t normally vain, but she figured she deserved her moments.

Stepping lightly she moved into the bathroom. Picking out some of the lavender bath oil she drizzled some in the steamy water and swished it gently around with her hand. Closing the bottle and replacing it in the basket with the other oils she turned back and stepped into the bath, hissing a little at the heat, but slowly settling herself into the water. Taking a breath she submerged herself completely in the water, running her hands through her hair to rid herself of the flour. Coming back up for air, she swept her hair back out of her face and, sighing contentedly, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the padding of towels she had noticed were placed there upon entering. Reopening her eyes she gazed at the bowl of apple and cherry blossoms sitting on the edge of the bath. Lifting herself up to her knees she grasped the bowl and gently poured them out, watching the float silently down to land softly on the top of the water. Once she had emptied the entire contents of the bowl she placed it back on the floor and once again slid herself back into the bath, leaning her head back on the towels and breathing deep the floral scents.

While she was doing this, Usagi had finished up in the kitchen, placing the cookies in the oven to bake as well as cleaning up the mess. The blonde made her way down the hallway, seeing the clothing strewn out in a line leading into the bedroom, almost as if her lover was leaving her a trail to follow. Picking each one up silently she breathed deep the perfume that Michiru always seemed to wear. The same perfume she had caught scent of that night in the nightclub when they first met. Smiling to herself, she imagined what the aqua haired girl looked like at this moment, shoulder-deep in steamy water with white and pink blossoms floating around her. She silently stripped down out of her clothing as well, placing them quietly in the hamper in their closet along with Michi’s own. Making her way on tiptoe she crept over to the bathroom and peeked in at her lover. Smiling to herself, she made her way over to the bathtub and leaned over the woman, kissing her lightly on the cheek to stir her from her shallow slumber.

“Hey there.”

“Hey yourself. You like your Christmas present so far?” Usagi asked.

“Yeah, thank you koneko. Would you like to join me?” she replied softly.

“I’d love to.” Usagi said with a smile as she stepped into the bath to sit in Michiru’s lap, back-to-front. Just as her lover had done, Usagi submerged herself for a few moments to rinse the flour from off her body and out of her hair. Resurfacing, she felt her girlfriend’s arms wrap their way round her waist and pull her gently against the warm body behind her in the water.

“I don’t think I have ever felt as happy as I do at this very moment.” Michiru whispered in the blonde’s ear.

“Me either.” Usagi replied, “I hope my family will understand what we share when we go to see them tomorrow night for Christmas.”

“They will, Usako. Just don’t worry about that right now. Let’s just enjoy each other and the time we spend together.”

“Alright.” She smiled as Michiru placed a feather-light kiss on her cheek and rested her head on her shoulder.

They sat there for quite some time, the heat of the water washing away the tension and stress in their bodies before Usagi had to go and get the cookies out of the oven. Michiru got out as well and they helped to towel each other off. Wrapping up in their bathrobes they left the bathroom after draining the water from the tub and taking care of the blossoms. Michiru headed into the living room as Usagi finished up what she needed to do in the kitchen before joining her girlfriend on the love seat. Michiru sat back in the crook of the armrest and the back of the love seat as Usagi lie down on top of her, using her as her own personal body pillow which she had done every chance she got. The older woman didn’t mind in the least, she loved the feeling of being needed like this. Reaching up, she pulled the blanket off the seat back and over their bodies to give them a little added warmth as the two of them stared at their tree.

“Do you think your parents will like me?” Michiru asked, breaking the silence.

“I don’t see why not. They’d be complete fools not to. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I can’t bear to think what life would be like without you by my side. I don’t want to go back to being alone. I don’t think my heart could bear the pain again.”

“I understand what you mean. I’m sorry I asked.”

“Don’t be. You’re nervous, that’s understandable. I’m kind of nervous myself.”

“About introducing me to your family?”

“That and nervous about meeting Hotaru. I hope she likes me and that we can be friends.” Usagi replied cuddling deeper into Michiru’s embrace.

“I’m sure you and her will get along just fine. Like you just said, you’re nervous and that’s understandable. Don’t worry about it. Everything will work out.”

“I’m sure it will.” Usagi replied, kissing the girl beneath her, “As long as I have you, I’m positive it will.”

The morning sun shone brightly in the morning sky, beams of its light breaking through in the cracks in the window blinds of the bedroom and landing upon the large lump underneath heavy bed sheets. The snow and frost on and around the window magnified the intensity of the light as it cut through the air. Slight movement came from the mass of sheets and a pair of arms stretched up and out from them, gripping the headboard. A slight moan was heard from the stretching individual as they sat up. The smell of breakfast permeated the air and the blonde, still not fully awake sniffed the air.

“Usagi-chan! Are you up yet?” Came a voice from down the hall.

“Yeah, I’m up! I’ll be right there!” sliding out of bed she walked over to her dresser she shared with Michiru and pulled out a pair of panties and a bra. Putting on the undergarments she grabbed an oversize shirt and pulled it over her head. A pair of pajama pants completed the morning lounge wear and she shuffled out of their bedroom, down the hall, past the living room and into the kitchen where her lover had breakfast ready and waiting.

“Sleep well last night?” the ocean goddess asked with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“After we finally got to sleep, yes. You never cease to amaze me in your ability to please me my love.” she replied with a blush.

“Same to you. You always do manage to give me a run for my money, koneko.” She grinned back, setting breakfast on the table.

The two took time to enjoy their meal before cleaning up and heading into the living room to open their gifts to each other. Usagi opened one of hers first. Inside was a stuffed bear plushie wearing a blue ocean-patterned shirt with a golden crescent moon on it.

“Oh thank you! He’s so cute!” Usagi squealed, giving first the bear a hug then her girlfriend one.

“You’re welcome.” The aqua haired woman smiled back. It was Michiru’s turn to open one now. Tearing away the wrapping paper and opening the large box she found a new set of paints as well as brushes and a few canvases. “Thank you Usako! I’ve wanted some new brushes for a while now and these paints should last me for many months.” She exclaimed, giving the blonde a kiss on the forehead.

“You’re welcome, Michi.” Usagi replied.

This continued back and forth until all the gifts were unwrapped. On top of getting her the stuffed teddy bear, Michiru had bought her some new mangas she had asked for, two miniskirts with matching blouses, a box of chocolates and a small crystal statuette of a small girl with long hair holding a baby rabbit in her arms. Michiru received along with her paints and brushes, a polishing kit for her violin, some new lingerie consisting of a red teddy outfit with white fur trim, a music CD she had asked for, and an aquamarine golden pendant. After many thank you’s, kisses, and a wrapping-paper-ball fight, the couple cleaned up the living room and placed the unwrapped gifts back under the tree. They got cleaned up, taking a shower together, and got dressed. Grabbing the gifts for Hotaru and her parents and brother, the two left their apartment on their way to pick up Michiru’s ‘adoptive’ daughter and head to Usagi’s parents’ house.

As they pulled up outside Michiru’s ex-girlfriend’s house and came to a stop, Usagi turned to her lover. “Are you sure you’re up to this? I know it wasn’t that long ago you two broke up.”

“Yes I’m sure Usagi. I’ll be fine as long as you’re there with me.” The blonde in question nodded and together the two climbed out of the car. Walking toward the house, they were greeted by the opening of the door and a young raven haired girl barreling out of it toward Michiru with a cry of joy.

“Michiru-mama! Merry Christmas!” she ran up and into the waiting arms of her ‘mother’ who picked her up and hoisted her onto her hip.

“Hime-chan! Merry Christmas to you too! I trust Santa found his way to your house okay?”


“Hello, Michiru.” Came a voice. Usagi turned to see who it was, coming face to face with a tall, sandy haired blonde woman.

“Hello, Haruka.” Michiru replied curtly, “Merry Christmas to you.”

“And you as well.” She replied.

“Hello, Michiru. Merry Christmas.” a long green-haired girl greeted as she came up to a stop next to Haruka.

“Setsuna. Merry Christmas to you.”

“Are you my mama’s new girlfriend? My name’s Hotaru. What’s yours?” the little child in Michiru’s arms asked Usagi.

“Why yes I am, Hotaru. Your mom has told me quite a lot about you. My name is Usagi.” She said with a smile, shaking the offered hand. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

“I’m Haruka, and this is Setsuna.” The sandy blonde motioned.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Usagi and I don’t have time to stay and talk as we have to get to her parents’ house here shortly. Are you all ready to go, Hotaru?” Michiru spoke up, setting the child back down.

“Yep, let me go get my bag!” she said before running back inside.

The air was cold and crisp, but the skies were clear and blue with wisps of clouds floating through it. The good weather didn’t do much to help temper the situation they found themselves in, however. There was an awkward silence as the four women stood outside, waiting on the little one to return, their breath turning to puffs of condensation in the winter air.

“You seem to be doing well for yourself, Michi.”

“My name is Michiru, Haruka-san. And you shall address me as such. And yes, I am doing fine no thanks to you.”

“Michiru! It’s Christmas for God sake. Please at least try to be a little more civil.” Usagi said.

“Sorry koneko.” She replied before turning back to her ex.

“No, no. She’s well within her rights to act like that. I do deserve it after all.” Haruka said, looking down.

“I’m ready to go, Michiru-mama!” Hotaru called out as she ran back outside in her coat and boots, carrying a small suitcase and a sack with some gifts in it.

“C’mon Hotaru, I’ll take you to the car.” Usagi said, leading the small child away from the other three women.

“I’m sorry for hurting you, Michiru. That was never my intention.”

“Intention or not, you did hurt me, Haruka. But I’ve moved on. I’m happy with Usagi and in a way I have you to thank for that I suppose. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have been spending so much time in that nightclub and wouldn’t have run into Usa-chan.” Michiru stated. “I trust you and Setsuna-san are happy?”

“Yes we are. I only hope that some day you can forgive us, Michiru. And we can be friends at least.” Setsuna spoke up.

“Michiru! Ready to go? My parents are probably waiting!” Usagi called out from the car.

“Yeah! I’ll be there in a second!” she called back, before turning back to address the other two women. “I hope I can forgive you someday as well, but it will be quite some time before we can ever be friends. If we ever can. We’ll have Hotaru back before midnight.” And with that she turned and walked back toward the silver Honda Civic, and away from her ex-girlfriend.

I’ve got a new life now, Haruka. A part of me will always love you, no matter what you may have done to me. But I have Usagi now, and I couldn’t be happier. I know that she’s the one I can spend the rest of my life with, and I can only hope I’m the one that she can do the same with. Hotaru is getting to the point where she’ll eventually be old enough to understand the complications surrounding us now. And she’s a strong girl, she’ll be able to adapt. I love Usagi with a passion I’ve never felt with you. And I know that what I feel for her is deeper than what I did with you. She’s my soulmate, no doubt about it. I wasn’t lying when I said that I had you to thank for her in a way. It’s true that if it weren’t for you, I probably never would have met Usako. Thank you, Ruka. I hope you and Setsuna-san are as happy as Usagi and I are now. And I wish you both all the best.’ Michiru thought to herself as she got in the car and strapped herself in.

She was finally ready to start her new life with her odango-haired princess by her side. Christmas was, after all, a time for new life. And what better ways to start than with someone you truly love and care for.

Chapter 4: Soft Cruelty - The Maelstrom Dream

Chapter Text

It was a small, protected harbor, sheltered from even the fiercest of nature’s assaults. It was always calm, never chaotic. There was no danger here, no threat to your life. I sat in a rather typical road-side diner. The kind you find at truck stops. You know the ones that have the doors at the end of the long building. A bar with red padded leather and stainless steel stools bolted to the floor set on the right, while booths line the windowed wall to the left. Behind the long bar is a work area for the waitresses, and an open window gives access to the small kitchen in the back. Strangely I find that I cannot see the faces of the chef or waitress. They’re clouded in shadows. Turning back in my seat toward the couple that sits across from me in the otherwise deserted diner, my back faces the doorway. Both of their faces are clouded in shadow as well, unable to be seen no matter how hard I try. One of them is a man. He’s very tall, with jet black hair, and smells slightly of… of… I can’t place it, but it’s some type of flower. Feelings of jealousy, anger, and hate fill me slightly when I look at him. However I know that I hide it well. But young woman who sat next to him…

Soft Cruelty The Maelstrom Dream

By: Resplendence of Starlight

That young woman brought feelings of longing, love, and desire. Feelings so great it was hard to contain them all. Hard to not let them show. However much to my sadness, her face too was covered in a veil of dark shadow. But her hair; Kami-sama her hair: long, blonde strands in two pigtails flowing down from her head like waterfalls of silken gold. How I yearned to feel those locks slip between my fingers. But as I watched within my mind, I knew that would never be. I could see myself having a conversation with the couple, but none of what words were said. I cannot remember. I watch myself look to the left, and out the window at the harbor. A waning gibbous moon hung in the dark sapphire sky which was void of stars. Suddenly, the painted image of a dragon appeared in the sky, floating next to the moon. It glowed with a calm, golden fury that struck something inside me. Moving, I stand up and hurry out of the diner, and down to the small docks where a wooden sailing ship with a large tiller sat floating in the water. A decently strong wind was blowing out toward the exit to the harbor. I board the ship and begin preparing for launch. I give pause only long enough to see the couple rush out the door and down the sloped dock toward me.

The male appears to say nothing, but that girl. That girl with the platinum gold hair is yelling something, something at me that I cannot make out. What I see though is enough to let me know that she is begging, pleading for me to stay here where it is safe. I hear myself softly form a response, in the form of a poem. But as I speak the words to a poem I’ve never heard before, that has surely never been written by anyone, I forget them. I cannot remember what it was that I had just said; only that after I felt myself stop talking, I resumed preparing the rigging and sails, getting ready to cast off. Before I realize it, that beautiful innocent woman has boarded my ship as well, much to the visible protests of her mate, still on the docks, still on the safety of the shore. I turn to her and feel myself vocalize something to her, to which her response is short, but visibly clear. She intends to go with me. Her mate seems none too pleased and voices his anger, but does not fight it. Merely letting her do as she wishes.

Casting off the mooring lines, I hoist the main sail and watching it fill with the wind, the boat pulling away from the dock. I secure everything and sit back at the stern, the tiller bar gripped in both my hands. I guide the little sailing ship out into the harbor, toward the exit out into the sea. I notice the shoreline turn into wooden planked walls, just barely higher than the deck of the ship the woman and I were on. The pathway narrows even further, getting to the point where there is barely enough room to turn the ship around and head back. I look out ahead of us, and see that the wooden planks were nothing more than a water chute, ramping slowly up before disappearing. Looking to my right I see that the harbor existed on a tall rocky island, unreachable anything. The skies had turned black, and what I saw ahead gripped my heart with fear. A fear for the life of the angel that sat next to me.

The wooden water chute jutted out over a massive, roiling, ocean. Dark water with swells easily fifty to eighty feet high made it seem as though there were a crater in the water like a meteor impact upon land. Black twisters spun down from the dark grey sky into the water as lightning flashed continually. The wind howled and roared, churning the black water and driving it into the immovable rock that made up the island. The continual storm that never seemed to affect the harbor. The continual storm that no one had ever come back from. Only that it was always present outside of the harbor.

I turned to the woman beside me as we neared the entryway to the chute. Unable to hear what I said, I could tell by the way my mouth moved, “If you want to turn back, we have to do it now. Or we will never be able to go back to the harbor.” It was a one-way trip. There was no going back. I saw her smile a sad but confident smile and she shook her head, merely wrapping her arms around my own left one, effectively latching herself to me. The wind behind us pushed the ship down the chute. I looked out over the edge at the demonic ocean below and felt the bow of the ship tilt up as we began up the ramp, following the moving water. Pulling a rope near me, I dropped the sails and pulled hard left on the tiller. I heard the grinding of the wood as the ship struggled to turn around. I could not put her through that, I felt myself tell her. I would return her to the safety of the harbor and her mate. Despite the now growing, heavy feeling in my heart, being alone for an unknown length of time was an insignificant price to pay knowing she was safe.

I felt arms slide down my own and hands grip the backs of mine; prying them from the tiller, the ship righting itself and now carried by the current alone, once again head up the water filled ramp now solely from the power of the current. I heard her whisper in my ear that she knew she may die but that as long as she was with me, she believed that she would be safe. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I turned to her, fully embracing her in a protective hold. We had reached the end of the chute: the point of no return. I sucked in a breath and held it and she gripped tighter to me, the bow of the small wooden ship dipping over the edge signaling the drop into the maelstrom.

I felt a warm weight settled across my lap, as well as one on my chest, resting between my breasts. A minute warm breeze tickled my neck. My eyes snapped open in the pre-dawn darkness as parts of the dream faded from my waking mind even as I desperately tried to grasp for them and hold onto them. It wasn’t often I dreamt. And the ones that I remember didn’t really seem significant or special at all. But for one reason or another, this one had left a lasting impression on me. It was as though every single thing in the dream was a sign that meant something. Even now I felt my heart trying to calm down as it thudded heavily within my chest. If it weren’t for the fact that I had five feet and eight inches of beautiful leggy blonde draped on me, I would have been in a mental state of hysteria. I smile ruefully at that thought. She always did have that effect on me, even in her sleep; calming me and relaxing me, making sure I felt safe and loved. Since my right arm was pinned between her body and mine, I lifted my left and gently took hold of her hand that rested over my heart, feeling her squeeze it unconsciously in her sleep. Every morning I awoke before her and in the night when I would periodically wake up, her hand would always be there over my heart as though shielding it from harm. It was one of her little quirks that I never told her she did, but I loved about her dearly. I turned my head slightly so as not to wake up Usagi, looking at the digital clock on my nightstand as it read 3:09, before turning back. I felt her nuzzle a little closer to my neck before once again lying still. Tilting my own head once again, I rested it against hers and closed my eyes.

Even though her warmth comforted me, I still could not shake the foreboding feelings from my soul as I continued to replay the dream in my head over and over, or at least the parts I could remember. There was a man and a woman, a diner, the moon and gold dragon, a sailing ship, a harbor, the water chute, and that horrific maelstrom churning below myself and the woman. Struggling to remember what she had looked like, I couldn’t remember anything more than the fact that she was a she. Not even her hair style or color. Only that she was slightly shorter than I, and that the man was a good head and shoulders taller than her. I knew that the experts say that humans dream every night, even if we aren’t aware of it, and that most dreams we don’t even know we have. I just generally fall asleep without knowing it and then wake up and its morning. On the rare occasions I dream and actually remember it, I simply dismissed it. But not this time. Hopefully I would still remember it in the morning so that I could write it down. The only thing I could do at the moment was try to get back to sleep. A task easier said than done.

Until sleep finally took hold, the image of the ocean in such a state haunted me. I had never seen anything like that until now, even in my wildest dreams. The image of those swells, those twisters, the flashing lightning, the raging wind, and that dark, almost black water, shook me to my core. It would be another two hours before I would finally fall asleep again, still clutching onto Usagi’s hand as she slept, blissfully unaware of my troubled mind.

The next morning at breakfast the dream still plagued my thoughts, while the images of the turbulent nightmare that the ocean had become haunted my mind. I hadn’t eaten much of the eggs and toast that my lover had prepared, instead opting to simply drink my orange juice, which even that was still half full. I saw out of the corner of my eye the worried look on her face as she slowly ate but I said nothing. I was too distracted. Finally the silence was broken by the question I knew she was going to ask.

“Michi-koi? Daijoubu? Something is wrong, I can see it in your eyes that something is troubling you.”

“Gomen ne, Usagi-koi. Just didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“You’ve never had trouble before, at least not that I know of. You want to talk about it?”

“Just a troubling dream, not much to worry about.”

“I’ll worry about it regardless. Especially if it was to the point it has you so distracted like you are. You’ve hardly touched your breakfast.” The blonde replied, setting her glass down and giving her full attention to her lover, “Please tell me about it, Michi. It might help you if you do.”

“Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt any. Dreams are just creations made by our subconscious aren’t they?” I replied, smiling ruefully.

“While I suppose they can’t hurt us physically, they can emotionally, even if they aren’t real.”

“Alright, I’ll tell you then.” I replied with a blush, not used to sharing my dreams with anyone, not even Haruka. I slowly recalled the dream to her, trying to remember as many details about it as I could with her listening intently to what I had to say. As I finished, there was silence from her as she mulled it all over in her mind.

“Well, that certainly is intriguing as far as dreams go. And I understand you being upset about what the ocean looked like. From your description it must’ve been pretty scary.”

“But what does it all mean?”

“That I can’t tell you. At least nothing definitive. But from what I perceive and in my own interpretation, the couple may have been a representation of someone from your past or someone you know having relationship troubles. That would explain why she boarded the ship with you. The waning moon could represent changing times and the dragon some type of catalyst to set off the chain of events that made you decide to leave the harbor by sea The ship itself could represent many things, like how you really feel deep down inside. It was an open deck, nothing really for shelter in it, and even the strongest of woods can be battered by the sea to the point of breaking. That could show that you feel more vulnerable than you let on.” She explained, continuing on as she took hold of my hand on the table and rubbing it gently. “The harbor may have represented a closed-off world that was sheltered from the real world, where not everything is calm and peaceful. That would explain the ocean being like it was, though not necessarily the magnitude that you described. The wooden chute with the water current could represent a narrowing path, one that is difficult to reverse from. And the ramp leading up and off the end of it into the ocean below simply shows that once you have chosen this path you only have a certain period of time before you can never turn back.”

I took in my lover’s words as a quiet settled in the air around us. All of that was a plausible explanation to what I saw. But I quickly realized her lack of an explanation for the woman acting the way she did toward me. I’m sure she probably felt a little hurt that I had dreamt of me leaving on a ship with another woman whose identity I could not be sure of. Not one to let her suffer either, I voiced another question to force us to deal with that little issue.

“And what of the way the woman acted toward me?”

She drew in a slow, deep breath before releasing it. “It could be that there was something between you and her. Something that made her want to join you. Perhaps it was love. Perhaps a strong friendship. I don’t know.”

I could hear the discomfort in her voice, so in order to alleviate it I offered my own explanation for that part, “Maybe that woman was you. She was the same height as you, and from your description of Chiba-san, the male was the same height as him as well.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, not everyone in the world is as accepting of a love like ours as we would like. That could be why the ocean was so turbulent. Perhaps the turbulent ocean represents the real world and all of its hazards and the harbor represented you in a way. You were safe with Mamoru, no one thought twice of a man and woman together and in love. But something happened that made you get on the ship with me. And in the dream, even though you knew that the ocean could very well prove deadly, you stopped me from taking you back to the safety of the harbor.”

“That could be true.” She visibly brightened and I could help but giggle a little at that which earned me a curious look, “What’s so funny?”

“Oh nothing, I was just thinking of how cute you look when you’re jealous.”

“Mou! I am not jealous!” she pouted, crossing her arms and turning away in slight anger.

I got up and moved to stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and resting my head next to hers, planting a kiss on her cheek, “Love, no matter what anyone says, you will always be my only. You shall always be in my dreams. Nothing can stop that. We’ve been together for six months now, going on seven. I’m serious about you, Tsukino Usagi. Believe me when I say you’re stuck with me.”

I felt her smile a little and saw her crack an eye open to look at me before closing it again as the smile spread across her face. Her hands came up to cover my own as her head leaned into mine.

“Thank you, Michiru.”

I kissed her cheek again, “I love you, Usagi. You know that don’t you?”

She turned and we kissed briefly, “Yes, my Michiru. I know. And I love you too.”

We stayed like that for a little while before I reluctantly let go to return to my seat and finish my now cold breakfast while Usagi finished her own. It does not do good to dwell upon dreams, and if I didn’t want to be late for work I would have to hurry to get ready on time. We could talk more about it tonight over dinner. Right now, I wanted to take a shower with my Usagi-chan, and maybe get a quickie in before I had to leave for work, I thought with a wicked grin.

Dashing in the doorways to the small music studio and recording company I worked with I waved good morning to the receptionist before making my way hurriedly to my office. Note to self, never discuss dreams in the morning before going to work and still try to have a ‘quickie’ with your girlfriend in the shower. You will be late to work. Every. Single. Time.

Chapter 5: Soft Cruelty - Summer Days Ch. 1

Chapter Text

Triple digits for the next week and a half were the weathermen had predicted. Pools, lakeside retreats, and beachfront escapes were packed to capacity. The heat from the summer sun baked the humid air like kilns potters used to fire their clay work. The oppressive heat seemed to sink its uncomfortable hold into everything it could reach. And that which it couldn’t, it forced its way in. The apartment was hot. Even with the curtains drawn shut and the ceiling fans working overtime, all they did were to further serve to mix the searing, hellish air. An anguished moan was heard from the blonde who lay on the couch in nothing but her panties and a baggy, sweat-soaked shirt that clung to her lithe body. One arm draped over her eyes, while the other hung limply off the side of the couch; hand and wrist resting palm-down on the plush carpet as they gripped the remote to the television. It wasn’t even ten o’clock and the thermometer outside on the balcony read ninety-seven degrees Fahrenheit; thirty-six degrees Celsius. Of all the weeks to choose, the air conditioner had picked this ungodly week to go on the fritz. And, predictably, due to the hot weather all of the heating and air conditioning businesses were working overtime with calls they had to follow up on. The landlord she had talked to on the phone not half an hour ago had said that the soonest someone could be out to take a look at the building’s central A/C unit would be tomorrow afternoon.

Soft Cruelty Summer Days

By: Resplendence of Starlight

Chapter One

The sound of the front door opening broke Usagi from her suffering as she sat up to look over the couch. The sight of her lover somewhat surprised her as the violinist should have been at the studio already. She watched as the elegant aqua-haired goddess shut the door behind her, tossing her keys onto the small table that sat near the door and setting her hand purse down as well. She then noticed the look of utter deflation on her love’s face as she herself let out a sorrowful moan, dragging herself down the hallway and into the darkened room lit only by a small lamp and the light from the kitchen area. Usagi couldn’t help but laugh a little as the normally graceful woman plopped unceremoniously down into her favorite recliner. The giggle brought a look of irritation and confusion directed toward her.

“Sorry love, but I couldn’t help but think of the old adage ‘misery loves company’. Why are you home so early? You couldn’t have been at the studio more than an hour.”

“The manager sent everyone home.” Michiru groaned, “The A/C couldn’t keep up with the heat from all the electronics there as well as the heat outside. It never shut down to rest at all so he didn’t want to risk it breaking down in the middle of a recording. So I come home and it’s just as hot in here as it is outside.”

“Yeah, that’s because the central air units are down here in the complex. I called and talked to the landlord. He already told me he had called a company to come take a look at them but was told that the soonest anyone could be out would be tomorrow afternoon.” This brought out another agonizing moan from Michiru.

“This sucks.”

“Tell me about it. It’s too hot to do anything.” The blonde replied, fanning herself with the neck of her shirt. The action caught the eyes of a certain aqua-haired violinist who now noticed the state of dress that her girlfriend was currently in. Sensing the look, Usagi responded, “Don’t even think about it. I love you with all my heart, but it’s too hot even for that Michi-koi.”

The sentence brought a giggle from the girl in question who got up and began walking back to their bedroom to change out of her white sundress she had put on not more than two hours ago which was already damp from her own sweat. Just then, the phone rang. “I’ll get it!” called Usagi’s voice from the living room. As Michiru peeled out of the cotton dress she could hear the muffled voices of her lover talking to whoever it was on the phone. Removing her bra and grabbing a loose fitting teal t-shirt like what her Usako was wearing she headed back out of the bedroom toward her lover who sound rather excited.

“Alright! We’ll see you tomorrow then!...Mmmhmm!...Great! Ja ne!” She chirped as she hung up the phone. Bouncing up off the couch in complete defiance of the oppressive heat she beamed a smile at her Michiru.

“Alright, love.” The woman laughed, “What is it this time?”

“That was Rei-chan. She’s invited us to join her up at hers and Minako-chan’s mountain cabin for the week!”

“Oh really? And who else would happen to be joining us?” she replied as she moved up to Usagi and wrapped her arms loosely around the blonde’s waist despite the unbearable temperature.

“Ami-chan and Mako-chan of course.” the princess responded, resting her hands on her love’s hips as she felt the arousal start to burn within herself despite apprehension at knowing who else was going.

“Anyone else?” Michiru asked gently, sliding her hands under the white t-shirt covering Usagi and rubbing her lower back.

“Umm…Minako said something about inviting Haruka-san and Setsuna-san as well.” She glanced away, but added quickly as she looked back up, “Of course, Hotaru-chan would be coming too.”

“Well, with the heat I doubt my manager would mind me taking some vacation time…”

“You mean you wouldn’t mind staying near Haruka and Setsuna for the week?”

“I’m sure I’ll manage, Usa. I’ve had a while to get over it and I can say it doesn’t hurt like it used to.” She replied in a soft voice.

“I’m glad…” came the reply, “I love you, Michiru.”

“I love you too, Usa. Besides,” Michiru tightened her arms and pulled her love snug against her, enjoying the intimate press, “I have you. And that’s all I’ll ever need.”

Their lips softly crashed together, Usagi bringing her arms up to twine around Michiru’s neck, holding her gently in place as Michiru’s own hands roamed bare skin underneath her Usako’s white shirt. Nipping gently at Michi’s lower lip, Usagi was rewarded with a slight gasp. Taking the opportunity, she slipped her tongue into her love’s mouth, exploring the soft, moist heat and sharp teeth within. The aqua-haired woman wasn’t to be outdone however as her own tongue met Usagi’s, swirling around each other. Pulling back slightly, Usagi worked her kisses down the length of Michiru’s jaw to where it met her neck as the girl tightened her arms around the blonde and tilted her head slightly to give her love better access. She gasped as her blonde girlfriend sucked gently on her pulse-point, nipping lightly at the life rushing beneath her skin and hearing the hiss of a breath being pulled in.

“I thought it was too hot even for that, Kyuuketsuki-koi?” Michiru teased gently and smiled when she felt the same grin against her neck.

“Kyuuketsuki?” came the soft question, followed in an instant by another light bite on the aqua-haired girl’s neck making her go weak in the knees.

“Couldn’t help it, it came to mind.” She replied, tilting her head even more and tightening her grip on her lover’s waist as she felt a tongue gently massage the bite mark.

“Well seeing as how you’re hot and I’m hot; we’re both sweaty; may as well, ne?” Usagi pulled back and looked at her lover with heavy-lidded eyes charged with desire, “Besides, seeing you in nothing but a shirt and panties is turning me on.”

“Mmmm, I see. Well, let’s find out if there’s anything I can do to help you get your mind off this, atmospheric heat…and perhaps onto another type of heat.” Her sultry voice brought a light blush to the blonde’s cheeks as the ocean goddess pulled away, her hand sliding down the bunny’s arm to gently tug at her hand. Suddenly the hot air felt icy cool against her heated skin and the warmth that radiated from her aqua lover’s body as she followed the woman into their bedroom, grinning like the cat that ate the canary all the way. Sometimes, it felt like her life was just too good!

Day One

Predictably, Michiru’s boss didn’t mind her taking some paid vacation off from work for a couple of reasons. One being she was a highly valued employee and he wanted to keep her happy. The second being he had closed down the studio until a second A/C unit could be installed. The only ones at the office were him and a few secretaries. Usagi’s boss also didn’t mind her taking off for the week as business had been rather slow due to the heat wave that had covered the city and the vast majority of the surrounding area. The morning found the two lovers hurrying to get clothes packed for the next six days and seven nights.

“We’ve got to hurry. Rei-chan and Mina-chan wanted everyone to meet up at the Hikawa Jinja by ten.” The bunny said, frantically trying to get her hair up.

“Well we wouldn’t be running late if you hadn’t insisted upon taking a shower together.” The goddess shot back with a grin, moving back into the bathroom to help her lover.

“Mou! I distinctly recall you not having any objections about it!”

“I didn’t, my love.”


“You know, your hair would be easier to do up if we just braided it. These odangoes of yours are a bit complicated, Usako.” The goddess continued, changing the subject with a smile.

“Ehh, we can worry about that later. Let’s get moving!” the blonde replied as they finished her hair and she hurried out the room.

The two lovers each grabbed their suitcases, Michiru also getting their bag with their bathroom essentials in it. Usagi shut off the lights in the kitchen and turned off the ceiling fans as well. With everything ready to go the two stepped out in the hall. Usagi locked the door behind them and they hurried down the hall toward the elevator, hand-in-hand. The ride down to the lobby was made in comfortable silence and as they walked through the lobby toward the parking garage, they both waved and greeted a good morning to the security guard at the front desk who smiled and waved back. The couple made their way outside and across the parking lot to the garages. Pushing the opener, the door moved up to reveal the foreign-made muscle car inside. It was one of the perks of being somewhat famous and well off that Michiru enjoyed with Usagi. Sometimes the two would just go out on a drive through the countryside to escape the stress of the city. They usually stopped somewhere and had a picnic, just the two of them. However the recent heat waves had made that almost impossible, with this latest one being the worst yet. The couple put their bags in the trunk and climbed in, feeling the warm leather mold itself to their bodies. Sticking the key in the ignition, Michiru started the car. The engine came to life, purring contently as if glad it would get to go out and stretch its wheels with its owners once again. Buckling up, they backed out of the garage, Usagi pushing the remote inside to close the door. Pulling out onto the street, Michiru smoothly shifted gears, slipping quickly between the light morning traffic as the hot breeze blew through the air. Usagi always loved this. Michiru said that ‘going for a cruise’ was a quirk she must have picked up from Haruka. Conversation was light between them as the Camaro moved with a low growl and feline grace down the streets on its way to the Hikawa Jinja, Usagi’s hand resting on Michiru’s thigh.

Pretty soon, the shrine came into view, its long stone staircase stretching up the hill toward the main building. Out front, down by the street were the group of friends Usagi had grown up with in middle and high school and had shared a very special bond with. The senshis’ conversations dropped off as they heard the car approaching, its custom-ordered exhaust making its American heritage stand out loudly in the midst the quieter traffic of Japan’s capital city. Usagi grinned at Michiru who just smiled and shook her head, the gaping mouths of the moon princess’ guardians testament to the fact that they had never seen Michiru’s ‘other baby’ until now. The two guardian cats, Luna and Artemis, just sat there bug-eyed. Rolling up smoothly to a stop, Michiru shut the car off, quickly getting out and around to get the door for Usagi who stepped out with a hand from her lover.

“I take it you all like Michiru’s car?” Usagi said with a wry grin at the looks on the other girls’ faces, leaning back into Michiru’s embrace as the ocean goddess held her from behind.

The metallic aquamarine paint of the 2009 Chevrolet Camaro convertible gleamed in the hot sun, its two silver racing stripes shining brightly. The five-spoke chrome rims sparkled and scattered the light that bore down upon them. The dark gray leather interior was luxurious and soft, with chrome detailing outlining the six-speed stick shift and dashboard displays which included a computerized GPS tracking system and state-of-the-art stereo. Under the hood was nestled a powerful 5.7 liter V8 engine, 427 cubic inches of raw power. Its automated piston-control could shut down four cylinders when they weren’t needed and turn them on for extra power making the car fairly fuel efficient. The dual exhaust system had twin glass pack mufflers which made the modern muscle car purr like a big cat when idling or stopped at a streetlight, but growl low and loud when ‘given a little gas’. Even Haruka was impressed by Michiru’s choice; her 2004 yellow Ferrari was parked just behind Makoto and Ami’s sedan. This foreign newcomer’s stock-car-style frame made the older Ferrari’s sleek athletic body look rather cliché.

“Wow. Nice car.” commented Makoto.

“Thank you.” replied Michiru, “We like it very much.”

“Luna!” Usagi cried happily upon seeing the black cat, opening her arms and catching the feline when she jumped into her arms, “I hope you’ve been behaving for Rei-chan and Mina-chan?”

“Hai. They’ve taken good care of myself and Artemis since everyone got their memories back.”

“Good. Are you two coming with us to the cabin?”

“Yes we are, Usagi-chan.” replied Artemis who was standing at Usagi’s feet, looking up expectantly at Luna.

Sensing what the little white cat wanted she lowered herself enough to let Luna hop out of her arms and land gracefully next to him. Standing back up she addressed everyone. “Are we all ready to go?”

“Yep, we were just waiting on you, odango.” Rei mock-scolded her princess. “You’re always late.”

“Sorry, Rei-chan…but you know it’s hard to resist Michiru’s charms.” Usagi teased back, knowing what Rei was like when it came to talking about that stuff.

“Whatever could you mean, Usagi-chan?”

“Oh, there wasn’t any hot water this morning so we took a shower together. We needed some way to keep from freezing underneath all that cool water. It turns out we needed that cool water to help us calm down, otherwise we would have been later than what we were.” Usagi shot back with a grin, her comment earning giggles from Makoto, Haruka, Minako, and Michiru; knowing smiles from Ami, Setsuna, and Hotaru; and a furious blush from Rei.

“That’s mean.” Michiru whispered in her lover’s ear.

“C’mon guys! The day’s wasting away and I would like to get to the cabin in time to take a swim at the lake!” Minako exclaimed as she climbed into Makoto’s car.

“So where’s this cabin at?” Haruka asked, turning her head to the Senshi of Fire.

“It’s in the hills near Lake Kizaki, about ten to fifteen minutes away from Omachi, Nagano and about half an hour from Matsumoto. It’s about a three hour drive from here.” Rei replied as they all headed for the cars. “Haruka, you guys are following us, with Michiru and Usagi bringing up the back.”

“Minako!” Artemis called, “Luna and I are going to ride with Usagi and Michiru since we haven’t seen them in quite a while.”

“Alright, Artemis. Behave yourselves and don’t claw up Michi’s leather seats.” The blonde replied as she buckled herself in and shut the door.

Michiru and Usagi were already in their car with the two cats when suddenly there was a loud snap like the crack of a whip followed by a small cry of surprise. It all ended with a light thump of something falling into the backseat of the Camaro and the soft grunt as said something came to an abrupt stop on the plush leather bench seat. Everyone not already in the cars stopped to turn and look back at the convertible, looks of puzzlement on their faces.

“Well, least this time I didn’t fall on something hard.” A pink-haired girl spoke as she gripped her small suitcase. The stares of seven people and two felines greeted her. “Well don’t everyone say hello all at once!”

“Chibi-usa!” Hotaru exclaimed happily jogging back to her Michiru-mama’s car. “You came!”

“Of course I came Taru-chan! You think I’d miss out on the best week of my life?” that comment earned quite a few curious glances at her, as well as a look from Setsuna before the guardian climbed into Haruka’s Ferrari.

“I take it you want to ride with Michiru and Usagi too, Hime-chan?” Haruka asked, already knowing the answer now that the pink-haired daughter of Usagi had shown up.

“Can I Haruka-papa?”

“She’s got a nice car, she’s got our daughter, she’s got koneko-chan. Pretty soon she’s gonna steal you away too, Tsuna-koi!” Haruka chuckled, earning a blush from the guardian as well as Usagi. “Go ahead, hime-chan, but behave for your Michiru-mama okay?”


“C’mon Hotaru.” Usagi laughed as she got out and folded the seat forward so the firefly could climb in the back with her pink-haired friend. “Alright Haruka-chan, Mako-chan! Everyone’s ready!” she called before getting back in herself.

Michiru once again started the car and grinned as the wind and thunder senshis stopped one final time and looked back at the gleaming convertible idling smoothly behind them. ‘Eat your hearts out, girls. She’s all mine.’ The thought sparking more than one ‘she’ in her mind. She looked over at Usagi, her love for the blonde shining in her eyes. The odango-haired princess looked back to her lover, smiling softly as her love for the marine goddess was no doubt displayed in her eyes as well.

“That is so not fair.” Haruka sighed.

“Oh hush, Ruka and get in.” Setsuna giggled from her seat in the sports car.

“Hey! At least you have a Ferrari, Ami and I are lucky enough to have our Civic!” Makoto shot back with a laugh as she and the wind senshi each climbed into their respective cars and started them up. Soon the small motorcade pulled away from the shrine, on their way to a lakeside cabin in hopes of escaping the hellish heat wave that had blanketed itself over Tokyo and much of Japan.

Chapter 6: Soft Cruelty - Summer Days Ch. 2

Chapter Text

At the last stoplight before they got onto the highway toward Omachi, Michiru pushed the button to bring the convertible top up as it locked firmly in place. She put the windows up and turned the Camaro’s air conditioning on. While it was true they could have left the top down, it would have been a very painful week. Three hours in the blaring sun with no sun block would ensure that. Besides being on the highway with the wind rushing past made it hard to hold a conversation. Luna was snuggled comfortably in Usagi’s lap, one of the vents having been directed toward her, while Artemis rested on the floor by Usagi’s feet, the floor vent keeping him cool. The blonde’s right hand absently stroked the black feline’s soft fur, getting a purr of contentment in return as her left hand lie gently on her aqua lover’s thigh. Her daughter and Hotaru sat in the backseat quietly talking between themselves; whispered words that were hard to hear but easy to understand the emotions buried in them. Michiru’s right hand moved off the gear shift and came to rest gently upon Usagi’s left, holding it gently in place. The touch caused the blonde to look softly toward her lover, their gazes meeting in a gentle kiss of sight, contentment shining in baby blue, serenity shining in darker azure. The silent look was held only for a few moments before the swimmer gently squeezed the moon-hime’s hand and her eyes reluctantly turned back to the road.

Soft Cruelty – Summer Days

By: Resplendence of Starlight

Chapter Two

The convertible cruised smoothly down the highway behind the yellow Ferrari, its engine humming in a low, growling drone that had put the two cats to sleep fairly quickly. Usagi was fast reaching the land of Morpheus as well, the shifting of leather behind her causing her to glance over her shoulder to the occupants of the backseat, a smile coming to her face at the sight. Chibi-usa had moved over to the center of the seat, re-buckling herself next to Hotaru and leaning against her dark-haired friend. Her head came to rest against the firefly’s shoulder as her eyes closed. Hotaru sleepily wrapped an arm around the future princess’s shoulders as her other hand was sought out by the pink-haired girl’s own. In moments, both girls were asleep cuddled up together. Sparing a glance at her lover, she saw a similar smile on the woman’s features as she glanced back at the now sleeping couple through the rear-view mirror.

“Get some rest, sweetheart.” Michiru called softly, “It’ll be a long drive. We can talk when we get to the cabin.”

“I can stay awake to keep you company, Michi-koi.” Usagi replied before yawning. She blushed at the quiet laugh that escaped her love’s lips.

“Rest. Or you’ll be too tired for the cook out later tonight.”

“Alright alright, can I still hold your hand?” the blonde relented, blushing slightly at the question.

“You can always hold my hand, Usa-koi.” Michiru tenderly brushed a few golden locks back behind the other girl’s ear before returning her hand to the one that rested on her thigh and taking hold of it gently. “I’ll wake you when we get close.”

“Love you, Michiru.”

“I love you too, Usagi.”

The blonde’s eyes closed and her breathing leveled off as the leather seat cradled her safely in its contours, the headrest supporting her neck and head. Michiru smiled and turned the volume down on the stereo as well as setting the a/c blower on low so as to reduce the noise it made. All this was done in a short amount of time using the built-in controls in the steering wheel. Her attention diverted once again back to the road as she surveyed the countryside, the mountains looming up into the skies ahead of them. Her thumb absently and gently rubbed the back of her girlfriend’s fingers despite her wills for it not to in fear of it waking the princess from her slumber. Her fears were unfounded however as the blonde continued to sleep. The Neptunian left her traitorous thumb to its ministrations.

She was flying. The air whipped past around her, blowing her hair out behind her. She could feel its cool kiss upon her face and cheeks soothing the warmth of the sun’s rays upon her skin; its gentle pressure pushing her back into the seat. Wait a minute, seat? Opening her eyes and blinking slightly she felt the warmth of the sun shining down on her. The warmth of the leather seat sank into her tired body as she stretched slightly. She felt a gentle lump of warm furriness on her lap. Luna. Looking sleepily over to her left, she was met with a grin from her lover.

“Hey there sleepyhead. Have a nice nap?” came the call.

“Yeah. Where are we?” the blonde inquired seeing buildings and shops starting to cluster in as they rolled into a rather large town.

“This is Omachi. We’re in Nagano prefecture, about ten minutes from the cabin.” Came the reply. “I dropped the top when we came off the highway. There’s a lot of shade up here in the mountains and hills from all the trees and the heat wave that’s blanketed most of the lower lying areas has tapered off significantly up here in the hills.”

“What time is it?”

“About one-thirty in the afternoon.”

“One thirty? I thought the drive only took about three hours?”

“It does. We started a half hour late, don’t you remember this morning in the shower.” Michiru shot her a wicked grin.

“Nya ha ha…” Usagi laughed sheepishly and blushing beet red.

The conversation between the two women roused the girls in the backseat, as well as the guardian cats, from their peaceful slumber. They all took the time to look out around them at the tall trees that lined the hills and mountain sides that shielded the peaceful valley from the rest of the turbulent world. Just out past the buildings to their left they could see the huge lake Kizaki of which the town of Omachi rested upon its banks. The crystal blue water shone in the early afternoon sun, cascading in sparkles of rainbow light. Boats and jet skis floated and zoomed around the lake, people in the area enjoying the cool water despite the still strong, hot air. The road they cruised upon gently wound around through the forest’s edge with gaps here and there in the trees offering unobstructed views of the lake.

“Ooooh! I can’t wait to go swimming!” Chibi-usa squealed in delight as she gazed out at the natural beauty of the valley.

“Me either!” Hotaru agreed happily, giving the pink-haired girl a quick kiss on the cheek as her arms slipped around her waist in a soft hug.

“Well, on second thought, I don’t know what I can’t wait for more.” The pink-haired girl grinned devilishly over her shoulder at her firefly, waggling her eyebrows, “To go swimming, or to see you in a bikini.”

“Chibi-usa!” Hotaru blushed rather hard at that thought, earning a laugh from the two older women in the front seat.

“I understand what you mean, Chibi-usa. I feel the same way about Michiru.” Usagi smiled innocently enough to the two in the back, but Michiru caught that sensual demonic glint in her blonde lover’s eye as she glanced at her. She quivered slightly under the palm that still rested on her thigh as heat suffused her abdomen and settled in between her legs.

“Don’t think for a second I don’t feel the same way, Usa-koi.” Michiru quickly tried to cover her traitorous body’s reaction, winking at the blonde. It didn’t work as well as she had hoped as she felt Usagi squeeze her thigh in a not-so-innocent way making the ocean goddess quiver again as the heat grew and ached in a most pleasant way.

Setting her jaw she focused back on the road as her hand that held Usagi’s squeezed gently, her thumb rubbing a little more erratically. ‘She’s gonna kill you one of these days. You don’t focus on the road you may wind up in a hospital dead. You’ll be mangled, battered, and broken, but you’ll have a stupid grin on your face that won’t go away no matter what they do to try and remove it, Michiru.’ She thought with a wicked smile. She pressed the accelerator a little harder making the Camaro shift cylinders and open up all eight where it had been previously using only four. The low drone of the engine grew into a dull roar as the convertible picked up speed and gained on the large gap that had somehow opened up between them and Haruka’s Ferrari.

“You haven’t been out to Rei and Minako’s cabin, have you Michi-koi?”

“Nope. Have you?”

“Once, back when Minako’s parents still owned it. All of us Inners came out here for summer vacation. There’s plenty of room for everyone. It’s not that far from the lake shore either, within walking distance anyway. Quite a few places to escape away to without anyone seeing or hearing you too and all of the bedrooms have soundproofing in them.” She replied nonchalantly, discreetly caressing the bare thigh that her hand rested on.

“Just how big is this cabin?” Hotaru piped up from the back before Michiru had a chance to counter with a comment, a blush rising to her cheeks.

“It has five bedrooms, two full baths, kitchen, living room with a fireplace, dining room, and a laundry room. It’s your typical western style cabin. If I remember correctly, there’s a fire pit down on the small beach that’s on the property. There’s a dock that stretches out into the lake for quite a way too, enough to dive safely off of.”

“Sounds like the perfect place to get away for a week.” Hotaru replied.

“It is. We had a lot of fun the last time we were here, even though it was just for three days. I’m so excited to be here for a week!” Usagi practically squealed in joy.

“I’m just glad we’re out of that triple digit temperature we were in back in Tokyo.” Chibi-usa sighed, leaning back into her firefly’s embrace. “This cool mountain air feels heavenly.”

“It’s still about eighty-four degrees out, Chibi-chan.” Michiru giggled. “I’d still call that relatively hot. Especially with the humidity.”

The two girls in the backseat faded into their own small conversation talking about all the things they’d get to do together over the course of the week and making plans on going back into Omachi to see what the town had to offer. Apparently, according to Minako and Rei, they had a fairly large movie Cineplex with great prices on tickets. Usagi was more focused on the now very noticeable burning within her abdomen and desire for release at the skilled hands of her lover and was working frantically over in her mind on how to get an excuse to get her beloved alone for a few hours. She could sense the arousal within Michiru as well as she had her hand covering her own, pushing it slightly higher up her thigh, nearing the edge of her short summer dress. Her jaw was set and her eyes locked solidly on the road in an attempt to maintain her concentration. But by the movement of her thumb on the back of Usagi’s fingers, and the subtle urging of that hand higher up her leg, Usagi knew that Michiru wanted her just as badly as she wanted Michiru. It was something neither of them could get enough of the other. Even after seven months of being together, each time was as magical and as special as the first, their desires absolutely refusing to be sated; their passion unquenchable.

The Camaro rolled smoothly around the corners and coasted lightly down short straightaways as they followed the road on around the lake. Soon, she noticed Ami and Makoto’s Civic turn off the road down a gravel driveway, Haruka’s Ferrari following. Signaling her intent, Michiru slowed the muscle car and turned off as well, tailing their friends down the driveway and into the small yard outside the cabin which was nestled no more than two hundred feet from water’s edge. Following suit of Makoto and Haruka, she pulled in alongside the yellow sports car underneath the car pavilion that was built near the cabin. Turning off the headlights, she cut the engine and the car fell silent. She smiled and patted the dash before getting out to join the rest of her friends outside of the pavilion.

“Sugoi!!!” Chibi-usa squealed in delight, squeezing her girlfriend’s hand.

“Not bad, Minako.” Haruka whistled, impressed with the place.

“Thanks Haruka-kun!” the goddess of love chirped back, “Rei and I were wanting to come here again and so when that heat wave hit, we figured it’d be mean if we didn’t invite you all along seeing as there is plenty of room here for all of us. I can’t say for sure if the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer are stocked or not, however.”

“Don’t worry about it, Mina-chan.” Makoto piped up, “Ami and I can go into town and pick up some groceries tomorrow if we need to. The original plan was to cook out tonight since we brought all the things to do so.”

“Thanks Mako-chan, Ami-chan!”

“Don’t worry about it Minako-chan.” Ami smiled back.

The crystal blue waters of the calm lake spread out like a rippling blanket of silk before them. The lush green grass that gave way to the white sand beach was trimmed neatly, signifying a regular groundskeeper. The large, two-story log cabin sat facing Lake Kizaki, its wrap around porch shaded by its overhang. Tall pines, fat white oaks, and sturdy maple trees hugged around the estate, giving shade to the graveled yard and car pavilion as well as the cabin itself. A long wooden dock stretched out into the water nearly twenty yards, perfect for diving or fishing from. A large fire pit sat in the middle of the beach, seventy or so feet to the right of the dock. Across on the other end of the lake lay the town of Omachi. Anyone could tell the sight here at night would be beautiful. It was far enough away from the highway so that the noise of passing traffic was muffled completely by the trees and that the view of the sky at night would be unpolluted by the light of the town.

“Can we go swimming now?” Chibi-usa asked her future mother excitedly.

“Yeah, can we please Michiru-mama?” Hotaru turned to Michiru.

“Not without supervision, hime-chan.” Michiru countered, but before a word of protest could be uttered she turned to Usagi, “Let’s go get changed too, ne Usa-koi?”

“Hooray!” Chibi-usa and Hotaru took off toward the cabin’s front door, which Rei and Minako had already unlocked and gone inside, the rest of the senshi following suit.

The two women hung back from the rest of the group a little bit and Usagi whispered under her breath, “Naughty, naughty Michiru for thinking those thoughts.”

“It’s your fault you know.” She whispered back, stopping abruptly and yanking the blonde into a tight hold, pressing their bodies together, “You did your best from the time you woke up in the car until now to get me all wound up.”

She claimed the pink lips that were mere millimeters away from her own in an urgent kiss. She heard Usagi moan into the contact as arms tried to wrap their way around her neck in an attempt to hold her in place. She broke the contact and walked off toward the cabin, flashing a sexy grin over her shoulder hearing the agonized but pleasurable moan behind her.

“You’re mean.” Usagi shot back as she quickly followed.

“And you can wait until tonight, Kyuuketsuki-koi.” Michiru countered, placing a light kiss on Usagi’s neck, right over her pulse point before giggling and slipping quickly into the cabin.

“Mou! You little minx!” the odango-haired princess laughed out before giving chase to her Neptunian girlfriend.

Chapter 7: Soft Cruelty - Summer Days Ch. 3

Chapter Text

The pink and red sky faded to a deep royal purple overhead as the sun set behind the mountains; the last of its orange rays shining arrows of light and radiance over the valley. The water lapped at the shore gently as a fire burned brightly in the fire pit on the beach, casting its heat over the figures nestled around it on chairs, blankets, and ice chest. Laughter was heard as the two smallest scouts, Saturn and Mini-Moon chased fireflies that had begun to appear over the beach and the grass of the cabin’s yard. Music played gently on the stereo near Haruka’s feet as Setsuna cuddled into her lap against the cool of the evening air in the chair they shared. Rei sat on a towel laid out on the sand with Minako’s head in her lap, the blonde absently braiding strands of their hair together as the group talked about everything and nothing. Ami and Makoto shared an ice chest, using it as a makeshift bench, the brunette’s arm around Ami’s shoulders and a small blush on Ami’s cheeks since she was still shy despite the fact they had been dating for just as long, if not longer than Usagi and Michiru.

Soft Cruelty – Summer Days

By: Resplendence of Starlight

Chapter Three

Hand in hand, walking slowly barefoot through the still warm sand, Usagi and Michiru were returning from their stroll along the beach they had taken after everyone had ate. Usagi leaned into Michiru, who in turn put her arm around the blonde’s shoulders, pulling her close. Placing a soft kiss on her head, she smiled as she looked up at the sky. A single star appeared, twinkling merrily in the dimming light of the sun like a jewel on velvet. Shaking her girlfriend’s shoulder gently she pointed up at the sky.

“Usa look, the first star of the night.” She whispered.

“Mmm. Make a wish Michi-koi.” She smiled, looking at her aqua haired lover.

“Hmm. A wish, huh?”


The couple pulled to a stop as Michiru guided Usagi around in front of her, pulling her snugly against her body and enjoying the warmth radiating from the smaller woman as it sunk its way into her heart and her soul. Usagi looked on quietly as her girlfriend gazed up at the celestial body hanging in the heavens above as she considered the request from her. She turned her cerulean eyes back down on her princess, a soft loving look shining in them.

“What would you wish for, Usagi-chan?”

“I’m not sure what more I could want, Michiru. I’ve got all I want right here in my arms.”

“Sweet talker.” She shot back with a grin, leaning down.

“I speak only the truth.”

That was all that was said between the two as their lips melted softly together in a familiar caress. Crickets chirped their songs in the darkening light as the lightning bugs blinked their mating dances through the air around them. None of that reached the two lovers however, as wrapped up in each other they were. Michiru’s arms tightened their hold around Usagi’s waist as Usagi’s arms mirrored the action around Michiru’s neck. Lips parted and tongues were brought into play as the kiss deepened, making both women moan softly into each other. This continued on for several happy moments before a particular loud bout of laughter from the fireside brought them back to the present.

Usagi drew away and rested her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder simply content to be held, enjoying the feeling of peace and security she always got when Michiru held her close like this. It was something she could never get enough of. Michiru rested her head against the blonde’s own as she held her. A warm, fuzzy feeling poured through her entire body as she closed her eyes and focused her entire concentration on her other senses. Even though with Haruka she had always been the more demure one in the relationship, with Usagi she felt an overwhelming sense of protection and devotion to never let anything hurt her love. She took great pleasure in being the ‘strong’ one in their romance. That wasn’t without saying there were often times the roles reversed, but it didn’t matter either way to her. As long as Usagi was in her arms, everything was right in her world; nothing else mattered.

“I wish…I wish that we will be together forever.” Michiru whispered into her lover’s ear.

“You don’t have to wish, Michiru-koi. You simply have to believe.” Came the tenderly soft reply.

“I love you, Usagi.”

“I love you, Michiru.”

The music of the stereo grew enough to reach the couple and Michiru realized that Haruka must’ve turned the volume up. She felt the smile on the side of her neck as her own smile graced her face. It was the same song they had danced to just like this last November, Breathe by Faith Hill. She blew gently onto her girlfriend’s neck, just like she had that night so long ago when they first met. Feeling a grin again against her neck from the blonde she couldn’t help but smile in return as she slowly began to sway them to the music. The sand was warm beneath their feet; the cool night breeze moved so slowly it almost wasn’t there as it whispered against their skin; more stars appeared in the heavens above the couple to witness this dance of brightest burning love; the Thousand Millennium sentinel peeked timidly over the mountains as it rose, joining the stars to cast its pure beams of blue-white illumination upon its Princess and her Neptunian lover, silently standing guard as it always had. Words weren’t enough to describe the feelings that overflowed from the two women as they held each other, swaying back and forth on the sandy beach that night.

The two were so caught up in each other, neither of them failed to notice the lull in the conversation near the fire as eight sets of eyes peered over in their direction. Minako and Chibi-usa looked on knowingly, Haruka and Makoto smirked as they held their significant others a little closer while Hotaru, Rei, Setsuna, and Ami had smiles on their faces.

“You think they forgot we were right here?” Haruka whispered over at Makoto.

“I think they know, but at the moment they only care about each other.” Came the reply as she turned to look at Ami who smiled up at her and nodded her agreement.

“Just like it should be, Mako-chan.” The bluenette kissed her taller girlfriend on the cheek as she snuggled further into her side.

“The love and devotion those two have for each other never ceases to amaze me.” Rei said quietly.

“I’m the goddess of love, and I will admit, even I’ve never seen anything of this magnitude before in all my lives.” Minako concurred as she held Rei’s hand.

“What can you see in them Minako?” Haruka asked. The other scouts turned to Minako, wanting to hear her reply as well.

“Well typically when two people are in love I can, when I chose to do so, see the red ribbon that ties them together at their wrists. Each one varies in its width and thickness; its luster and hue. The stronger bonds are typically thicker, almost like silk rope, and have a healthy, vibrant red sheen to them. The weaker ones are more string-like, and are a dull reddish-burgundy.” She explained her ability to see the love-lines that connected people, “Of course though, not all thick lines are vibrant, and not all thin ones are dull. I’ve seen all varying shade, hue, and luster combinations. Love is not limited in strength or depth. However, with Usagi and Michiru…” she trailed off.

“What about them?” Hotaru questioned, even though she didn’t show it, the worry was evident in her tone.

“It’s nothing to be concerned about, Taru-chan.” Minako replied with a gentle smile. “With Usagi and Michiru, their ribbon isn’t so much a ribbon as it is an all-consuming aura that surrounds them. It pulses with life and flows freely between them almost like water. When they’re apart, it doesn’t lose its color or energy, but simply flows just like it always does toward one another. The only thing I can compare it to is a fluidic cocoon. It never breaks, it never diminishes, and it never falters. No matter how great a distance it always connects them.”

“What does their aura look like now?” Hotaru asked, her eyes looking over at the couple in question.

“I can’t look at it. It’s shining too brightly.”

“What do you mean it’s shining too brightly? How do you know?” Ami asked.

“I mean that right now I’m one hundred percent certain it’s shining with a radiance that rivals the sun. I know because I looked at them once before when they were like this. I couldn’t use my sight for over two weeks afterwards. The intensity only gets like that when they get wrapped up in each other like they are now. It’s actually quite the thing to experience.”

“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?!” Rei gently thumped her girlfriend on the head.

“Yeah Minako. Please, do tell.” Makoto grinned, enjoying seeing her friend in her predicament.

“Well I was going to explain, but since Reiko is being mean to me, maybe I should just let you guys contemplate it for a while.” She stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend, causing the rest of the senshi to laugh.

They all knew that Minako was incapable of straying from Rei and Rei was just as incapable of straying from Minako.

“When you’re close enough to them while they’re like this, you can feel it yourself. While most wouldn’t be able to recognize it for what it actually was, you feel less stressed out. Worries and issues from daily life slip quietly away while the little things, things normally taken for granted or deemed insignificant, filter through. The pleasurable warmth of the sun, the soft kiss of a cool breeze, the sounds of the city, the look and smell of the flowers in the park, the silence of a room broken only by the ticking of a clock you hadn’t heard before. Small stuff like that. Any lethargy or lack of energy dissipates, you feel more alert. It’s something better experienced than described for words can’t really do it justice.”

“You speak of it like its nirvana.” Ami replied.

“Ami-chan, anyone can feel it. You don’t even need to be near Usagi and Michiru to experience it. Spend some time alone with Makoto, just the two of you. Focus on her and her alone and tune out the rest of the world. All those in love can generate the feeling that Usa-chan and Michiru-san radiate so freely. I feel it all the time when I’m with my Reiko, alone, up at the shrine or out on a date together. Being with the one you love is what allows you to experience that feeling. It’s not as hard as you think.” Came the honest reply as she cuddled closer to the raven-haired priestess. “It’s just that with those two over there, you can feel it regardless of who you’re with or where you’re at if you choose to take the time to experience it. Although they do seem to get more moments than random chance should allow. Some people have all the luck.”

Once again the senshi laughed at the blonde’s comment as more up-beat music started playing over the radio. Setsuna rose from off Haruka, earning a questioning look from the sandy-haired blonde before the time guardian took hold of her lover’s hand and tugged lightly, her hips beginning to sway with the music that floated around them. A quirky smile was all the response Haruka got as Setsuna coaxed her from her seat. Minako also got the hint via a glance sent to her from the dark emerald-haired woman over her shoulder. She stood up and pulled Rei to her feet as the four of them started dancing as well, joining Hotaru and Chibi-usa who were already moving in time with the beat. Ami stood up, much to the surprise of Makoto. Shy Ami had never really been one for dancing.

“Well, when in Rome…” she giggled, taking her Mako-chan’s hand as the brunette stood up and joined the merriment of the small group.

The swaying couple down the beach heard the music shift and light laughter come once again from around the fire. They leaned slightly apart and gazed lovingly at each other. They kissed lightly one more time before once again turning and walking toward their friends who were dancing around the fire pit.

“Think they were talking about us, Usagi-chan?”

“Probably. I can’t really tell though, I was pleasantly preoccupied with thoughts and feelings of you.”

“Sweet talker!” Michiru laughed as she repeated her earlier comment.

“Once again, I only speak the truth.” Usagi smiled back as they approached their friends.

Day Two

Morning came, and with it came the quiet air and solitude that only a lake-side mountain cabin can bring. Michiru was the first to awaken, joined by Usagi in short order as the two almost always got up together. Usagi moved into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth as her girlfriend got their clothes out for the day. Coming out of the bathroom she watched as the Neptunian pulled on her teal colored panties and front-clasp bra. The look was not lost on the ocean goddess who quirked an eyebrow playfully at Usagi, who was still in a state of undress.

“Yes?” came the cheeky question.

“Oh…nothing. Nothing at all.” The blonde replied with a playful smirk as she slipped past and grabbed the pink panties and white sports bra.

“Oh I beg to differ. There is something me thinks.” Michiru laughed, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend and pulling her to herself, back-to-front, stopping the other woman from dressing.

“You know what I’m thinking already, Michiru. We already found out the walls aren’t soundproofed. Or did you forget last night when we came out for the barbeque?”


Taking a quick shower, they realized their friends were probably wondering what was taking them so long. Usagi had insisted on showering separately, or they’d be even later getting outside and someone might come in looking for them. Finishing up quickly she brushed past her girlfriend, caressing the love mark she had left on her bare hip as she did so, causing her lover to shudder with pleasure.

You don’t fight fair you know.” Michiru teased.

You never complain though. In fact, you’re quite vocal about wanting it.” Usagi shot back playfully as she gently nudged her girlfriend toward the shower. “Hurry up or someone’s gonna come looking for us.”

The aqua-haired goddess moved without further question into the bathroom and shut the door only after Usagi had handed her a pair of underwear and some clothes. The blonde listened to the shower start running again and images flashed before her mind of her beautiful lover inside the glass box, hot water streaming down her curvaceous body between large, soft breasts and down over her legs to caress her most intimate parts. Parts Usagi loved to kiss. She could almost see the steam rising around her Michiru, her hair slicked back and wet as she ran the washcloth over herself, down her arms, over her legs, leaving no part untouched. She shuddered as she felt heat rise within her while a familiar ache settled between her legs. She pushed those thoughts away. Now wasn’t the time to be thinking like that. By the time she had finished getting dressed Michiru had exited the bathroom fully clothed and wet hair finger-combed. The two of them straightened the sheets on their bed as quickly as they could, not having time to strip them and put fresh ones on.

It’s your fault you know, for getting me all riled up in the car on our way here.”

You loved it and you know it. Besides, I wasn’t the only one doing the riling. You got me pretty wound up yourself.”

The two of them made their way downstairs and out the kitchen door to the porch side facing the beach where their friends were down on the grass. The eight women turned and looked at them. Knowing grins, a few faint blushes, and quite a few sets of twinkling eyes greeted the two lovers who shifted, looking somewhat embarrassed.

What?” Usagi asked.

Rei, Haruka, and Makoto all looked at each other, thinking the same thing. Turning as one, they replied simultaneously.

Damn small cabin!”


Their friends had been good about it though, only mildly teasing them. Although Rei and Minako did mention that next time they did this, they promised they’d have soundproofing installed in all the bedrooms so no one was limited if they wanted to have some ‘alone time’ with their significant others. This had earned Usagi and Michiru another round of laughs and blushing on their behalf. Michiru reluctantly let go of Usagi and the two of them got dressed. Heading downstairs they met Minako coming into the kitchen.

“Morning you two lovebirds.” She chirped cheerfully, “I just got done making a list of food items we’ll need for the week. I was right about our situation. The refrigerator and pantry are completely empty. The freezer is too.”

“Well. Michiru and I are up already. Makoto and Ami were pretty tired from last night so they’re still sleeping.” Usagi replied.

“That’s true. We could always take my car and go into town to get groceries.” Michiru added.

“Cool. Rei will be down in a few min-” she didn’t get to finish before the miko-in-question appeared.

“I’m here. Good morning Usagi-chan, Michiru-san. Morning Mina-koi.” She kissed her girlfriend on the cheek.

“Ohayo, Reiko. The three of us were just talking and Michiru offered to take us into town to shop so we can stock up on food and drinks for the week since Mako-chan and Ami-chan are still in bed.”

“Ride in a convertible? Sweet! Let me go get my wallet.” Rei disappeared up the stairs once again.

“Well that was easy!” Michiru laughed. “Let me go get my purse. I’ll meet you all out at the car.” She stood and went upstairs as well.

The two blondes walked outside to the pavilion where the cars sat and got into the Camaro. Usagi took her usual place in the front as her blonde ‘twin’ got in back.

“So things between you and Michiru-san seem to be going well.”

“I love her so much, Mina-chan, so much sometimes I feel like I’m about to burst. Every day I spend with her is magical. And even though we fight sometimes just like all couples, I still love her at the end of the day.”

“I know, Usagi-hime. I’ve seen you two together. You were meant for each other and I’m glad you’ve found someone who cares for you just as much as you do for them.”

The two of them were interrupted as Michiru and Rei came out the door and down to the pavilion. Michiru opened the door and moved the seat forward so that the raven-haired priestess could join her lover in the backseat. Once she was in, Michiru got in as well. She started the car and backed carefully out into the driveway. Putting it in gear they rolled smoothly up the lane through the trees and up onto the road.

“Sorry it took us so long. Rei wrote a note and left it on the kitchen table for the others so they know where we went.” Michiru explained as she shifted into a higher gear, the Camaro gaining speed as it moved down the highway toward Omachi.

“Wow, this is incredible!” Rei exclaimed as she looked up at the clear blue sky and the sun peeking over the mountain tops and through the trees.

“First time you’ve seen the view in a convertible, Rei-chan?” Usagi laughed.

“Yeah, it makes me feel so free.”

“I agree. The scenery around here is quite different without having a roof and windows between yourself and nature.” Minako agreed as Rei leaned into her.

The morning air was cool, the thermometer in the car registering at seventy three degrees. Birds chirped in the sunlight as the new day started, the Camaro the only thing on the road that morning. The four friends chatted lightly between themselves as Michiru guided the car toward the city. They made plans to see about renting a boat for a few days since the cabin had a dock that went sufficiently out into the water to be used as a mooring. Usagi mentioned something about Chibi-usa and Hotaru wanting to go see a movie which Minako had mentioned was a decent sized Cineplex. All in all, it was shaping out to be a great start to a wonderful vacation. One that the four women agreed they would have to do again, perhaps even make a tradition among their group.

Chapter 8: Soft Cruelty - Summer Days Ch. 4

Chapter Text

Day Three

“When on vacation at a large mountain lake, there are a few unwritten rules that most people try their best to abide by. Number one: Have fun. Number two: Leave the rest of the world behind you; they call it vacation for a reason. Number three: Take friends with you; things are always more fun in a group. Number four: Know how to swim. Number five: Never show off your super powers in public. Number six: Never try to stop a water fight between two beings that have power over said substance. Now normally, everyone has an easy time following these rules. They’re very simple. They’re very straight-forward. They’re very easy to remember… and in Usagi’s case, very easy to forget.” – Jonathan Edrins.

Soft Cruelty: Summer Days

By: Resplendence of Starlight

Chapter Four

The sun shone merrily down upon the lake, sharing its happiness and warmth with the ten girls playing on the shore near the lakeside cabin. Haruka, clad in swim shorts and a button up Hawaiian shirt, and Setsuna in her two piece black bikini were with Hotaru and Chibiusa, in one piece purple and pink swimsuits respectively, on the speedboat the senshi had all chipped in to rent, moored to the dock. They were preparing to go out onto the lake for a cruise. Rei and Minako were content to lie on the beach chairs positioned near the fire pit in their respective red and orange bikinis, working on their tans as they listened to the giggling and splashing coming from the lake as they held hands. Makoto and Usagi were busy splashing each other in a small water fight that was slowly moving into deeper water. Well, knowing how water fights and significant others go, Ami and Michiru each rallied themselves behind their respective lovers and the fight turned from one on one to two on two. Now by this time, the lunar and thunder senshis were just having a bit of innocent fun that had started off with Usagi inadvertently splashing her taller brunette friend after diving off into the lake from the dock. With the ocean and ice senshis joining the fight, things had the potential to turn hilariously disastrous.

Haruka took notice of the bluenette and her ex joining Usagi-hime and Makoto and stopped what she was doing to cast a fearful glance at Setsuna. “Umm… shouldn’t we be stopping them? Or at least getting Makoto and Usagi out of harm’s way?” she whispered.

“If you feel like getting in the middle of a water battle between the two senshi whose element it is, be my guest. I, on the other hand, am not suicidal.” She calmly responded, but even Haruka could see the slight apprehension in her lover’s eyes before she turned to go down into the miniature cabin.

“Ohhhh Hime-chan!” Haruka called in an uncharacteristically sing-song voice.

“If you want to stop them, you do it. Setsuna, Chibiusa and I will go out on the lake ourselves.” Hotaru shot back as she cuddled with the pink-haired girl.

“What’re you so afraid of?” Chibiusa asked.

All of a sudden, a startled shriek followed closely by thrashing in the water was heard as a shadow loomed over them for a brief instant before disappearing with a thunderous crash.

“That.” Haruka said forlornly as the boat was tossed roughly up through the disturbance in the water. Moving quickly she grabbed the mooring ropes and cast them off. Dashing back to the pilot’s seat, she cranked the engines and hit the throttle, speeding away from the now out-of-control fight. “Distance. Must… have… distance. Tidal waves… dissipate… deep water.”

Turning the wheel she brought the speedboat around out further into the lake but still close enough to watch the ensuing spectacle that could only be described as a knock-down, drag-out, no-holds-bar water war between the ocean and ice senshis. Setsuna joined her and the two youngest girls on the deck to watch the display. Michiru was standing on the water’s surface as was her opponent. Whirling her hands she summoned a small tidal wave and sent it hurling toward the diminutive Ami. Makoto and Usagi had long since bailed out of the fight, hiding behind Rei and Minako on the beach, who were watching with rapt attention. The wall of water abruptly froze solid, before shattering into trillions of tiny snowflakes, melting instantly from the heat of the day and turning into rain which fell across the area.

“Well done, Ami-chan.” Michiru smiled that cruelly soft smile she got when she was being particularly playful.

“You’ll have to do better than that to beat me, Michiru-san.” She replied with a most un-Ami-like smirk.

“Very well.”

She didn’t hesitate, calling forth a fountain of water and curving it, sending the massive geyser directly at Ami. The bluenette countered, calling forth a pillar of water in front of her and freezing it solid in the form of a wedge, smiling as the incoming attack split in two, blasting harmlessly past her on either side. The moment the stream let up, she hurled the frozen spike directly at Michiru, flash melting it in mid-flight and scoring a direct hit, soaking the ocean senshi to the bone. At the surprised look on Michiru’s face she descended into a fit of uncontrollable giggles, joined by the slight snickering from Rei and Minako. Makoto let loose an exacerbated sigh. Haruka and Setsuna looked on, suppressing titters of their own while Hotaru and Chibiusa laughed out loud. Usagi looked on, feeling sorry for her lover but trying not to laugh at the shocked look on her face.

However, during her giggling, Ami failed to notice the piercing teal light glowing from Michiru’s clenched fists and the determined look in her eyes. She also failed to notice that the rest of the senshi had stopped laughing as they witnessed Michiru’s summoning. Water churned and roiled around her, foaming white as behind her a giant upside-down teardrop shape form rose from the surface of the lake. Two thick, watery limbs ending in large finger-less fists sprouted from the sides as a head formed at the front.

“Oh... sh*t…” Minako stated, staring up at the behemoth.

A low roar like the rushing of a waterfall was heard that brought Ami back to reality. She gazed wide-eyed up at the twenty foot tall elemental hovering behind the ocean goddess. A small smile formed its way once again onto her face.

“I didn’t know she could do that.” Hotaru gazed at the surging water being.

“Really Michiru; resorting to summoning elementals now?” she retorted, her own hands glowing blue. In short order, her own elemental hovered behind her as a mirror image of Michiru’s own.

“Don’t forget, Michiru. You may have created the way to summon him, but I’ve mastered it.”

“Then let’s see whose pet is better: the master or the creator?” She replied, shifting her hand.

The unspoken command sent her elemental surging forward. Ami’s responded in kind, charging its twin. Ami smirked, shifted her fists slightly and her elemental froze solid as it swung, blowing through Michiru’s elemental. The force of Michiru’s sent its remnants splashing around Ami’s own, but something surprising happened. It reformed itself behind the now useless ice statue and barreled on, blasting apart and washing over Ami’s body like a great tidal wave. The hit wasn’t particularly painful, but it was enough to disrupt her concentration and her frozen pet lost cohesion, flash melting and dropping into the lake to merge harmlessly with the water once again. It was Neptune’s turn to laugh at the now spluttering Mercury, who struggled to regain her footing on the lake’s surface.

Usagi finally stood up and began walking to water’s edge, “Alright you two, that’s enough. Tone it down before we draw attention to ourselves.” She began wading out into the lake to take up position between the two to stop the fight. This was a move she soon would come to regret.

Neither senshi saw their princess until it was too late. They had both formed large tidal waves and let them loose toward each other. Usagi was caught in the middle of two massive walls of water. She had barely enough time to take a breath before being sandwiched. Michiru and Ami looked on horrified as the waves crashed together, blasting out the sides. One further out onto the lake toward the rental boat that Haruka, Setsuna, Hotaru, and Chibiusa were on; the other sending Usagi rocketing toward the shore and the fire, love, and thunder senshis scrambling to get out of the way. Haruka managed to get the speedboat out of the way on time; however Rei, Minako, and Makoto weren’t so lucky. The blast of water swept them off their feet as well, depositing them and Usagi near the steps of the deck surrounding the cabin as the waters flowed back out into the lake, nearly taking the chairs and fire ring with it.

“Wow! What a rush!” Makoto grinned, looking directly under the cabin’s deck as she lie on her stomach. “The clouds are so beautiful today!”

“Mom, stop the world from spinning so I can get off now.” Minako moaned as her eyes shut tight, gripping her head in her hands in an effort to clear the dizziness.

“I second that motion. Grandpa, stop the merry-go-round please, it’s going too fast.” Rei woozily tried to get to her feet, failing miserably as she fell back to earth.

Usagi said nothing, lying dazed and confused sprawled out on her back with her eyes swirling.

“Makoto!” Ami yelled as she ran toward the stricken senshi of thunder.

“Usagi!” Michiru cried, running along side Ami.

The low throb of a boat engine was heard as Haruka sidled the craft up along side the dock once again and quickly lashed it to the moorings. Hotaru jumped off and quickly ran to check on her three friends. By now all the senshi were gathered round the three as Michiru made her way through the group to kneel by Usagi’s side. The senshi of Saturn quickly set about healing the bumps and bruises on Rei, Minako, and Makoto before turning to check on her princess, who had been drawn into Michiru’s lap as Ami was scanning her.

“Gomen nasai, Usagi-chan. I never meant for you to get caught up in that.” Ami said. “Please be okay.”

“Usagi-koi, gomen nasai! I didn’t see you until it was too late! Please say something my love!” she cried.

“The final digit of pi… is kung pao chicken.” She managed to say before passing out.

“Ami?!” Michiru looked up at the ice senshi.

“She’s okay aside from a bump on the head. Her equilibrium is all fouled up though. A day of rest, a little TLC, and she’ll be better in no-time.”

Day Four

“So what’s on the agenda for today?” Haruka asked as she came down into the kitchen, joining Michiru and Setsuna at the table.

“Whole lotta nothing.” Setsuna replied.

“Hotaru-chan and Chibi-usa mentioned something about wanting to go to a movie a little later on.” Michiru said, sipping her tea.

“Where’s koneko-chan?” Haruka asked, noting the blonde’s absence, which was highly irregular since she was usually up when Michiru was.

“Still sleeping. She’s completely exhausted from yesterday.” Michiru smiled.

“Well you’re partly to blame!” Setsuna half-scolded, “If you and Ami hadn’t have gotten so intense in what was an innocent water fight, poor Usagi wouldn’t have gotten washed ashore by the miniature tsunamis you two were throwing at each other. She was simply trying to get you two to calm down!”

Haruka laughed at the memory. Kung pao chicken. She didn’t think she’d ever look at the popular food dish the same again.

“You should know that when it comes to my element, I refuse to be beaten.” Michiru said calmly, trying to justify her completely childish actions the other day that had sent her girlfriend riding a wave unceremoniously onto the shore of the beach. “Ami is only the senshi of Ice you know.”

“Even so, you could have drawn attention to us. Attention we all want to avoid, remember?” Setsuna chastised. Honestly, sometimes she didn’t know who was worse, Haruka or Michiru. At least with the former, it was predictable and even expected.

“Actually, I do have plans for this week. Involving Usagi and I.” Michiru said with a mysterious smile as she stood to take her now empty cup to the sink to rinse it out.

Haruka looked at her lover, who merely gave that shadowy, knowing smile and went back to her tea. The time guardian knew something she didn’t. Then, as the racer turned back to her ex to question her about it, she saw the small box-shaped bulge in the pocket of her jeans.

co*cking an eyebrow and putting on a smug grin she made a comment.

“Wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with karats and a lifelong commitment would it?”

“Perhaps.” Michiru turned, pulling the small velvet box out of her pocket. “Setsuna helped me find the materials and directed me to a jewelry artist friend of hers who forged it for me. Open it up and see what you think.” She set the box down in front of the sandy blonde before reclaiming her chair.

Haruka gave Setsuna an odd look before opening the box. Inside, resting on a padded bed of red satin lay the most unique engagement ring she had ever seen. A dark silvery ring inlaid with tiny metallic blue crystals in a wave pattern almost seemed to glow with its own light. A larger, pure yellow amber stone was cut precisely into the shape of a small crescent moon. It was by far the only one of its kind; this much Haruka was sure of, as she had not seen anything like it before. As she tilted and turned the box, the gems caught and amplified the light, making the ring sparkle brightly. Setsuna chose that moment to speak up.

“The ring itself, provided not destroyed by any unnatural force, will last for eternity. The metal is saronite, found from saronite ore deep within the core of Pluto. The tinier blue crystals are a version of aquamarine from Neptune, while the yellow one is from amber I found in Mare Tranquilitatis, the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon. While the gemstones themselves might eventually succumb to time and the elements, the saronite itself will last forever. It’s harder than diamond and won’t tarnish or rust. It’s the same metal that the Gates of Time are made of.” Setsuna explained. “Michiru came to me a month ago, wanting my help in finding the materials to make the engagement ring she wanted to give to Usagi. She told me what she wanted and asked if I knew of any materials that might fit the bill.”

“While we may eventually die, our love never will.” Michiru said softly as she gazed at the ring.

“The gemstones represent each of you, while the saronite ring represents your love. Unyielding, unshakable, undying.” Haruka understood.

“Do you think she’ll like it?”

Haruka sighed, closing the box and handing back to her ex. She smiled, “Michiru, she’d be a fool to pass you up.” She paused, debating with herself before continuing. “I’m sorry for all the pain that I put you through, Michiru. I never meant to hurt you and I honestly did love you. I still do. But its more like the love I would for a younger sister than a lover.” She sighed looking down into her now cold coffee.

“I forgive you, Haruka. No hard feelings.” Michiru smiled at her. “Don’t beat yourself up over it. We can’t help whom we love, we can only hope to help the ones whose hearts are broken. It’s all in the past now. Let’s just be friends and move on with our lives.”

“Mmm.” The wind senshi smiled and nodded back.

Just then, the future recipient of the object of discussion showed up at the kitchen entrance. Shuffling slowly in, eyes still half closed she moved toward the cupboard to retrieve a tea cup before moving over to the stove and pouring herself some of the brown liquid. She shuffled over to the table, giving Michiru a kiss on the cheek and a mumbled ‘good morning’ in passing before sitting down in the chair to nurse her drink. The three outers shared an amused look before the silence was once again interrupted by the two youngest senshi arriving in the kitchen.

“Ohayo minna!” Hotaru and Chibiusa chimed.

“Ohayo, Hime-chan. Ohayo Small Lady.” Setsuna smiled.

“Good morning sleepy heads.” Haruka grinned, ruffling her adoptive daughter’s hair playfully, earning a groan from the girl in question.

The six women were soon joined by the rest of the Inner Senshi as they came downstairs for the breakfast that Michiru and Setsuna were currently in the middle of preparing. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and steamed white rice were soon set on the table for the five couples. Talk was light and cheery as the sleepier ones (Usagi and Minako mainly) woke up fully with the help of food and orange juice. Haruka however still had her mind on that ring and didn’t hear much else of the conversation that occurred between the rest of her friends. She wanted to help Michiru plan exactly how she would propose to Usagi, and hopefully get some pointers herself on how she could do the same for Setsuna. She still had yet to buy the ring, but she knew that it was inevitable. Soon breakfast was over and Makoto and Ami had volunteered to clear the table and wash the dishes so that they were done and out of the way. Haruka saw the opportunity as it presented itself with Michiru heading toward the staircase leading upstairs.

Wanting to continue their previous conversation, Haruka followed Michiru upstairs as the woman went to get her purse and straighten her hair in preparation for the day ahead. The two of them stopped in front of what was Usagi and Michiru’s room.

“Are you sure you feel up to coming with us to the movie theater, Michiru?” Haruka asked again, remembering at least that much of the morning conversation. “I figured you’d want to spend the vacation with koneko-chan especially with what we were talking about earlier this morning. Aren’t you planning on doing it tonight?”

“No, it’s alright. Someone’s gotta go along and keep you, Hotaru-chan, and Chibi-usa in line and make sure you behave. Who knows what trouble the three of you could get into without supervision! That and Usagi-koi said something about going shopping with Rei-chan and Minako-chan.” She teased back as she turned the knob and opened the door.

“Hey! I’m not that bad. And besides, Hotaru’s quite capable of keeping us all in line.”

“And to think that an adolescent has to keep a full-grown adult in line is pretty sad.” Michiru laughed as she turned around, walking backward into the room. “You always were a free spirit, Haruka. Doing whatever you felt when the mood struck you.” Walking backwards had the adverse effect of her missing the fact that there was a large suitcase sitting on the floor, directly in her path. What happened next could have almost been described as comical.

With a startled cry of surprise, Haruka and Michiru fell to the bed as their feet were tripped up by the luggage on the floor. Michiru’s arms had found their way to Haruka’s hips while one of the blonde’s knees had found itself between the swimmer’s own, pressing lightly against her center. Faces mere inches apart, both of them froze, quite aware of the horrifically compromising position that they had found themselves in. All because of an errant suitcase left on the floor as the two were moving into the room from the hallway. Haruka, being gentlemanly, had attempted to keep her ex-girlfriend from falling but wound up landing square on top of her; and on top of the bed no less. Just when things couldn’t possibly have gotten any more awkward, Haruka noticed out of the corner of her eye, someone in the doorway. Michiru turned her head toward where the racer was looking and felt her heart freeze in her chest as her breath caught in her throat.


Chapter 9: Soft Cruelty - Summer Days Ch. 5

Chapter Text

With a startled cry of surprise, Haruka and Michiru fell to the bed as their feet were tripped up by the luggage on the floor. Michiru’s arms had found their way to Haruka’s hips while one of the blonde’s knees had found itself between the swimmer’s own, pressing lightly against her center. Faces mere inches apart, both of them froze, quite aware of the horrifically compromising position that they had found themselves in. All because of an errant suitcase left on the floor as the two were moving into the room from the hallway. Haruka, being gentlemanly, had attempted to keep her ex-girlfriend from falling but wound up landing square on top of her; and on top of the bed no less. Just when things couldn’t possibly have gotten any more awkward, Haruka noticed out of the corner of her eye, someone in the doorway. Michiru turned her head toward where the racer was looking and felt her heart freeze in her chest as her breath caught in her throat.


Soft Cruelty: Summer Days

By: Resplendence of Starlight

Chapter Five

The two women on the bed scrambled to untangle themselves as they got to their feet; Michiru’s face openly displaying her anxiety while Haruka blushed cherry red at the awkward position and the fear that Usagi may wind up taking it the wrong way. Scratching the back of her neck nervously, she tried to explain.

“Usagi, it wasn’t how-” She was cut off by Usagi’s raised hand.

“Usagi-koi, We just-” The hand moved over to silence Michiru as well, and at the motion, her chest clenched painfully tight as the freezing feeling grew. ‘No.

Usagi’s emotion was masked behind a calm display of impassiveness. Her eyes and mouth betrayed nothing, her stance completely neutral. Looking between the two women who stood before her she took a minute or two to slowly scan the room. Spying the suitcase on the floor between the three of them with a noticeably crushed-in flap and corner, she turned back to look Michiru in the eyes, clearly seeing the worry and pain within their depths.

“Haruka-chan, would you please leave Michiru and me alone for a few minutes?” Her voice was steady and even, if not slightly cool; her eyes never leaving Michiru’s.

The sandy blonde racer nodded and walked quietly out of the room, closing the door softly behind her. Usagi stood rooted to her spot looking at Michiru, noticing her breathing shallower than normal. She could almost hear what her lover was thinking to herself, wondering if this might betray their relationship and snuff it out like it had never existed. She stepped slowly forward until she was within arms distance of the ocean goddess. A strangled sob escaped the woman in question before Usagi wrapped her arms tightly around her waist in a hug. Michiru’s own arms snaked their way around the blonde’s neck and tightened as she cried.

“It’s not what you think, Usagi! Haruka and I were just talking and I wasn’t watching where I was going when I opened the door. The suitcase was in the way and I tripped. Haruka was just trying to catch me from falling but we both fell on the bed.”

“Shhh, shhh. It’s okay Michiru.” Usagi whispered in her ear, her calming tone a mantra she repeated. A minute or two passed and the crying had slowed to the occasional sniffle, all the while Usagi rubbed her lover’s back slowly. “Are you okay now?” she asked quietly, receiving a nod in reply. Turning she led her girlfriend into the bathroom. Usagi fetched a washcloth and wet it down to wipe away the tears on her lover’s face. Dropping the cloth back in the sink she cupped Michiru’s face gently in her hands, forcing the woman to look at her.

“Michiru. I trust in you completely. I believe you. Please don’t cry any more, it breaks my heart to see you like this.”

“It’s that easy for you?” She replied in a pained undertone, eyebrows and lips quivering with emotion at the complete trust being shown by this incredible woman shocking her.

Turning them so that she held the ocean senshi from behind, her arms around her waist and her head resting on her shoulder she moved so they faced the mirror. She was fortunate that neither of them were wearing shoes, their heights were almost equal with Michiru only an inch or two taller than herself. Squeezing her gently to press fully into her back and project a sense of protection, warmth and love, she chose her words of faith she knew she would speak only to Michiru. That only this woman in her arms now would be the only person who ever meant this much to her in any lifetime.

“Look in the reflection, Michiru. You don’t need to hear my words to believe me. All you need do is look in my eyes and find the love for you that shines there constantly. And all I need do for you is the same.” Usagi whispered back, “We may have our fights, but all couples do. That doesn’t mean we’ll stop loving each other or love each other less than we do now. I know we’ve had some bad times, but there have been a lot of good times too. We’ll also have our share of misunderstandings, but I hope we both have the patience to work them out instead of jumping to conclusions. I know you’re incapable of straying from me, from us. I trust in you explicitly and I believe in our love and the strength it gives us. So long as we both do, nothing will ever tear us apart.”

As the hushed benediction came forth, Michiru closed her eyes and leaned her head against Usagi’s own as a few last tears slipped from underneath her lids. After a few moments, Usagi slid around in front of her once again, gently kissing away her tears before kissing her on the lips and drawing her into another hug. She nuzzled affectionately at her neck, placing small kisses there, trailing up to her temple and onto her forehead knowing that her lover needed this contact, knowing she needed this assurance.

“Aish*teru, touhou oite shinpyou.” She whispered.

“Hai. Aish*teru.” Michiru whispered back.

They stood like that for quite a while, Usagi holding onto Michiru and giving her butterfly kisses and whispering nothings in her ear, her hands slowly rubbing circles on Michiru’s back to help soothe and relax.

“Feel better?” Usagi asked quietly with a small smile.

“Mmmhmm.” Michiru hummed.

“Good.” Usagi replied, “Now kiss me.”

Michiru was more than happy to comply, her lips pressing against Usagi’s in a heartfelt caress. Usagi felt her girlfriend melt into her, her warmth and softness, the scent of her perfume the sweetest of tortures. Her grip around her body tightened as she squeezed even closer, opening her mouth to gently lick at Michiru’s lips with her tongue, seeking entrance. A soft moan and a moment later lips parted granting the blonde access to sweet warmth to explore. Michiru moaned again, the sound swallowed up by Usagi’s hungry mouth. Usagi finally broke slowly away, both of them breathing hard, their foreheads pressed together and their eyes closed as their hearts thundered in their chests. Michiru grinned.

“This wouldn’t perhaps be the point where you try to get my mind to replace all the bad with something extremely good would it? What about Hotaru, Chibiusa, and Haruka? And Rei and Minako?”

“Oh, Hotaru’s plenty old enough to keep them both out of trouble. And I think Rei and Minako can go shopping together without me today. Something tells me they’d like to spend the day together without the rest of us around.” Usagi shot back; “In the meantime…” she leaned forward and started whispering something in her girlfriend’s ear. The smile disappeared and Michiru’s eyebrows rose as she listened. Usagi drew back, a lecherous grin on her face.

“You know what, Usagi-chan? You might make a fine queen after all.” Michiru said with a quirk of her lips as she swirled a finger over Usagi’s chest, turning out of her embrace and heading for the shower, pausing only once to look over her shoulder. Usagi shuddered visibly at the desire and passion she saw within those aquamarine pools and quickly hurried to follow her lover. ‘Ahh,’ she mused with a Cheshire smile, ‘it’s good to be me.’

Day Five

Friday saw the ten women starting to pack up their things as their week at the lakeside cabin was coming to a close. Tomorrow they would leave to head back to Tokyo and their respective homes. The plan for tonight was a barbeque to finish off the week of fun they spent together. Haruka walked out the front door that faced the lake and saw Michiru sitting on the porch swing watching Hotaru and Chibiusa play in the water. She made her way over and leaned against the railing, turning to watch the two youngest senshi as well. Michiru noticed her but said nothing, still fingering the small ring box in her pocket. Haruka took note of the four inner senshi starting up a volleyball game on the white sand with the two guardian cats acting as referees, one on each side of the net, and chuckled to herself.

“Don’t know how well Ami-chan will stand up to Minako-chan in their little game.”

“Yeah, I’ve not seen Minako play, but Usagi said it’s almost scary. You don’t want to be on the receiving end of one of her spikes.” The swimmer replied.

“Speaking of koneko-chan, how’d it go yesterday? I noticed she didn’t go with Rei and Minako when they went shopping with Ami and Makoto. Rei said that you weren’t coming with us to the movie either. Setsuna came instead.” She asked, her gaze turning to the two women in question lounging on the beach and talking quietly together.

“She was understanding and knew that it was just an accident.” She replied with a wistful smile.

“She didn’t jump to conclusions?! Hell if Setsuna would have seen that, she’d have gone ballistic!” Haruka gaped.

“We trust in our love. Usagi knows I’d never betray her and she places all her trust in that fact. And I realize now, that I feel the same toward her. I trust that she’ll never stray from us either. And that has only solidified my resolve to ask her to marry me.” Michiru replied, “I just still don’t know how I’m going to ask her.” Michiru looked out over at her blonde-haired lover, smiling gently.

The two outer senshi sat in silence for quite some time; Michiru deep in thought, and Haruka not knowing what to say to help her ex decide how to pop the question. Her concentration was interrupted by a volleyball impacting the sand and bouncing up into Setsuna’s lap, followed by a cry from Makoto, yelling at Minako to check her strength. At that moment the time guardian unfurled from the beach recliner she had been lying on, grabbing the volleyball in both hands. She looked down at Usagi and said something to which Usagi nodded. She stood up as well and together the two headed over to the small beach volleyball area. Usagi made her way around the other side of the net, joining Ami and Makoto as Setsuna took up her spot to serve. The other four inners took it in stride and soon the game was on again.

Haruka shot a glance over at the senshi of Neptune, “Shall we go join our significant others and make it four on four?”

Michiru put the box back in the pocket of her jeans before standing up, “Yeah. Let’s go get changed quick.”

They headed inside and upstairs to their respective rooms, changing quickly. Haruka came out in a modest two-piece black bikini, one of the rare feminine things she wore because heaven forbid she was caught dead in a dress. Michiru’s skimpier teal two piece string bikini showed off much more skin and turned more than a few of the other senshis’ heads as she walked toward them as well as earning a wolf whistle from her girlfriend which in turn earned said girlfriend a blush. Hotaru and Chibiusa came out of the water and brought their towels and a couple of chairs over to watch and dry off. After an agreement between the two teams to start the game over due to additions to the teams, Saturn and Chibimoon agreed to keep score.

Serves went back and forth, with the bulk of the competition between Haruka and Minako and Michiru and Makoto. As most games go, the more active people started getting more adverse in their attempts to one-up the other, mainly between Minako and Makoto; Minako with her volleyball experience and Makoto for her superior strength and reflexes. The game continued for a good half hour, with a few breaks to apply sun block and get drinks as the heat of the day, despite them being in the mountains, was still high. The winning point was scored by Minako’s team when the blonde blocked a spike attempt by Makoto. With that over, the group headed inside for a quick lunch.

Michiru went back up to her room to find a pair of black shorts to put on over her bikini bottom as well as a white button-up shirt. Noticing her jeans, she stopped short buttoning up her shirt and stared at the bulge in the front pocket. Debating with herself for a minute or two, she was caught off guard at the voice that called at her from the stairwell.

“Michiru-koi? Are you ready to go?”

“Yes sweetheart, I was just finishing up.” She replied, quickly grabbing the ring box and sticking it in her shorts pocket.

Checking her hair quick in the bathroom mirror, she made her way out of the room and down the stairs to join her lover. “You go on ahead and get in the car. I’ll be right there.”

“Alright but hurry, I miss you already.” She replied, kissing Michiru on the cheek before practically skipping out the door.

“Where are you two headed off to?” Makoto asked, a knowing smile on her face as she prepped their lunch.

“I’m taking Usagi out for lunch in Omachi.” Michiru said, grabbing the keys to her Camaro.

“I hear there’s supposed to be a fireworks show tonight around nine pm. I figure if we have the barbeque at seven we’ll have plenty of time to eat and get situated on the beach for the display.” Haruka piped up, a knowing look at the senshi of Neptune. “Some sort of holiday that the town celebrates every summer. A festival of fire or something, I’m not sure.”

“Thank you Haruka, I’ll keep that in mind.” Michiru understood, giving a nod back.

The rest of the inner senshi stood there, looking back and forth between the two outers while Setsuna hid her knowing smile behind a face of impassiveness. She also knew what Haruka was getting at. The ocean senshi left, closing the door behind her. The rest of them sat in relative silence as they heard Michiru’s car start, shift into gear, and pull away, the sounds of its engine fading away to nothing.

“Alright,” Rei finally spoke up, “Would one of you two mind telling us what’s going on?” she glared first at Haruka then at Setsuna.

“Yeah it’s obvious you know something’s up. Now c’mon, spill the corn!” Minako added.

“Beans, Minako. It’s ‘spill the beans.’” Ami sighed.

“Whatever, they’re both plants.”

“No offense but what myself and Haruka both know, is at the current time, none of your business.” Setsuna spoke up.

“Setsuna’s right. You’ll all find out tonight, so don’t even bother asking us about it.” Haruka continued.

“But we want to-” Makoto began but was cut off.

“No buts, Mako-chan. If they say we’ll find out tonight, then we can wait. It won’t kill you.” Ami piped up, despite her own curiosity. “Now forget about it and concentrate on our lunch. Or we’re not going to be having any!”

“Yeah, and we have to eat quick. I have to get the boat back to the rental place by three o’clock and Setsuna has to be there to pick me up.” Haruka continued.

“You’re no fair.” Minako replied, pouting.

“I’m being quite fair to those whom it concerns.” Haruka replied before moving toward the door, “Call me when lunch is ready, I have to go prep the boat and get any of our stuff off it before I head out.”

Michiru was silent as the car moved smoothly down the road, her concentration on the road almost frightening in its intensity. Usagi kept looking toward her, worry gripping her heart as she wondered what had happened to make her girlfriend like this. She had already forgiven the incident that had happened yesterday involving Michiru, Haruka, herself, and a misplaced piece of luggage so she knew that wasn’t it. She reached out a comforting hand to Michiru’s own that rested on the gear shift, her frown increasing as it flinched under her touch. She looked up at the aqua haired beauty and finally gave voice to her concerns.

“Michi? What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, Usagi-chan.” She replied back, glancing over at the blonde princess before returning her eyes to the road ahead, “What makes you say that?”

“Because I can see it in your eyes and all over your face. Your entire body radiates tension, as if something was bothering you. Please tell me? It might make you feel better if you did.”

“Like I said before, nothing is wrong. Don’t worry about it, my love. If anything I’m just a little sad about having to leave the lake and cabin, that’s all.” She tried to ghost over her nervousness with a small white lie, which wasn’t completely untrue. She really didn’t want to leave.

“Okay. I’m right here if you want to talk about it any further, Michiru. I love you.” Usagi frowned slightly, knowing that Michiru was hiding something but decided not to press the matter. She’d come around on her own eventually.

“I love you too, Usa.” She replied, lifting the hand that rested on her own to press a kiss to her knuckles, “Don’t worry about it koneko, it’s really nothing.”


The Camaro rolled into Omachi and slowed as Michiru applied the brakes, bringing their speed down as they passed by shops and stores, headed for the downtown district. People moved hurriedly through the hustle and bustle that gripped the large town as they prepared for the last day of the summer festival. The main theme was fire, with stories about it, decorations in reds, oranges, yellows, and blues prominent throughout many of the streets and businesses, and costumes of red dragons and fire spirits worn by people who danced along the sidewalk. It was odd that they would be celebrating something such as fire in the middle of the hottest time of the year, but then again oddly fitting as such. It was a local celebration, not being recognized nationally, but according to the locals though that was just fine with them. Many of the tourists that came to Omachi and the lake it rested beside were ones that had been coming here every year on a continuous basis or those that had familial ties to the area. Most of them were born and raised in the area and had moved away to college or some other job abroad and came back to relax.

Stories say the summer festival was something started by a small group of people as nothing more than a simple party between friends gathered around a bonfire that grew over the years to eventually include the entire town. That old adage that every person was connected to each other by no more than seven different people seemed to be true. And for the large part it was kept secret from the rest of the world. The people who lived here wanted it that way and so it was a generally accepted albeit unwritten rule that those who merely visited shouldn’t speak much of the festival to anyone other than those who had already been there.

Finding a place to park on what could have been considered the main street through town, Michiru put the top up on the convertible, cracking the windows open so that it wouldn’t get too hot inside and cut the engine. The two women got out of the car, Michiru locking the doors before making her way around to Usagi, taking hold of her hand. They stepped up onto the sidewalk and took their time looking around at the brightly colored decorations and the local people having fun and enjoying themselves. Laughter could be heard in more than a few places, usually by groups of children watching fire masters juggling lit torches up in the air. Usagi smiled, leaning into the ocean senshi as she took in their surroundings. Even the heat of the day, the temperature pushing thirty four degrees Celsius, didn’t put even the slightest damper in the fun and activities that encompassed them. Bottled water was available for free en masse, a table on each side of the street every block kept fully stocked.

“So they’re having fireworks tonight?” Usagi asked as they stopped to look at a table where a vendor was selling plushies.

“Yeah, it’s supposed to start at nine. Haruka said something about having the barbeque at seven so we have time to eat, clean up, and get situated around the bonfire on the beach.” Michiru replied as she perused the table.

“Oh! Look at her! Isn’t she so cute?!” Usagi squealed as she picked up a plushie.

It was a red, fat, floppy eared bunny with white paws. A small silver fabric patch in the shape of a tiny flame was sowed onto its chest. Button eyes and embroidered whiskers completed the plump chibi rabbit. All in all it was a unique looking plushie to be sure. Usagi hugged it to her chest before turning and holding it out to show her girlfriend. “Can we keep her?”

“Sure Usagi-koi, anything for you. Besides, it’s a rather unique rabbit and I know for sure you don’t have one quite like it in your collection.” She laughed.

“Thank you so much, Michi!”

“You’re welcome Usako.” She replied, pulling out some bills and handing them to the smiling vendor. Getting her change back she turned back around and joined Usagi in continuing their walk down the street. Usagi hugged her new plushie to her chest as Michiru’s arm snaked around her waist, pulling her close. The blonde turned her head and planted a kiss on the swimmer’s cheek.

The couple talked and laughed their way down the street in search of a place to eat lunch. Finally settling on a small restaurant serving western style food, they sat down and ordered. After a while their food came and they ate in companionable silence. Staying for a while longer and enjoying the outdoor café Michiru checked her watch. Seeing their time passing, she moved to stand up; the two of them paying the bill owed and made their way back up the street to their car. Michiru opened the door for Usagi helping her in before moving around to climb in herself. Starting the Camaro she dropped the top and rolled the windows down. She smiled as she saw Usagi hug her new plushie tight as she backed out of the parking spot and moved out onto the road. Circling the block she swiftly maneuvered back onto the main road leading back toward the cabin.

The sun had just set as the senshi were cleaning up the dishes from their party. Haruka scrubbed the grill down and rolled it back up onto the deck and into the cabin to store it until next time they would be out. She and Setsuna had returned the speedboat rental back to the rental agency just after Usagi and Michiru had come back from their outing at the festival. Rei and Minako had started a small bonfire in the ring down on the beach and were in the process of helping Ami and Makoto bring chairs down and set them up in a small semi circle around the ring, facing the lake and Omachi on the far shore. Hotaru and Chibiusa had brought the chest cooler down to the beach as well, having just stocked it with drinks and ice. The six of them were soon joined by the rest of the outers and Usagi. The ten of them claimed their seats around the fire, the mood light and airy as talk and laughter were exchanged, recalling the events of their vacation.

The senshi all thanked Rei and Minako for inviting them to come along and everyone promised to come next year and do it again. Having everything else packed up and already in the vehicles ensured that they would be able to get under way tomorrow morning as soon as everyone was up and had eaten breakfast. All that was left to do tonight was make sure the chairs were stored safely inside after the fireworks show. Nervousness washed over Michiru as her hand deftly pulled out the small black velvet box from her pocket and out of the corner of her eye saw Haruka nod her ascent. Drawing strength from that approval she stood up and turned to face her blonde haired lover.

“Usagi?” She asked in a voice loud enough to silence the others. Soon everyone was looking on at the couple.

“What is it, Michiru?” Usagi turned and focused on her. She was momentarily stunned by the way the firelight played in her girlfriend’s eyes, adding dancing yellow and orange points of light to the deep cerulean color. She watched as Michiru slowly dropped to one knee and then her eyes grew wide as she saw the little black box in the palm of the Neptunian’s hand. Her startled gasp brought the attention of the rest of the senshi to the box.

“Usagi,” Michiru opened the box, the light of the fire making the gemmed saronite ring glitter brightly in the dark, “I’ve known you for quite some time now. It takes a lot of courage for me to do this, but you know that I love you with all my heart and soul. I always have, and I always will. I know that, while my heart may not be the biggest out there, it doesn’t need to be because you fill it full. My shoulders may not be the broadest there are, but they’re always there for you to lean on. My arms may not be as strong as others, but they’re warm and safe. My hands aren’t those of a doctor, or scientist, or movie star, but they will always be there to catch you should you ever start to fall, provide you with what you need, and defend you in times of danger.”

Michiru paused, fighting back both nerves and the pooling tears in her eyes as she smiled up at her blonde-haired soulmate, continuing, “I may not have much to give, but I give you all that I have. I just want you to know that despite your answer and come whatever may, I shall always stand by your side. So I humbly ask you to be with me forever. Usagi… will you marry me?”

The rest of the senshi turned their gaze at Usagi, seeing the tears slip quietly down her cheeks as they caught the light of the fire. She nodded once, twice, before gasping out, “Yes! Yes I will marry you, Michiru! I love you so much!” she smiled.

“Oh that’s so romantic!” Minako squealed, hugging her Rei close. “When are you going to propose to me, Reiko?”

“Uhhh…” The miko looked toward Makoto and Haruka for help, “How do I answer that?”

“You don’t.” They responded as one.

Unknown by the rest of the senshi, Chibiusa smiled, seeing fully now what her mothers had been trying to tell her all along. Knowing that her time was almost up and that she’d have to be returning to the future soon, she took the time to enjoy seeing her parents’ younger selves in one of their greatest moments of joy and commit that sight to memory. She’d have to thank them for allowing her to come back to this week and experience it. Among cheers and clapping from the rest of their friends, Michiru took the ring carefully out of the box. Holding her girlfriend’s hand gently, she slid it carefully onto her finger, her smile widening as it fit perfectly. Sealing it with a kiss she found her arms full of Usagi as her new fiancé hugged her tight. Just as they kissed a bring flash, followed shortly by a small boom caught the rest of the senshis’ attentions. The fireworks had started. And for two of them, it was merely the beginning. A beginning they knew they would remember the rest of their days.

Chapter 10: Soft Cruelty - Here With Me Now


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Make sure you behave yourself. And like always, don’t reveal anything about the future.” Neo-Queen Celestia said.

“And make sure you have Pluto help you with the Disguise Pen when you reach the Gates.” Neo-Queen Serenity added, handing her daughter the pen.

“I will. I’ll be back in a few days, Serenity-okaa-san, Celestia-okaa-san. I love you both.” The little aqua-haired girl with blue eyes said as she took the wand and pulled her Time Key out from around her neck.

“We love you, Chibi-usa. We’ll miss you while you’re gone.” Serenity knelt, giving her daughter a hug before straightening back up and stepping back so her wife could also give their daughter a hug and kiss goodbye.

“Where’s Hotaru at?” Chibi-usa asked, looking around.

“She’s at the Gates, with Pluto. She wanted to see you off herself.” Celestia smiled at her daughter as her arms wrapped around her wife’s waist, pulling her close.

“I’ll see you both in a couple days.” She replied before activating the key and disappearing in a flash of garnet light, Pluto’s power teleporting her off to the extra-dimensional space that contained the Gates of Time.

“Do you think we did the right thing?” Serenity asked quietly as they stood there in the grand hall, vacant of everyone at this time of night sans for the royal family.

“She witnessed my proposal to you all those years ago on the shores of Lake Kizaki at Rei and Minako’s cabin.” Celestia blew gently over Serenity’s neck, Serenity’s head tilting to the right just like it always did to allow her lover better access. The familiar sensation always comforting, “It’d be wrong to not let her witness our marriage as well, ne?”

“You’re right. But still, I’m going to miss her, even if she is only gone for a week. And I know Hotaru will as well.”

Celestia’s arms tightened around her wife, pressing intimately against her and kissed her softly on her neck. “Look at the bright side.” Another kiss a little lower, “We’ve another week,” a kiss yet a little lower, “All. To. Ourselves.” Each word separated with a kiss as she reached the strap of the white nightgown, nudging it gently off her shoulder. There was a flash of silver light. Celestia looked up and saw the darkened surroundings of their bedchambers and smiled into the elegant neck of her one, her only love, noticing the glowing crystal slowly receding back into Serenity’s chest.

“I love it when you get impatient.”

“I know you do.” Serenity pulled away, taking Celestia’s hand and leading her to the bed. She smiled a wicked smile, a promise of things to come…in more ways than one.

Soft Cruelty Here With Me Now

By: Resplendence of Starlight

The illumination was dimmed in the club with the owner, Jonathan Edrins, personally running the sound system this special night in early November. It wasn’t something he normally did, renting out the whole L'Océan Mystique for an entire night. However, it wasn’t a frequent occurrence when two of his favorite and usual customers had their wedding reception either. Nor was it a frequent occurrence that the two people in question were women. And even rarer was the fact that two years ago this night was the first time they had met here at his establishment; a chance meeting designed by the powers that be for the opportunity of the forging of a bond of true love.

The layout of the Mystique was slightly different this night. The usual bar-style small tables had been taken to the upstairs storage rooms and long folding tables brought in from various friends and family members of the brides. The chairs however had been left in place, and of course, being the nice, sappy guy that he was, Jonathan donated the use of the club free of charge to ‘his two girls’ as part of his wedding gift. Looking out now around the lower level of the ring he pushed in a sequence of codes that brought up the spotlight interface on his console. Manipulating the controls he activated a spotlight, targeting the happy couple at their table. Opening a comm channel over the speakers and turning a light on himself, he addressed them as was his honored duty as host to the festivities.

“And now it’s time for our two lovebirds to have their first dance.” Jonathan grinned, “Then see how long they can last separated from each other as others cut in.”

A chorus of laughter sounded clearly. The two smiling women in question stood up and stepped out onto the dance floor as the spotlight’s sensors, designed and built by Jonathan himself, tracked them smoothly as they moved, ringing them in a constant halo of light.

“Two years ago, I watched silently in the wings of my establishment, as Michiru fought to overcome a sadness that had plagued her. I saw Usagi float into the lights of the Mystique, knowing that there was something special about her. And I had the privilege and great fortune to witness the chance meeting of these two lost halves at that bar stool there, three down from the right.” Jonathan said as another light illuminated said seat. “Over the next ten to eleven months, I saw them at the very least once a week in here, and I grew to know and love both of them very dearly and am proud to count them among my friends and dare say family. Then one day, exactly a year ago from today, they saw fit to grace me with their presence once again after a three month absence. My worries for their well-being were soundly beaten into submission upon seeing the ring decorating Usagi’s finger and a matching one worn by Michiru. Of course, I was happy to grant them use of the club, free of cost, for their reception. It is with great honor I present to you the song that they have chosen for their first dance as Mrs. and Mrs. Michiru Tsukino-Kaioh. The first song they ever danced to.”

The rest of the lights in the club dimmed down to near darkness, the only light coming from those over the bar, and the blue foot lighting around the club. The spotlight tracked the couple as Michiru wound her arms around Usagi’s neck even as Usagi’s made their way around Michiru’s waist. A strong but soft beat pulsed slowly from the speakers, as they began swaying to the music. A female voice sounded softly into the club, her words seeping into the couple as they lost focus on everyone and everything around them, their universe collapsing around them until all that remained was each other.

I know it's late. I shouldn't call at this hour. But yet, my fate. I need lips to devour.” Michiru’s aqua-white gown flowed down around her curves as it cascaded lightly to the floor, brushing gently over it as she smiled at her new wife. Her gloved hands softly caressing the back of the blonde’s neck, an action meant not to arouse but to calm. She had felt more than saw Usagi’s nervousness during the ceremony and still sensed some lingering anxiety. Usagi felt her wife’s subtle massage underneath her thick French braid of hair and relaxed into her and the rhythm of the song, the touch serving to wash away her agitation. Her mind was no longer paying any attention to the slightly snug sensation of her dress shirt and tie around her neck, covered slightly by the white women’s tuxedo they had decided she would wear. She lost herself in the feeling of Michiru’s soft body pressing into hers, the aqua haired woman’s arms drawing a little tighter around her neck, and the calm flowing tones of their song. “My nervous system is shot alright. I won't sleep unless you; Sleep with me tonight; Deep with me tonight.

I know it's late. We've known each other a while. I can't wait, To see your twisted smile.” Rei sat at the table, to the right of Usagi’s chair, watching her best friend share her first dance with her new wife and reflecting on her current girlfriend and lover, Aino Minako. Rei had been chosen to be Usagi’s ‘best woman’ and along with Makoto and Haruka, Usagi’s ‘groomswomen,’ helped Usagi get ready just before the ceremony. The three of them, of course, had drug Usagi out to a strip bar the previous night despite her protests at her ‘bachelor’ party because Michiru and her had agreed that she’d play the part of the groom. Their love was extremely passionate and volatile. They had their share of tender moments as well, but sometimes things got so heated, Rei was afraid that it might not be love at all, just a deep, all-consuming desire. She valued greatly the time she spent with Minako, but was worried that it may not last. She wondered how Usagi and Michiru seemed to be so sure about their feelings, having such complete and utter faith and trust in one another, that nothing seemed to faze the couple. “Kindred spirit of candlelight, I won't sleep unless you, Sleep with me tonight; Deep with me tonight.

And my thought to my saint, I'm so tired but I faint. Sleep with me tonight. Sleep with me tonight.” Minako sensed the unrest in her lover. Like Rei had been chosen to be Usagi’s best woman, she had been selected by Michiru to be her maid of honor which she had readily accepted. She shifted her eyes away from her two friends out on the floor to her girlfriend sitting three seats to her. It was true that Rei was very good at hiding her real feelings, burying them deep down inside her, cloaking them in a thick haze of smoke. But Minako had known her long enough to be able to cut through the smoke and find that which lie hidden. She cared deeply for the raven-haired miko, more so than any other lover she had had previous. She knew she loved Rei with all her heart and soul and would do anything for her. The past four years with her had taught her much about her girlfriend, including her tendency to start doubting things that should never be doubted to begin with. “Drown out the machinery in my head. Bring your peace of mind to my bed. Without sleep there are no dreams. Without dreams, we fall apart at the seams.

Kindred spirit of candlelight, I won't sleep unless you, Sleep with me tonight; Deep with me tonight.” Haruka watched as her ex-girlfriend danced with their princess, feeling the last of her unresolved feelings melt slowly and silently away like snow in the noonday sun. A peace settled over her and she felt eyes on her. Turning to her left, looking past Makoto and Rei who seemed lost in their own thoughts, she found wine-colored eyes curiously appraising her. A small smile came to her lips at the sight of her lover, Setsuna, and her questioning gaze. Her heart swelled at the sight, and she knew that the time guardian was the one for her. “And my thought to my saint, I'm so tired but I faint. Sleep with me tonight. Sleep with me tonight. Sleep with me...” Setsuna glanced to her right, sensing a disturbance in the flow of time that was gone as soon as it disappeared. Seeing the look of peace and acceptance on the racer’s face as she turned and matched Setsuna’s look served enough to reassure her that everything was alright.

Sleep with me tonight. Sleep with me... Sleep with me tonight. Sleep with me...” Makoto looked on as the song continued into its final sequence, feeling the emotions all but radiating from the two women she had come to consider almost family. A small, contented smile graced her lips as she looked down the table to her left. Ami was so beautiful, so delicate. She wondered what she had done in a past life to deserve the gentle bluenette and thanking every deity she could think of for gifting her with Ami’s love. Somehow sensing the gaze directed upon her, Ami turned in her aqua colored bridesmaid’s dress only to catch herself falling into twin pools of lush, sparkling emerald; a smile coming to her as well. Makoto looked so handsome in her white tuxedo and she felt a surge of desire surface within her. She took hold of that feeling and burying it inside her, not suppressing it but nurturing it, knowing that they would eventually get to have some time alone. She couldn’t hold down the slight blush that graced her cheeks at that thought however, still retaining some of her former shyness. Someday soon, she hoped that Makoto might ask for her hand in marriage. And if necessary, Ami thought, she could always ask the taller brunette first. “Sleep with me tonight. Sleep with me tonight. Sleep with me tonight.Sleep.” The whispered line, followed by the continued beating hiss of the snare slipped through the club as everyone looked on. Usagi lifted her head slightly and captured Michiru’s lips with her own, a light but no less passionate caress earning quite a few whistles and clapping from their friends and family that had come to help them celebrate the beginning of the rest of their lives together. Michiru smiled into Usagi’s lips, feeling her blonde lover mimic her, unaware of the somewhat troubled look that had been focused on them by Rei, or the other varying looks that the senshi had given the couple. Hotaru and Chibiusa chose that moment to interrupt the couple, wrapping one of each of their arms around Usagi and Michiru’s waists. Laughing they embraced them back.

“Congratulations!” they exclaimed together.

“Thank you very much, Hime-chan, Chibiusa-chan. It meant a lot to us that you could be the ring bearer and flower girl at the ceremony.” Usagi replied back.

“Yes, thank you for all you’ve helped us with this past week leading up to the wedding. We couldn’t have done it without you two.” Michiru smiled down at the raven-haired girl.

“Thanks for everything, Usagi-mama, Michiru-san.” Chibiusa said.

“I was honored to be able to help you with your wedding. I love you, Michiru-mama, Usagi-mama.” Hotaru said.

Usagi let out a small gasp, before smiling and tightening her embrace on the young girls. “We love you too, both of you.” She said, joy shining in her eyes as she looked at her new wife. Eventually the hug broke and the rest of the wedding party filed out onto the floor for the second dance, pairing off with their significant others. The second song started up, Breathe by Faith Hill, as the senshi moved in time to the beat.

The weathermen had predicted unusually warm weather for the week considering it was November, highs reaching the low 70s Fahrenheit. So it was with little surprise that the aquamarine convertible idled smoothly alongside the curb as the happy couple walked arm in arm out of the club, lined on either side by their friends and families blowing bubbles. Haruka climbed out of the car and joined Setsuna, dropping the keys into Usagi’s hand. “She’s got a full tank of gas, fresh oil, lube, tires checked, the whole works.” She stated, slipping her arm around Setsuna’s waist.

“Thank you for everything Haruka-chan.” Usagi replied with a smile.

“No problem. Have a good time and drive safe!”

“Here are the keys to the cabin, Michiru-san.” Minako said, handing the aqua-haired woman a set of keys, as Rei held her from behind.

“We’ve packed some snacks and drinks for the drive to the lake in case you get hungry or thirsty and need something to tie you over.” Makoto added, holding Ami’s hand.

“I was happy that I could be there for you in your wedding, Serenity-oka-san.” Chibiusa said, giving her future mother a hug.

“I’m happy you could be here too. I love you very much.” She replied, hugging the pink-haired girl back. “Will you still be here when we return?”

“Sadly no. I was only allowed to come back for a week. I’ll be staying with Hotaru-chan at Haruka and Setsuna’s house before heading back in three days’ time.” She replied.

“Thank you for being here for our wedding, Chibiusa-chan.” Michiru knelt gracefully beside her.

“No problem, Cele…er-Michiru-san.” The slight slip-up drew a look from the time guardian that went unnoticed by the rest of the senshi even as Michiru gave Chibiusa and Hotaru a hug before standing up.

“Thank you, all of you.” They replied, looking at their friends.

“No problem. We were glad we could help and be a part of your wedding.” Setsuna replied. “Now get going, lest you be late.”

“How can you be late for your own honeymoon, Setsuna-chan?” Minako asked.

“Oh…no particular way, its just time they got going.” She replied with a mysterious smile.

“You rely on that time thing a lot, Tsuna-koi.” Haruka nudged the guardian playfully in the side, getting only that look in return.

Usagi opened the door for Michiru, helping her into the car and making sure her dress wouldn’t get caught before shutting the door behind her. Moving quickly around the front of the Camaro, she climbed into the driver’s seat. Waving to their friends, Usagi revved the engine, slowly letting the clutch out as the car purred contently, rolling smoothly onto the road toward the highway. Written in washable paint on the back of the muscle car were the words “Just Married.” In the rear view mirrors, the couple could see their friends waving at them until they were out of sight. Usagi turned to her new wife, unable to stop smiling.

“I love you Michiru.”

“I love you too, Usagi. Now and forever.” She replied smiling herself as her hand covered Usagi’s own on the gearshift.

Usagi shifted into a higher gear, pushing the foot feed to the floor as they merged onto the highway, opening all eight cylinders in the Camaro’s engine and making it growl low and loud as they rapidly picked up speed, on their way to Rei and Minako’s cabin once again. The couple had decided on asking their friends if they could use the cabin for their honeymoon to which they had readily agreed. The wind whipped through Michiru’s hair as her new wife handled the car with ever growing precision. Usagi had requested shortly after they had gotten together to learn how to drive the foreign muscle car, hoping some day to get one for herself, although both knew she probably never would since Michiru already had one. But that was okay for them, Michiru was more than happy to teach her lover how to drive. And she had not been disappointed; Usagi quickly caught on to all the nuances of driving a stick-shift: learning how to shift using the sound of the engine, starting and stopping the car, feeling the rhythm of the Camaro as it moved, and being able to sense when the car started gaining power as the clutch was slowly released. Michiru was quite content to sit in the passenger seat, running her hand softly and sensually up and down her wife’s arm, teasing her lightly through the dress shirt she wore, having removed the tuxedo jacket before getting underway.

Usagi’s eyes trailed briefly from the road ahead over to the cruelly soft fingers deftly undoing the buttons on the wrist cuff of her shirt before lightly caressing the skin underneath. Usagi shuddered as she screwed her eyes back onto the road with great difficulty. The fingers continued their gentle exploration of her wrist and forearm, leaving a tingling, tickling sensation in their warm wake.

“You know, it’s not nice to do that when I’m driving.” Usagi said, trying to keep the now growing throb between her legs under strict control.

“You’re not the boss of me.” Came the reply, just soft enough to be heard over the wind.

Usagi felt a shifting of the seat before a pair of warm lips and tongue began caressing her neck, the hand on her arm moving to her thigh as another hand came to the collar of her shirt, slowly undoing those buttons as well. Usagi’s control wavered slightly, evident in the single, slight weave of the convertible on the road before it straightened out once more. Usagi let out a low moan, the hot wet sensation of her wife’s mouth sucking lightly at the juncture of her neck and shoulder made the steady throb turn into a constant dull ache. Dampness soaked her panties and heat infused her whole body, radiating from her core.

“Seeing you drive, manipulating the car like a master pianist making a piano sing under skilled hands; it’s making me so hot. I can’t wait to reach the cabin Kyuuketsuki-koi, so I can feel every part of you, sliding deliciously against me, your fingers raking down my back, your nails leaving red marks in their wake and me pressing farther into you from the burn of them.” Michiru whispered in Usagi’s ear as her right hand slipped into the now almost-fully unbuttoned shirt to cup a bra-covered breast, kneading it gently and feeling the hardened nipple underneath straining against the fabric, while her left hand rubbed deliciously on the inside of the blonde’s thigh, brushing lightly against her center.

“Oh Kami-sama.” Usagi’s eyes half-closed as the arousal she was trying so hard to keep in check, tore savagely through her.

“I want to hear you moan in my ear as I slide my fingers deep into your wetness, filling you up and making you beg for more, feeling your delicious heat wrap around me. I want to feel you as you come, your walls gripping me tight to hold me in, preventing my withdrawal.” Michiru hissed as she bit playfully into her wife’s neck, feeling her shudder hard beside her even as the car picked up more speed, the engine growing louder as the rpm climbed. “I want to see the desire and passion in your eyes as I lick my fingers clean, savoring your taste on my tongue before I kiss you.”

Usagi’s jaw gritted tight, her consciousness trying in vain to block the provocative imagery her mind was conjuring forth with lightning speed as her eyes locked onto the road ahead of them. Her grip on the steering wheel and gearshift white-knuckle tight, her arousal and love for the woman driving her crazy and pushing her closer to the edge with mere words and caresses; muscles quivering in the most pleasant of ways with each touch.

“You keep this up, Michiru, and I’ll be tempted to pull over at the nearest hotel we come across and spend the night there.” Usagi managed to get out.

“So don’t pull over…just…drive.” The senshi of Neptune hissed sensually in her ear.

Usagi shuddered as Michiru continued to kiss up and down her neck.

“Please, love, that’s not something I want to remember our honeymoon by despite how good this feels and how much I desperately want you.” Usagi managed to get out.

The comment got a slight reaction: a final, lengthy kiss on the neck and a retreating of the hand caressing her breasts. The one on her thigh remained, however, although its movements slowed a little. Despite the removal of most of the distractions, Usagi’s arousal did not dampen in the least. Her traitorous body cried out at the loss of most of the touch, despite the remaining hand caressing her thigh. A groan escaped her lips as her hand left the gearshift of its own will and gripped Michiru’s hand that was still on her thigh and pressed it hard into her heated center, feeling Michiru squeeze her lovingly as she cupped her, causing her eyes to lid over in pleasure. Once again, she heard her wife shift in her seat and the lips and tongue returned to her neck.

“Just…drive.” Michiru hissed again, drawing out yet another moan from the blonde as she keyed the cruise control button on the steering wheel so that the blonde could remove her feet from the pedals.

Oh God, I can’t believe I’m considering doing this while we’re on the road!’ The thought of what was about to transpire sent a new surge of arousal through her body and a fresh rush of moisture to her lower parts. ‘But it feels so good, the rush of the wind, the sound of the car, her hands running over me…her lips…oh God her lips.’ Once again the other hand returned beneath her shirt as she shifted slightly to give better access. This time, however, the hand slid beneath her bra to rest on her bare breast, kneading at the soft mound as the other agilely undid her belt buckle, button, and zipper on her tuxedo pants. The hand that slipped inside her silk panties to rub deliciously against her, fingers teasing her opening, involuntarily caused her legs to part to grant her wife better access.

“Feels so good…don’t stop.” Usagi panted as she fought to maintain her attention on the road, keeping the Camaro on the pavement but away from other traffic.

“Tell me what you want.” Came the reply, hot and sensual in her ear.

Several hours later the two of them lay under the covers of a large king-sized bed, wrapped up under the covers in the master bedroom of Rei and Minako’s cabin having made it there safely after their adventure on the highway. Once they had reached the lakeside cabin they had paused only to grab their luggage from the trunk of the car and sprint inside. Their desire and lust turned into the gentlest of lovemaking much later on, not sating their hunger for each other, but merely contenting it for the moment. As they slept together safe in each others’ arms and the full November moon shining upon them through the window, only its light was bearing witness to the conception of the two queens’ future daughter. And Crystal Tokyo’s princess.

The Silver Imperial crystal rose out from Usagi’s chest without her or Michiru’s awareness or conscious thought. It move down between them and stopped between their stomachs, it’s white glow infused with beams of turquoise as it enveloped the two women for a few moments. Two tiny sparks of light, no larger than the tip of a needle phased out from Michiru and Usagi and into the crystal. The shard flashed golden for a nanosecond before its light disappeared altogether. It gently floating back up the two sleeping women and phasing back into Usagi’s chest, but not before a small spark of light shone from within it, only slightly bigger than the two that had entered it only moments before. It wasn’t yet time for the child to be conceived, but when it was, Usagi and Michiru would be there to witness it. Until then, the spark would be nurtured and protected, wrapped in the secrecy and mystery of the Imperial Crystal.

Many kilometers away, the time guardian lie awake in bed, the gentle sounds of her lover’s breathing soft in her ear. Feeling the slight shifting of the stream and the soon to be new addition to their group, she smiled out at the moon, before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

A little late, but then again some things,’ she decided, ‘just never change.’


A/N - I don't own the rights to "Sleep" by Conjure One feat. Poe.

Chapter 11: Soft Cruelty Side Stories - Wonderful Night

Chapter Text

The moon hung in the midnight velvet sky, shining silver-white among a black sea of diamonds. Fresh fallen snow blanketed the neon lit city lights of Crystal Tokyo as they glowed serenely beneath sparkling Christmas lights. The city was strangely quiet, only a few people out and about. Every so often a pair of tire tracks could be seen in the snow that coated the streets and the car or truck that was making them as they trundled along. It was rare that such peace could be seen in such a concentrated population center busier than even New York City in the States. Some might call it creepy. Many however considered it a nice change from the normal hustle and bustle of their daily lives. And what better night than on Christmas Eve to observe such silence?

Soft Cruelty Side Stories

By: Resplendence of Starlight

Wonderful Night

Spider-like cracks and reflective patterns coated the edges of the large bay windows that afforded a view of the royal gardens behind the palace, signs that Jack Frost had visited them already. Evergreen shrubs and trees were covered in white as the larger seasonal trees and the smaller flower bushes scattered the moonlight with the crystalline covering of ice that coated their bare branches. Outside, blue-white Christmas lights highlighted the large stonework fence that surrounded the gardens as well as the rest of the palace grounds. Inside the bedchambers of the Royal Family, aqua and silver colors were common throughout the room underneath the Christmas decorations. A Christmas tree covered in red, gold, and silver tinsel and twinkling with white lights stood off in a corner. Festive holly and garland circled the trim work of the room while a stuffed Snowden plushie sat on a large two-person vanity next to a fat, red rabbit that looked to be well-loved.

I was reclining on the large bed propped up against the headboard by a cushion of numerous pillows. A book of poetry clutched lightly in my hands rested on my lap as I watched on in keen interest and with a mirthful smile as a certain blonde-haired Neo-Queen rummaged through our walk-in closet. I could hear the rustling of dresses and other clothing, the clinking and clacking of hangers hitting together and being slid along their bars, and the frustrated sighs and groans of my wife. A minute later saw Serenity appear in the doorway holding up two gowns, one an elegant red evening gown that flared out at the waist and fell to the floor. The other a simple white spaghetti strap dress with sequins coating the chest.

“Which one?” The slightly frazzled Serenity asked.

I merely chuckled at the irony of it all. Somehow, Serenity and she always managed to wind up sharing part of the same wavelength even after a century together. I placed a bookmark in the hardbound poetry before closing it and placing it on my nightstand. Sliding off the bed and standing up, I walk around to lean against one of the bedposts at the foot of the bed. I was clad in a teal strapless dress that cut off at mid thigh. A pearl necklace and matching earrings adorned my neck and ears while black high heels added to my height. I figured I hadn’t worn it in a long while and we were the queens of Crystal Tokyo so I could dress how I liked. It was the same outfit I had worn all those decades ago when we had first met.

“Celestia! You can’t go wearing that! This is a formal party!” Serenity exclaimed.

“We’re the queens of Crystal Tokyo. Besides,” I replied with a dubious look at the white dress, “That looks awfully familiar and if I’m not mistaken, not entirely ‘formal’ either.”

Serenity had the decency to blush. I walked over to her, my heels clicking lightly on the floor and silencing as I stopped in front of my wife who looked up at me. Silently I took the red dress from the blonde’s hand and brushed past her into the closet, hanging it back up in its proper place. Turning around I moved back toward my wife and took hold of her now free hand. Shutting off the lights in the closet and gently pulled Serenity out into our bedroom, I gave her a sideways smile. I let go of the blonde and returned to our bed, sitting back down on it.

Serenity moved to the vanity, hanging the dress on a side hook, her question answered. She stripped down out of her clothes, putting on a clean white bra and underwear. She glanced over her shoulder, catching me watching and giving me a smile. I blushed before turning back to my book. The blonde took the dress off the hanger and pulled it over her head. It flowed down over her like silk as she adjusted the straps on her shoulders and the dress around her bust. She opened her jewelry box and looked through the neatly separated rings, necklaces, and earrings. She spied what she was looking for in a slightly dusty corner of the box. Pulling them out, she wiped them off with a small cleaning rag she kept on the vanity. It was the diamond earrings and diamond teardrop necklace. She hummed a little to herself as she put them on. Sitting down at her seat in front of the mirror she picked up her hairbrush and began brushing her hair until it shone in the lights of their private sanctuary. She braided it down her back, coiling part of it up into a bun on her head leaving the rest to hang freely over her shoulder. She put on a light blush and some mascara and eye-liner, and applied some strawberry lip gloss to complete her primping. Standing up she turned and looked at me who quite a while ago had given up on reading and instead chose to watch my beautiful wife, wondering how I got so lucky as to be blessed with her love.

“Do I look all right?” Serenity asked.

Smiling at the question, I stood and walked up to my soulmate, my hands resting on her hips and pulling her softly against me. Serenity’s own hands came to rest on my shoulders.

“Yes, you look wonderful tonight.” I whispered before leaning down and lightly kissing soft lips that responded immediately.

The Great Hall of Crystal Tokyo was done up in festive cheer, two huge Christmas trees, both easily twenty feet tall sat at each corner of the building as a sign announced the annual Crystal Christmas Party for the citizens of the city and anyone who might want to come. Tickets were separated into price ranges to allow all a fair chance at getting a place inside the great hall. The Chevrolet Highlander SUV pulled up along side the curb, Celestia putting it in park as a valet opened the doors for her and her wife. The tinted windows didn’t allow them to see inside the vehicle so it came as great shock when their queens stepped from the SUV. Smiling at the valet, Celestia walked carefully around the front of the car and took Serenity’s offered hand as the two of them walked up the red carpeted steps that had been kept clear of snow. They weren’t afraid of much, seeing as how their union had ignited within them powers greater than that of the rest of the senshi combined, thus they did not feel vulnerable nor did they take no for an answer when they told their security detail they would go by themselves. Not to mention there was hardly a soul in Crystal Tokyo that didn’t like the Royal Family.

Serenity and Celestia smiled at their people as they walked among them into the hall’s entrance foyer taking time to stop and visit for a little bit with those they knew and those they didn’t. Apparently no one thought that they were going to be here. Their choice of apparel also was accepted gracefully and without many questions, but countless comments on how beautiful they complimented each other. Just then, one of the hall managers came up to them and informed them that their announcement of arrival was going to be made to the main ballroom. Making their excuses to the people in the foyer, they followed the manager to the doors who tapped twice on them, paused, and tapped twice more. Sounds of a few trumpets came muffled through the thick oaken doors followed by the voice of the announcer.

“Presenting to you citizens of Crystal Tokyo, your Neo-Queens Serenity and Celestia Tsukino-Kaioh!”

The doors opened up before us and we stepped through to loud applause, whistles and cheering. We smiled and waved as we made our way inside, heading toward the front of the table section where we had learned that the Inner and Outer Senshi were gathered. Everyone turned to look at us, and I bore it silently and with grace. And then she asked me, leaning close to whisper in my ear for she knew my feelings about large crowds.

“Do you feel all right?”

I turn and look at her, feelings of love and contentment swelling up almost painfully within me as I whispered back, kissing her cheek.

“Yes, I feel wonderful tonight.”

I felt wonderful as the night went on and I watched my wife, my love, my life, spend time with each and every guest. She was truly amazing and had a heart larger than the sky with room for everyone, but a special place for me. And as I stood listening to some news that Haruka and Makoto were discussing about their self-defense school, I turned to search out Serenity within the crowd. I found her almost instantly, and she looked at me as well. There in her eyes I saw a light shining within that I knew was her love for me. And I knew that it shone just as brightly as the love that was certainly shining from me as well because I saw that soft smile grace her lips. The children around her whom she was reading a classic Christmas story to looked up at her and followed her line of sight to me. They whispered quickly among themselves as they looked on at their queens and even though I noticed them in my vision, all I truly saw was Serenity.

Just Serenity.

And for all the words that humans could create. For all the songs they could write. For all the feelings and emotions they had and the ways to express them in art and music, they were all inadequate. Inadequate for describing exactly how I felt. And the wonder of it all is that she didn’t realize just exactly how much I loved her. And I knew that it was most certainly the same for her love for me. I gently excused myself from my two friends who both shared knowing looks and gently pushed me in the direction of my wife. I made my way through the crowd of people all talking, laughing, and having a good time. The children nestled close in around my wife moved slightly to allow me to step around them and sit down next to Serenity. I picked up the little boy who had been sitting next to her and sat him on my lap, my arms wrapping around him in a hug.

“Merry Christmas.” I smiled at them all.

“Merry Christmas Queen Celestia!” they chimed back.

Knowing exactly what was coming didn’t stop me from leaning in and giving my wife a quick peck on the lips as the little girl sitting on her lap shifted slightly. Giggles from the girls and some sighs or ‘ewws’ could be heard from the boys as I drew back.

“Merry Christmas, Usagi-koi.” I said, using her old name.

“Merry Christmas, Michiru-koi.” She replied in kind.

This in turn brought about questions from the little ones who were all watching their rulers acting just like their own parents, like normal people. The round of questions prompted some laughter from my wife and I as we told them tales of us growing up, our first Christmas together, and our first Christmas as the Royal Family. Time slipped slowly away as the hour drew closer to midnight.

The party wound down as the hour grew late. My head ached, probably from too much of the punch that was served at the bar in the back of the hall. I saw Serenity helping parents get their tired, and some sleeping, children ready to go home so that Santa Claus could visit them. I looked on as the parents thanked her for her help, wishing her Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hoped soon that we would have our own daughter, Chibi-Usa, to read The Night Before Christmas to on Christmas eve. I knew though that something was up. I had asked Setsuna about it quite some time ago in normal terms, but what seemed like just last year to us senshi. She had merely smiled that mysterious smile and told me to have faith. I knew Chibi-usa still existed for she had visited us twice in the past; once for that summer vacation where I had proposed to Usa-chan, and the second time for our wedding.

As she sees the last child safely off with her parents, I make my way over to her. She smiles at me and I return it tiredly. I give her the keys to the SUV, telling her about my head. She kisses my cheek and wraps an arm around my waist, her other hand gripping my own. We walk out of the hall and through the foyer, wishing the few people left a Merry Christmas as we gather our parkas from the coat check and put them on. Her arms return to their places and we step outside into the cold night air. Our SUV waits at the curb and she helps me into the passenger seat. She climbs in and starts the car. Not a word was exchanged between us as we made our way back to the palace through snow-covered streets.

We reach our bedchambers and strip down out of our dresses, placing them in a hamper near the closet. I brush my hair as she undoes the coil of golden tresses on her head, leaving her hair braided but hanging loose down her back. She slips a pink silk chemise over her nude form as I put on my teal silk tank top and pajama bottoms. We climb into our bed under the covers, with her cuddling up to my side. Wrapping an arm around her I reach up behind me to press the switch on the headboard to turn out the lights, and as I do so, I whisper words of love into her ear as we slip slowly into sleep. And all I felt was my love’s body against mine, our warmth a comforting protection.

“My darling, you were wonderful tonight.” My lips caress each of her eyelids before finding her lips. “You were wonderful tonight.”

The world slipped away into the dark and winter night, as the faint sounds of sleigh bells echoed through the air.

Chapter 12: Soft Cruelty Side Stories - Conception

Chapter Text

It was quiet on the grounds. The windows had been opened up to allow the cool summer night air to circulate through the Royal Palace. One or two guards could be seen guarding the gates as another patrolled the halls, always on alert for any hint of danger that they might keep their queens safe from harm. Down the senshi quarter at the end of the hall behind closed doors, Neo-Queen Celestia and Neo-Queen Serenity were busy unwinding from their long day in the best way they knew how: by taking the time to bathe together. Such a simple moment to most, but to Celestia and Serenity, it was one of the few moments in their now hectic lives where they got to have a few moments of peace. A few moments where nothing and no one were able to or allowed to interrupt them.

Soft Cruelty Side Stories

By: Resplendence of Starlight


The hot water rolled off of Serenity’s shoulders and down over her breasts as Celestia scooped up handfuls of it from the bath they were taking together and poured it gently onto her wife of over a hundred years. Serenity’s head tilted to the side as Celestia blew gently on her neck before kissing a love mark she had left there not thirty minutes previous when they had entered the bathroom. Serenity moaned a little and squirmed, cuddling back into Celestia’s embrace a little more and pulling her wife’s arms around her tighter. The glow of their lovemaking was all but physically tangible, anyone gifted with sight however would have that sight blinded for well over double the two weeks Venus had been affected when she had made the mistake of taking a peek all those years ago.

“Do we have to get out yet?” Serenity whispered into the near darkness, split apart only by the light of a hundred candles lit and sitting about the royal bedroom’s attached master bathroom.

“Not yet, but soon. Or we’ll prune even more than what we are now.” Came the quiet reply.

Hands slowly wandered, arms slid across overheated and oversensitive skin. Moans and sighs were let out in the dim candlelight. Breaths began to come in shorter, quicker gasps as the two lovers built their fire up once again. And as the feelings built higher and higher, Celestia wrapped her arms tightly around her wife and picked her up out of the bath, earning a surprised gasp from Serenity which she quickly devoured in a hungry kiss. Not wanting to break the exchange for anything and knowing full well her wife’s state of body and mind as it matched her own equally, she stepped out of the bath.

Serenity’s mind barely registered the minor flare in power and the flash of turquoise-blue light from behind closed eyelids. However, it did register the fact that she was now fully dried off and being carried boldly out into their bedroom toward the bed. She smiled into the kiss, pulling back a hairsbreadth.

“I love it when you get impatient.”

“You’re not the only one with a few tricks to expedite things like this.” Came the reply before she was gently lowered to the bed.

They barely took time to slide into the covers and come together once again, a naked Celestia spooning her equally naked wife from behind, before something happened.

The full moon peeked out through the cloudy skies they had been having most of the day as the storm front Crystal Tokyo had been experiencing finally passed. Beams of blue-white illumination streamed down through the large windows to fall softly on the bed. And as they struck the couple, Serenity’s body went slightly rigid. Celestia took no notice because this frequently happened when they hadn’t been able to be with each other for over a week. It had been going on two weeks. However, a crystalline tone made her stop and open her eyes. And what she saw dazzled all rational thought out of her head.

Serenity’s whole body was glowing white. The symbol of the moon shone a bright silver upon her forehead and Celestia felt her power activate of its own will in response, the symbol of Neptune flaring into life upon her own forehead shining with a soft teal light. Serenity turned a slightly fearful look toward Celestia who now noticed herself glowing as well, a turquoise-blue color mingling freely with the pure white emanating from Serenity. She tried to speak but no word would come out. She could barely move a shaking hand up to cup Serenity’s face.

What’s happening to us?’ Serenity’s eyes cried out.

I don’t know but I will protect you, love.’ Celestia’s own gaze replied.

And as the two seemingly paralyzed women drew strength from the eyes of each other, the unthinkable happened.

Rising softly out of Serenity’s chest, shining with the combined auras of Moon and Neptune, the Silver Imperial Crystal made itself visible to the shocked queens. A warm sensation, calming and comforting filled their bodies as the light of the crystal grew brighter. A small glowing spark slowly phased out of the crystal as the two women looked on, floating down over Serenity’s body before sinking into her abdomen, filling her with an unmistakable feeling of happiness and contentment that left her confused. She looked up at Celestia who looked at her. And as they did, copies of their respective symbols appeared in the air between them. The glowing runes touched, fusing together before floating down and resting upon Serenity’s stomach. It flashed pink upon contact, held firm for a few moments and then faded into her. The soft humming tone of the Silver Crystal faded as the light surrounding them faded away, the crystal once again floating gently back to join with Serenity.

The two queens were left lying there, curled up against each other back-to-front, as their own glows slowly faded away as well, their symbols disappearing. Strength flowed into them once again and shaky breaths were drawn.

“What was…?” Serenity’s confused whisper fell off as realization began to dawn upon her.

“Do you think…?” Celestia’s simultaneous words died upon her own lips the same as her wife’s as it hit her as well.

A small smile graced Serenity’s lips as a matching one appeared on Celestia’s own. Their night activities completely forgotten, they pulled the silken sheets up over their bodies, Celestia once again curling up around Serenity, a hand finding its way to rest upon Serenity’s stomach as Serenity’s hand covered Celestia’s, resting over the spark of life now growing within. The others could wait until morning to hear the news.

And with that, the two soon-to-be mothers drifted off to sleep, the moonlight silently standing watch over them as it always had.

Chapter 13: Soft Cruelty Side Stories - Knowledge

Chapter Text

The morning was sunny and bright. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood, especially that of Queen Serenity who was currently sitting on a bench in the Palace Gardens singing softly a tune to herself. She held a hand over her stomach, absently rubbing slowly back and forth, smiling as she hummed. Queen Celestia watched from a Roman-style column on the grand patio of the castle some thirty yards distant. She remained unseen by her wife, simply content to observe her sit by the fountain and listen to her soft melody weave through the air. The song was soft and warm, wrapping around Celestia like a heated blanket. It felt like home to her soul, a place of safe haven in which her peace could never be disrupted. Rare were these moments, so when they did occur, Celestia always made sure to take full advantage.

Soft Cruelty Side Stories

By: Resplendence of Starlight


It was then that she realized that she had company. Favoring a glance to her left, she shifted her stance before returning to gazing at her wife.

“You seem to be in good spirits this morning, Celestia.” Mercury said, “Come to think of it, Serenity looks even happier than usual…you both do.”

Celestia just smiled mysteriously as Jupiter approached. The Thunder Goddess wrapped her arms around Mercury’s waist, holding her gently from behind and greeting Celestia.

“Good morning, Highness. Good morning, love.” She kissed the now blushing Mercury on the cheek.

“Good morning, Jupiter.” Ami smiled, leaning back into the embrace.

“It is indeed a good morning; in more ways that one.” Celestia replied. “And don’t call me Highness. We’re all friends here. It’s only required in public.”

Soon, Mars and Venus appeared next to the other two senshi and their queen to listen to Serenity’s song. Greetings were exchanged and once again Ami brought up the fact that their two queens seemed to be happier than usual that fine morning.

“Well, the storm front did finally leave.” Venus pointed out, “Is that why you’re so giddy?”

“Who’s giddy?” Came a familiar voice.

“Ohayo, Uranus.” The senshi greeted the Outer.

“Ohayo.” The sandy blonde replied, “Now what’s this about someone being giddy?”

“Celestia’s got a secret that she’s not telling!” Venus gushed.

“Minako! She’ll tell us when she’s ready!” Mars scolded her lover.

There was a small hum and soon a rift appeared in the air next to Uranus. None of the senshi said anything as Pluto stepped out, moving to put an arm around Uranus’ waist and give her a kiss on the cheek.

“You can’t just use the door like the rest of us, can you?” The wind senshi chuckled.

“I don’t walk anywhere unless I have to.” Pluto replied in that ever-calm voice of hers. “Besides, it’s not every day you learn about Serenity and Celestia’s new announcement.”

“Awww no fair! How come you know already and we don’t?!” Jupiter whined.

“She’s the Senshi of Time. Of course she’s gonna know.” Mercury pointed out.

By this time, Serenity was quite aware she had an audience however she paid them no heed. Her song continued as she saw Saturn appear from the other side of the gardens and come toward her. She smiled at the young woman as she hummed the ending of the song.

“Good morning Hotaru-chan.” She said peacefully.

“Gomen ne, Serenity-sama, but why do you still refer to me as Hotaru?” Saturn asked as she knelt in front of her queen, the butt of the Silence Glaive resting on the ground as she held it vertically.

“I guess old habits are hard to break, Taru-chan. Besides, no matter how long we live, you will always be Hotaru-chan to me. And please don’t call me that, Usagi or even just Serenity is fine.”

“Why are you holding your stomach? Does it hurt?”

Serenity’s smile grew a little wider. “No, it doesn’t hurt. Quite the contrary, I feel wonderful.”

“Why’s that?”

“Come here, Hotaru-chan. Sit next to your Usagi-mama.” She scooted to the side and patted the space on the marble bench.

Saturn sat down next to her. Serenity took her hand and placed it on her still flat stomach.

“I don’t understand…”

“Shh. You will, just focus.” Serenity said quietly. “Close your eyes and feel with your heart. What is it telling you?”

The birds chirped in the morning sun and a cool breeze blew through the gardens as the Senshi of Silence closed her eyes, attempting to do what Serenity told her to. ‘What does she mean feel with my heart?

The rest of the senshi looked on, slightly confused at the display they were seeing. Celestia said nothing. She merely stepped quietly past her protectors toward her wife and adoptive daughter. As she reached the pair and knelt down in front of them, she laid her head down on Serenity’s lap, her eyes joining Serenity’s in their focus upon the little firefly. And that was when they heard the soft gasp and violet eyes opened to look at the two.

“Chibi-usa!” Saturn exclaimed.

The two queens’ smiles and nods of confirmation were interrupted by a squeal of excitement coming from Venus. In less time than it takes a hummingbird to flap its wings, the three of them were surrounded by the now very excited senshi of the Inner and Outer courts as they came to join the soon-to-be mothers at the fountain.

The knowledge was out, and amid the excitement and planning (mostly by Venus), Celestia and Serenity shared a small kiss, whispering to each other words that came with new meaning to them both.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Chapter 14: Soft Cruelty Side Stories - Cravings

Chapter Text

“And make sure you get some extra chocolate in my shake!” came a voice from out of the bedroom.

“Yes love!” She called back, a pained expression on her face.

Sighing as she put on her coat and grabbed her gloves. The night watchman on duty that patrolled the palace halls wasn’t surprised to see one of his Queens up and about at late hours because it had been happening a lot lately. What he was surprised to see though was Queen Celestia fully dressed for the winter weather. She gave him a tired smile and waived off his questions about her destination as well as an offer for an armed escort. By now most of the Royal Guard knew that their matrons did not like relying on escorts all the time however they relented when it was truly needed.

Soft Cruelty Side Stories

By: Resplendence of Starlight


Celestia walked down to the underground parking garage below the palace and climbed into the Highlander. Starting the engine, she shivered a bit. Though the garage was heated, it was still barely forty degrees inside. Checking the dash and gauges, she shifted into gear and pulled out of the complex into the fresh falling snow. Down the lane, she stopped carefully at the gates to let the guard know that she wouldn’t be gone for very long. He inquired if this was one of those ‘night cravings’ that pregnant women get, laughing slightly at the evil look Celestia shot him. He warmly informed her that his own wife too, had sent him out at 2 a.m. in the morning for a chocolate banana sundae with extra pickles and strawberry sauce. Celestia made a face at that and the guard laughed as he opened the gates.

“Drive safely, your Highness.”

She nodded as she rolled up the window and pulled out into the snow covered roads of Crystal Tokyo. The night was calm, there was no wind, but the skies were completely dark as large, heavy snowflakes fell from the quite-possibly-still-dark-gray clouds that were part of a storm that had settled down right on top of Tokyo. Here and there a snowplow was seen, the city’s maintenance workers waging a constant war against the frozen white. As she made her way through the mostly deserted streets, each and every store she saw was dark. They were closed on this Christmas Eve, probably all safe and warm at home, snuggled under the covers of their beds.

Where I wish I was at this moment. But if it’s for Usagi-koi, I’ll do it.’ She thought, driving through the stoplights that had switched to night-mode.

The main roads flashed yellow, alternating with the crossing roads flashing red. Spying one store front with its lights still lit, she pulled over and stopped at the curb in front of it. Shutting off the engine, she climbed out. Locking the doors behind her, she pulled her overcoat tighter around herself as she walked up to the store, opened the door and walked in. The jingle of bells greeted her as the door shut behind her. Stamping the snow off her boots on the large rug, she passed by a large blower that hummed along, blowing a constant draft of air toward the door and over the rug.

“Hello? Anyone here?” Celestia called out.

“Ah, I’m afraid we’ve just closed for the night! I was about to head home.” Came a voice, followed by the shuffling of feet. A man came out from the room behind the counter. Seeing who his late-night customer was he instantly changed his mind, “Oh! Celestia-san, forgive me. Was there something you needed?”

“No, that’s alright, if you’re closing I can find somewhere else.”

“Nonsense! For you and Serenity-san, my services are always ready, my inventory always available, my store always open.” He waived it off, stepping up behind the register and leaning against the counter.

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. Even a royal order from you would not change my mind.” He smiled.

“If you’re sure…” Celestia hesitated. Something about this kindly young man was familiar, and it didn’t sit well with her that she couldn’t put her finger on why exactly he was familiar.

“Positively. Now, what can I do for you Celestia-san?”

“If it’s not too much trouble, I need a double-cheeseburger with fries and a large chocolate milkshake, extra chocolate.” She said.

“Ah. Say no more. Late night craving for your wife?” He smiled as he set to work, pulling various items out of the freezer and refrigerator behind the counter and firing up the stove.

“Yeah, she woke up in the middle of the night extremely hungry-”

“And a hungry Serenity is a restless Serenity.” He finished, laughing.

“Yes! Exactly!” Celestia chirped back, sighing as she smiled and shook her head, thoughts of her blonde wife floating through her mind.

“I’m pretty sure our matron’s appetite is quite renowned.”

The sizzle of the grill filled the small corner shop and bistro as its owner and his queen let the scent of the food fill their senses. Why was he so comfortable to talk to and why was he so casual around her? As the man bustled about around the grill, Celestia finally voiced her questions to the shopkeeper.

“Forgive me for asking, and I mean no offense, but why are you so casual with me? No one is this informal around me or toward me due to me being royalty. And why does it feel so comfortable?” Celestia said cautiously. “You seem so familiar, but I cannot remember why.”

The man’s actions slowed to a halt as his spatula rested on the grill. She saw him bow his head, shaking it slightly. She caught sight of a small smile on his face. A face so familiar yet so unknown to her.

“Complete random chance? Fate? Destiny? Take your pick. It has always been like this. No matter how much I try to escape you and the Senshi, I inevitably find myself right back in your presence.” His voice sounded.

He shut off the stove and finished up the order, moving to the blender and refrigerator to make the milkshake.

“I don’t suppose you caught the name of my shop on your way in the door did you?” he asked.

“No I didn’t, however that doesn’t answer my questions.” Celestia replied.

The man smiled, placing the cheeseburger and fries into a paper bag and finished the extra chocolate milkshake. Setting the bag on the counter between them, he looked at Celestia. Her questioning frown turned into a look of surprise as she noticed the emblem on the front of the paper bag:

Ocean Mystic Market and Grill”

She looked back up into the face of the man. Light brown hair cut short, a beard and mustache on his chin and around his mouth, glasses resting on his nose, and green eyes staring back. She gasped, a hand covering her mouth as her eyes grew wide.

“Not exactly the reaction I wanted, but one close to what I expected. No, Michiru, you’re not dreaming and no I’m not a ghost.” He chuckled.


“The one and only.” He smiled and nodded.

“But what? How? That’s impossible! You disappeared over 90 years ago out at sea! You should be dead!”

“What? I don’t know. How? I’m not sure of that either. Impossible? We both know that nothing is impossible. As to having disappeared, I’m right here. And since I’m right here, breathing and with a pulse, I’m the most alive-looking dead man you’ve probably ever seen.” He chuckled again, moving out from behind the counter.

Walking toward his now-in-tears Queen, he wrapped her up in a warm hug. “It’s good to see you again, Michiru-san.”

“It’s good to see you too, Jonathan-kun.”

They held each other for a while before breaking apart. Jonathan handed Celestia a tissue, and stood by patiently while she blew her nose and wiped her eyes.

“Now that you know where my little shop is, I expect us to catch up on all that we’ve missed since I’ve been gone. But that will have to wait for another day, I’m afraid. Knowing Usagi-chan, if you don’t get back soon you may wind up on the Royal Couch. And I need to get the Mystic closed up and get home.” Jonathan said.

“I’ll hold you to that, Jonathan. I’d also like to know how you’ve hardly aged a day in the past century.”

“We’ll save that for when we catch up.” He smiled. “There are parts of it that are a mystery to me as well. Perhaps Ami-chan can help us get to the bottom of it.”

“I’ll talk to her about it first thing in the morning.”

“You do that.” He walked her to the door. “Now, be off with you! Lest you keep Serenity waiting!”

“Heaven forbid!” Celestia laughed she replied, taking the bag from her old friend. “Have a happy Solstice, Jonathan.”

“You too, Celestia. Drive safe, the roads are slick.”

Spirits lifted from her unexpected reunion with her and her wife’s old friend who was mysteriously still alive after a century, Celestia headed back out into the falling snow. She climbed back into the Highlander, started the engine, and pulled slowly away. She made her way back down the streets she came, the Palace growing in front of her. The night watchman at the gates opened them again upon seeing his Queen return safely.

“Welcome home, Highness.”

“Glad to be back.” She replied.

She made her way into the parking complex, pulling back into the parking space reserved for the SUV. She cut the engine and climbed out, grabbing the food for her very pregnant wife and made her way back inside the Palace. Walking down the halls, she made her way back into their bedroom to find Serenity trying unsuccessfully to get out of bed. Laughing a little at her wife’s plight earned her an angry look. She set the bag down on the table and moved over to help Serenity out of the bed.

“You’ll never believe who I saw tonight, love…” Celestia began as she and Serenity made their way over to the table in the corner of their room.

Chapter 15: Soft Cruelty Side Stories - Displaced Visions

Chapter Text

It never rained on the Moon.

The only usable water that existed there was frozen under the ground, deep beneath the surface. Factories were set up to harvest the ice and turn it into drinkable water. Water was also imported in from other planets that had abundant supplies of it, mostly Neptune. Sure the Moon had oceans just like the many other planets and moons throughout the Solar System, but they were made of a different molecular variant of water, and incompatible with the inhabitants of the Moon Kingdom.

Serenity had never seen the rain.

Soft Cruelty Side Stories

By: Resplendence of Starlight

Displaced Visions

There were never clear skies on Neptune.

It rained constantly. The skies were always overcast at best and dark with heavy clouds full of water at worst. The only dry areas were the underwater cities that floated beneath the surface of the ocean that made up the massive planet. There was no dirt or dust, sand or rocks on Neptune. The only rocks that existed were the imported stone blocks used in monuments and certain government buildings and the royal palace. Stones brought in from many planets, mostly from the Moon and Earth.

Celestia had never seen the sky.

It was always bright on the Moon.

Light from the Sun streamed in on the lunar surface during the day time. It was bright and cheerful and always warm. At night, the light of the stars as well as the Earthlight, sunlight reflected from the Earth, allowed the citizens of the Moon Kingdom to see clearly. There were street lights, of course, but they were more of a formality than anything actually required. The pale gray surface of the Moon was a great amplifier for the starlight at night.

Serenity had never seen the darkness of space.

It was always dark on Neptune.

The oceans were deep, and the atmosphere thick with clouds and storms and turbulent winds. The distance from the Sun meant that almost all of the light that reached them was absorbed, blocked, or reflected off Neptune’s atmosphere. The cities floated over three kilometers beneath the surface to protect them from waves, even as they moved with the currents. The only light in the cities was of artificial sources, increasing and decreasing to simulate day and night.

Celestia had never seen the light of the Sun.

Then came The War.

Celestia was sent to the Moon.

They had only had a few weeks together, and yet they had felt as though they had known each other for eternity, trapped inside the Palace bunker with the other scouts.

They had only had a few days to talk to each other, and yet they had fallen deeply in love with each other, long conversations spending what precious little time they had.

They had only had a few hours to be alone, and yet they had made the most of it, exploring each others’ bodies with lovers’ caresses and soulmates’ kisses.

They had only had a few minutes to say goodbye, and yet they held each other tightly, as the other scouts held the line just outside the launch bay.

They had only had a few seconds before losing sight of the other, as the escape ship blasted down the launch tube and into the blackness of space.

Serenity was smuggled to Neptune.

It never rained on the Moon…

Until Celestia poured forth her tears, wondering if she might see Serenity again in the next life, her powers flaring out with murderous fury in her heartbroken agony.

There were never clear skies on Neptune…

Until Serenity stared up through the waters, wondering if she might see Celestia again in the next life, her powers piercing through with stoic precision and heart-wrenching dread.

It was always bright on the Moon…

Until Celestia fell in battle protecting her love, making sure she escaped The War so she would live, the fires and smoke blocking out the light.

It was always dark on Neptune…

Until Serenity ignited the full power of the Silver Crystal, making sure that she would end The War so she would die, the radiant energy ripping through the dark.

Soft Cruelty: The Complete Collection - Resplendence_Of_Starlight - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.