The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

PAGE TWENTY-SIX THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 12, 193. car, carried the negro to the hospital CROSS SECTIONS FUNERAL NOTICES after the accident. Coleman was charged by police with reckless driv EDGIN Funeral services for the in I Wisconsin Captain Says Meanwell! Offered Him a Drink of Whisky Wilsons Dad Gets Trip To Bowl DALLAS. Texas.

Dee. U.W DECATUR CAGERS CARD TEN GAMES The Decatur basketeers defeated a strong Lithonia team Tuesday night on the DeKalb County school court by fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-lian Edgin will be held this (Thursday) afternoon from the graveside, in Hill Crest cemetery. Blanchard Brothers Funeral Home, 10S8 Peachtree street.

Fulton County Post, No. 1S4, American Legion, will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7 o'clock tonight at the Winecoff hotel. Plans will be perfected for the annual community Christmas tree celebration, hel dat Peachtree road and Andrews drive, for underprivileged children of north Fulton county. Dr. E.

R. Kellersberger. knighted FUNERAL NOTICES HUGHES The friends of Mrs. Lelia Hughes, Mr. and Mrs.

F. A. Elliott and family. Mr. and Mrs.

B. C. Campbell. Mr. Chester Hughes, Mr.

Wallace Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Knight, Mr.

and Mrs. W. W. Knight, Mr. and Mrs.

A. L. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. C.

F. Moody are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lelia Hughes tomorrow Friday) afternoon at 2 p. m. from the Emanuel Baptist church.

Interment. New Hope cemetery. J. Austin Dillon funeral directors. ing.

Fred K. Stephens, of Atlanta, yesterday was elected vice president of the American Federation of State. County and Municipal Employes in the closing session of a three-day convention in Chicago. Mr. Stephens is an employe of the Atlanta city parks 'department.

BLIND MAN FACES TRIAL FOR MURDER MADISON, Dec. 11. (AP) A statement by football John Golemgeske, that Athletic Director Walter E. Meanwell had TEMPLES Mr. Allen Temples, of published today shortly after Dr.

Th happiest man in Tevas tonight is offered him a drink of whisky was pu Robert AV 1 son. Glade-, water, cafe manager, and proud father den'ed tampering with a score or la to lo, proving the value of E. P. Story, who is now in charge of the DeKalbera. Coach Stnru nro- 'isconsin football players in order Belgium and distinguished for his duced a fifth district championship i 1 i medical by last Avondale.

services in the Congo, will t. Alpharetta, passed away in an Atlanta hospital, December 10, 1935, in his 46th year. He is survived by his wife, mother, four sisters and four brothers. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Harold H. Sims.

of elusive Robert Wilson the All-' to obtain a change of coaches. America at Southern Method- The statement, which the Capital Times said was signed by Golem-it I'niversity. i geske and notarized, enlivened the Wisconsin athletic controversy result- team year at Atrrr Southern Methodist aecepjen ing lst, week, when Golemgeske said he had circulated a petition calling invitation to piay ruaniora in m- i for the ouster of Dr. Clarenc ce Spears, head football coach, with the sanc McLAIN Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs.

R. G. McLain, of Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. A.

E. Tyson, of Woodstock, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Shaw, of Marietta. THOMPSON Mr. Madison Thomp- ifurnin's Rose Bowl New Year's iay. friends went to the cafe to congratulate Wilson Senior.

He informed tion of Meanwell. Meanwell denied the charges of the captain-elect that he had instigated the ouster petition, and said he did not have any comment to make now on the additional remarks attributed to Golemgeske. Ga and Mr. Robert McLain, of speak at the North Avenue Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock Sunday morning and at 7 :30 o'clock Sunday night. Mrs.

Kellersberger will address women at a meeting to be held at 10 o'clock Monday morning in the ladies' parlors of the activities building. Culver Caraway, Thomas Clark, Dean Dryer, K. E. Gemes, Ray Hart-well. Ralph Mitchell, A.

L. Lindsey, Ed Martin, Paul Rosenzweig, Henry T. Smith, Gilbert Stockton and Jack Turner will be Initiated as members of the Speakers" Club of the Univer Blackwell. are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. R.

G. Mc paxsea away yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon, December 11, 1935, in the 74th year of his age. The remains were removed to the funeral home of Blanchard Brothers. 1088 Peachtree street. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Lain this (Thursday) morning at Afflicted Defendant Is Accused of Taking Life of Sweetheart. BOSTON, Dec. H.For the first time in local judicial history, a blind man will take the witness stand tomorrow in an effort to escape death in the electric chair. The defendant. Forrest K.

Wells, blind mendicant musician, is accused of throwing his almost blind sweetheart, Helen Martin. 27. from a third-story window of a rooming house to her death. They had been familiar figures on Boston sidewalks as she led him about the citv while he til a veil 10 clock from Mars Hill church. Rev.

J. L. Plexico will officiate. Interment in churchyard. J.

Collins' Son, funeral director. PORT them "circ*mstances" would not permit him to make the expensive trip to see his son play at Pasadena. I 'a I. But in the Gladewater oil field, where men gamble and toss away fortunes overnight, came the circ*mstances removers." Friends and strong supporters of Coach Madison Hell's Smithern Methodist Mustanzs held a little get-together, then walked over to the cafe. They called WiUon aside and him the circ*mstances he referred to had been definitely removed that he was going first class to the Rose Bowl.

NELSON Mr. F. Loyd Nelson. The Capital Times quoted Golemgeske as saying Meanwell approached him when the football squad was returning by train from the Wisconsin-Northwestern game at Evanston, 111., and "told me that there was a drink for me in his bag when I looked in the bag. I found the whisky I had a drink out of the bottle and closed the bag." Regarding Meanwell's statement today the Capital Times quoted Golemgeske: "As athletic director of the sity System Evening school at cere WILLS Died.

Mrs. J. W. Wills, of S31 Myrtle street. N.

December light monies to be held at a clock to morrow night on the roof garden of 11. 193o. She is survived by her daughter. Mrs. George B.

Iloyt -oo Matthews avenue, X. (Kirk-wood), entered into rest Wednesdar night, December 11. in his 4oth year of age. The remains were removed to the funeral home of Blanchard. 10S8 Peach-tree.

Funeral arrangements will announced later. the school. Other than the N. G. C.

and the fifth district tournaments, 10 cage games have been arranged for the DeKalb team during the fall and winter. Decatur's first team lineup has Arthur Bishop and Charles Anderson as forward Jack Shealey as center, and Earthman and Campbell as guards. Among the reserves are Bill Ferguson, Bill, Morgan and Paul Gleason as forwards Jack Shealey as center, and and Dick Grace and Bill Kirby as guards. A strong team is rapidly developing from this outfit which is expected to give all competitors something to worry about. The decatnr schedule follows: January 7 Fulton at Decatur.

January 10, Russrll at Russell. Boya and girla.) January 14 Fulton at Fulton. January 17 Eussell at Russell. (Boya and girls.) January 21 Open. January 24 Druid Bills at Decatur.

(Boys and girls.) January 8 Marietta at Decatnr. (Boys and girls.) January 30 Open. January 31 Open. February 1 Open. February 4 North Fultoa at Decatur.

(Boys and girls.) February 7 Druid Bills at Druid Hills. (Boys and girls.) February 11 North Fulton at North Fulton. (Boya and girls.) February 13 N. G. I.

C. tournament. February 18 Open. Febrnary 21 Marietta at Marietta. (Boya and girls.) February 25 District tournament.

February 28 Open. sisters. Mrs. R. L.

Turman. Mrs. G. Harvey Clark and Mrs. Otho Smoot.

both of Richmond, John Blick, proprietor of Blick's Bowling Center, has signed a new 10- University of Wisconsin people may be inclined to take his word before Mrs. M. Y. Cox. Louisville, Ky.

year contract for space at l7 each R. II. MeCaslin. Memphis, tree street, it was announced yester people whole a banjo and sang for small coins of pedestrians. Today on trial for murder he sat motionless while a police stenographer read a purported confession in which he was quoted as ndmitting the crime, and admitting he threw his sweetheart's little dog after her.

following a year and a half of "discontent and arguments." 'hey do mine, but I want the LlCOrffC JUUSn to know that I have told the truth in the matter." Tenn. brother. Hon. John Garland day, and plans to install 20 new al Pollard, Washington. D.

C. The re leys. The lease was handled by Bow 'I have acted properly in this affair mains were taken last (Wednes ie Martin, real estate firm, and calls for a total rental of $35,000. day) evening via S. A.

L. railway Apologizes to Richmond, for funeral serv SHLMAN The friends of Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph Shuman, Mr. and Mrs.

Morris Isikoff. Misses Ethel and Cor-rine Shuman, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sweet.

Miss Lillian Isikoff, Mr. Ot-tis Isikoff are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Shuman this (Thursday) morning at 11 clock from the chapel of Sam Green-berg Co. Rabbi Harry Epstein and Cantor M. Landman officiating.

Interment Greenwood ices and interment. H. M. Patter N. P.

Moore was elected high priest inasmuch as it is my duty as athletic director to receive apy and all confidences, suggestions, protests and complaints concerning athletics," Meanwell declared. The director said Golemgeske came son Son. To Irish of East Point chapter, No. U7, Royal LONG The friends and relatives of Continued From Second Sports Page. stretch.

And the Scots seem to have it. In addition to Cruickshank there are also Mae Smith, Willie MacFarland and Tommy Armour. Any one from this quartet may step out and win a big tournament at any given date. One advantage they have over many others is their ability to play almost any type of shot. They are not restricted to a long drive and a blasting iron.

They are especially dangerous on windy days where control counts. These four Scots would be a good match against any four-man team you could name from any other golfing nation, not even barring the pick of the United States homebreds. BOSTON. Dec. 11.

Stoutly i to him December 3 and informed him Arch Masons, as new officers were chosen for the year. Other officers include H. O. Lambert, king; W. R.

Myatt scribe; Edgar Rudisill, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Long.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Long. Mr. and Mrs.

ndvocating out-and-out payment of that IS members of the football squad mrreed with him (Golemgeske) that a Ld Long, Mr. Jimmie Long. Mr. INCUMBENTS BEATEN IN DALTON ELECTION DALTON. Dec.

11. The defeat of incumbents featured the bi-yearly municipal election held here today, with the election of a new mayor, chief of police, city recorder and one alderman. O. R. Hardin won the mayoralty and Mrs.

J. T. Cleland and Mr. and treasurer; F. A.

Johuson, secretary; W. J. Anderson, captain of the host Carl Cathey, principal sojourner; Mrs. J. A.

Mainville are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. J. W. Long, today (Thursday) Decemher 12, at 11 a. from Turner Hill rollegp athletes.

Professor George Owen of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, today apologized to the president of Notre Dame "if any statement of mine is Owen contended a large percentage of collpges were exploiting their ath-pt. for their own financial gain, and na quoted as arousing Notre Dame and Ohio State of being the "greatest change in coaching personnel was advisable. Meanwell said he told Golemgeske his only part in the matter would be to receive the petition or complaint and refer it as his duty to higher authority. John definitely complained of the Henry Adams, royal arch captain; A. W.

Taylor, master third veil George Whitehead, master second veil; W. R. M. Baker, master first veil; Baptist church. Rev.

E. A. Ather. Rev. Sammy Bryant and Rev.

War- man Fields will officiate. Interment. Shaw cemetery. Gentlemen se Mr- B- Mankin, of 6o Wilson road, N. December 11.

193r. He is survived bv his wife: daughter, Mrs. W. A. Moore, Beech Grove.

Tenn. Mrs. M. Moore, Bell Buckle, sons. Mr.

A. A. Mankin, Beech roye. Mr. F.

H. Mankin. Nashville. 5fr. S.

J. Mankin, Mr. W. R. Mankin.

Christiana, sister-in-law. Mrs. S. J. Mankin.

The remains were taken to Beech Grove, last (Wednesday) evening, December 11. at o'clock, via C. St. L. unsympathetic treatment of players HrnrA offender lected to serve as pallbearers meet fear for the loss of men Army and Navy Army and Notre year because of at the residence, ill Cooper street, at clock.

Donehoo He told the Press tpam nt wired an apology to Rev John probability that n'Hnra. president of Notre name, if dav. and quoted the wire as -P commons and expressed There were, of some would not remain unchang- Brandon Company. course, other ret- BLACKBURN The friends and rela Meanwell said. I WPIIl llOVt- Hi-til no ereuces.

tives of Jabo Blackburn. Mr. and "In total John's statements were a Mrs. R. T.

Blackburn, Mrs. Maude race over Dr. J. G. McAfee, incumbent, by a vote of 1.34(1 to S.S9 W.

H. Souther, former warden of Whitfield county convict camp, was chosen chief of police, defeating Chief W. H. Brittnn, incumbent, by a vote of 944 to'fiSfi. Cliff Warmack, also running for chief of police, polled 034 votes.

John Ray won the city recorder fight, polling 4S8 votes, as against the 403 votes of Frank Pruden. mn-ner-up. and the 390 votes of W. D. McNally.

incumbent. Ten candidates ran for this office. W. M. McDonald was elected first ward alderman, receiving 1.W19 votes, as against the 927 votes of Frank Watkins, incumbent.

L. L. co*ker. the other candidate, received 187 votes. Maddox Love, the only incumbent re-elected, won the race for third direct arraignment of the coaching methods employed, and included a re rauroau.

lor tuneral services and interment. H. M. Patterson Son. untrue.

I deeply apologize and regret an- misunderstanding." Owen, a professor of naval arcri- quest tor a cnange i-uniumg iuons Harvard football star of 12jeonneL" AUBURN COURT OUTLOOK GOOD AUBURN, Dec. 11. Alabama Poly's 1935 football squad will provide the Tigers with most of their basketball strength this season. It is too early to be naming Auburn's probable starters on the court this season, but a pretty safe guess is that four gridders will be in the first lineup and that an all-football quintet will appear in action several times. Auburn's hardwood prospects shape up much better than they did 12 months ago and a quintet that will rank with the average in the Southeastern -onferenee will wear the Orange and Blue during the cage campaign.

Coach Ralph Jordan does not have the timber to mould a championship five, but the Bengals should have lots of power. The forward berths on the first team probably will be manned by Captain Woodrow Barnes and Bobbie Blake. Blake is a valuable three-sport Dame California and Stanford among others have had ticket stampedes where the demand moved far beyond the supply. But the S. M.

Rose Bowl game finds over 80,000 additional parties out with a search warrant to locate some form of parkin-space for the human body. The Sugar Bowl rush is about as bad, so the two bowls this season will set a new mid-winter record for American football. It has been estimated that the two together would bring out over 200,000 spectators if there was only space enough to handle this many people One reason for this has been the colorful ingredients that make up all four teams. It isn't often that two football Roy F. Martin, sentinel.

J. A. Dickson, of 3119 Fortin street, New Orleans, yesterday asked The Constitution to aid him in locating his daughter, Mrs. Fred H. West, who lived here at one time.

He wishes to communicate with her. "The Practice of Medicine as it At-fects Mental Hygiene" was the subject of an address delivered to members of the Thirteen Club last night by Dr. Hal M. Davison. John N.

Armour entertained other members of the organization at a dinner held at the Atlanta Athletic Club. Miss Fannie Duvall, of the Apple-ton church home, Macon, will speak at 3 o'clock this afternoon to members of the St. John's (College Park) auxiliary. The event will take place at the parish house. St.

John's (College Park) Young People will give a play at the parish house at 7 :30 o'clock tomorrow night. There will be no admission charge. R. C. Ailor was re-elected chairman of the board of stewards of the St.

ears ago. bluntly insisted college athletes be openly paid in a speech before the Cambridge Industrial Association yesterday. Glenn S. Warner Wells and Mr. and Mrs.

I). F. Burns are invited to attend the funeral of Jabo Blackburn this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Central Christian church. Rev. A.

C. Teaco*ck will officiate. The following gentlemen will serve as pallbearers and assemble at the residence at 12:30 o'clock: Mr. W. L.

Cox, Mr. Ed Harhin. Mr. V. J.

Harbin. Mr. W. F. Belk.

Mr. B. A. Wells and Mr. W.

L. Harbin. Interment Greenwood cemetery. Classmates will act as honorary escort and please assemble at the church at 1 :13 o'clock. Howard L.

Here's answer to "dues in today's sports section. ward alderman. He polled 1.100. and Trautman Elected Association Head PATE Mr A. Pate, of Snellville, age 50, passed away at a pri- vate sanitarium in Atlanta Tues- day afternoon.

He is survived bv his widow and one son, Mr. W. A. '-Pate of Atlanta; two daughters. Mrs.

Julian Clark, of Jacksonville. and Miss Annette Pate, of Snellville two sisters, Mrs. Rex Lavender, Columbus. and Mrs. Re ii ten Pate McGee.

of Lawrenceville: two brothers, Mr. E. A. Prte, of Snellville, and Mr. T.

C. Pate, of Dearborn. two grandchildren, Julian Clark Jr. and Darron Clark. Fnneral services will be conducted this (Thursday) afternoon, December 12.

at 3 o'clock (eastern standard time) from Snellville Methodist church. Rev. F. Q. Echols officiating.

F. Q. Sammon, funeral director. Rv Central Press. Glenn S.

(Pop) Warner, now coach W. C. Hunsicker polled 1.070 votes. A total of 2.245 votes were cast in the election. All candidates were i of the Temtile University team, is CHICAGO.

Dec. 11. (J) George one 0f tne greatest originators the Millard "Red" Trautman. former i mo ne football has known, and some Ohio State football hero, will pick nt historv's greatest players have been up wlnre 71 vear-old Thomas Jeffer ileveloned under his teaching. Perhaps the greatest player War son Mickey left off in leading the American assoeiafon as president.

elected for two-year terms. Canadian Hang. PEMBROKE. Dec. 11.

(P) Baby-Faced Mian Cowan, 17, was sentenced today to be hanged on February 27 for the murder of his Albert, in what the crown charged was a plot conceived by Albert's wife. The wife. Mrs. Mary Cowan, now is ner ever coached, at least from the standpoint of natural ability, was Jim flic husky Ohioan, known in nase- mainstay. Captain Barnes is the only member of the non-football group SMITH The friends of Mr.

and Mrs. T. M. Smith. Mrs.

W. M. Alley, Mr. and Mrs. C.

H. Hames, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.

Hankins. Mr. and Mrs. II. L.

White. Miss Frances Alley, Mr. and Mrs. William Alley. Mr.

and Mrs. Russell Alley and Mr. Princeton Alley are invited ball as the "man without an enemy." xhorpe. Warner was conch at Carlisle was elected to the presidency for twnL vhpn Thorpe came along, and the years today after a close battle I mpntor built a formidable team around John Methodist church at a reorganization meeting, it was announced yesterday. Other officers are R.

B. Deavors, vice chairman H. E. Askew, secretary, and J. A.

Flury, treasurer. BRADLEY The friends of Miss Nan votes with 1.I Miave. r. ram news on trial for the murder. games will produce such stars as Grayson.

Moscrip, Bobby Wilson, Spain. Shuford. Lester. Mickal, Baugh. Lawrence, Tinsley, Rukas, Wetzel and a few others who have played their way into national prominence.

I doubt that any other two games of the year could show as wide variety of play as these two bowl parties will put on. Grayson running against Wilson-r-Baugh passing against Mickal are two features alone that are stirring up conversation over two weeks in advance. It is a tribute to the big boom in southwestern fooball that two of these four teams come from that section with L. S. II.

in a neighboring state. Dallas and Fort Worth have set a new record for talent massed in one compact area, when you consider quality and quantity combined. the powerful, shifty Sac and ox Indian. At Pittsburgh later, Warner coached among others Jock Sutherland, an standing out as a potential starter. A senior, Captain Barnes, who lives at New Site, has been one of the Tigers' high scorers for two campaigns and his skillful all-around ability places him at the No.

1 forward post. Blake has improved lots under Coach Jordan, and looks all set to enjoy a successful season. Sneaker E. D. Rivers, of the house paperman.

Trautman won by a margin of to and the vote later was made unanimous. Trautman. 15 years old. has been to attend the funeral of Mrs. T.

M. Smith this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock from the chapel of J. Austin Dillon Company. Rev. W.

Lee Cutts will officiate. Interment, FUNERAL NOTICES of representatives, was reported at a ex-motorcycle policeman who became HIgThNDtIlXm of a wen known sports iigure in onP of finest linemen in Pitt his- smce when he ended his ath- tftry and wfco now coaching the in sunn ni irr pioc Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Higgmbotn-am. Bill.

Leland and Master James team, having succeeded Warner when t. Greenwood. The following gentlemen will please act as pallbearers and meet at the chapel at 1 :45 P. m. Mr.

C. H. Hames. Mr. D.

D. Hankins H. L. White, Mr. C.

N. Pelot. Mr. J. A.

Moss and Mr. C. S. Brown. ball.

Kor the last three years has; Warner coached the nie Belle Bradlev. 832 Berne street, S. E. Mr. and Mrs.

John B. Bradley. Geo. Peggy. Frances.

Virginia. Margaret, Eva Mae, Elizabeth Bradley. Mr. and Sirs. Vane Bradley and Mr.

Thomas W. Bradley are invited to attend the funeral of Miss Nannie Belle Bradley thi (Thursday) afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock from the chapel of Harry G. Poole. Rev. L.

B. Jones will offi- ciate. Interment. Magnolia cemetery. The following gentlemen will please serve as pallbearers and meet i at the chapel at 1:15 o'clock: Mr.

Paul Willingham. Mr. Brice Bnl-lington, Mr. Franklin Wall, Mr. Buster Cox.

Mr. Harry Allen. Mr. i Jack Lntz. "Mr.

Milton Townley and dub. a farm of the St. Louis Cardi nals. The name of- his successor at Columbus has not been divulged, but the best guesses tonight were that Don Beach, present club secretary, would be named. blond giant.

Ernie Nevers, who remains one of the Pacific coast pigskin immortals. Two years ago Warner came back to the last as coach of the Temple team at Philadelphia, and under his guidance Temple has blossomed into one of the football powers of the local hospital today as in goou condition and improving rapidly. Rivers' physician said he entered the hospital to recuperate from a severe cold which led to nervous exhaustion. He is expected to remain in the hospital for another week. Names for 30 grand jurors for the January-February term were drawn in open court yesterday by Judge John D.

Humphries. Twenty-three will be selected within a week or 10 days to serve during the first term of 1936. Mrs. Franklin I). Roosevelt yesterday officially thanked Mayor Key for flowers presented to her when she was a visitor here several days ago.

Councilman Howard Haire, of the Wacona Gage Teams Divide Double Bill WAYCROSS. Dec. 11. The Wacoua High school hardwood floi teams in their second meeting of the season with Alma High school, divided a double-header, giving the Wacona girls a clean sweep over Alma, while the Alma boys hold a double victory over Wacona. The Wacona girls continued their impressive performance, which brands them as one of the foremost teams of the eighth district.

The lineups and summaries: GIRLS' GAME. Higgmbotham. Mr. and Mrs. Pannell, Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Moss, Mr. and Mrs.

B. D. Pannell, P. Robert H. and J.

B. Pannell, all of Atlanta, are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Marvin Higgin-botham, 1 o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon, from Inman Park Baptist church, on Hurt 6treet. Dr. S.

F. Lowe will officiate. Pallbearers selected will please assemble at the church. Ida Rhodes Bible Class will act as honorary escort, and also assemble at the church. Interment Greenwood cemetery.

Awtry Lowndes. Cedartown Team To Be Entertained "Bull Bowl" Game i rr Mr. Jack Boyel. MARCHMAN The friends of Mr. I rOpOSeU 111 1 CXllS football which bears his name, using AM ARII.T.O, Texas.

Dec. 11. (JT) the single and double wingback and To the football "bowl" games Texas unbalanced line. team will plav this vear. Gene Howe rr, wants to add a "hull bowl" game fori I lenUllX lO lUlter the "world's high school champion-i STEPHENS The friends and relatives of Mr.

and Mrs. Shelby L. Stephens, Mrs. Laura Everett, Mr. and Mrs.

J. T. Stephens and family, and Mr. and Mrs. R.

C. Stephens, St. Augvstine. are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Shelby L.

Stephens this (Thursday) morning. December 12. 1033. at 11:30 o'clock, at Spring Hill. Rev.

W. T. Hunnicutt will officiate. Interment. West View.

The following gentlemen will serve as pallbearers and please meet at Spring Hill at 11:15 o'clock: Mr. J. L. Ful-ghum. Mr.

F. E. Hayes. Mr. Joe Sewell.

Mr. De Los Ogletree, Mr. C. E. Key.

Mr. H. A. Boone, Mr. W.

E. Srembridge and Mr. Joe Bos-worth. H. M.

Patterson Son. ninth ward, was reported improving at his home yesterday. He suffered a series of heart attacks early in the week. He will be confined to his home WACONA (50) I'os. ALMA (7) Beaty (13) Rlgdon Robinson (8) Denmark fone J.C., Lott (2 DeI.eGal S.C O'Steen Swann Lott Cbaplin Brown Reserves for Wacona: James IS), Lee (15), Minj-ard, Harper.

English. Holt; for Alma: KUcion, Tapley, M'-Qnaiir (5) and Swain Score at the Half: Wacona 26; Alma 3. Referee, Deen. for the next few clays, physicians re port. CEDARTOWN, Dec.

11. The Cedartown Exchange Club and Ki-wanU Club will entertain the victorious Cedartown High football team at a joint meeting at an early date. A definite date has not yet been set. Under the leadi.ship of Coach Lloyd Gray and Captain W. J.

"Dutch" Foster, Cedartown won eight victories and sustained only one defeat this season. Coach Gray built his team around his one remaining first-string man and three lettermen from his 1934 champions. Last year Cedartown won 11 straight games with no ties or defeats and laid undisputed claim to the 1934 seventh district championship Davidson's Football WALDO Mrs. Bonnie Bird Waldo died Wednesday night at a private sanatorium. She is survived by her husband, Mr.

Slaton Waldo: a daughter, little Bonnie Bird Waldo; a son, little William Slaton Waldo five sisters, Mrs. O. J. Morris, Mrs. Tip Kelley, Miss Evelyn Bird, all of Atlanta, and Mrs.

Harry A. Edwards, of Gainesville, and Mrs. Floyd Ferrell, of Fort Screven. Ga. four brothers, Mr.

Raymond Bird and Mr. Billy wrianuo iei lvieei ORLANDO, Feb. Thirty-six players are entered in the Orlando gold medal tennis tournament which opens here tmorrow. Among them are Arthur Hendrix, of Lakeland; Frank Guernsey, of the University of Florida; Martin Bixby, of Miami, and Charles Harris, of West Palm Reach all ranking performers in Florida tennis circles. and Mrs.

Bryant E. Marchman. Mr. Bryant E. Marchman Mrs.

E. J. Marchman, Mr. and Mrs. W.

W. Massey. Mr. and Mrs. E.

M. Gordon. Miss Pearl Marchman. Mrs. Elizabeth KeeL Mr.

and Mrs. W. D. Fricks, Mrs. Heflin Durett ami Mrs.

Minnie Baker, of Decatur, are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Bryant E. Marchman this (Thursday) mornin? at 11 o'clock at the chapel of Harry O. Poole. Rev.

E. E. Steele and Rev. B. C.

Kerr will officiate. Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery. The following gentlemen will serve as rallbearers and meet at th chapel at 10:50 oVWi: Mr. R. O.

Sargent. Mr. C. E. Howell, Mr.

S. L. Howell. Mr. F.

E. Nash. Mr. W. D.

Gordon and Mr. A. K. The Ainarillo editor suggested the game would glorify the cattle industry of the Texas plains. Southern Methodist, of course, tops the 1 with the Uoe Bowl game against Stanford.

Others listed nn: "Susar Bowl" Texas Christian-1 i si ana State. raige Howl" Mississippi Catholic I Charged with "doctoring" gasoline sold at his filling station at 2125 he BLACKSTOCK The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackstock. Mr.

Walter Blackstock Mrs. Pauline Burt. Birmingham. Ala. Mr.

and Mrs. Turner Powell and Mrs. Elsie K. Hilling. Piedmont road, Dayton D.

Shermer was bound over to criminal court under $500 bond yesterday by Judge Luther Z. Rosser in municipal court. Shermer was accused of adul-tering the gasoline by S. II. Wilson, BOYS' GAME.

WACON'A (13) Pos. Boyett (21 fwain HI Watson 12) 0 President C. L. Varner, of the Slate ALMA (2S) Turner (4) Wheeler (3) McDonald (7) Thomas 'Sun Bowl Hardm-Simmons Bird, of Atlanta Mr. Tom Bird, of Owens (11 Chicago, and Mr.

Hugh isird, ot Savannah. Funeral arrangements state gasoline inspector. Strickland (4) War nook (8 Opelika, are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Walter AloSene) vs. N'ew Mexico.

A. G. at It'iuiis Association, said players will Kl P. aso he given ranking and tournaments "ho Howl" Texas College, -sanctioned at the organization's an-Tler. Texas, vs.

Alabama State Col- nual meeting here Saturday night, b'ge for the "national negro gridiron iamp.onsi.ipr NO SILK TOPPERS. will be announced later by Bran Blackstock this (Thursday) after PLANS TO COMPETE. Beer vendors violating the state law resardine the sale of beer cannot halt don-Bond-Condon, SW) Peachtree street, N. E. Policy Is Questioned DAVIDSON, N.

Dec. 11. (A?) The question whether Davidson College football teams should continue noon, December 12. 1935, at 2 o'clock, at Spring Hill. Dr.


Dec. 11. (JP) criminal prosecution through the Mrs. Glenna Collett Vare, national court equity, the Georgia supreme Shelton will officiate. Interment, DANIEL The friends of Mrs.

Ches TDnnni a inc-rcr. T.OS ANGFI.ES. Dec. court ruled yesterday iu affirming a Ax k-M I. tJ 1 ta a.

City eouneilmen refused to appropri- i to play those of the University ot West View. The following gentlemen will serve as pallbearers and women's golf champiou from Philadelphia, disclosed today that she plans to compete nest year in the British ST. 1'1'Tr'KsnriIG. Dec. 10.

ate tndav for a rose tourna case from the Clarke superior court. The court declared that "equity will please meet at Spring Hill at 1 :45 take no part in the administration of o'clock Mr. James tJ. Hale, air, criminal laws. women championship, an event in which she was runner-up to Joyce Wethered in 1029 and to Diana Fish-wick in 1930.

H. L. Wilson. Mr. Charles Cofer, Mr.

Georee W. Walker. Mr. A. B.

Tumlin and Mr. Weymon Hopkins. With dog tracks open, the ini- ment parade float tintil assured they between owners and state offi- would not have to wear silk toppers if cial.s appeared ended here as the own- they rode on it. Councilman B. B.

t-rs were regitered todav with the Brainard said he couldn't afford stove St. l'i ier-'mrg Kennel Club. thus pipe headgear. Others said the same, bmifiiiii; their animals under Arueri- So Council President Robert L. Burns an Knnel Cluh auspices.

This is said silk toppers would be ruled out required the state racing cmmi-i in the New Year's Day event at Pasa-but had been fought by owner. I dena. arnnna, Liuke I niversity and N. C. State College was raised editorially in the Davidson Alumni Journal, issued today.

Grier Martin, the editor, expressed no opinion, but said the "big three" of this state had come to outclass Davidson 90 far that alumni were discussing whether the school's football team should continue to schedule them. II. M. Patterson Son. Taxes levied against a life estate and not collected during the lifetime of the holder cannot be collected thereafter from the next possessor, the SLOAN The friends and relatives of Mr.

and Mrs. A. L. Sloan. Mr.

and Georgia supreme court ruled yesterday in the first case of the kind ever ter A. Daniel. Mr. and Mrs. It.

V. Daniel and family. Mr. and Mrs. J.

F. Higdon and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. E.

Bradford and family are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Chester A. Daniel this (Thursday) morning at 11 o'clock, from Lakewood Heights Baptist church. Rev. A.

L. Flury will officiate. Interment. Prospect churchyard, Lawrenceville, Ga. The following gentlemen will please act as pallbearers and meet at the residence, 533 Cooper 6treet, at 10:15 a.

Mr. J. A. Daniel, Mr. P.

E. Bradford, Mr. D. C. Bradford, Mr.

R. C. Bradford, Mr. J. E.

Morgan and Mr. E. J. Dyche. J.

Austin Dillon Company, funeral directors. LODGE NOTICES Mrs. John I. Scott. Decatur, OLE MISS ACTION.

UNIVERSITY. Dec. 11. UP) Preparations will be started Monday l.y the ITniversity of Mississippi football team for the Orange Bowl football game at Miami on New dear's Day with Catholic University, Head Coach Ed Walker announced today. Miss Elizabeth Sloan and Miss -1 -4 v-4 -4 a v- cr brought before it.

The decision reversed an equity case from Oglethorpe Lucv-Sloan, both of Clarkston, MT'RPHT The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie L. Murphy. Messrs.

Charles, Luther, Hugh and Jimmie Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. .7. D.

Murphy, Mrs. Emma M. Adamson, of Morrow. Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph R. Murphy, of Philadelphia, Mr. George A. Murphy, of New York. N.

T. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Orr, of Riverdale, Mr.

and Mrs. R. Athel Garner, of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. J.

R. Trippe, of Wadley, Ga are invited, to attend the funeral of Mr. Charles L. Murphy this (Thursday) afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Baptist church. Morrow.

conducted by the Rev. W. F. Pate, assisted by Rev. W.

W. Watkins and Rev. M. C. Allen.

Interment Morrow cemetery. The following friends to serve as pallbearers, please meet at residence at 2:20: Mr. E. L. Huie.

Mr. C. M. Daniel. Mr.

T. A. Nolan, Mr. J. B.

Pulliam. Mr. O. E. Campbell.

Mr. J. D. McCol-lough. Mr.

E. T. George and Mr. M. E.

Foster. The body will li in state at the church from 2 :30) nntil funeral hour. D. T. Carmi-chael Sons.

Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Jarman, Mi ft HARD BREAK.

county ami, Miss Harriett Sloan and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kilby.

Annis- 11 I It seems to be one doctor after an- Jne squad broke training following other for Aiiilrev nna vnnntr litfe ton. are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. A. L. Sloan this Vb i hnrph Pimtes catcher Hecentlr hB the close of the regular season here Charged with forgery by arresting detectives, Cecil Wood.

24, of 551 Ven-able street, was bound over to the grand jury on $1,000 bond yesterday in recorder's court. According to De had his tonsils removed in hopes of -ovemDer ou I i improving his play, and pneumonia I (Thursday) morning, December 12, 1935, at 10 o'clock, at Spring Hill. Rev. A. L.

Glisson will officiate, FOR YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS L. S. U. HALTED. tectives E.

D. Meek and George Bar Interment West View. The follow- rett, he is alleged to have forged the in? gentlemen will serve as pall developed after the operation. He was just recovering whVn he had to return to the hospital yesterday because of an infection in his side. He expects to be in shape for spring training.

bearers and please meet at Spring Hill at 0:45 o'clock: Mr. C. G. Walker. Mr.

O. M. Ruff. Mr. C.

BATON ROUGE. Dec. 11. f.P) Resumption of practice by the Louisiana State University football sqnad in preparation for the Sugar Bowl game was today announced postponed until tomorrow because of bad weather. The Eighty-Ninth Annual Communication of Atlanta Lodge No.

59. F. A A. 31., will be held In the Masonic temple, comer of Peach tre and Cain streets, this (Thursday) eYening-. December at 7:30 o'clock.

All annual re L. Gross. Mr. E. B.

Sanders. Mr. 12. 1835 E. Mandel and Mr.

W. M. Meeler. H. M.

Patterson Son. REACH DECISION. Eastern colleges of the "Ivv leaeue w. A NEW SUIT An mil in Atlanta would love to hive a new suit, uilored to his own measure, for Christmas If it's a Rift all the better. Delivery by Chrvtinas is juaranteed on all orders Riven to us op or before Saturday.

Come in and see our line fabrics todav. NAMED ON BOARD. won't have to hold their private track and tield meet next spring in order ports will he read. The election and installation of officers will be held, followed by a banquet. All members are urfed to attend.

By the order of CHA8. MANLEY BROWN, W. M. R0BT. W.

STANDBIDGE, Sec. (COLORED.) WARD Mrs. Josephine Ward passed away December 11. Funeral to announced later. Hanley Co.

(COLORED.) SMITH Mr. William Smith passed away at his residence. Clarkston, December 10. Funeral announced later. Murdaugh Brothers.

name of T. D. Lamb, of Decatur, to $281 worth of gasoline tickets. December 15 being Sunday, federal income tax payments for the last quarter will be due Monday, it was announced yesterday by B. Frank Boyce Jr assistant collector of internal revenue.

Payments will be accepted if they are postmarked prior to midnight Monday, Boyce said. Grabbing her purse, containing $6, a thief escaped last night after robbing Miss Annie Estes, of 187 Washington street, S. as she was walking in Hunter street, near Central avenue, she reported to police last night. The theft occurred at about 8 o'clock. Alpha Epsilon Pi's Emory I'niver-itv chanter recently installed the fol- GAINESVILLE, Fla Dec.

11. CP) Olin E. Watts, president of the University of Florida Alumni Association, announced today that the three tlf to have a chance at a major title. The four California colleges, which have 9i dominated the Intercollegiate A. A.

T'1 A. A. outdoor meet for 10 years, de-fZ. cided vesterdav to remain awav from members of the alumni body selected Regular communication of Grant Park Lodge No. M.

K. A. will be held at the temple on Cherokee aremie. tbia (Thursday) evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. All members nrjted ffT i the championships in order to to serve on the faculty committee on SEARCY The funeral services foe Mr.

Floyd Searcy will be held today (Thursday) at 10 a. from our chapel. Interment, Lincoln cemetery. Hanley Co. v.

.1 i 1AM revive me I'acmc coast conierence aiuimirs ui me university woiua oe COTTON The funeral services of Rev. Anderson Cotton will be held today (Thursday) at 1 :30 p. from our chapel. Interment, Lincoln cemetery. Hanley Co.

if title meet. J. Rex Farnor. Tampa: J. Ed Lar-sen.

Jacksonville, and Judge H. L. Sebring, Gainesville. to be present. Visitors cordially inrited.

By order of J. C. LITTLE, W. M. GEORGE A.

COLE. Sec. ITOIHIEN IDEAL GIFT FOR MOTHER NEW SET OF TEETH" The regular communication of OXFORD WINS. ktttsr stars lulal RAY The funeral of Mr. Lewis Ray will be held today (Thursday) at 1 o'clock at Neriah Baptist church, near Senoia.

Ga. Rev. W. M. Tucker officiating.

Interment churchyard. Sellers of New nan. John R. Wilkinson Lodge M. 432.

F. A A. U. will be held this (Thursday) evening in the LONDON. Dec.

Oxford lowing officers lor tne ensuing year iss if visa. HARRIS The friends and relatives of Mrs. Lizzie Harris, of 618 Ez-zard street, are invited to attend her funeral today (Thursday), at 2 p. from St. Paul A.

M. E. church. Lithonia, Ga. Interment, Lithonia cemetery.

Hanley Co. rallied in the second half to defeat! Bhilip Kmgman, master t.iy reeo- 1' .1... fTsV temple, corner Bankhead avenue Plsts Stsairs Only II M. TAILOR 55 FORSYTH N. W.

Cambrirtge, J-l. in the annual nni- and Ashby street, at clock. KEW SVSTEM DENTISTS C7 WHITEHALL 8. W. 1 versify soccer match todav.

Cam. Annual election of officers will he held. All duly Qualified brethren are cordially and Ot Baker's Shoa Stars fraternally invited to attend. By order of 'bridge led, 1-0. at the half.

"The an-inual Rusby i.naie yesterday resulted in a scoreless tie. So. 1S-I. Rat, a i E. H.


man. lienrenam master; r-n uuu-ti. treasurer, and Abe Seitz, secretary. Struck by an automobile on Mitchell street, near Davis street. S.

Jerry Reed. negTo. of 510 Mitchell street, S. was treated at Grady hospital at 9 o'clock last night for a fracture of the left leg. Joseph Coleman, of 42 Leach street, driver of the CHILDERS The friends and rel tives of Mr.

Frank Childers are invited to attend his funeral today (Thursday), at p. from our chapel. Rev. Joe Barnett, officiating. Interment, Lincoln cemetery Murdaugh Brothers.

The twenty-third annual com munication of apnol tlew Lodge 1L1II lr Will NEWTON The funeral service of Sirs. Anna Newton, who passed away December 10 at Winder, will be held today (Thursday), December 12, at 2 p. from Bethel A. M. E.

church, Winder. Rev. W. B. Lawrence officiating.

Interment, Bush chapeL Pollard Funeral Home. Vl held tbia (Thursday) evening. De- FOR SALE The Osteopathic Clinic 352 1 CENTRAL AVENUE Only for those unable to ray usual fees. Recta! treatments a specialty. This clinic is not run for profit.

f7y cember 12, 13j. at 7:30 o'clock in Capitol View Masonic tempie. st.rt and Dlil avenues. The an nual election will be held and new officers Delivery All Over Atlanta COAL KOtTSS: 1 10 4 Sitll Osteopathic Clinic installed by i. lictaaaen.

r. ny or i of J- A. BPCKLIS, W. If. A.

J. JANSEN. Sec WA. S199 PAPER Flal Flewsprmt Regular convention of Cap ThU paper i suitable for small publishers and job printers. THE PRICE IS RIGHT JEFFERIES The frienda and relatives of Mrs.

Louvenia Jefferies, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lemett Richardson, Mr.

Grady Jefferies. Mr. and Mrs. J. P.

hi.j. i p- 'COLORED.) In em or i am. In memory of onr dsrllng mother. Mrs. Lizxie Askew, who departed this life on year ago today.

A precious one from bs) has (one, a voice we tared la stilled, a place Is vacant in our home, that never can filled. Sleep on dear mother, and take youf rest. VVe love yon. but God loves yon best. VK.







LLOTD. iiuriKdiJC isUdllb 9 Jefferies and Mr. Gadson Jefferies Red Ask Ky. $7.25 Red Ash Ky. Block.

Washed Stoker Coal. $5.75 100-Lb. Bag of Coal. CHILES COAL CO. itol City Lodge No.

33. Knights of Pytnian. win be held in Pythian Caatle Hall, 13l Peachtree street. N. this (Thursday) evening, December 12, 1K.

at 8 clock. Election of officers will be conducted. Visiting brethren are invited to attend the funeral P. 0. BOX 4357 Atlanta, Georgia Approved from plans and specifications.

LIPSCD.MB-WEYHAn-CIIAPMAfl CO. of Mr. Phinizy Jefferies today (Thursday) at 2 p. m. from Lily Hill Baptist church.

Rev. T. C. Ball officiating. Interment Ander cordially Invited and members urged to attend.

By ordev JOHN" H. HCDSON. C. C. B.

F. DARDE.V. K. of R. 8.

214 WESTERN UNION BLDC RAymond 1151 WALNUT 2162 son cemetery. Cox Bros..

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.